- Comment on The interior of your house is hot, the exterior cool. What would the most efficient orientation be for a box fan? Pushing hot air out of a window or pulling cool air in through it? 7 months ago:
It’s called the linguini effect.
- Comment on Google Chrome ships a default, hidden extension that allows code on *.google.com access to private APIs, including your current CPU usage 7 months ago:
It baffles me that they sell Chrome as private and/or secure, and baffles me even more that people believe them.
- Comment on The theory that we live in a simulation involves simulants running their own simulations; wouldn't that require impossibly more resources for the main sim? 7 months ago:
“Turing Completeness” != “Turing Test”
- Comment on When creating a story, how many black characters can I create without them calling the story woke? 8 months ago:
I assume this is a joke?
- Comment on Has anyone successfully set up tortoise-tts before? 8 months ago:
I had it running on Windows (no container) a while back. Wasn’t particularly difficult at that time, at least.
Can’t give any advice here though, since all we’ve been given to work with is an OS.
- Comment on Netflix is starting to phase out its cheapest ad-free plan 8 months ago:
These things are so frustrating, because it’s so clearly inevitable, but so many people always insist it won’t happen. Again and again.
- Comment on Now that scotus gave the president immunity Biden can legally assasinate all of the conservative justices 8 months ago:
Tbf people say this about a lot of things the Republicans do.
- Comment on 'Brain-in-a-jar' biocomputers can now learn to control robots 8 months ago:
Can’t say we as a species have a great history of granting rights to others.
- Comment on Are there any good casual/low-stress mobile games that aren't filled with microtransactions? 8 months ago:
I also enjoy “1010! Klooni” on F-Droid.
- Comment on Are there any good casual/low-stress mobile games that aren't filled with microtransactions? 8 months ago:
First one coming to mind for me is Pillar Hop. Very simple, chill, and just had ads iirc (I block them, but I’m pretty sure it does, anyway.)
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
In case anyone is curious - as I was - here’s the commercial: youtu.be/uTVlnehpRHQ
(Not the Toys R Us channel, in case you don’t want to give them direct views.)
- Comment on Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined 8 months ago:
Love how they make this sound like some incredible feat. When you aren’t bound to license agreements, turns out it’s actually very easy to have a “massive” content library. Literally the only hurdle is storage space.
- Comment on Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined 8 months ago:
Because all the legal services are incredibly anti-consumer and are offering less services, with (more) ads, for more money every year.
- Comment on Adobe overhauls terms of service to say it won’t train AI on customers’ work 8 months ago:
Yeesh, they really dove into that with both feet eh?
- Comment on Adobe overhauls terms of service to say it won’t train AI on customers’ work 8 months ago:
Was that the concern, though? I thought the controversy was that they intended to moderate people’s projects. Or did they walk that back too once they renounced the reason for that policy (I.e., training AI)?
- Comment on Community 9 months ago:
What is the nutritional value of a lamentation?
- Comment on Senate study proposes 'at least' $32B yearly for AI programs 9 months ago:
Would you rather the USA fall behind on what is likely to be one of the biggest global industries of the 2020s?
Like, it’s totally cool if the answer is yes, but like… AI is a big deal whether we like it or not.
- Comment on 9 months ago:
I mean, this is obvious, right?
The whole issue with LLM models right now is that they are notoriously difficult to control. If it were up to Google, every single response would include a reference to some sponsored content - but they can’t do that without completely destroying the usefulness of the output and besmirching the sponsor’s brand.
Of course, as time passes, we’re going to refine this technology, until we have enough control to implement these terrible/profitable ideas. Like any aspect of life under capitalism, we can really only enjoy it while it lasts.
- Comment on Major ChatGPT-4o update allows audio-video talks with an “emotional” AI chatbot 9 months ago:
Yep, I did the obvious thing and checked when the app last updated, and it was May 3rd. So disregard every word of that post!
- Comment on Major ChatGPT-4o update allows audio-video talks with an “emotional” AI chatbot 9 months ago:
Ahh, that’s very possible, fair point.
I never used the old voice feature, so I guess I assumed based on how it looked and such. If it actually works the way I’m imagining though, that’ll be insane. I don’t think I’m prepared for that.
- Comment on Major ChatGPT-4o update allows audio-video talks with an “emotional” AI chatbot 9 months ago:
The speed aspect is impressive, but I’m really disappointed about the “natural” conversation feature.
Like at first, I was super impressed with the presentation, but on the app, there’s one crucial difference: you need to tap to interrupt.
Watching the presentation, I was thinking maybe there was a continuous input feed, and the AI was reacting to that in real time - so for example, if I said “Ahh, I see”, the AI would hear that, but continue talking.
However, it seems like the input is still broken up into request/response the same as before, and this is actually just a new front-end (with some improvements in the response).
So overall, this is kinda neat, but sadly it’s not at all what they seem to by hyping it up as, as far as natural conversation goes.
- Comment on ChatGPT's voice, self-hosted? 9 months ago:
Regarding the TTS specifically, I remember looking into TorToiSeTTS back when this stuff was first coming out. You can generate ElevenLabs quality audio with it, but it’s insanely slow. In fact, when I was looking into it, it seemed like ElevenLabs may have been using a (much faster at the time) version of TorToiSe TTS, given the output is so similar.
According to the linked Github page, they seem to have solved the speed issues now, so it might be worth looking into. Of course, the other commenters have provided solutions that are pre-integrated into the LLM, but if you’re just looking for TTS this could be worth checking out. Also worth noting that this requires an NVIDIA GPU.
- Comment on Getting into Civ 6 9 months ago:
Yeah, I find 6 takes a bit more micromanaging to be effective, at least for me. I like both games, but if I had to choose one I’d go with 5.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 director thanks fans as the game hits a 95% positive review rating on Steam 9 months ago:
Oh absolutely, the best cardboard I’ve ever seen.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Finally tried it, and stress-tested it with an LTT video. It works!
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
I keep meaning to see if SponsorBlock works on mobile now.
Also, just to confirm in case anyone’s curious: did you mean uBlock Origin?
- Comment on Am I supposed to ask stupid questions here, or *not* ask stupid questions? 9 months ago:
Yep, ban them.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 director thanks fans as the game hits a 95% positive review rating on Steam 9 months ago:
Last I played - forever ago - I was just disappointed that the random NPCs were nothing but decoration. Made the whole setting feel flat to me, sadly.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
It’s honestly hard to explain just how cool it is. If you watch the trailer and think it’s a cool idea, just know that the game absolutely delivers on it 500%.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Oh man, I could go on lol. Here’s a few notable ones though:
Stardew Valley
Project Zomboid