- Comment on What happened to cylindrical plugs? 1 day ago:
Why does the majority of your post read like you don’t know these exist?
They’re fine, but as you mentioned in the first paragraph, lack of a standard is their main drawback. You could find two power supplies with the exact same connector but different voltage and polarity.
- Comment on Meteorology Gatekeeping 3 months ago:
I assume this is two statements: one without the parentheses, and one where each parenthesized word replaces the word before it. This is a compact, but borderline unreadable way to write two statements with the same structure. I hate it.
- Comment on Trick OR Treat 3 months ago:
Sure, but what about Trick IMPLIES Treat?
- Comment on caution it about what? 4 months ago:
Why is the text so weird… Is this AI generated? It’s gotta be.
- Comment on Literally Nineteen Eighty-Four 4 months ago:
There are exceptions to every rule. Sometimes it ends up being “between five and 15” which is psychotic.
- Comment on Oxbowin' 4 months ago:
Sooner or later they’re going to become meander scars or oxbow lakes, when the river reconnects with itself.
- Comment on Why does my beard grow back faster after shaving? 4 months ago:
Could have been just an obvious spambot with no relevance, but that’s just a guess.
- Comment on reDUcTIon iS gAIn 5 months ago:
It looks like a super genetic stock image, and I always assumed that’s what it is.
- Comment on To be rejected by a desk... 5 months ago:
I am beginning to think this community is not for me, as I need every other joke explained. But I haven’t given up yet… What is the joke here?
- Comment on Intergalactic Planatary 5 months ago:
Reality is so unoriginal
- Comment on Amino acids 5 months ago:
I didn’t sit through any of those and I don’t get the joke. Do I upvote anyway, trusting that it’s funny? Or just based on the conversation below? Such a dilemma…
- Comment on The reason we don’t see exploding battery attacks more often is not because it’s technically hard, it’s because the erosion of public trust in everyday things isn’t worth it. 5 months ago:
I am not an explosives expert, but I’ve seen enough YouTube videos about explosives to know that not all explosives explode in fire. Some are incredibly stable at extreme conditions right up until deliberately triggered. It all depends on the type of explosives.
There may still be ways to detect them, but it’s not necessarily going to be that simple.
- Comment on Magic 5 months ago:
Usually when that happens there’s a way to tie it back to circles, but it’s not always easy to find
- Comment on Brood 5 months ago:
- Comment on Why are people on the internet (and Lemmy) so quick to say someone "deserves to die" 5 months ago:
- Comment on Ballaholic I'm guessing 5 months ago:
That’s a good theory.
- Comment on Closure of exponentiation of real algebraic numbers. 5 months ago:
I see. I missed that word in the question, and I didn’t remember that definition anyway.
- Comment on Closure of exponentiation of real algebraic numbers. 5 months ago:
Who says a and b are countable
- Comment on Why is my GPS so terrible?! 6 months ago:
The situation on the ground is actually not as bad as that. I think most of the jamming affects aircraft a lot worse than grounded devices. Still, in Haifa (city in the northern half of Israel) even on the ground you can almost never get a good signal of your actual position.
- Comment on mfw you're trying to take the Fourier Transform of a distribution 6 months ago:
I don’t get it, and the world’s quickest and last comprehensive DDG search didn’t find an explanation either.
- Comment on Why is my GPS so terrible?! 6 months ago:
I wish books gave me a small map of every location so I don’t need to just guess what the author might have been imagining while writing, specifically because of this nonsense.
But eh, who am I kidding, I don’t read books anymore :/
- Comment on Why is my GPS so terrible?! 6 months ago:
I’m in the annoying position of actually being able to blame my GPS. Not my navigation app, the actual GPS signal. My incompetent government, as you might have heard on the news in the past year, has decided to provoke every other country in the region (and plenty more elsewhere) into a regional war. So now in “self defense” from guided missiles, they are constantly jamming GPS signals in my city and some other areas of the country. My GPS has been telling me for months that I’m in Beirut.
Somehow this precaution isn’t necessary in Tel Aviv though? Curious…
- Comment on how does a tote bag work? 6 months ago:
As a tall man I can tell you that it’s not just a short person problem.
- Comment on me & him 6 months ago:
Serious question: how are male and female defined, and why does the sea horse that gets pregnant count as male and not female?
- Comment on the lamarcube 6 months ago:
I had to look it up. If you search Lamarck you find the guy, but the wikipedia page is massive. But searching ‘Lamarck theory’ brings up . TL;DR: inheritance of acquired characteristics.
- Comment on Twitter 7 months ago:
yeah I was thinking, is it the one with a random sequence of letters, digits and maybe even symbols that I vaguely remember existed at one point? But I still do not care.
- Comment on Twitter 7 months ago:
When saying the name of a trans person, it’s when you use their previous name from before their transition. E.g. saying Ellen Page instead of Elliot Page.
Presumably it can also mean just calling someone by their previous name that they prefer to leave behind, even if not trans.
I have no idea who Musk’s child is and no desire to look it up.
- Comment on What if you tried to print Wikipedia? 7 months ago:
Perhaps it was an off day :P
This is a polo, right? (starts at 14:55)
- Comment on What if you tried to print Wikipedia? 7 months ago:
What about Zach Weinersmith then? He’s the guy who makes SMBC and this is what he looks like:
- Comment on Before it's too late! 7 months ago:
Based on that photo I expected the woman lessons to be “fight, bleed, groan” too.