- Comment on What's the Standard Operating Procedure for if someone steals your phone while you were using it and its unlocked? 1 week ago:
- Profit?
- Comment on What's the Standard Operating Procedure for if someone steals your phone while you were using it and its unlocked? 1 week ago:
This is why I still use a card instead of those newfangled “phone wallets”. If I go on PayPal or my bank website, I do so through my browser. (and log out when I’m done—that’s most important!)
- Comment on 2 weeks ago:
Not a bad set of promising suggestions… Thanks!
And yeah, I’ve found Proton to be invaluable for making things soooo much easier, but if a game doesn’t have a page, it’s not as easy. Lol.
- Comment on Has America Reached Its Tipping Point with Ignorance? 2 weeks ago:
Pshh, hardly.
Make no mistake: things can always get worse.
- Comment on What happens when I run two VPNs on my computer? 2 weeks ago:
They cancel each other out, collapse into a black hole, and rip apart the Universe. /j
- Comment on 2 weeks ago:
I’ve been using Linux Mint for the last 1–2 months (or so) and one of the things I miss the most is how on Windows, games just run (typically). Now, on Linux, one of the very first things I do upon wanting to play a new game is check the ProtonDb page. I am not always able to play the game I want. There’s often not even any ProtonDb page for a lot of older games, notably in my case Jazz Jackrabbit. (For example, even though the Jazz Jackrabbit Collection on GOG has a Linux installer, for some reason it won’t run.)
Make no mistake, I ain’t never going back to Windows for my personal use if I have anything to say about it. The sense of personal security I feel from not having my every move be captured, scrutinized, and sold by Microsoft is way too important to me. If I can have that feeling of relative comfort by forgoing a few games, it seems like a worthwhile price to me.
Nevertheless, the “plug-and-play” nature of games designed for Windows is something I miss.
- Comment on In 2020 I couldn't swing a stick without finding independent livestreamer links for protests. In 2024, I am having a very hard time finding livestreamers. Help? 4 weeks ago:
Not OP, but dear gods thank you. With how scary the US is becoming, I genuinely needed that laugh.
- Comment on How long do you think we'll keep seeing "formerly Twitter"? 4 months ago:
Twitter is the only thing I will ever be okay with deadnaming.
- Comment on Why do residential skyscrapers always seem to include balconies that never get used? 4 months ago:
though, my understanding is that the opposition to clotheslines is a mostly US thing. Especially in places where the weather is warm year-round.
That’s fair. I’m not personally knowledgeable about said rules; I just thought I’d point out those couple things.
(specifically its the HOA’s because HOA’s are the devil.)
Agreed. I would say they need to go fuck themselves with a cactus, but really now. What did the cactus ever do to deserve that?
- Comment on Why do residential skyscrapers always seem to include balconies that never get used? 4 months ago:
19 states have some form of “right to dry” legislation, most of which would protect drying on patio space.
Two points which I would like to interject here:
OP (of either the post or comment above) may not be in the United States, and
Even if they are, there are 50 states and 1 capital district. That’s only roughly a third of the United States. Odds are they are not in those states.
- Comment on Is there a name for the trope where a story is high fantasy at first glance, except for it's not fantasy and is actually set in a post-apocalypse dystopian future? 5 months ago:
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- Comment on Is there a name for the trope where a story is high fantasy at first glance, except for it's not fantasy and is actually set in a post-apocalypse dystopian future? 5 months ago:
It doesn’t have one. I was making a joke.
Hi = High Fanta = Fantasy Po = Post(-apocalypse) Dys = Dystopian Fut = Future
Hifantapodysfut = High-Fantasy-Post-Apocalypse-Dystopian-Future.
It’s in the title.
- Comment on Is there a name for the trope where a story is high fantasy at first glance, except for it's not fantasy and is actually set in a post-apocalypse dystopian future? 5 months ago:
- Comment on Is there a name for the trope where a story is high fantasy at first glance, except for it's not fantasy and is actually set in a post-apocalypse dystopian future? 5 months ago:
I really like the term “Science Fantasy”. It acknowledges the parallels with Science Fiction but respects how they differ as well.
