- Comment on NoStupidQuestions 3 months ago:
It’s funny that most people are gonna assume you voted for a particular candidate AND the people who voted for that candidate are gonna assume this post is talking about them and get mad about it lul. It’s sorta telling.
Tap for spoiler
And the same goes for this comment too.
- Comment on Parasitic Isopods 3 months ago:
And it also shits into your mouth after it eats.
- Comment on YouTube tests removing viewer counts — here’s what we know 3 months ago:
Isn’t rumble the same? Lul what the fuck is going on with the world.
- Comment on When life gives you things 3 months ago:
That’s so bad for your teeth. I hope they at least rinse after.
- Comment on New mobile features are sh*t these days 4 months ago:
Dude we used to have expandable storage in the form of micro SD cards and same with batteries. People know or could figure it out.
- Comment on Cable companies ask 5th Circuit to block FTC’s click-to-cancel rule | Cable companies worry rule will make it hard to talk customers out of canceling 4 months ago:
My gym required me to go the location I signed up and cancel in person lul. I just told them I don’t live in the country anymore and I’m calling from abroad, they can either cancel or get charge backed. They canceled quick.
- Comment on I don't think it's a mistake... 4 months ago:
Lul you jest but Ive talked to my buds about the perfect amount of monitors and 3 is the consensus.
Main gaming one, browsing/YouTube one and discord/chat/alternate browsing one when needed.
- Comment on Don’t ever hand your phone to the cops 5 months ago:
Or you could just hit restart on the phone and at least on android it asks for the code first before enabling finger print or face ID.
- Comment on Hey nerd 5 months ago:
I just got to this part of genos documentary series. Chris fuggin confessed to doing it every three days since they started, what the fuck.
- Comment on Secret calculator hack brings ChatGPT to the TI-84, enabling easy cheating 5 months ago:
Dude, I was wondering why someone hadn’t done this the moment they discovered Ai was terrible at math. I would have imagine the crowds who deal with both would have some overlap at least.
- Comment on Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered confirmed by ESRB rating 5 months ago:
Normally I would take this as a joke but they shut off concord after 10 days and that was worth 200mil. I’m surprised they didn’t give it 2 weeks at least.
- Comment on Is your writing skibidi? 5 months ago:
At least skibidi is a quasi commentary on stuff. As opposed to salad fingers or the quiznos rats. (I know salad fingers has actual deeper lore)
- Comment on I am really trying here, ok? 5 months ago:
I had a whole argument with a bud about her PhD in breakdancing.
My take was that she pushed breakdancing into the human consciousness significantly more than anyone in history ever has so she deserves that PhD, very few people know the name of the person who won the gold but a ton more remember raygun or at the very least ‘that breakdancing lady’. Regardless of how skillfull she actually is. Also, iirc she was actually a classical dance teacher at that school and this was just in response to the Olympics adding breakdancing, I watched an interview where she said something along the lines of ‘I didn’t even care for breakdancing’.
- Comment on "Concord servers are now offline. Thank you to all the freegunners who have joined us in the Concord galaxy" 5 months ago:
That reminds me of hypixel.
- Comment on "Concord servers are now offline. Thank you to all the freegunners who have joined us in the Concord galaxy" 5 months ago:
Yea I recall it being like 20 something. That’s why I never pre-order. Without having poof I would assume they got refunded if it stopped development, it’s epic games. I do recall it did get released eventually but I had lost interest by them.
- Comment on "Concord servers are now offline. Thank you to all the freegunners who have joined us in the Concord galaxy" 5 months ago:
Wait wasn’t the original concept for fortnite actually a wave based tower defence game? I remember being excited for that and then matte royal happened and I lost all interest.
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 6 months ago:
Fuck I don’t get your downvotes, you’re right. I get people want to vent but in the greater scheme of things having to use different words to be a smidge more inclusive isn’t that big of a deal or effort considering what some of us do to help our friends be accepted.
- Comment on Do any "thickening" products actually work to prevent hair loss/thinning? 6 months ago:
I’m in my early 30s and started taking hims about a year ago. I’ve definitely seen regrowth of hair in my slightly receding hairline, but it’s just the more ‘recent’ stuff that had started falling out. I saw about a third of an inch regrowth, it isn’t full on thick regrowth but it’s enough to make a difference in how my hair looks.
