- Comment on China advises citizens specializing in artificial intelligence to avoid traveling to America - SabaNet 18 hours ago:
They are probably worried about them not coming back because they got recruited.
- Comment on For real 4 days ago:
What is funny is that is a rooster.
- Comment on Why does most religion talk about their GOD being male? Especially Christains and Muslims. Is there a prominent female god that as big as the other two that I am missing? 5 days ago:
Hindu is complex and has some variability depending on the flavor. Some are left up to the individual to determine based on their perceptions.
The supreme being is genderless, the other aspects are more masculine or more feminine and some are androgenous or both. Feminine energy is the most powerful at creation and masculine is the most powerful at destruction. The gods are just a reflection of an aspect of the supreme genderless Brahman, where their characteristics favor a given gender and that is expressed in their visage. They also use names that convey a symbolism.
So no gender is the most powerful in Hindu, but different forms of gender expression have more power in an aspect of power.
- Comment on why do most people on deviantart act the same? 1 week ago:
DEVIANTart. It is in the name. You put deviants in a content eco chamber, you ain’t gonna get diversity in content.
- Comment on Good morning. 1 week ago:
There was a book written a while ago that talked a lot about the breeding habits and sexuality of the Amish, I haven’t read it so I don’t know if they cover the rare practice of semen donor solicitation from the pre-industrial age.
- Comment on Good morning. 1 week ago:
I have heard it from a credible source who relayed a first hand experience going through with it. I have no reason to question either telling, as it was more of an embarrassing story and it is a practice that is known to occur near Amish areas from time to time.
You obviously couldn’t volunteer someone, you aren’t a king entitled to prima nocta.
I have no idea how your one-sided throws of passion would be recieved by the elders, as the account I heard was rather embarrassing and barely effective in immediate results. My understanding is the elders are there to prevent sexual assault or improper conduct, probably somewhere between a cucking and a urinalysis observer’s dutiful gaze.
- Comment on Good morning. 1 week ago:
It is a thing, but uncommon.
For whatever reason they may find it to get some outside genetics to avoid genetic stagnation issues, infertility, or whatever, so they cover the mailbox as an invitation for outside help.
It is highly transactional and utilitarian. The potential father may be given simple gifts for the assistance, but it usually is a handshake affair and the gifts are more a hospitality thing.
Don’t go driving through Amish lands hunting some preindustrial strange, you are unlikely to find it… But you could get lucky.
- Comment on Good morning. 2 weeks ago:
If we are talking about devoted Amish, they literally only have sex for the purpose of procreation, sometimes through a sheet in some cases. Sex for recreation, including oral or anal, are verboten under the Amish Ordnung oral traditions.
In practice, there is sexual “deviancey” and sex had with some degree of knowledge that doing so is not strictly for procreation. Due to cultural aspects, there is shame brought in by such things that they have to get right with God about. Rumspringa, think last repreve before devoting to the Amish life, is usually when young Amish sow some wild oats with some abandon with the English(outsiders) if they so choose.
If you are a single man going through Amish country and see a mailbox with a bag on it, it is an invitation to donate your genetics to the community. Don’t expect hot and steamy throws of passion, you are fucking through a sheet while the elders preside over the breeding session in the same room.
- Comment on Good morning. 2 weeks ago:
A devote Amish, I’d assume.
- Comment on Reddit plans to lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says | Reddit executives also discussed how they might introduce more ads into the social media platform 2 weeks ago:
It is the Onlyfans girls farming simps.
Keep in mind Reddit wants to wall off NSFW to be more advertiser friendly, and therefore more profitable.
- Comment on Reddit plans to lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says | Reddit executives also discussed how they might introduce more ads into the social media platform 2 weeks ago:
I wouldn’t be surprised if NSFW subreddit are what he is talking about.
- Comment on Reddit hints at expanded AI-powered search 2 weeks ago:
We should reserve judgement until it is implemented, it could be so much worse than we have ever imagined because it was trained on Reddit posts.
- Comment on What's the tallest pyramid we'd be able to build? Can we reach space? 2 weeks ago:
Calling Egyptians “African” is very Euro-centric thinking that makes the African continent a monolith of culture, when it is hundreds or thousands of cultures.
You might as well say the Mayan people were Mexicans.
- Comment on Should I be Concerned? 2 weeks ago:
All their chips are garbage tier.
- Comment on Why are there silly license requirements? 3 weeks ago:
The government likes money, that’s why every dollar you spend gets taxed 3 times. Secondarily a barrier to entry limits participation and creates greater opportunity to fine and make even more money than the license or permit.
