- Comment on Is overwatch 2 really that bad? 5 months ago:
I don’t mean to be a dick but without giving actual reasons all you’re saying is “I preferred ow1”, which is kind of what my original comment was referring to. Tank synergies is definitely something that was lost with ow1, rein/zarya and dive comps were very fun and definitely something I miss. But it was also a major source of balance issues and player frustration.
Two tank team composition was a consistent balance issue and severely restricted the design of tank heroes. Sigma is a really fun and interesting hero, but when he was added overwatch entered a prolonged two shield meta which was incredibly boring. The devs added a cool hero, and he made the game worse. Not only did he make the game worse, but there was no obvious or easy solution, because sigma wasn’t the problem, two shields was the problem. In my opinion that exemplifies how bad of an issue the game was facing and justifies the changes made.
There’s nothing wrong with preferring ow1 but the person I responded to called it “a terrible game compared to the original” which is just blatantly incorrect in my opinion.
- Comment on Is overwatch 2 really that bad? 5 months ago:
I agree. I was a die-hard ow1 fan and quit because of the absolute disgrace that was the transition from OW1 -> OW2. I have every reason to hate OW2 but I don’t because it’s a fine game and improves on OW1 in every way that is important to me (gameplay and balance).
- Comment on Is overwatch 2 really that bad? 5 months ago:
In my opinion, anyone saying OW2 is worse than the original is saying this for personal reasons and not trying to be objective. OW2 is, in my experience, much more balanced than OW1. Many of the more frustrating aspects of the game have been fixed or removed, and most of the characters added since OW1 seem fun to play and not frustrating to play against.
There are very many valid criticisms one can make of Blizzard. The history of being a shitty workplace, the objectively awful decision to make OW2 a sequel, the treatment of Jeff Kaplan by execs, the monetization, and probably more. None of those criticisms (except monetization to a limited degree) have anything to do with whether or not OW2 is a bad game or not.
But I’m speculating since the person you responded to has not elaborated on any of their views.
- Comment on Is overwatch 2 really that bad? 5 months ago:
Why? I played OW from beta, stopped playing after all the shitty workplace accusations came out, then played again for 10 or so hours last month.
I didn’t play much competitive (in my recent sessions) but the game seemed like it was in a pretty solid place. The only “major” issue I can think of is that the tank role is incredibly important, which creates a bit of a toxic environment where people are scared to play tank because they get flamed if the team gets rolled. But I think the downsides are worth the benefits, with tank being so important it’s become the core that the rest of the game balances around. Healers have more agency and dealing damage/contributing to elims is a vital part of the role. A lot of the frustrating/cheesy aspects of the game have been removed, scattershot, damage-doomfist, mercy 5-man-res, goats, double shield.
Again, I took a long break from the game, but before that I clocked a lot of hours in competitive. Personally the game feels about as balanced and enjoyable as it’s ever been.
Obviously the monetization is gross and that entire side of the game sucks now but that’s an entirely different conversation.
- Comment on What games popularized certain mechanics? 6 months ago:
I miss u bukkit ;-;
- Comment on When Harris had to pick a VP, all media kinda agreed it should be a white male, to balance the fact that she is black and a woman. So Waltz is the DEI hire. 6 months ago:
Completely agree. He also just seems like a better candidate vibe wise so far, he’s funny and endearing in a way Kamala is not. Although I do vibe with Kamala’s dorky/weird moments that so many seem to criticize.
- Comment on When Harris had to pick a VP, all media kinda agreed it should be a white male, to balance the fact that she is black and a woman. So Waltz is the DEI hire. 6 months ago:
My point is that society perceives her as a black women. Saying shit like “there are no black people” is moronic in a society that values and scrutinizes race as much as ours does.
- Comment on When Harris had to pick a VP, all media kinda agreed it should be a white male, to balance the fact that she is black and a woman. So Waltz is the DEI hire. 6 months ago:
I’d argue Walz bucks this trend, at least to a certain degree. His progressive policy and seemingly unwavering integrity seems to be a huge reason he was picked. They’ve leaned into his achievements and republicans are desperately grasping at straws trying to criticize him.
