- Submitted 2 weeks ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior' 2 weeks ago:
Long day, thanks. Fixed.
- Comment on Apple CEO Tim Cook Donating $1 Million to Trump's Inaugural Fund 2 weeks ago:
These CEOs are funding hate, violence and the end of American democracy - they have enough power, money and influence to oppose, yet they don’t. They decided that a few must be sacrificed for the greater
goodprofit.Something happened on the 5th of December. Tomorrow is the 5th of January. Just in case anyone’s calendar app is stuck closed. Interesting if true…
- Comment on Apple CEO Tim Cook Donating $1 Million to Trump's Inaugural Fund 2 weeks ago:
No, they hate all gay people. They are just lower on the list right now, but they are definitely there.
First they came for…
- Comment on FCC’s Net Neutrality Rules Struck Down by Federal Appeals Court 2 weeks ago:
This isn’t “our government” these are the oligarch’s meatbags purchased for surprisingly low dollar amounts. These men (and women that silently stand next to them until they are told they are allowed to speak) are cowards and traitors. They are not “our government”
- Comment on Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior' 2 weeks ago:
A vast AI-fueled bomb cluster strapped to Larry’s head set to trigger if he says objectively inhumane anti democratic shit…
- Comment on Almost the entire US South is now being blocked by Pornhub 2 weeks ago:
Oh… That’s not actually how you’d phrase that?
Fuck you, Ars?
- Comment on Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior' 2 weeks ago:
Remember, remember the 5th of December…
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 2 weeks ago:
“Mario’s brother”
“The Mansion Owner”
“Splattered Brain Thompson”
“CE Oh shit the consequences of my actions!”
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 1 month ago:
People are saying he wasn’t murdered, he just dropped to the ground alone, nobody in the street with him. There’s even video, nobody is there…
- Comment on What do you want for Christmas? 1 month ago:
- Comment on Belgium's sex workers get maternity leave and pensions under world-first law 1 month ago:
The way you remove a stigma is to speak normally, regularly and without kid gloves. We don’t need to treat it like gold. It needs to be safe, regulated, respectful of labor rights and with a wage representice of the type of work, like anything else.
- the person that deveins shrimp at the factory has a very shitty job
- A proctologist is a high paying and respected job, but you have to work with a lot of assholes every day
- A prostitute that can’t laugh about their job, probably has a big stick up their ass.
The more you can personally evolve away from tiptoeing around discussion here, the better you do to actually normalize. Normalizing casual discussion helps make those who are still against it to feel more like the ridiculous outsiders they are, far removed from the accepted status quo of society.
- Comment on Belgium's sex workers get maternity leave and pensions under world-first law 1 month ago:
Not very sex positive of you… you sound like a bit of a prudish gatekeeper.mmm here, no? Sex workers suck and fuck… Do you think they should feel shame for these acts they choose to perform professionally?
- Comment on Belgium's sex workers get maternity leave and pensions under world-first law 1 month ago:
Typo in quoted text, OP…
They will be entitled to official employment contracts, health insurance and suck days.
But seriously, wonderful progressive policy. Some of those people work very hard and word is that their clients can be a real pain in the ass sometimes too.
- Comment on Just a little guy 1 month ago:
Cool fucking petting zoo
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 1 month ago:
As others have stated, this is an entirely new depth to that thought.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 1 month ago:
Appreciate your measured response. I’m wondering how long it will take folks to stop coping out of self preservation and say out loud that this isn’t anything we’ve seen before - it’s brand new and can go as far as has been threatened.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 1 month ago:
People do see it, it’s not easy to see it and act, but they did. I know directly of people that gave up ownership of multiple factories and a very comfortable life in Germany in about this phase of the fascist uprising there. They left to America and Australia, split family, with what they could carry, and started back over from a very modest place. Not too long after, the worst gained momentum in Germany, nazis took over the factories and a horrible fate befell many in their community who didn’t acct when they could have.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 1 month ago:
Would you ever allow yourself to accept that truth if so, or will you need to see actual bodies in the streets before you believe it’s over?
- Submitted 1 month ago to | 132 comments
- Comment on ‘Do not pet’: Why are robot dogs patrolling Mar-A-Lago? 1 month ago:
And that, your statement, is russia’s actual victory prior to trump even being sworn in.
- Comment on ‘Do not pet’: Why are robot dogs patrolling Mar-A-Lago? 2 months ago:
I’m sure the secret service is absolutely
thrilledcomplicit’with his horseshit - Comment on Elon Musk May Have Made a Huge Mistake on Full Self-Driving That It's Too Late to Correct. 2 months ago:
- Comment on When Does Instagram Decide a Nipple Becomes Female? 2 months ago:
Poster below gave you all the answer you’d ever need on this question you beg… If you have any integrity, add a note to your original comment to clarify that you were mistaken in your initial assumption and why.
But, doesn’t seem likely that you will.
- Comment on Elon's Death Machine (aka Tesla) Mows Down Deer at Full Speed , Keeps Going on "Autopilot" 2 months ago:
“As much as I hate elon…”
“I hate elon as much as the next guy, but…”
“Look, I’m no elon fan, but…”
I’m sure you all know, but to be clear, the above are the beginnings of sentences from people who don’t hate elon. They are sentences from people who like elon, but think you will hate them, or not consider their opinions, if they say out loud that they do, in fact, like elon.
On a separate but related note, this is elon speaking at a hate-filled rally featuring a series of bigoted speakers, including himself. The rally very intentionally cosplayed an American Nazi rally that famously occurred at Madison Square garden in the 1930s. To emphasize how on the nose this all was, elon wore a specially made hat that very deliberately used a prominent font from the Nazi era.
elon has done nothing good or admirable with his life and elon will will not do anything good or admirable with his life. You can’t compartmentalize your opinion on this, he sucks, on the whole.
- Comment on Elon Musk Fans Are Losing So Much Money to Crypto Scams 2 months ago:
The registered republican voter records are available for purchase - that list is such a gold mine of warm, qualified leads of the dumbest people. Cross reference above a certain threshold for affluent zip codes and split by age and you’re now holding the keys to hate-filled grandma’s pension.
- Comment on AI are like shitty palm readers/fortune tellers 2 months ago:
Cool. You’re different, you’re not like the other girls…
You seem to have main character syndrome though. You think your edge case (or the claimed example of your friend as a professional foolishly trusting their future to the hallucinating robot) is the thing that drives this AI moment, but no. The VAST majority of marketed use cases and associated revenue gained from the BROAD population is for much more trivial applications.
You also need a little more ability to process an abstract thought here, the “customer” of the palm reader here is not me or any individual. It’s humanity collectively. We tell it about what “the catcher in the rye” is and it steals and internalizes that human work. It then, very often, incorrectly reinterprets human thought back to us, but while mentioning enough minor details, which we provided prior, for it to better convince us of its confident lies.
- Submitted 2 months ago to | 9 comments
- Comment on Blessica Blimpson 2 months ago:
OP, how did you lose that visibly missing chunk of your skulk/brain?
- Comment on Where does a man get a proper shoe horn that will not break 2 months ago:
Ikea, standing shoehorn. Goofy thing is styled like a snake, but gets the job done.