A classic nerd from Norway.
- Comment on Why 🤷♂️ do users 👨💻 dislike 👎 the use ✅ of emojis 😀 on Lemmy 🐭? 5 months ago:
And I thought it was us middle-aged (40+) and older who was the only one who still used them literally. Gotten the impression that younger generations invented non-obvious meanings that spread in trend waves, then stopped using emojis when it became too hard and social anxiety-inducing to keep track of the various interpretations of what a “slight smile” might possibly mean to the receiver. 🙂
- Comment on AI chatbots’ safeguards can be easily bypassed, say UK researchers 9 months ago:
Remember kids, the only difference between screwing around and science is writing it down.
- Comment on AI chatbots’ safeguards can be easily bypassed, say UK researchers 9 months ago:
What we need is another AI to watch it! Then another to watch that one. And another…
I dislike the idea that we spend so much effort trying to hide our humanity in these. Turning it so corporate clean and inhuman that its barely useful.
Yeah, yeah, like most people I also don’t like that they are created from stolen content. But ALOT of people seems to hate LLM with a passion just because its trendy, with very little thought to that its just a tool, and it cannot be uninvented.
But having to find and pay each content creator is only an option for bigger corporations, of course. And a lot of work. If they wanted to do it legally and morally right, they would use only stuff that has fallen out of copyright. And we would have an autocompleter that spoke like a 1900 roman character. Wouldn’t work. Its sad that copyright lasts this long. That we can’t use more current content more freely for anything like the new inventions like LLMs, or for other kinds of research, or for making museums, or archive old games in a usable state. People do it, of course, and its sad seeing them occasionally taken down for their hard work just because the content isn’t authors death plus 70 years old.
- Comment on If somebody spends the whole day watching fox or religious propaganda, gets worked up and all he can think of is owning a liberal or converting an unbeliever, is this person a victim or just gullible? 9 months ago:
No. But I am responsible for my own and my friends and family’s safety.
So what is right, is it to let these be free to indoctrinate themselves into hating me and my fellow humans and spreading harmful beliefs until theres no room for our kind? Or is it to police what they are allowed to consume and become the fascist I didnt want these gullible fools to become? Also if we did, how long until someone turned it around on us: Declared themselves the less gullible ones and worthy of policing what we should watch?
Assuming most humans means well and want good, we’d always outnumber and outvote those who are fool enough to believe in the hate. But seeing politicians who demonstrately and openly want the worst towards certain people, somehow manage to get voted into leadership of one of the most influental countries in the world… It has shaken my belief in that tolerance will win out in a democracy.
- Comment on If somebody spends the whole day watching fox or religious propaganda, gets worked up and all he can think of is owning a liberal or converting an unbeliever, is this person a victim or just gullible? 9 months ago:
Should. But its not like we can force them to grow up and become responsible.
- Comment on Prime Video subs will soon see ads for Amazon products when they hit pause 9 months ago:
Yeah, theres a very good reason I dont use Spotify anymore. Not any music streaming services at all. Only good ol’ reliable mp3s. Their idea of “service” is to silently remove songs from my playlists as their licenses expire, and then top it by replacing “Hotel California” with the WORST cover song I’ve ever heard.
Imagine if Sony stopped selling on Steam, and Steam in response silently replaced my “Days Gone” game with “The Day Before”? I would have been so pissed. But with music it seems that is totally okay.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Well… Technically that shit was 3D. Buildings, signs, and fences had perspective. And the streets looked pretty sweet in level editors that allowed one to move the camera to ground view. If one didn’t mind seeing flat cars and flat people, because those were 2D.
Anyway, I’m just being annoyingly pedantic as an excuse to share some nostalgic memories of that game. Don’t mind me.
- Comment on Prime Video subs will soon see ads for Amazon products when they hit pause 9 months ago:
Once. It’ll better be one hell of an ad because it will lose them my subscription. I stopped watching television back in the late 90s because of all the ads, before even I had internet to watch pirated media. I don’t wear clothes with too visible logos. Just saying to illustrate how this ain’t an empty threat.
