As if the Prime Video app couldn’t get any worse.
Cancel your sub and don’t renew it. This shit will only continue getting worse if people continue paying for it
Submitted 9 months ago by to
As if the Prime Video app couldn’t get any worse.
Cancel your sub and don’t renew it. This shit will only continue getting worse if people continue paying for it
I canceled Prime as soon as they announced they were adding ads and I let them know that was the reason. Fuck them. We moved to streaming because it wasn’t cable, now these fuck heads are trying to turn streaming into cable. Capitalism is the fucking worst.
I’m busy with work lately, but I’m investing into setting up Jellyfin, and the moment that’s running, I’m canceling as well.
Would cancel sooner, but I’m not the one that actually uses it, so this was the compromise.
It isn’t “capitalism” it is that there isn’t a meaningful push back
I only have it because I have prime for shopping. If they were separate fees, I would not have streaming.
If you live near a regional transportation hub it probably won’t make a difference on your delivery times. We dropped prime when our “1 day” deliveries kept turning in 3 day deliveries and never saw a difference.
And honestly a lot of the stuff I used to get on there isn’t even cheaper on Amazon anymore. Half the time if I check the manufacturer website they’re having a sale or have no shipping costs or cover returns longer, something like that. YMMV, you know your situation and needs better than me.
Same, and even that is getting worse. I feel like I have to fight with the search algorithm to actually find what I want for the best price. Most of the time, I could order something better from another retailer for a better price and still get free shipping. They don’t even do free returns anymore.
Same. And I still steal Prime videos. Why hassle?
I hope they know I’m not watching anything on their platform.
I started acquiring my prime videos elsewhere even though I have prime
Say it out loud. We’re both pirating content we’ve paid for. What a dumb system.
I’ve done the same with Netflix for years and previously had the 4 streams 4k plan up until they implemented their bullshit password sharing rules. Now I have the $6.99 plan and only keep it because my MIL babysits for us and likes to watch all the K dramas on there.
I deleted my Amazon account a couple years ago and haven’t looked back. Everyone has their own needs, but I’m just letting you know: it can be done!
Did it this last cycle. Didn’t renew, don’t miss it.
And become a pirate!
I don’t pay for prime for the video though, I do it because 10 members of my family like the 2 day shipping lol the video is just icing that we honestly rarely use. Just “The Boys” and “Clarksons Farm” really
I actually get Prime TV series from the high seas even though I’m subscribed to Prime. It’s simply better UX this way.
It’s shocking how bad their ui is. I don’t get it.
The sad thing is, it’s much better than it was.
You’d see a movie, read the truncated blurb, click into it to see the full details, only to get the exact same text in a bigger font, so you’d actually see less of it.
I cancelled it the day they announced more ads.
Same here. I have Prime but only for their Amazon Prime delivery services, not for their video or audio thing(Amazon refuses to unbundle their stuff in my country). To make it worse, Amazon Prime Video, Atleast last I tried didn’t go to full HD(or even 720p) on Firefox on Linux, so there is no point to it.
And there is hardly an ethical concern to it. I am paying for a service but getting my hands on the material; just via a different supply chain because Amazon sucks.
didn’t go to full HD(or even 720p) on Firefox on Linux
you will run into similar restrictions on other services that use drm.
I do the same with a bunch of content. It’s amazing how I’m able to run a streaming service from my basement that’s better than Disney or Amazon.
Same. I ditched AZ once they added ads PV. After 2 20s back to back ads, I unfurled my Jolly Roger. Fuck ads.
I never used Prime Video, and I cancelled my Prime subscription in protest against this shit. Never going back.
Amazon also horrifically mangles and compresses their video for seemingly no reason all the time.
It’s not for no reason, it’s to lower bandwidth costs. It may not be a reason that benefits you but there is definitely a reason.
I think that’s dependent on a lot of factors. Most of the highest quality webrips are from Amazon. Pretty sure there was less audio compression on their streams as well.
But watching, you’d often see it lose all quality for seemingly no reason at all, and revert to something that wouldn’t have looked out of place on RealPlayer on a 56K modem.
On Linux?
Back in the day (before I cancelled) you had to change your user agent to unlock above 480p
Yup 🏴☠️🏴☠️🏴☠️🏴☠️
I watched Fallout with torrentio, even though I have prime logged in on my TV.
It is insane to me how piracy is making a comeback because decision makers forgot Gabe’s lesson
What’s Gabe’s lesson?
Piracy is a service problem.