- Comment on When Harris had to pick a VP, all media kinda agreed it should be a white male, to balance the fact that she is black and a woman. So Waltz is the DEI hire. 6 months ago:
Missing the forest for the trees or whatever. It’s not about skin colour but how society perceives and treats you. If Kamala isn’t black then why is she being called a DEI hire when Hilary Clinton never was?
- Comment on Why are weather apps so bad at telling you the current weather? 7 months ago:
No shade but I could not take the premise of that book seriously. The idea that any complex system could be mapped thousands of years into the future is so incredibly unrealistic to me that I was unable to suspend my disbelief.
I’m a massive Dune fan though so I have no leg to stand on. Hold on a second while I re-calibrate my metabolism and use my genetic heritage to recall events that happened 30000 years ago.
- Comment on Why are weather apps so bad at telling you the current weather? 7 months ago:
It’s not that surprising to me. Chaos theory is not well known/understood and we are accustomed to seeing weather reports from childhood, it’s not odd to expect them to be accurate.
- Comment on Tesla Steers Onto Train Tracks It Apparently Mistook for a Road, Police Warn 7 months ago:
Or just fund public transportation instead :)
- Comment on Growing Old 7 months ago:
Mister, this is a Wendys.
- Comment on Factorio: Space Age Expansion Releases October 21 8 months ago:
Everything I’ve heard coming out of this studio is great.
- Comment on Apple Rumored to Be Working on AirPods With Built-in Cameras 8 months ago:
This is the most tech bro thing ever.
“Lets innovate ourselves out of a problem that innovation created”
Imagine trying to invent a new class tech instead of just putting your phone down.
- Comment on Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative 8 months ago:
That website is completely unreadable what the fuck.
- Comment on Study: Congress literally doesn’t care what you think. The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy. 8 months ago:
Municipal, provincial, federal. I don’t fucking know how your country works just fucking vote. Pretty pleaaaaaase.
- Comment on Study: Congress literally doesn’t care what you think. The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy. 8 months ago:
Ok, so now what? You’re going to shit on people for being depressed about the state of the world and feeling powerless because of how powerless they are?
If you want people to engage in solutions I’d recommend not belittling them for succumbing to apathy in the face of overwhelming opposition.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
You’re fired.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
- Comment on How long would it take to create a Pyramid today? 8 months ago:
I both anticipate and fear the expansion.
- Comment on Why do men call their father their "old man", but their "old lady" is their wife? 9 months ago:
Damn this was super informative and really well written.
- Comment on Prime Video subs will soon see ads for Amazon products when they hit pause 9 months ago:
Spending all that time and money setting up my homeserver is looking better and better every day…
- Comment on Apple introduces M4 chip 9 months ago:
It’s all
ones and zeroesfactorio once you get to the bottom. - Comment on Remember when the body washes contained literal micro plastics and were advertised as such? 10 months ago:
Is bar soap really considered old fashioned now?
- Comment on As a long-time user hearing YouTube wants to play ads when I pause a video 10 months ago:
You realize people watch youtube on computers not just phones right?
- Comment on As a long-time user hearing YouTube wants to play ads when I pause a video 10 months ago:
They definitely push it. The mobile app has popups advertising it etc.
- Comment on As a long-time user hearing YouTube wants to play ads when I pause a video 10 months ago:
I appreciate this point of view but I refuse to have my limited time and energy wasted as a form of “payment”. Ads degrade the user experience of everything they touch and corporations don’t limit their ad use to “continue operations”, they push it as far as possible to suck as much money out of the product as they can.
The only “TV” I watch is hockey and it’s depressing watching the product get degraded year after year as they continue to shove as much advertising down our throats as possible in order to make more money. Fuck ads.
- Comment on Garry's Mod to remove ALL Nintendo content from the Steam Workshop due to takedown 10 months ago:
13 yo me had so much trouble with SVN. Thanks for the flashbacks.
- Comment on The Man Who Killed Google Search 10 months ago:
I agree with both your comments, but there’s something so satisfying about reading vitriol about a type of person you fucking hate. I kinda liked that he doesn’t hide his bias or disdain for these people.