- Comment on low iq in love with high iq person, is that bad?? 4 days ago:
I recently went through the WAIS IV test through a professional facility. The test was pattern recognition and recollection, mid level mental math problems, memory recall, and a handful of other thought provoking questions. There was nothing in the exam that actually tested any knowledge in specific areas, because IQ isn’t a measurement of a person’s intelligence.
My wife and I are very likely on opposite ends of the IQ spectrum, and that is not a problem. I think the difference in the way we think gives us more well rounded life experiences. My wife is well studied, well organized, and intelligent, but she’s not strong in escape rooms, brain teasers, and trivia. I am far more analytical in how I go about things. I’ve got pretty decent recall and I am pretty good at breaking down problems to the core and breaking out solutions. We just live different personal lives with some things. I play music she walks the the dog. We have plenty of overlap in interests and hobbies that have nothing to do with IQ.
Also, as other have mentioned, if you haven’t paid a professional to administer this test, then ignore anything or anyone telling what your IQ is. Depending on which professional test you take, the scale is different. With WAIS IV, it’s 40-160, but it’s measured against the population. Idk how other do it, but it’s different.
Basically, IQ doesn’t matter. Just live your life.
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 1 week ago:
John and Hank Green’s CrashCoarse is about to release a new sex ed series. I watched their whole computers series and thought it was fantastic.
- Comment on The US Is Considering a TP-Link Router Ban—Should You Worry? 2 weeks ago:
If you’re just running it in AP mode and extending from your base router you will be better off than if it’s your WAN device. I don’t know enough about these exploits to know how they are executed, so I can’t give you a solid answer, but I think it’s best to err on the side of caution when it comes to your data security.
If you’re fairly tech savvy and willing to put in a little effort, you can flash the firmware on the TP-Link with something open source like openWRT and that would eliminate any exploits directly caused by their coding. I haven’t done this in years, but I’m sure there are plenty of guides to walk you through this. It would require resetting up your network, but you’d need to do that if you replaced anyway.
Personally, I would replace the device with something higher quality. I don’t have recommendations for you, but I’m sure there are some resources you can find with security minded device recommendations. For “pro-sumer” grade stuff, where it’s better than your off the shelf options but not enterprise grade, I’ve heard Unify is a good option, but it’s complicated and expensive.
- Comment on The US Is Considering a TP-Link Router Ban—Should You Worry? 2 weeks ago:
Here is the main video I watched that breaks down a recent ish CVE and at the end he gives some thoughts on TP-Link, D-link, and another and just his professional security opinion on them.
It is only one source, but I think it’s a strong one.
- Comment on The US Is Considering a TP-Link Router Ban—Should You Worry? 2 weeks ago:
TP-Link has a bad history of significant security vulnerabilities that have to either be gross negligence or intentional backdoors. Consumer router firmware is notoriously neglected in the grand scheme of tech, but TP-Link is exceptionally bad. Your average and even most above average techies probably have no idea unless they follow security releases or live in the security world. I personally wouldn’t know much if anything about them if not for some YT content I watch about software and security. I don’t love blanket blocking of stuff, but this one I feel is necessary to help protect an ignorant population.
I 100% agree with the sentiment that Trump is way more dangerous, because he is, but the two issues can be addressed (or not unfortunately) at the same time. If our reps won’t stop Trump, and not going to be upset over he small wins that we do get.
- Comment on is it wrong/selfish to cut contact with my trump-supporting father? 2 weeks ago:
My brother didn’t vote and in person around family, he is not a Trump supporter but he is conservative. Publicly via social media, he’s never once said a bad thing about Trump and has never hesitated to strawman shit on Dems. During the run up to the election, he made some comments about Kamala after the first debate, and it was all just horseshit takes. I typed a dozen messages and deleted them because what I was going to send would have been one of those things you don’t come back from. Instead I’ve completely cut him out of my life and I’m on active avoidance. The only saving grace for him, is that I know he didn’t vote for Trump, which means almost nothing, but he didn’t actually do the worst thing. Because of that, in 4 years, I’m going to assess the damage of this Presidency and make a choice on if I will ever even consider seeing him again or if he’s dead to me. I will never forgive him and we will never have a relationship, but there’s a chance that we might both be able to go to familial gatherings, like funerals in the future.
