I recently saw a comment chain about nuclear bombs, and that led me to thinking about this. Say there is a nuclear explosion in the downtown of my US city. I survive relatively fine, but obviously the main part of the city has been destroyed, while major zones extending from the center were also badly damaged. What would be a good response to (a) survive and (b) help out the recovery effort?
Assuming your home isn’t on fire. Seal everything, do not go outside! If possible, stay inside for as long as possible. Fill everything with water your bathtub, every cup, bucket, etc. Monitor the radio for emergency broadcasts for what to do next. AM stations are more likely to work. If you have a CB radio handy, (depending on your country) you can talk to authorities on Channel 9.
abbadon420@lemm.ee 7 months ago
Go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over.
makyo@lemmy.world 7 months ago
intensely_human@lemm.ee 7 months ago
You definitely don’t want to wait for nuclear fallout to blow over.
QProphecy@lemmy.world 7 months ago
I love the background music playing during the Winchester scene…