- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 6 months ago:
Damn, I own this game, its worth boosting so it sucks I had to downvote xD
- Comment on Good point 7 months ago:
You missed my point. I’m saying that if your not specifically in a poly relationship, then non exclusivity is an immediate and automatic relationship contract breach in 99+% of cases
- Comment on Good point 7 months ago:
That view and you only having a girlfriend for a few months miiiiight be linked
- Comment on Good point 7 months ago:
In most cultures betraying contracts is usually considered bad, and relationships are basically intimate and emotional contracts. Trust is important even in business contracts, but in interpersonal ones its ESSENTIAL. If you entered into a polyamorous relationship, cool, thats the contract all parties agreed to, but if it wasnt specifically polyamorous its defaults to monogamous, and if you breach that trust, you’re probably not getting it back, and without trust ever having a healthy relationship again is probably gone
- Comment on 6/10 'murican cinema supremacy 7 months ago:
Thats a better attempt at understanding the meme than I had!
- Comment on 6/10 'murican cinema supremacy 7 months ago:
What do the right and left have to do with each other aside from being in the same meme together?
- Comment on Look you've just to got read the prologue that was a limited edition IHOP giveaway in 2015 and the story is awesome 7 months ago:
I mean, you can just watch said series in release order as well if optimal order is too much work
- Comment on Stages of grief 7 months ago:
Absolutely doesnt work for me for whatever reason, even the small flakes just stay as they are as I destroy the bread trying to spread them
- Comment on Stages of grief 7 months ago:
I wish this worked for me xD Everytime I’m at someone elses place that serves butter I end up DESTROYING the bread I try and put it on xD
- Comment on There is only one type of job. Doing something someone else doesn't want to do. 7 months ago:
How high are you?
- Comment on Stages of grief 7 months ago:
Hell yeah!
- Comment on Stages of grief 7 months ago:
Tbh, its just because when I wanna butterlike its because I want to spread it on something and butter is a nightmare to spread
- Comment on Monkey brain gonna monkey brain 7 months ago:
When sexy clothing is done without making the clothing itself look stupid I’m ALL for it. Metal Bikini’s are dumb AF tho
- Comment on Stages of grief 7 months ago:
Ok, but here me out: Margarine is superior
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
Ah fair. My reading comprehension also failed there because I thought you were the same person the person you responded to was responding to was (Person I thought you were - Person you responded to - you - me: if that makes what I said make more sense). I guess my response though is that discoverability is going to be an issue for any new game regardless of whether someone chooses to put their game on Steam or not (and I’d argue that not putting their game on Steam would negatively impact their discoverability, hence another point in favour of Steams cut)
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
These “B-B-BUT STEAMS MONOPOLY CROWD” really do think we have stockholm/boot licker syndrome as if a good 60%+ of steam users didnt know how to Pirate games if we truly didnt like the service
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
Valve had nothing to do with its competitors being garbage
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
You dont seem to understand what a monopoly is either since steam isnt one
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
Use Steams competitors then if you don’t want to pay Steams cut. If you’re getting less overall from them, that tells you all you need to know about the validity of Steams fees
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
Enjoy accelerating late stage capitalism while pretending you’re against it because you’re incapable of seeing things outside of black and white thinking
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
Damn dude that link fuckin DESTROYS every braindead “b-b-but STEAMS MONOPOLY!!!” arguement I’ve seen uttered by idiots who want to bring late stage capitalism to the PC marketplace just so they can pretend they stood up to a company
- Comment on poni 7 months ago:
More like Huak BLUAH
- Comment on poni 7 months ago:
Was looking for the Bojack comment!
- Comment on Maybe it was someone from the future. 7 months ago:
Tbf, Stein’s Gate grabbed a LOT of real world shannanigans to we’ve into their Science Fantasy plot
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
Dude. Politics isnt all or nothing. Quebec gets far better treatment than the rest of the provinces because it has a national party that ONLY looks out for Quebecs interests, and once again, we have minority governments quite a bit of the time here in Canada, where the winning party HAS to play ball with the other parties because it doesnt control over 50% of the votes. The last Conservative government we had had to go to the lengths of shutting down the government ENTIRELY for a few weeks to avoid the NDP and Liberals from teaming up to get legislation passed without the conservatives. FPTP sucks, but our government has at least 3 valid parties to vote for any election season, 4 if you live in Quebec. You arent voting for the party you hate more by voting for the party you actually want here, and again, all the NDP needs is to find a leader that had the charisma Jack Layton had and they’ll be a contender for actually winning a national election again. Even without that though they frequently win Provincial Elections and thus are the ones driving policy in those provinces
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
Ah ok, you have zero idea what you are talking about and are projecting American politics onto Canada. Canada has FPTP and Canada is not in anyway a 2 party country. The NDP and Bloc Quebecois have both had a very strong influence on our political landscape and just because our CURRENT government gives souch power to our two most powerful parties doesnt in anyway mean that the NDP gaining significant amount of power is an anomaly, as it has done so many times in the past
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
Once again, NDP has won Opposition before. It is a viable 3rd option and likely would have won the national election roughly a decade ago if Jack Layton hadnt died of cancer during his run.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
First Past The post voting artificially limits the number of political parties to two. > Kiiiind of, Canada has fptp as well and we have about 4.5ish competitive parties, Liberal Party, Conservative Party, NDP (“socialist” party), Bloc Quebecois (Quebec focussed party [used to be a sepratist party, but has evolved to just focus on getting more favourable policies for Quebec since separating has fallen out of favour in Quebec), and the .5 would be the Green Party. So we can vote against the main 2 without wasting our votes/effectively voting for the party we hate more. BUT the reason I said kinda is notice I said Main 2. NDP has won opposition a few times (2nd most voted for party nationally), but Only 2 parties have ever been the most voted for in an election, the Liberals and the Conservatives. (Bloc Quebecois has won the provincial government multiple times in Quebec, but obviously has never been a contender for national government)
- Comment on Kami 8 months ago:
Tbf, that was a hard fucking read even with English as my sole language
- Comment on Tea Time 8 months ago:
Pretty sure its pronounced “Nuh”