- Comment on Mass Effect 2 Celebrates 15th Anniversary 5 weeks ago:
Aaaaaaaaand you didn’t just take the option to sabotage them from the inside?
There’s plenty of options for that, you know.
- Comment on LOL 3 months ago:
Every time I get the itch to play again, I go and look up the newest champion and cringe at how bad the power creep has gotten.
Ambessa is just thicc Riven, but better.
- Comment on Anything for my loves 8 months ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Mages are really nerfed despite the story saying they’re super powerful and dangerous.
This is kinda selling mages in the setting short.
Magic in this setting is basically the same as it is in Warhammer 40k: mages get their power from an alternate dream dimension that is also where demons reside, they can spontaneously explode and/or summon demons if they’re not careful, and they’re heavily regulated/repressed. Rogue mages are hunted down and killed by Templars, and everyone else is mostly confined to wizard towers that double as prison camps.
It never comes across in gameplay, but mages and how they’re treated are major plot points in all three games.
- Comment on Prime Video subs will soon see ads for Amazon products when they hit pause 9 months ago:
I’ve been getting a lot of mileage from this.
- Comment on What a TikTok Ban Would Mean for the U.S. Defense of an Open Internet 10 months ago:
TikTok isn’t doing anything that any other major social media company isn’t also doing. The only difference being that TikTok is owned by a Chinese company, and not a US one.
Just banning one app does little to resolve the overall privacy and information nightmare that social media is.
- Comment on best anime to start on 10 months ago:
Do you like fantasy? Check out Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End; it’s what recently got me to watch anime. It tells a great story with compelling characters, has some awesome action scenes, and keeps all of the things I hate about anime (excessive melodrama and fanservice) to a minimum.
It’s just a great show, and not merely a great anime.
- Comment on Carol of the Bells 10 months ago:
Then there’s Trans-Siberian Orchestra, who makes this song sound like I’m getting ready to fight Santa in Dark Souls.
- Comment on Reddit IPO Filings Reveal the Company’s Hopes—and Fears 11 months ago:
old.reddit is probably going to be on the chopping block, too. I only go for niche communities these days, but I’m gone for good once old.reddit is gone.
- Comment on HP’s 'All-In' Printer Rental Watches Everything You Print, Tells HP All About It 11 months ago:
I imagine this is only for consumer-grade printers. HP’s business-class devices are usually purchased under a contract.
- Comment on Real-time, AI monitoring at work: Major brands are snooping on employee conversations 1 year ago:
I already assumed I’m being monitored on my work devices, and write my emails and chats like they’re going to be used in a deposition.
If I’m shit-talking someone, it’s in person or on my personal device.
- Comment on It's a hard life 1 year ago:
I just want a hug. More than anything else, I just want someone outside of my family to find me desirable and want to spend their time with me.
The sex can come later. I don’t even really want the sex. It’s that physical intimacy that I want. Someone who will just give me hugs without me worring about whether or not I’m making them uncomfortable.
- Comment on Hikikomori Feeding Device 1 year ago:
- Comment on The Medusa 1 year ago:
A Witcher carries two swords. One made of meteorite steel: hard and sharp, it is equally adept at turning aside a blade and punching through armor.
The other is made of silver. Light but fragile, the silver in the blade makes this weapon especially effective against creatures of magic.
Both swords are for monsters.
- Comment on WHITE WHALE HOLY GRAIL 1 year ago:
- Comment on 2023 Model 1 year ago:
- Comment on Average work hours in India. 1 year ago:
I basically have to deal with Indian IT call centers for a living, and I always try (sadly, not always successfully) to frame my exasperation like this: if I got paid what they got paid to do their jobs, and if I had to work the hours that they do, I wouldn’t give a shit about my job, either.
I die a little inside when my coworkers call them stupid. They don’t stop to think that their work culture makes ours in the US seem downright relaxing.
- Comment on Shoplifting an epidemic, says John Lewis boss 1 year ago:
Remember: shop local, shoplift corporate.
- Comment on 'Personality-driven' influencer esports league revealed, immediately implodes over NFT controversy 1 year ago:
In my experience, people who make a big deal out of their philanthropy are typically doing it to compensate for some other moral deficiency.
What really started to bother me was when he started to make a game out of his giveaways, like “Last person to stop touching the Lamborghini gets to keep it!” and things like that. It just feels wrong, and I can’t quite explain why.
I hope I’m wrong, and so far there is no evidence he’s a secret dickhead, but something about him seems off.
- Comment on Writers Guild East Leader Says This 100-Day Strike Is Different: Studios More “Obstinate” Now 1 year ago:
My take is that the production companies are channeling their inner Joker; it’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message. They want to break the unions, and are probably getting donations from streaming giants and others who want to see unions take a big loss.
This strike is going to last until someone cries Uncle, and both sides are fired up. I hope I’m wrong, but I’m imagining this strike going down to whoever has the most resources.
- Comment on People are getting fed up with all the useless tech in their cars — For the first time in 28 years of JD Power’s car owner survey, there is a consecutive year-over-year decline in satisfaction, wit... 1 year ago:
In the US, they’re mandatory in all new vehicles.
I’d wager this is part of the reason for the ubiquitousness of touchscreens.