“We think there is a fundamental misconception about piracy. Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem,”
“If a pirate offers a product anywhere in the world, 24 x 7, purchasable from the convenience of your personal computer, and the legal provider says the product is region-locked, will come to your country 3 months after the US release, and can only be purchased at a brick and mortar store, then the pirate’s service is more valuable.”
I’m one of the people that canceled when they announced they were going to be putting ads in prime. I’m doing just fine without it.
I’ve honestly just hit a point in life where I’m dine giving megacorps money. I stopped piracy like a decade ago because I had the means to pay for shit, but since then companies have just started treating customers with more and more disrespect, and I’m perfectly knowledgeable on how to access most of their shit fir free and with less restrictions and hassle. So Im back to piracy not fir money reasons, but FUCK YOU reasons
100% relatable. Done with these abusive subscriptions.
Yup. I’m looking for legal options to buy what I want so I can drop my last couple subscriptions (Disney+ and Netflix). I’m currently on the ad free versions of those, and if those go away or become too expensive, I’ll be more motivated to get rid of them.
I already cut out Amazon Prime, Disney+ is the next to go.
On a completely unrelated note, the *arr suite is a pretty nice collection of services.
Same mine just ended last week I think. Meh. Lately I’ve been noticing the quality issues and tricks of the junk sold on there where I am always cautious when I buy random stuff. Prime video was just a bonus, and I hardly used it anyways. This was the final nail in the coffin. I also do not want to endorse this sort of behavior so others do it.
Same… And since I still have not replaced their firetv sticks, I know use all their advertising as a list of “here is what’s out, in case you want to sail for it”
Thank you Amazon hehehehe
Mine ends in July. There are definitely some decent shows on Prime but I’m not going to spend an extra 25% to get the same shit and I’m not going to watch their ads. Products on Amazon are near worthless so there is not much value there.
Jesus christ do these people not understand what “Pause” means? It means my roommate just walked in and wants to discuss something. It means we’re looking at the freeze frame to see some aspect of the shot. It means the same damned collection of events should happen any time a “Pause” control’s been triggered since the invention of playback.
Why are the UX people not fighting them on this? Why does design have to be about breaking everything these days?
UX vet here.
UX usually never ever has the final say on this stuff. Product management, finance, and marketing almost always win out in most companies. Heck, in just about every agile training that is given, people are thought that product management gets the final vote on whether or not a feature gets prioritized.
Amazon is famous for being driven by bean counters and analysts. Many of their product development decisions are driven by measurable short term incremental tests. Amazon has never really known how to build physical or digital experiences that people love.
This is one of the reasons I went to Apple TV for my streaming box.
All the streaming services seem to be in a race to make the slowest, worst looking, least consistent application possible. And Apple at least has a bit of a hand in making them reign it in a bit, and keep the players consistent.
“ooh, we’re averaging only 75% cpu use, we can cram another shitty effect in here…”
UX designers present to Directors and VPs; VPs and Directors speak to their C-level; C-level and Board want more money; VPs and Directors tell UX/UI team; UX team complains; designers fired; UI outsourced at 2x rate; Ad driven website achieved; Consumer Satisfaction drops; Revenue increases; Board rich; People poor; Sad
The UX people did have that fight. It ultimately comes down to “take your check and do it, or we can find someone who will”
So why are they taking the checks? Why not fight?
That all sounds great.
Here’s more ads
Yes. Because when I pause to discuss a show I’m watching with someone, or to otherwise pay attention to something else for a moment, for some other sound and video to play is exactly what I want.
This makes literally no sense. The whole point of pausing, is that it’s something you do right before you turn your attention away, and that’s when they want to show you ads?
Either these ads won’t work, because no-one will look at them, or they will defeat the point of pausing something annoying the shit of your users. It’s a lose-lose for everyone involved. Including the advertisers.
I remember when commercial breaks were the time when you went to the bathroom/got snacks and then ran back and jumped over the couch to get back before the show started again.
But most ads don't work on a conscious level. They're there to make whatever is being advertised seem normal and good, like birds singing in the trees, background noise you associate with good feelings. The point isn't to get people to engage rationally. The point is to elicit positive emotions and associate them with a brand.
The point is to elicit positive emotions and associate them with a brand.
This is super obvious in pharmaceutical commercials as they all follow the same formula of upbeat music, people either enjoying nature or a party with friends, and lots of smiling as the voice-over tells you about the anal leakage and heart failure side effects.