For me, this isn’t a very difficult decision. We’ve never really been super close since he’s quite a bit older, but we were good. I’m fully prepared to miss significant events to avoid him. I’m not sure what your relationship with your father is like, but one thing you have to consider is how it’s going to affect anything else family related, like family reunions, funerals, weddings, holidays, etc. Make sure that you think of all of the effects this may have before jumping the gun and doing something you can’t undo. You can certainly try and salvage the relationship and have a serious heart to heart where you lay it all out, and if that’s not enough, then I suppose that the decision is easier. Alternatively, if you’re ready to be done, you have the option of sending him something with a reason, telling him what’s up and bye, or ghosting him. If you ghost him, that will make any chances of rebuilding a future relationship a lot harder.
Best of luck.
- Comment on nuked from orbit 2 weeks ago:
All. Day
- Comment on Meta Says it Made Sure Not to Seed Any Pirated Books 2 weeks ago:
That’s sexy
- Comment on Meta Says it Made Sure Not to Seed Any Pirated Books 2 weeks ago:
Probably the same person or at least fabricated by the same electrical engineer.
- Comment on The one change that worked: I set my phone to ‘do not disturb’ three years ago – and have never looked back 2 weeks ago:
Am I the only one that just ignores calls and texts that I don’t want to respond to immediately or ever? I never have my ring volume up and I’ve muted almost all of my group chats, so only individual messages get through. My Pixel also does call screening which blocks a lot of trash from getting to me, and I keep space in my VM for when I have important calls get through that I either can’t or don’t want to answer.
- Comment on MSI and ASUS hike GeForce RTX 50 series prices in official stores, now up to $3,409 for RTX 5090 4 weeks ago:
We can only hope.
- Comment on MSI and ASUS hike GeForce RTX 50 series prices in official stores, now up to $3,409 for RTX 5090 4 weeks ago:
Yea, really I just wanted to piss and moan about Nvidia. Realistically, I’ll find alternatives if the need arises, but it won’t be to the tune of a $3k purchase.
- Comment on Internet Archive played crucial role in tracking shady CDC data removals 4 weeks ago:
If they added download options on different taxonomies, I’d try to grab some things to archive.
- Comment on MSI and ASUS hike GeForce RTX 50 series prices in official stores, now up to $3,409 for RTX 5090 4 weeks ago:
Nah. I don’t have a computer to game, but I built my computer to game. Consoles at this point are smart data collection devices that also play games. I wouldn’t introduce that into my network at home. I could get a steam deck though…
- Comment on MSI and ASUS hike GeForce RTX 50 series prices in official stores, now up to $3,409 for RTX 5090 4 weeks ago:
I get rarely but newer AAA titles but grab them later on sale. There will be a point when either my card fails or just can’t keep up. If I’m pigeon holed to only lower graphics games, so be it.
- Comment on How realistic is the threat of the government remotely manipulating digital devices you own and planting evidence? 4 weeks ago:
I’m going to guess that this is very much not true. For that to happen, every individual device would have to have an exploit that only China is aware of that gives them zero touch kernel level access where they invisibly install a rootkit that can’t be flashed off. Now, if you connect to a network and it says you have to install something first in order to connect, then all bets are off. I’ve heard of some exploits where this could be possible for specific devices running specific versions of firmware or software, but they are exceptions that generally can’t be replicated consistently in the wild.
I would say that if connected to a Chinese network, all of your traffic can be monitored, so a VPN would be heavily recommended.
- Comment on MSI and ASUS hike GeForce RTX 50 series prices in official stores, now up to $3,409 for RTX 5090 4 weeks ago:
Either devs are going to have to start finding ways to keep next gen games functioning properly on my 2080ti, or I’m going to have to find a different hobby if AMD follows suite. I will absolutely not be coming close to paying for anything on that scale.
