- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 4 days ago:
Oh my God, now he’s speaking Scottish!
- Comment on Me at my library job as the only one who will weed books 3 weeks ago:
Do they sell them? My local library holds a book sale every so often (6 or 12 months, not sure). Books are usually $1 for a novel up to $3-4 for a textbook sized book. It’s always packed. Some people bring carts and fill them up with dozens of books.
- Comment on Eww 5 weeks ago:
“that’s shit” = not funny at all
“that’s shit from a butt” = can’t stop laughing
- Comment on If trump appointments someone that doesn't last as long as Anthony Scaramucci do we measure that in fractional moochies or do we abandon the mooch system because it failed us? 3 months ago:
We abandon it because I’m tired of that Scaramucci guy being in the media as an expert on Trump. I don’t even watch TV but I’ve seen so many articles about Trump and when I click them it turns out to be something Scaramucci said on cable news the night before. Why the fuck would I want to hear from that guy?
- Comment on America's Next Health Secretary Enjoying A Meal With His Future Boss and Colleagues 3 months ago:
Everybody except Junior has two entrees? I don’t go to McDonald’s much but I’ve never in my life seen anyone order two entrees.
- Comment on Having $270 billion dollars and spending the bulk of your time trying to make more money is like weighing 900 pounds and thinking "ooh, I bet I can get to 1000". 3 months ago:
A million heartbeats is 10 days. A billion is 27 years
- Comment on No further questions your honour 4 months ago:
In order to sue you have to show damages. It seems like she can only show benefits. Maybe she can gain more weight than she lost before she goes to court and start dating an asshole or something.
- Comment on 7 years ago there were no billionaires worth more than $100 billion - today there are 18! 4 months ago:
If my math is correct and we taxed everything over 100 billion at 100% we’d get over 900 billion in taxes. Nearly a trillion bucks if we limited these assholes to a measly 100 billion.
- Comment on They say “anyone can become president”, but this will be the first presidential election since 1970s, where there is no Bush, Clinton, or Biden on the ballot. 5 months ago:
A couple thoughts…
It is talking about President, but counts years where those names appeared on the ballot as Vice President too.
It also ignores that a lot of other people have also been on the ballots over the years.
Also, some of this is natural. When a president has an 8 year run, the Vice President is a natural person to take a shot at the presidency, so it’s perfectly normal to have 12 years where the same person is on the ballot as VP then P. It’s natural for this to happen more than once in a row. Whether we’ve had this long of a streak or not, I don’t know, but I suspect we might have.
This showerthought covers 44 years. The Bushs and Clintons double dipping is 12 years worth of ballots, but the other 32 years were natural. Hilary lost when she tried to double dip so I would argue the 8 years of Dubya are really the only anomaly in actual presidencies as far as “dynasties” are concerned.
- Comment on Important information 5 months ago:
Very interesting. Is there somewhere I can buy a fork that doesn’t have those slots?
- Comment on On extinction 5 months ago:
That’s the up and down ones. They’re kept there without across ones to eat
- Comment on Jesus could have been an antique meme à la Chuck Norris that got waaaay out of hand 5 months ago:
Look up Kipp Davis on YouTube and anyone who has appeared in his videos, including Dan Mclelean, Digital Hammurabi and Jennifer Bird
- Comment on Jesus could have been an antique meme à la Chuck Norris that got waaaay out of hand 5 months ago:
Hanina ben Dosa was a first century Jewish miracle worker from Galilee. He was one of many who supposedly did a lot of the same things as Jesus, miracle healings, casting out demons, made it rain, etc, but wasn’t an apocalyptic with a messianic complex.
Anyway… there was a snake in town that had bit and hurt people. When he heard of it he went to the snakes hole and put his foot over it. The snake bit him and the snake died. The people came up with the first Chuck Norris meme. “Woe to anyone who is bitten by the snake, but woe to the snake that bites Hanina ben Dosa.”
- Comment on Horror Sign 6 months ago:
I’ll never think of nasty bathrooms again without thinking of Alexander
- Comment on How can I get a screw like this out? 6 months ago:
If you didn’t have a Dremel, try channel lock pliers or vise grips. It’s not going to be in there right and rusted or anything, you just need something to grip it.
- Comment on My personal favourite: "Oh, fuck me. CHRIST." 6 months ago:
- Comment on What is the safest way for a partially disabled person in the USA to use prison for food and shelter as an alternative to dying homeless in a gutter on a cold rainy night? 6 months ago:
I think you’d definitely want a federal minimum security camp. Think more along the lines of mail fraud or some other white collar crime.
- Comment on I know Mormons can't have alcohol, but couldn't they just dip their tongue in a glass of beer and not move it? 6 months ago:
It was also a crazy in the US. They called it butt chugging. It was funny to hear politicians talk about how we needed to do something about butt chugging
- Comment on I know Mormons can't have alcohol, but couldn't they just dip their tongue in a glass of beer and not move it? 6 months ago:
I’ve heard it called God’s blind spot before but poophole loophole is a great phrase
- Comment on Inspirational quotes. 6 months ago:
This is like famous quotes on Norm MacDonald Live as read by Gilbert Gottfried
- Comment on What do to if I survive a nuclear blast in my city? 7 months ago:
CB radio has really short range and there’s little likelihood that authorities would be monitoring it.
2182 kHz is long range marine radio and only good if you’re on a boat. I don’t know that anyone you talk to would care about a person on land while they’re handling their own maritime emergencies.
If someone really wants emergency radio I’d suggest ham radio or GMRS.
- Comment on The Dirt 7 months ago:
Put a little dirt under your pillow for the Dirt Man
- Comment on Tesla recalls most Cybertrucks in US over windshield wiper, exterior trim issues 8 months ago:
I love that movie. The way they run with blades is so good
- Comment on Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return as Twitter's Revenue Plunges 8 months ago:
When I wonder what heaven is like I imagine going a day without thinking about this Elon Musk motherfucker, then I imagine doing that every day forever and I feel a little closer to Jeebus.
- Comment on How would you decorate this room? 9 months ago:
The weiling fan is decoration enough
- Comment on Thomas Edison was the Elon musk of his era 9 months ago:
That’s not what really happened though. They needed an investor to get the company off the ground. Musk came in and screwed them out of the company
- Comment on conservation 10 months ago:
Ya know, when hermit crabs find a new shell and it’s too big for them they sit next to it. Others come try it and if its too big for them they sit next to it too.
But what’s interesting is they line up by size, with the largest crab closest to the shell.
Finally, when a big crab comes by and the shell fits, he drops the old one and the next largest crab gets it. That second crab drops his old one and the next crab gets it, etc, etc. All the crabs in line get a new shell as soon as the crab in front of them moves into their new shell.
So, yeah. I’d watch hermit crabs all day if I could too.
- Comment on Is Chuck E Cheese a restaurant or entertainment center with a restaurant inside? 11 months ago:
There’s extra steps that have to be taken in order to serve food so they’re probably officially classified as a restaurant
- Comment on literally me 11 months ago:
I saw a YouTube video where like 15 guys in some poor country rigged up a bicycle or something to power a projector that displayed a horrible picture of a movie onto the side of a stack of old tires. They were watching Tenet.
Of all the movies to watch that way…
I would have loved to see them be interviewed about it two hours later.
- Comment on Tesla Cybertruck May Have A Rust Problem 1 year ago:
I mean, don’t buy a car from a conman folks