- Comment on What's easier to shoot, a bow or a firearm? 7 hours ago:
Ask yourself a question, have you ever heard of a toddler accidentally shooting someone with a bow? Firing a gun is so easy that you have to keep them away from babies or the babies are likely to kill themselves.
- Comment on I miss them so much. 5 days ago:
That’s how I always made them, but I don’t know that my recipe is any sort of authentic.
- Comment on I miss them so much. 5 days ago:
Almost everyone overcooks eggs. The whites should be silky, and the yellows creamy. If the white is rubbery or the yellow chalky, then it’s like an overcooked steak. Like yeah, technically you can eat it, but it’s not the best form it can take.
- Comment on Refreshing 1 week ago:
My physics professor bore witness to the prophecy, but I never believed I would live to see it.
- Comment on Why have an adversarial legal system? 1 week ago:
Just to glom onto this correct answer, the system OP describes is the ideal for prosecutors. It’s not supposed to be adversarial. The prosecutors are supposed to exercise their judgement and seek justice, not victory. Unfortunately, prosecutors are evaluated on conviction rates.
- Comment on How One AI Startup Founder Cornered Microsoft Into Finally Taking Down Explicit Videos of Her 1 week ago:
Tldr: she had to track down a Microsoft executive at a social event during TrustCon.
- Comment on Epic sues Fortnite cheater, donates his winnings to charity, forces him to publicly apologise, bans him for life, and all but sends him to his room without dinner 1 week ago:
Banned from Fortnite for sharing accounts to qualify for the tournament…
“I won’t ever cheat in Fortnite again.”
Seems like he didn’t get the message.
- Comment on Up for it; down for it. Same thing 1 week ago:
Up for it means you’re enthusiastic about making an effort. Down for it means you are fully committed to a course of action. It’s a slight nuance, but there is poetry in precision.
- Comment on Europe will not be part of Ukraine-Russia peace talks, US envoy says 2 weeks ago:
It doesn’t sound like Ukraine will be included, either.
- Comment on Its so joever 2 weeks ago:
I was on Facebook where I saw a short video with a text to voice narrator describing a story from a news article that was written about a Reddit AITA post. The audio played over a video of several clips of different ragebait 5 minute craft videos.
I had to light a candle.
- Comment on What happened to Pez? 2 weeks ago:
I recently had some pez for the first time in like 20 years. The candy was better when I was a kid. I can still remember the grape and strawberry flavors, and the modern ones are shit.
- Comment on Why was there a pro-Hitler, Holocaust-denying ad on X? 2 weeks ago:
Why? Because it’s owned by Nazis.
- Comment on ENHANCE 2 weeks ago:
The short version is they have developed a soft robot that can contract to increase the focal point (aka “zoom”) on a lens, and they can control it with eye movements. An actual zoom contact is not available yet, and would probably require another decade of testing and prototyping before a consumer-grade model is available at a reasonable price point.
- Comment on A bit rubbery... 3 weeks ago:
None of this is true. It’s a piece of ham that looks mildly like a vagina, and someone came up with a funny story.
- Comment on Google removes pledge to not use AI for weapons from website | TechCrunch 3 weeks ago:
Does Google not know what a “pledge” is?
- Comment on How can you explain a smell you've never smelled before? 3 weeks ago:
Printing machines use all sorts of organic chemicals for inks and lubricants. Does it smell like fresh asphalt and citrus? Like tar and rubber mixed with fragrance.
To answer your question, I describe the way smells taste. Sweet, sour, bitter, salty, spicy. If you want to be vague, say it smells like wine.
- Comment on Are there communities to post videos of police brutality / excessive use of force? 3 weeks ago:
Definitely. I kept up with the abuses in Philly, but the results were super depressing.
- Comment on Are there communities to post videos of police brutality / excessive use of force? 3 weeks ago:
Lol, I think I lasted less than a month, and accomplished nothing. I’ve had more productive bowel movements, but I appreciate the sentiment.