I started taking it because it was as easy as just taking a pill in the morning, if it had been more involved like creams and stuff I wouldn’t have bothered. My hairline wasn’t all that bad either before tbh but I figured this product was to help keep it that way so I went for it.
If anyone is interested it’s worth checking out their website for information about how it works and seeing before and after pics of people who take it.
It’s a doctor prescription and you can do everything through the app including getting prescribed through in app texting with the doc.
I’ve also heard biotin pills help, these are otc and my hims prescription actually include some too. I can’t verify how much they help by themselves but people online seem to think they do, it might be worth starting with some research there if a doctors prescription is too involved for you at this time.
- Comment on Porridge 6 months ago:
First I thought, that doesn’t sound right so I tried to read it too. Then I thought, well shit I’m reading the same thing but it can’t be right. I googled it, sure as shit you’re right. The book was originally German and old so I’m assuming it’s an old German thing that doesn’t translate well. Here’s an alternative cover I found with the same quote.
- Comment on buddy comin in hot 6 months ago:
Wait. Real shit? So Jesus was a fuck baby but Mary wasn’t? Can you point out a passage so I can read through it and point it out in future convos.
- Comment on Chat is this real 6 months ago:
They’re using this chance since they know they can easily dispute it to try and set precedent for terms and services being used in situations that don’t make sense.
The judge will probably slap it down and they can still say that they don’t have anything to do with the restaurant and just walk away free, but it’s worth trying cause there’s plenty pro corpo judges now a days.
- Comment on How does Ohio have stock for the new cannabis stores that just opened? 6 months ago:
And they could also import from neighboring states while their in house stuff grows depending on the laws.
- Comment on Square Enix Confirms They Won't Cancel The Apothecary Diaries Manga Serialization Following Artist's Conviction 6 months ago:
Damn thanks for clarifying lul. I assumed it was a sexual exploitation thing since it happens a couple times a year for mangakas.
I don’t know the details yet but I’m assuming it must be bad if it’s going that far. Maybe their laws are just extra harsh for that, in the US they would just tell you to get it sorted/pay it or face consequences, takes quite a bit to get to the point of conviction.
- Comment on Overwatch 2 is finally bringing back 6v6 with tests to decide OW’s future 7 months ago:
Iirc it had occasional pve events but the point of ow2 according to them was to have a permanent pve mode which iirc never happened but I haven’t played in a while so take my words with salt.
- Comment on People used to think it was our ability to love that made us human. But it turns out it's our ability to select each image containing a crosswalk. 7 months ago:
There’s a handful of captcha out already that can solve the ones even I can’t solve lul. It’s crazy.
- Comment on Choose your fighter 7 months ago:
Also they tend to be fairly bullet proof too. You have to shoot them in this small area on the top of their head to kill em quickly. Otherwise they’ll live a while shooting back at you.
- Comment on If you had a drain that you knew was clogged only with hair, could you unclog the drain only using Nair? 7 months ago:
Depends on how far it is. I got a relatively nice 20something dollar drain snake at home depot that was like 15 ft long. Took me like 5 minutes and getting a bit wet cause it was the bath. But yea I get the laziness.
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
They have other games in the works. I’m in the alpha or beta now? Of their overwatch like called deadlock.
- Comment on What do to if I survive a nuclear blast in my city? 7 months ago:
I can guarantee that’s one of the cities in the US that has anti nuke defenses. The US has a tone of those. I haven’t checked but I also bet nobody is allowed to just randomly fly over the city or else they get shot down, and anybody who hijacks a passanger plane that does have clearance to fly over wouldn’t be able to smuggle a nuke onto it anyways.
- Comment on First overseas trip with my girlfriend – Any tips to make It our best trip? 7 months ago:
That reminds me. My favorite memory of my last trip was missing the last train and walking 25 minutes at midnight crossing bridges and walking by a river while we experience the nice cool air and melancholy streets of Japan. Definitely a vibe.