- Submitted 2 days ago to | 36 comments
- Comment on Chat, is this true? 3 days ago:
No problem, I’m Welsh
- Comment on Come one come all, it's time to unblock ! and bring your best memes of conservatives! 3 days ago:
blackmail and bribery
A true conservative
- Submitted 3 days ago to [deleted] | 5 comments
- Comment on Not real... *for now* 3 days ago:
Seriously? Seek political asylum eslewhere.
Not so seriously? Go SovCiv
- Comment on Not real... *for now* 3 days ago:
I’ll quite that government
- Comment on GO FORTH AND SEIZE YOUR DESTINY 4 days ago:
Is anyone expecting people to actually keep all the disc world novels apart?
- Comment on I started doing sketches for fun. Got so many compliments I'm going to do it full time and quit my real job 1 week ago:
It’s looking awesome, my dude. You could definitely pull this off.
- Comment on Sometimes the advice "just be yourself" is bad advice. 1 week ago:
I know a guy who started seig heiling all tesla drivers that he saw in the streets. I think there’s something poetic about that.
- Comment on Some mistakes may have been made 1 week ago:
Shit happens
- Comment on It would be Kool if the next Pope was a woman 1 week ago:
The current pope isn’t dead yet, but that’s not a problem for Trump
- Comment on To me, a revolution means watching all my heros die. 1 week ago:
I’m currently watching the company I work for crumble and die. It was taken over by some lean and mean folks. Who are reducing it to shit. I am not neuro divergent, but I am realising now that it was a safe space to work for many people who are neuro divergent. That is being torn down now. Without that community though, the company seizes to exist for us. We’ve decided to make a last stand, but no matter what, to keep in touch after the company falls.
- Comment on RIP (again) 1 week ago:
Oh, now I get the joke.
- Comment on A single tuna (once canned) will be eaten across the world at different times, potentially years apart 1 week ago:
My parents are dairy farmers and once or twice we had an entire cow in the deep freeze. Not any more though. It’s barely worth if you take the butchering cost and the electricity from he freezer in account.
- Comment on Shower thoughts 1 week ago:
Sure mate. Sounds like you could be president of the USA
- Comment on Shower thoughts 1 week ago:
Not really. A baby’s first shits (meconium) smell very sweet. Mostly because it has only digested amniotic fluid up to that point, which smells very sweet as well.
- Comment on Shower thoughts 1 week ago:
No, it’s the uterus juice (amniotic fluid)
- Comment on I'm tired boss 1 week ago:
- Comment on Game Bub Plays ROMs And Cartridges 2 weeks ago:
What a cute looking thing and sounds like its capabilites are very impressive too
- Comment on the definitive proof that you weren't your parent's favorite 2 weeks ago:
Seriously. First birthdays are like last birthdays. Just a lot of drooling, incoherent babbling and shitty diapers.
- Comment on I would do this for just 1.99 2 weeks ago:
They hand those out at conventions too (or you can buy them, I guess). It’s basically just a small sticker that you can just stick over your shutterless camera and now it has a shutter.
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 2 weeks ago:
LOL, the TinyPenisDatabase
- Comment on SEIS!? 2 weeks ago:
Maybe it’s milk from six different mammals. Like, cow goat, sheep, bull, human and platypus
- Comment on Can you eat soap for acid reflux? 3 weeks ago:
As a quick remedy for acid reflux, I recommend Marie Biscuits or Rich Tea Biscuits. They kind of seem to absorb the acid reflux… I don’t know how it works, but I always used to have a pack of those Biscuits in my bag when I used to have regular acid reflux. They worked very well for me. Of course, changing my diet and lifestyle worked much better and now I haven’t had acid reflux in years.
- Comment on eggs in japan 3 weeks ago:
Because it came out of a chicken’s but. Don’t you wash your turds before you eat them?
- Comment on YSK someone created a site to endlessly scroll Wikipedia 3 weeks ago:
I think the algorithm comes from the Math.Random library.
- Comment on Blend up the humans 3 weeks ago:
Welcome to this new episode of “will it blend?”.
- Comment on The more you know! 3 weeks ago:
No, your confused with turtles
- Comment on The more you know! 3 weeks ago:
8 bees is a beet
- Comment on Fixed 4 weeks ago:
Maybe you mean “four years of progress undone”?