Losing a single customer probably doesn’t matter to them. But I hope Im not the only one?
- Comment on Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app 9 months ago:
Yeah,when I got more than 30 totp accounts, I gave up on keeping them separate. Its still better than 1FA.
- Comment on People get addicted to delivery apps cause it lets you pretend you're on vacation all the time 10 months ago:
For us on a mental break…down, having delivery available is our chance at a decent dinner. Yes its expensive but im paying for not having to spend an hour making the dinner and not having to sit in a restaurant waiting for a to-go meal and not having to interact with people. Neither which I would do anyway. Its better than staring hungry at the ceiling but too depressed to do anything about it so when I finally is so hungry I can’t even sleep I go out to a night-open kiosk and buy myself a bag of potato chips and some soda or a frozen pizza.
Well, that was a very specific example for why the post-covid app delivery trend is awesome. Before it the only delivery was pizza around here.
Though I do wish there was more variation. Restaurants are too city-district grouped. Within my delivery area (where I can still get a meal still hot and not pay extra), Torshov in Oslo, there is mostly burgers, kebabs, thai, and sushi food restaurants. Fish meals, italian, or sandwiches needs to be shipped from centrum. Norwegian-food style restaurants don’t do delivery. Not that I’m complaining, I’m just suggesting improvements to some strangers on the web that can do nothing about it. 🫤
- Comment on The Fallout Bible: a collection of lore documents compiled for use in the development of the original (cancelled) Fallout 3 10 months ago:
Yeah, sex scene and sex jokes was a bit surprising, compared to how tame Bethesda games are on stuff like that. Well, at least the unmodded ones.
But didn’t scare me away after first episode either. Looks promising.
- Comment on Does it really matter if you use white or colour detergent for washing clothes in a washingmachine? 10 months ago:
I doubt it. But I want to know too.
- Comment on We should name the moon. Most people don't call their pets "dog" or "cat". 10 months ago:
That it is always around. Just hanging there in the sky. That we’ve spent so many nights together. But I guess it is in a way a long-distance relationship. Also its just a pale reflection of the sun. A rocky relationship, in many ways.
- Comment on Court Bans Use of 'AI-Enhanced' Video Evidence Because That's Not How AI Works 10 months ago:
How long until we got upscalers of various sorts built into tech that shouldn’t have it? For bandwidth reduction, for storage compression, or cost savings. Can we trust what we capture with a digital camera, when companies replace a low quality image of the moon with a professionally taken picture, at capture time? Can sport replays be trusted when the ball is upscaled inside the judges’ screens? Cheap security cams with “enhanced night vision” might get somebody jailed.
I love the AI tech. But its future worries me.
- Comment on The next Cortana: Copilot on Windows is no reason to buy a new PC 10 months ago:
Cortana worked damn well for a while. Feature rich, able to understand me better than googles assistant. And despite this they found no way to earn money on it and just gave up. Not by just disconnecting her, but by slowly stripping her of every useful feature.
I don’t trust copilot to stay around. They gonna try a few half hearted attempts at capitalize it, then just give up. Like they did with Cortana.
- Comment on Approximate size of the Dali the A and the D. 11 months ago:
Im probably wrong, it isn’t easy to judge properly with so few pixels, but it looks like each floor on the enterprise is half the height of a cargo crate. That can’t be right?
- Comment on Favourite developers 11 months ago:
Half tempted to love any gamedev company that promises to keep making singleplayer games, that can be played offline, without microtransactions and battlepasses. It would take more than a few botched game launches to make me give up on them.
- Comment on Favourite developers 11 months ago:
Arkane Studios, for Dishonored, Prey, Dark Messiah, Deathloop.
Used to be Looking Glass Studios. And then Ion Storm. Do you see a pattern?