- Comment on Chatgpt refusing to believe Trump won lol. 3 weeks ago:
Deepseek is only trained up to October 2023.
- Comment on Chatgpt refusing to believe Trump won lol. 3 weeks ago:
Isn’t most LLMs trained on older data? So it thinks you are talking about the last election
- Comment on How can you explain a smell you've never smelled before? 3 weeks ago:
Fuck around and find out. I bet they would appreciate the place not burning down because the bathroom fan was primed for failure due to lack of maintenance.
The right way to go about it would be to call them and tell them about the smell concern and suspicion that the fan may be at fault. Then they can spend the quid on a tradie coming out for a half hour.
- Comment on How can you explain a smell you've never smelled before? 3 weeks ago:
You would have to get at the bathroom fan and see if it is dirty and smell it up close.
I don’t know how they make them there, but the American ones can be a bit of a bother because they are often made with sharp stamped steel with tabs and slots to hold the fan in.
- Comment on How can you explain a smell you've never smelled before? 3 weeks ago:
Could the smelly smell that smells smelly be a bathroom exhaust fan that needs to be cleaned or possibly replaced?
- Comment on Twinkle Tush 3 weeks ago:
I’m just a connoisseur of slang.
- Comment on Twinkle Tush 3 weeks ago:
Cats have a butthole and it is often visible. People have a problem with seeing their cats’ turd cutters and cats do not like to wear pants, made less likely by the largely cottage cat pants industry making feline fashion out of the reach of most. The solution is to bedazzle your cats’ balloon knot with a jeweled medallion that hangs from their tail so you don’t have to see their chocolate starfish.
How much your cats may appreciate something perpetually grazing their leather cheerio depends on the cat.
Rosebud, rusty sheriff’s badge, fart box, smelly frekle, crinkled star, cinnamon ring.
- Comment on Solar should be packaged with consumer appliances 3 weeks ago:
I think the fridge power consumption I found is based on an empty fridge, so having one filled with food is more efficient.
- Comment on Solar should be packaged with consumer appliances 3 weeks ago:
I think the idea is to have the battery with a passthrough, so the fridge draws from the battery and the battery charges from the solar/grid.
With modern battery monitoring the health of the battery could be monitored and warn the owner should there be an issue.
- Comment on Solar should be packaged with consumer appliances 3 weeks ago:
I think the idea is to have the battery as an accessory that you can add-on.
- Comment on In 2020 I couldn't swing a stick without finding independent livestreamer links for protests. In 2024, I am having a very hard time finding livestreamers. Help? 3 weeks ago:
During that whole event, I was up watching every stream that was available until they cut and went home. I was following all of their twitters and monitoring twitter in general.
I can tell you that what I said is accurate with certainty. There were streamers that would end when the “night shift” took over protesting because it was “too dangerous to stream”, when a week prior they were welcome. The ones that lasted the longest were filming their face or the ground and eventually they gave up because they were getting confronted or worse.
Their presence was said to “endanger” protesters because the police were watching along with everybody else. The police would roll up out of nowhere and start grabbing up people around the streamers, because they used the streams to pinpoint locations.
- Comment on Solar should be packaged with consumer appliances 3 weeks ago:
Refrigerators, microwaves, and LCD TVs come to mind.
A refrigerator uses 300 to 800 watts. That is 2-4kWh a day
Microwaves use 600-1000 watts. 6.1 kWh per month if used 15 minutes a day.
TVs use like 100 watts. 4.55kWh a month with 1.5 hrs of watch time a day.
All 3 are big enough to accommodate an appropriately sized battery to mitigate their draw. Having a decentralized battery mesh system coupled with solar main power does have some advantages, but I find it hard to say that it would be more advantageous than a centralized system due to cost and complexity.
- Comment on In 2020 I couldn't swing a stick without finding independent livestreamer links for protests. In 2024, I am having a very hard time finding livestreamers. Help? 3 weeks ago:
If you were paying attention during the George Floyd protests; streamers were harassed, assaulted, doxed, stalked, and shut out from protests because they were creating evidence that was used to prosecute protesters doing crime.
So you are now less likely to find a live protest stream where anything happens because they will upload clips or edited videos so they can show the narrative devoid of identifiable protesters doing crime.
- Comment on Philippine president offers a deal to China: Stop sea aggression and I'll return missiles to US 4 weeks ago:
Do the Philippines get Ukraine there? We have a fantastic example of why you don’t disarm yourself to appease a country like China, Russia, Kiribati, and America.
- Comment on PVC stand to hang my bow and arrows while practicing. 1 month ago:
What did you use for the padding?