- Comment on What are the pros and cons to buying a smart watch from temu? 5 months ago:
I figured they meant that as well. I’m just saying their rules may not be as hard and fast as they seem to be presenting them.
- Comment on If Trump loses the election and flees to another country to avoid his sentencing in his (multiple) lawsuits, does the Secret Service have to go with him? 5 months ago:
Just concepts of a plan.
- Comment on What are the pros and cons to buying a smart watch from temu? 5 months ago:
Agreed. Getting something second-hand is almost always better.
- Comment on What are the pros and cons to buying a smart watch from temu? 5 months ago:
While I completely appreciate your perspective, I do have to ask: what with how the world is today, wouldn’t pretty much everything violate at least two or three of those rules?
- Comment on What are the pros and cons to buying a smart watch from temu? 5 months ago:
IIRC Temu makes it business from super cheaply priced items.
Super cheaply priced generally means either super cheap quality or some really iffy labor rights violations* in third-world countries (I know that term isn’t the term to use nowadays since it’s a cold war relic but I can’t think of a better term—lemme know if you know of one), usually both.
*Up to and including slave labor. (Yay capitalism!)
- Comment on What is so impressive about electronics of the F35? 5 months ago:
Okay then.
- Comment on What is so impressive about electronics of the F35? 5 months ago:
- Comment on Why 🤷♂️ do users 👨💻 dislike 👎 the use ✅ of emojis 😀 on Lemmy 🐭? 6 months ago:
Well, if you’re typing on a computer as opposed to a phone, for instance, it’s typically a lot easier to type out an emoticon as opposed to an emoji. Therefore, emoticons would likely be objectively better.
Likewise, if you’re typing on a smartphone, most people have an emoji drawer they can pop open in a jiffy and choose what they want. Then again, even then it depends on what crowd you’re in: some people honestly just prefer emoticons because it’s what they grew up with, like me; others prefer emoji, for varying reasons.
Most instances where one is objectively better suited than the other are based on subjective criteria.
- Comment on Why 🤷♂️ do users 👨💻 dislike 👎 the use ✅ of emojis 😀 on Lemmy 🐭? 6 months ago:
Lol, I like that. xD
- Comment on Why 🤷♂️ do users 👨💻 dislike 👎 the use ✅ of emojis 😀 on Lemmy 🐭? 6 months ago:
They are not objectively better or worse overall, though one or the other may be objectively better in individual contexts.
Individual people may prefer one over the other, though. I am one of them.
- Comment on Why 🤷♂️ do users 👨💻 dislike 👎 the use ✅ of emojis 😀 on Lemmy 🐭? 6 months ago:
I never said emoticons are icons.
Emoji are picture-like and each one is a single-glyph.
Emoticons are not picture-like but resemble letters or punctuation, and are typically composed of multiple glyphs to make a coherent whole.
- Comment on Why 🤷♂️ do users 👨💻 dislike 👎 the use ✅ of emojis 😀 on Lemmy 🐭? 6 months ago:
Because I’m a millennial who prefers emoticons.*
*Contrary to popular opinion, emoticons ≠ emoji.
is an emoticon, while🙂
is an emoji. (Sorry, this is a pet peeve of mine. Lol.) - Comment on Why is it that when I write on Googles keyboard on my phone and misspell something it has no idea what I am trying to write but if I Google the same word it knows instantly what the word is? 6 months ago:
It’s confirmed: Google Keyboard is sentient and it’s a socialist!
- Comment on Why are weather apps so bad at telling you the current weather? 7 months ago:
No, because clouds—and weather patterns in general—are not necessarily uniform across an area.
- Comment on Why are weather apps so bad at telling you the current weather? 7 months ago:
Says who? And what evidence?
- Comment on what is with child names like Aiden, Braiden etc? 7 months ago:
Jesus Christ on a motorbike, that picture just SCREAMS “upper middle class 2008 suburban white family” for some reason.