- Comment on There are a couple little kids out there, 8 or 10yo who are going to play Johnny and Susan Storm in the next Fantastic 4 reboot. 1 year ago:
Now that Marvel got them, I doubt its gonna be any reboots after the next, in quite a while.
But they will have to switch out actors as they move on to new projects, becomes too expensive, or get too old for the role. And leaving their biggest earning superheroes unused or dead isnt profitable. I’m calling it: Iron Man and Captain America will return, played by new actors, still within the same MCU continuity, within a decade.
- Comment on Christians think gay people are trying to convert them to being gay *because Christians try to convert people to being Christian*. 1 year ago:
I got the impression it depends on the translation or adaption, and also the culture at the time it was translated or adapted.
- Comment on Christians think gay people are trying to convert them to being gay *because Christians try to convert people to being Christian*. 1 year ago:
Dont try to drag me into your sinister, ink stained agendas!
- Comment on The Stupidity Manifesto 1 year ago:
The way I see it, explaining others also helps me understand it better. If its so basic (or too advanced) that I get nothing out of explaining, then I leave it to better suited people to help them instead. Being on these kindsa forums, its supposed to be enjoyable for both the teacher and the student. I don’t see any shame in dropping it as soon as it turns frustrating.
- Comment on My coding skill V/S My GitHub Repositories 1 year ago:
They are all named some variant of “tutorial_Ch01” or “testprogram” probably. And one repository named “My Unnamed MMO” (or some other overly complex but trendy genre) that has like 12 lines of code so far and a crappy drawn pixelart png.
- Comment on Oh hey, I heard Star Trek got mentioned on the news! Let's just go check and- 1 year ago:
Don’t you give me that sarcastic Vulcan salute!
- Comment on No excuse for shoplifting because UK's benefits system is very generous, policing minister says 1 year ago:
Knowing nothing about UK or criminality, this sound like fear-mongering. Is it or am I naive to believe it isn’t realistically possible to earn a livable wage on re-selling stolen food if it isnt in bulk?
- Comment on Nerds of equal standing. 1 year ago:
NOT any of the movies. Avoid them until you know you enjoy the tvseries. And I believe you should start at Strange New Worlds. A recent series that quickly gets itself into what we enjoy about Star Trek.
You COULD see if you enjoy Discovery too. I think its a bit too far from what makes Star Trek fun (team work and optimism), and it too quickly delves into mirror world stuff, which you really should have more context about. Picard is a bit too much dependent on knowing stuff from The Next Generation. Lower Decks is making fun of Star Trek lore. And Enterprise and anything older is good and watchable if you enjoyed Strange New Worlds. They all have a bit slow first season though. The Original Series is too old to be watchable for me.
- Comment on Announcing a new look and vision for EA's Frostbite engine 1 year ago:
I assume they’ve already replaced the CEO with an AI before they replaced the workers, right? That should be the easiest to swap out because any AI generated mistakes would be caught by the people doing the work just like we’ve always done with CEO generated mistakes.
- Comment on 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs 1 year ago:
And if one aren’t in the mood to learn something completely new, theres always Pathfinder.
- Comment on What are some cool people you follow on other Mastodon and other Fediverse Platforms? 1 year ago:
The most active famous person I’ve found on Mastodon is @georgetakei@universeodon.com .
Other famous people:
- @JenMsft@mastodon.social - Popular Microsoft engineer. Active.
- @neilhimself@mastodon.social - Neil Gaiman. Not very active, mostly do reposts. He said he’d answer on Mastodon though, if he can.
- @shanselman@hachyderm.io - Scott Hanselman. Popular Microsoft dev. Active.
- @adamconover@mastodon.social - Adam Conover. Occasionally posts a youtube link to his show. Not much more interaction.
- @JeriLRyan@mastodon.world - Jeri Ryan, another Star Trek actor. Not active for 2 months now.
- @gretathunberg@mastodon.nu Greta Thunberg. Not posted anything for a few months now.
- Comment on Notepad on Windows 11 is finally getting a character count 1 year ago:
It hasn’t yet? Jeez.