Almost all the ads I’ve seen on Prime video are for other Prime movies. They never appear during a natural break in whatever I’m watching, just burst right in in the middle of a scene. They elicit zero positive emotions, and I am about to cancel my subscription.
The point is to elicit positive emotions and associate them with a brand.
Then don’t interrupt my movie or my pause time, and I won’t be pissed at you, then have a seemingly irrational anger-hate when I see you at the store, and refuse to purchase you. There are so many products I won’t buy because of this.
usenet, indexer, sonarr, sabnzbd
Realdebrid, and stremio…
It’s pronounced “stremiOH-Sa”
and vpn… just not one of the shitty ones
No need. Usenet traffic is ssl encrypted and is just a client/server relationship, there’s no sharing/seeding. Also people still technically use usenet for text posts, so it’s not like a connection to a usenet server can get you in trouble in and of itself. I mean pulling down like 40-100GB in a weekend when I add a new show with tagged with my 4K DV/HDR Remux profile is pretty suss, but prove that shit ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Yarrr matey, fair winds and following seas to you!
This deal keeps getting worse all the time.
Pray they don’t alter it any further
Or just fucking cancel it.
This 100% discretionary and somehow these clown companies are able to act as if this is like rent or food.
At some point plebs need to own their pathetic consumption patterns. Nothing will change otherwise.
There’s an easy solution for that.
Cancel it. Stop buying things from Amazon. Stop giving that awful company your money.
Our research shows that we can fill up to 80% of the visual field with ads before we induce seizures!
Pioneering a technique to insert ads into the middle of your seizures so we don’t have to worry about going over 80%
With the Amazon Alexa equipped with the GM-AL Vision System, we can time the ads between vision lapses and achieve nearly 95% ad prevalence in 91% of Prime subs.
With the Extended View VR headset equipped with new eye-opening visuals we are seeing 98% percent ad observation with only a 23% hospitalization rate for blindness and numbness of the zygomatic nerve.
Both the Amazon Alexa with GM-AL and Extended View headset will be available for $99.99 and $249.99, or $49.99 and $149.99 with a prime subscription, this next fiscal quarter.
Just cancelled my prime today. I don’t watch the video, just use it for delivery
It said “But you’ve save €247 with your prime account since the start!”
Over the last six years I’ve paid about €270 for the prime subscription
Fuck off Amazon
Once. It’ll better be one hell of an ad because it will lose them my subscription. I stopped watching television back in the late 90s because of all the ads, before even I had internet to watch pirated media. I don’t wear clothes with too visible logos. Just saying to illustrate how this ain’t an empty threat.
Losing a single customer probably doesn’t matter to them. But I hope Im not the only one?
Any streaming service that tries to combine ads+sub is just as greedy as cable TV and I can’t support that kind of shitty business practice. Ads free or sub no ads. Cancelled each service as they rolled out that trash. Currently only subbed to Criterion and thinking of resubbing to Shudder.
Why even pay subscription for something if you’re still gonna see ads?
In this case, piracy will give you a better experience tham actually paying for the service
Yo ho, yo ho…
Just imagine. If you install Amazon video on an external streaming device and hook it up to a new Roku TV, you could get the pleasure of looking at multiple layers of Pause screen ads.
After almost 20 years as a Prime subscriber I unsubscribed about a week ago. It was the ads, I put up with a lot of nonsense over the years but the ads were the final insult.
I’m not paying full streaming service prices for a service with ads.
Adverts are inevitable, these companies cannot help themselves. The temptation to double dip… A subscription from stupid saps and money from advertising. Soon the ads will creep into the other subscription tiers.
Piracy and ad blocking is the only escape.
When Amazon thinks “sub” means “submissive” rather than “subscriber”
Radarr and Sonarr. Look them up and stop giving Amazon money.
Spending all that time and money setting up my homeserver is looking better and better every day…
not. if. you. sail. the. high. seas. wear. a. rubber. i. mean. use. a. vpn. ho. ho. ho.
I have prime. I torrent their content anyway as they don’t play nice with vpn.
I’m proud to say I pirated the fallout show
Netflix already does this. They all will just copy each other. Eventually ads will come for the top tier levels too. Enough is never quite enough for these people.
I’m surprised they think this is useful… if I’ve paused a video it’s because I’m answering the phone or front door, making a coffee, going for a shit etc… I’m almost never going to see these ads 🤷🏻♂️
Prime video could absolutely get worse, don’t kid yourself. 9 months ago
The enshitification continues.