- Comment on Internet Archive played crucial role in tracking shady CDC data removals 4 weeks ago:
That’s a bit more than my home server can handle. I could maybe take some CDC data, but definitely not the full shebang. It would be neat if someone could segment the data so we could save some more critical things.
- Comment on Internet Archive played crucial role in tracking shady CDC data removals 4 weeks ago:
Any idea the size of IA? Could it be packaged in some torrents and distributed to the masses for decentralized archiving? I’m guessing it’s way more than I could store.
- Comment on Samsung, Google take on Dolby Atmos with new 'Eclipsa Audio' 2 months ago:
It may be. I really don’t know much other than Atmos sounds amazing.
- Comment on Samsung, Google take on Dolby Atmos with new 'Eclipsa Audio' 2 months ago:
Googles propensity to create and destroy tech at alarming rate aside, what is there to be gained in immersive audio? Atmos sounds borderline real in a good setup. What are the current limitations for high end HT audio that this is looking to improve upon?
- Comment on How to avoid having cat hair all over my floor every 2 days? 3 months ago:
Idk how different cat hair is from dog hair, but we have a Rottweiler and a German shepherd husky mix, and we vacuum daily. We have a Roomba that we don’t really use anymore, but it filled up daily with dog hair. Very little loose hair in the house now.
- Comment on In the American class warfare, there seem to be an awful lot of parallels between typical Republican voters and Uncle Tom, a negro who was exceedingly subservient to his slave masters. 3 months ago:
Biden > Trump, bad mental health or not.
- Comment on In the American class warfare, there seem to be an awful lot of parallels between typical Republican voters and Uncle Tom, a negro who was exceedingly subservient to his slave masters. 3 months ago:
No. It takes a truly shallow mind to come to this conclusion. Most of us Democrats understand how politics work and knew it was Trump or Harris once Biden stepped down. That’s it, no third option. Only a true idiot or a Trump supporter (same thing) would think not voting, voting this party, it voting for Trump was in anyway better for Israel, Ukraine, and America.
- Comment on Manjaro is experimenting with **opt-out telemetry | Hacker News (More like op-out spying) 3 months ago:
If I were using Manjaro right now, at the first opportunity, I would be switching to something else. Too much enshitification happening everywhere, and people need to start voting with their “wallets” to stop these greedy fucks.
- Comment on Manjaro is experimenting with **opt-out telemetry | Hacker News (More like op-out spying) 3 months ago:
Are you trying to gatekeep Linux to only power users that use a CLI, are way above the average in computer literacy, and happen to know the nuances between Linux and other operating systems?
This is the kind of thinking that will prevent adoption to the masses. Linux doesn’t have to be stupid hard to use. There are specific distros like vanilla Arch for advanced users to tinker with and options like Manjaro and Ubuntu that are ideally functional out of the box for those that just want something to work.
What Manjaro is doing here is dumb AF, and should rightfully be heavily criticized, but you statement feels like your saying you should have to be a computer expert to use any Linux distro, and that’s dumb.
- Comment on X rival Bluesky gains 1.25 million users following U.S. election 3 months ago:
You misunderstand. I’m not using any centralized social media. Lemmy is my one and only. I’m saying It’s worth celebrating the small wins and encouraging companies to continue moving to models like this. Don’t let perfection be the enemy of good.
- Comment on X rival Bluesky gains 1.25 million users following U.S. election 3 months ago:
Switching to vaping is less bad, and for me, it lead to me quitting all together. So to me, this is still a small win, and I like to celebrate small wins these days.
- Comment on When Does Instagram Decide a Nipple Becomes Female? 4 months ago:
I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you had a genuine question, but I now feel that was a mistake.
- Comment on When Does Instagram Decide a Nipple Becomes Female? 4 months ago:
Anyone can decide what gender they feel like. Most people identify with one of the major genders, but many people don’t for multiple possible biological reasons. Nobody is in good faith identifying as a gender they don’t actually feel like.