- Comment on If a leftist ran for president, would liberals support him? 3 months ago:
Your link is Clinton saying she won’t say before the primary is over whether she would support Sanders. It’s not even her saying she wouldn’t do it, let alone all liberals saying it.
The amount of disinformation spread here is amazing.
- Comment on We are a lot more alike than we are different 3 months ago:
OP says everyone just wants to have a good life, you come in an intentionally antagonize people. It’s pretty clear who missed the point.
- Comment on Coming on Lemmy and complaining because there are too many Linux users is like going in to a brothel and complaining that there are too many hookers 3 months ago:
I think OP is confusing the fact that people are sick of Linux users preaching with people using Linux.
- Comment on If reality worked the way hiring managers and job interviews thought it did companies would have to fire everyone when they purchased new software since no one would have any experience using it. 3 months ago:
Again, I’m curious as to what kind of interviews you are running if you aren’t catching people who claim to have experience in something, but have only basically crammed online for (at best) a few weeks between an interview request and actual interview. I feel like if someone had tried to become an expert in the field during such a short time, it would be painfully obvious, unless they were an Olympic level bullshitter. Also, if you claim to have experience in something, and I ask about that experience, and you make it up, that is still lying.
- Comment on If reality worked the way hiring managers and job interviews thought it did companies would have to fire everyone when they purchased new software since no one would have any experience using it. 3 months ago:
I’ve been working in tech since 2000 and have been in a hiring position since ~2008. I’ve done very well for myself, and continue to do well, and I’ve never had to lie. I’ve always just treated most of the down page requirements as “nice to have” or “have something similar” rather than hard requirements, and have always been upfront about it in interviews about the actual amount of experience I’ve had in these things. What kind of interviews are you running where you aren’t asking about the requirements for the job? One of my main goals in interviews is to discuss what the candidate has worked on so I know how well it fits into what we’re doing.
I do agree that if you do the job well, no one is going to ask questions. But if looks like you’ve lied to get the job, it makes it pretty easy decision to fire you if things are going poorly.
- Comment on Trying to reverse climate change won’t save us, scientists warn 3 months ago:
“we don’t see the world as it is; we see the world as we are.”
- Comment on Trying to reverse climate change won’t save us, scientists warn 3 months ago:
How do you even get that from the comment I was responding to?
- Comment on Trying to reverse climate change won’t save us, scientists warn 3 months ago:
This is not what the article is about at all. I’m not even sure how you would get that from reading the headline alone.
- Comment on Trying to reverse climate change won’t save us, scientists warn 3 months ago:
Lol this is the same argument I’ve heard from climate change denialists for years: we can’t possibly change the climate!
Now doomers are saying the same thing, but even more ridiculously because they almost certainly believe we have changed the climate already.
- Comment on Trying to reverse climate change won’t save us, scientists warn 3 months ago:
They’re are decent people in this world who want things to be better. Sometimes they even have money.
Also, because we can only really see the world as ourselves, we tend to think everyone else thinks like us. So it’s very telling when people think everyone else is evil.
- Comment on Trying to reverse climate change won’t save us, scientists warn 3 months ago:
We shit on redditors for being arrogant and having grating personalities.
Yet it’s ridiculously common to come into a thread here and see it flooded with low effort “well duh!” Comments.
Lemmings apparently know everything and everything is obvious to them.
Which doesn’t even make sense here. A lot of smart people are dumping money into carbon capture as a way to offset what we’ve done. Yet here you are, so smart, that this is obviously wrong.
- Comment on World of Warcraft adds $90 mount to in game store 4 months ago:
This is truly lowest of the low type of scum behavior.
I get being upset about it. But, ffs, get some perspective.
- Comment on World of Warcraft adds $90 mount to in game store 4 months ago:
Be careful judging because there will be plenty of people here who will think “anyone still playing the game is an idiot.”
- Comment on Baidu CEO warns AI is just an inevitable bubble — 99% of AI companies are at risk of failing when the bubble bursts 4 months ago:
Yeah for me it’s less that I rage about getting downvoted, its just when I see a massive number of downvotes for posts that are simply pointing to the facts, or being logical and rational…and they get a massive number of downvotes because it contradicts the circlejerk or what people want to be true.
- Comment on Baidu CEO warns AI is just an inevitable bubble — 99% of AI companies are at risk of failing when the bubble bursts 4 months ago:
I dont personally care about downvotes, but those data points sure do shake my faith in humanity sometimes.
- Comment on Baidu CEO warns AI is just an inevitable bubble — 99% of AI companies are at risk of failing when the bubble bursts 4 months ago:
IMO, one of the best QoL updates for Lemmy is to make the votes invisible.
- Comment on Baidu CEO warns AI is just an inevitable bubble — 99% of AI companies are at risk of failing when the bubble bursts 4 months ago:
It’s a weird world and cool to think about. Thanks for the civil and interesting discussion.
- Comment on Baidu CEO warns AI is just an inevitable bubble — 99% of AI companies are at risk of failing when the bubble bursts 4 months ago:
I’m not saying it’s 99.9% of human intelligence, I’m saying you’re describing 99.9% of human thought.
This is what humans do, we hear about something thing and then we learn how to apply it to another. You even mention here “stacking balls” and then making the connection that eggs are also round and would need to be stacked in the same way to prevent rolling. This is reasoning, using what you’ve learned and applying it to a novel problem.
What you are describing as novel problems are really just doing the same thing at a completely different level. Like I play soccer, but no matter how much I trained, there is no way I would ever reach Messi’s skill, because he was just born with special skill in that area, but still just human like the rest of us.
