- Comment on Are modern Final Fantasy games bad? 7 hours ago:
I played FF7 only and loved it. I did not care for the first remake game, and have not finished it. Hanging at like 70% complete.
- Comment on Google's AI made up a fake cheese fact that wound up in an ad for Google's AI, perfectly highlighting why relying on AI is a bad idea 2 weeks ago:
That is an extremely apt parallel!
(I’m stealing it)
- Comment on What is acceptable amount of microplastics you would allow into your brain? 3 weeks ago:
As many as I have now? They aren’t coming out and I don’t plan to off myself because of that.
- Comment on people who drink, how long do your hangovers last? 3 weeks ago:
Depends how you drank.
In college when a heavy night could have meant sharing a 5th with one other person then switching to beer? A whole day or maybe 2. As an almost 40 something who had the third one and my lips tingled once? Gone by 9 am usually, unless I woke up to pee and drink 12 to 15 swallows of water then I wake up fine.
That puke and rally 21 to 28 was a glorious time, but you will never get it back lol.
- Comment on Can you eat soap for acid reflux? 3 weeks ago:
Pepcid complete. It’s a life saver
- Comment on I would let a chip be installed in my brain if it would allow me to erase memories of the games I have played to play them again as the first time. 3 weeks ago:
“Don’t worry about the sun, it’s meant to be there.”
- Comment on what are “female jocks” called? 3 weeks ago:
IMO no equivalent. The closest word people might use is really derogatory, and has a connotation of being overly masculine for a woman.
In the spirit of describing women who are extremely proficient at a sport but not being indirectly called masculine… the word is probably just “athletic”.
- Comment on Twinkle Tush 3 weeks ago:
Seems like conn-ass-eur might be more accurate.
- Comment on 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on I took the term "Tree Skirt" literally 1 month ago:
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 1 month ago:
I’m gonna be the world’s loudest pisser!
- Comment on Elon Musk says too many game studios are owned by giant corporations so his giant corporation is going to start a studio to 'make games great again' 2 months ago:
What a fat old piece of trash.
- Comment on Bombs Awat 3 months ago:
As opposed to the high friction vacuums we are used to.
- Comment on Terrified friends burn to death trapped in Tesla as doors won't open after crash 3 months ago:
Must be american. Reading and thinking are just too much effort. Learn to fuck :).
- Comment on Terrified friends burn to death trapped in Tesla as doors won't open after crash 3 months ago:
How many Teslas have been purchased and how many Teslas ended up in this situation? While it’s a sucky design decision, it’s sucky in an extreme edge case. S/Could it be fixed? Sure why not. Has something equally as ridiculous killed people in Ford f150s, Honda odessys, or Toyota Camrys like stupid gas tank configuration or glass that doesn’t break or seatbelts you can’t cut? I would put money on it. But nobody reports on that because the cool thing to do is smugly say Tesla sucks.
And they do! I have two and they are shitty made cars, but they have an enviable charging network and are constantly improving software and features. Mostly they are making Ford/Chevy/Honda get off their asses and do something and that’s ok with me.
4 people. FOUR? 2 maybe 3 cars out of a fucking GAZILLION? Sorry for those people and their families but that’s not a percentage where I complain or make an effort to change anything as a consumer.
- Comment on Terrified friends burn to death trapped in Tesla as doors won't open after crash 3 months ago:
Dude shut up lol. Everybody is jerking off on Tesla for an admittedly gnarly problem that will affect practically no one. Yes it’s stupid, but so is your furious masturbation to Tesla issues at the expense of actually reading the comments.
And yes, expected values against risk are literally all that matter. If that was not the case, no car would ever move from the assembly line for fear of rolling over a toddler or crashing into a cyclist. Pucker up your flapping butthole you’re talking out of and collect yourself. People will still stroke your weiner for saying “Tesla bad” even if you resort to reading and discussion; it will be ok.
- Comment on Terrified friends burn to death trapped in Tesla as doors won't open after crash 3 months ago:
Didn’t say I wouldn’t go back to manual latches, just not going back to ICE (or selling my almost paid cars) because elon is a twit or they are unreasonably dangerous in the event of a freak accident.
This is a stupid problem to have, but expected value says most people will never have it.
- Comment on Terrified friends burn to death trapped in Tesla as doors won't open after crash 3 months ago:
Huh. TIL.
- Comment on Terrified friends burn to death trapped in Tesla as doors won't open after crash 3 months ago:
Anyone who has ever been in a Tesla knows they’re a software company, not a car company. The cars are made like crap.
I still wouldn’t go back to ICE though.
- Comment on Terrified friends burn to death trapped in Tesla as doors won't open after crash 3 months ago:
Tesla rear doors don’t open on button press from the inside with no power, but I bet they do from the outside. Just like the child locks. I’ve never tried it unpowered to confirm though.
- Comment on I hate that that happens 3 months ago:
You shut your whore mouth.
- Comment on I hate that that happens 3 months ago:
That is both true and less “demonstrative”.
- Comment on I hate that that happens 3 months ago:
I’m surprised that that is your opinion.
Put that in your thatwhich and eat it ;).
- Comment on I hate that that happens 3 months ago:
I’m surprised that that is your criterion.
- Comment on Balls 3 months ago:
I’m in the yoo-fi camp. With “to” like wifi. Which is why “an” is so shocking as the article.
- Comment on Balls 4 months ago:
Are you pronouncing it “oofy” or e-u-f-y… Because “an eufy XXXX” is wigging me out.
- Comment on New Kindle e-readers no longer appear on computers 4 months ago:
It sounds like you don’t have to make ANY choices which must be pretty nice: it certainly makes it easy for you to judge other people!
I will absolutely take the easy road on getting non-food items we need twice a month to spend time with my kids and my wife. I would rather amazon than Alibaba, and I would rather do either than give up an hour of my time to shop something dumb like super glue with two kids under four.
I am also doing the best I can, and I’m sure you mean well, but you sure sound like an officious dickbag.
- Comment on New Kindle e-readers no longer appear on computers 4 months ago:
It’s not fun and it’s not surprising. Billionaires are generally cancerous and they own a lot of shit. If you can avoid them all, more power to you. I guess it’ll be my fault if trump gets elected.
- Comment on New Kindle e-readers no longer appear on computers 4 months ago:
I’m not flexing. It’s a fact. Everybody makes choices and I am making mine. Do you own a car? And if you do, do you put gas in it, earth-raping heathen? Do you water your lawn? Have a gas lawnmower? How about solar panels?
I’m sure if we dig enough you’re shitty in some way too, yo.
- Comment on New Kindle e-readers no longer appear on computers 4 months ago:
Counter argument: no.
For sure Amazon is predatory. For sure the services are overpriced. For sure they are killing Mom and Pop stores.
But you know what? I shop there for the same reason I shop at a Meijer or a Target or a Payless. Everything I want, one place, unified customer service, and it just shows up at my door. Probably 80% of my purchases are grocery delivery from Meijer and Amazon for basically everything else. Returns are no questions asked, service is fast, and selection is great, I just try not to buy amazon basics if I can help it.
Shipt, Uber whatever, GrubHub, etc etc delivery services that are supposed to solve the same problem are all fucking garbage. For sure I’m a corporate sellout, but I have a shitload of time to spend with my kids and my wife instead of fucking around with other services or driving around town and I’m not sorry about it 🤷