- Comment on America calls for aid 3 weeks ago:
Where was America when the freedom fries fell?
- Comment on Californians Say X Blocked Them From Viewing Amber Alert About Missing 14-Year-Old 1 month ago:
JFC wouldn’t accept it from the entire conversation we had Next time look it up yourself if you don’t believe anything instead of shoving refusal in everyone’s face until someone finally had enough. Why do I bother.
- Comment on Californians Say X Blocked Them From Viewing Amber Alert About Missing 14-Year-Old 1 month ago:
ACKSUALLY you didn’t. The news writers saw it and told you, I saw it and told you, other people saw it and told you, everyone saw it and told you. You would not accept it. Ciao.
- Comment on Californians Say X Blocked Them From Viewing Amber Alert About Missing 14-Year-Old 1 month ago:
Jesus the article and everyone is telling you what happened and you just won’t accept it.
- Comment on Californians Say X Blocked Them From Viewing Amber Alert About Missing 14-Year-Old 1 month ago:
I believe the alert popped up on the phone with the link, which people could not see.
- Comment on The Sarah Palin Mandela Effect 4 months ago:
- Comment on Home 4 months ago:
Do spiders wander far from their net?
- Comment on YouTube confirms your pause screen is now fair game for ads 5 months ago:
Like way to Kool your platform for anything educational where you want to pause to like at a graph.
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
Can you just give us the TLDE?
- Comment on Russian Embassy, UK 5 months ago:
Oh that guy’s definitely falling out a window. With socks, or else it’s gay.
- Comment on Russian Embassy, UK 5 months ago:
What’s the text say?
- Comment on What has he done to deserve this? 6 months ago:
My comparison is that the metric system is like color vision. It’s like colors for traffic lights, but USC people insist it’s fine memorizing which light is which location. In metric you just see the world in a way USC can’t, but USC people insist they’re just fine.
- Comment on ID Scanners Can Change How Your Local Bar Treats You—and Whether It Lets You In. 7 months ago:
This is clearly only the ones that negatively affect them.
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 13 comments
- Comment on So is the global IT crash fixed yet? 7 months ago:
So this time IT can’t say “have you tried restarting it?”
- Comment on So is the global IT crash fixed yet? 7 months ago:
I thought they were rolling back the update?
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 45 comments
- Comment on We might see Microsoft adding ads to BSOD 7 months ago:
- Comment on Bet y'all are very familiar with this 7 months ago:
I know what it is but I don’t get the joke on the title.
- Comment on Does voting for Biden change anything if I live in a deep red area of my state? (Ohio) 7 months ago:
Ah yes all votes for Nader. It did change things, but ask yourself how it changed things. The answer: changed things for the worse. Big time.
And all those protest no votes for Hilary. Again, how did that change things? Again, it changed things for the worse. Fucking tenfold worse.
- Comment on Does voting for Biden change anything if I live in a deep red area of my state? (Ohio) 7 months ago:
How do red states become purple states become blue states?
- Comment on 7 months ago:
worldle and globle
What’s this?
- Comment on Why are there "driveway connections by permit only" signs on roads? 7 months ago:
Ditches, which are part of the overall road design. The road isn’t just the asphalt, it’s the ditch and probably beyond too.
- Comment on What do to if I survive a nuclear blast in my city? 7 months ago:
The first rule is don’t become another casualty.
Hunker down for a few days, iirc the most dangerous radiation will decay in the first few days. You don’t want the ash on your body. Fill your bathtub/whatever else with water to drink and ration your food.
- Comment on Are cars with AWD worth it compared to FWD. 7 months ago:
AWD is overrated imo. Really don’t need, my next will be FWD.
I haven’t looked but I’m sure you could find a SUV or crossover with fwd.
But I agree with the other commenter, don’t buy a SUV. Cars or hatchbacks are really all you need.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Is “don’t tread on me” libertarian? I always thought it was right wing.
- Comment on “It’s sick” 7 months ago:
And I can see through your personal attack. Cheers.
- Comment on “It’s sick” 7 months ago:
It’s been around for a long time but you stop using it like that once you have a sliver of adulthood.
- Comment on “It’s sick” 7 months ago:
No. It only has that meaning if you’re 14 and very edgy.
- Comment on If everyone is fired by AI, who's going to buy the products and services made by the companies if no one has money anymore? 7 months ago:
Capitalism doesn’t look that far ahead.
I agree it’s going to be problem. It’s already happened when we exported manufacturing jobs to China. Most of what was left was retail which didn’t pay as much but we struggled along (in part because of cheap products from China). I think that’s why trinkets are cheap but the core of living (housing and now food) is more expensive. So the older people see all the trinkets (things that use to be expensive but are now cheap) and don’t understand how life is more expensive.