- Comment on Are there communities to post videos of police brutality / excessive use of force? 3 weeks ago:
Many years ago, I created a reddit sub for tracking instances of police brutality, naming the officers and following up on the lack of punishment. Within the first day, I was completely overwhelmed by the sheer number of offenses. I had a minor mental breakdown and had to abandon the effort.
- Comment on What is a metaphor you like in your language? 3 weeks ago:
My understanding is that is came from soldiers returning from WWI who did not speak enough German to communicate, but were seeking the trains home.
- Comment on What is a metaphor you like in your language? 4 weeks ago:
I don’t speak German, but I picked up a few phrases for work. They have a few idioms that I think of sometimes:
“Ich glaub, ich spinne” which means I think I’m crazy, but literally translates to “I think, I spider.” It’s a great visual metaphor, being overwhelmed by the threads going everywhere that you imagine you’re a spider spinning a web, and also you’ve entirely forgotten grammar.
“Bahnhof verstehen” or “Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof” means “I understand only the train station.” It’s something you say when you don’t understand anything, you’re completely lost, and you don’t give a shit becaue you just want to get the fuck home.
I might be off on those translations or the subtext, but that’s how I understood it.
- Comment on Survey finds UK households overwhelmingly satisfied with newly installed heat pumps 4 weeks ago:
Why wouldn’t they be?
- Comment on xkcd #3033: Origami Black Hole 1 month ago:
I love this fact so much, because it always blows your mind.
- Comment on US imposes sanctions on Russia judge over detention of activist 1 month ago:
Apparently we can do both.
- Comment on What are the current most common symptoms of Covid? I was told about two years ago that a fever is no longer even really a symptom. Yet when I look it up on the CDC website, it shows fever is a sympto 1 month ago:
Fever isn’t a defining symptom of Covid. Initially, it was believed that anyone with an active infection would have a fever. That turned out to be wrong, and it led to a lot of people being denied tests and treatment in the early phase of the pandemic because they had Covid byt (I was one of them). People would go out in public with other symptoms because they assumed the absence of a fever meant it definitely wasn’t Covid. So that might be the change in understanding you’ve heard about.
Fever is still a common symptom of Covid. If you have a fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, loss of smell or taste, and/or gastrointestinal symptoms, you may have Covid and you should act as though you are infectious.
- Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 2 months ago:
Yeah sure that works, unless one team is the Republican party.
- Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 2 months ago:
If you’re talking about a presidential election, there are two teams. The rest of the time, you should work on your own team, but when the big race is happening, there are only two viable contenders.
- Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 2 months ago:
Now hang on. If you pretend the two teams are the same and refuse to pick a side because neither is perfect so it doesn’t matter, you are an enabler of fascism.
You can support a team while acknowledging their flaws. Refusing to play because the better team isn’t perfect is either naive or malicious.
- Comment on I've noticed a lot of UK job applications use the American MM/DD/YYYY date format and some also say "resume" instead of CV. Does that annoy you if you're British? 2 months ago:
ISO is best. There’s no debate there. From a data science perspective, YYYY/MM/DD is the only reasonable choice.
But most of the time you’re using dates, you’re only concerned with the month and day. That’s the very reason we don’t use ISO in our daily lives. If you started every mention of a date with the year, people would think you’re a crazy person, or a time traveler, or perhaps a recently-awakened coma patient. There’s just no need to begin with the year. Next Wednesday, 2024 December 18.
If you exclude the year, then the choice is month/day or day/month. Between the two, month/day is far more useful for the same reasons ISO is best. If I need both the month and the day, then I want the month first. The only time I would want the day first is if the month doesn’t matter, and I can omit the month in that case. Giving me the day first and then the month forces me to wait for the month and then remember the day. It’s inefficient transfer of information. If you exclude the year, MM/DD is objectively, if only marginally, better than DD/MM.
But then why would anyone use MM/DD/(YY)YY? Because we’re already using MM/DD.
- Comment on Judge Rejects Sale of Infowars to The Onion 2 months ago:
Sealed bids encourage last and best offers, and prevent the deepest pockets from submitting a “highest plus one” bid that minimizes the proceeds from the sale.
This judge is either a dipshit or corrupt.