And remember I’m mostly just pointing to the “text predictor” claim. I’m not convinced it’s not, and I think that appeared true for early models, but not so easy to apply to current models.
- Comment on Baidu CEO warns AI is just an inevitable bubble — 99% of AI companies are at risk of failing when the bubble bursts 4 months ago:
how could they tell it was truly a new thing
Sure, there is a chance the exact question had been asked before, and answered, but we are talking remote possibilities here.
that any description provided for it didn’t map it to another object that would behave similarly when stacking.
If it has to say ‘this item is like that other item and thus I can use what I’ve learned about stacking that other item to stack this item’ then I would absolutely argue that it is reasoning and not just “predicting text” (or, again, predicting text might be the equivalent of reasoning).
Stacking things isn’t a novel problem.
Sure, stacking things is not a novel problem, which is why we have the word “stack” because it describes something we do. But stacking that list of things is (almost certainly) a novel problem. It’s just you use what you’ve learned and apply that knowledge to this new problem. A non-novel problem is if I say “2+2 = 4” and then turn around and ask you “what does 2 + 2 equal?” (Assuming you have no data set) If I then ask you “what’s 2 + 3?” that is a novel problem, even if it’s been answered before.
I mean, I can’t dismiss that it isn’t doing something more complex, but examples like that don’t convince me that it is. It is capable of very impressive things, and even if it needs to regurgitate every answer it gives, few problems we want to solve day to day are truly novel, so regurgitating previous discussions plus a massive set of associations means that it can map a pretty large problem space to a large solution space with high accuracy.
How are you convinced that humans are reasoning creatures? This honestly sounds like you could be describing 99.99% of human thought, meaning we almost never reason (if not actually never). Are we even reasonable?
- Comment on Baidu CEO warns AI is just an inevitable bubble — 99% of AI companies are at risk of failing when the bubble bursts 4 months ago:
I listened to a podcast (This American Life, IIRC), where some researchers were talking about their efforts to determine whether or not AI could reason. One test they did was asking it to stack a random set of items (one it wouldn’t have come across in any data set, plank of wood, 12 eggs, a book, a bottle, and a nail. . .probably some other things too) in a stable way. With chat gpt 3, it basically just (as you would expect from a pure text predictor) said to put one object on top of another, no way would it be stable.
However, with gpt 4, it basically said to put the wood down, and place the eggs in a 3 x 4 grid with the book on top (to stop them from rolling away), and then with the bottle on top of that, with the nail (even noting you have to put the head side down because you couldn’t make it stable with the point down). It was certainly something that could work, and it was a novel solution.
Now I’m not saying this proves it can think, but I think this “well it’s just a text predictor” kind of hand-waves away the question. It also begs the question, and based on how often I hear people parroting the same exact arguments against AI thinking, I wonder how much we are simply just “text predictors.”
- Comment on The ability to be spontaneous in life is directly proportion to the size of your bank account 4 months ago:
You’re right. Being rich might open up more types of spontaneity, but you’re right and this just sounds like an excuse to not do anything.
- Comment on Lemmy's gaining popularity, so I thought new people should see this. 4 months ago:
It’s shocking to me when people say that reddit moderators are more overbearing than here. They’ll literally ban you for how you vote here. Lol
- Comment on Lemmy's gaining popularity, so I thought new people should see this. 4 months ago:
Read the post?
- Comment on Lemmy's gaining popularity, so I thought new people should see this. 4 months ago:
Where on reddit was as bad as .ml? Other than maybe the Donald or conservative?
- Comment on So tired to see Elon Musk in my home page EVERY DAY 4 months ago:
Agreed. It could absolutely be that this person just likes to complain. But this whole “talking about banning things you don’t thing belong in this community is really just talking about it too” is a ridiculous “gotcha.”
- Comment on So tired to see Elon Musk in my home page EVERY DAY 4 months ago:
It’s a meta discussion about the direction they want the sub to take.
Sitting down and discussing something that you don’t like, so you can avoid it more in the future, is not the contradiction so many people in this sub seem desperate to make it.
- Comment on How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/ 4 months ago:
It only sounds like a contradiction if you take “pro-life” literally. In fact, I find this hard to understand at all if you simply just listen to pro-lifers.
Let me be clear, I’m about as firm a supporter of a woman’s right to choose as they come. I’m also adamantly against the death penalty. Do you find this position to be contradictory?
However, the general position of “pro lifers” does not contradict this at all, pretty obviously. They think that a fetus is a child that hasn’t been born yet, and because it hasn’t been born, it’s completely innocent. So you have no right to take it’s life. However, if some person in life has done something in life that removes that innocence, they believe sometimes that rises to such a heinous level that they must be permanently and irrevocably removed from society.
There are other glaring contradictions in their position, like not wanting to provide support to that innocent baby once it has come into the world, but this is clearly not one of them.
- Comment on X's controversial changes to blocking and AI training saw half a million users leave for rival Bluesky in just a single day 4 months ago:
Yup, that’s exactly right. On Lemmy you don’t even have to log out, blocking someone simply means you can’t see their posts. If you don’t want a harasser or stalker to see something, and you post it publicly, you’re an idiot.
And this is the way it should be… You shouldn’t be able to silence someone from responding to stuff you say publicly by blocking them.
- Comment on Tesla issues 5th recall for the new Cybertruck within a year, the latest due to rearview camera 4 months ago:
Never let critical thought get in the way of our 2 minutes hate. This is about interpreting it in a way to justify our dislike, rather than whether the current thing actually does justify it.
- Comment on Dell Sales team told to return to office 5 days a week 4 months ago:
Switch to what exactly?