- Comment on Maybe tomorrow 1 week ago:
For me it’s the other way around. That pizza is looking at me replacing the finished pea package yet again for months and months on end.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
I’m afraid you won’t have time. It will take minutes. And I’m not even sure it would be announced.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
So, in the best case scenario, the US as we know it is done and, after a hard fall and hitting rock bottom, will emerge as a country that is less of a capitalist hellhole. Ideally, in the process, other countries will find more independence from the USA, be it trade wise or security wise.
The more realistic scenario is that everything will stay the same/similar and just get slightly worse all the time but every other country will still suck up to the USA and everything gets a little worse. Oh yeah and climate change will fuck everyone up the ass.
The worst case scenario, I would argue, is that this ends in the destruction of the world via nuclear war within less than an hour. This is what I am scared of the most.
- Comment on Working below minimum wage to save the planet 2 weeks ago:
Everyone here fixing stuff with 3D printers while I am here struggling how to sew up wool silk leggings in a way that keeps them elastic and fighting for my life with darning
- Comment on my version is better 2 weeks ago:
I’ve always heard promises promises give an end to those promises in the bridge of Lady Gaga’s Pokerface
- Comment on Can you eat soap for acid reflux? 3 weeks ago:
I wouldn’t eat soap simply because it’s amphiphilic, which is why, well, it makes good soap. The molecules have a hydrophilic and a lipophilic side and this will much rather soap off and severely damage the lining of your digestive route, potentially and probably also resulting in dangerous foaming.
If you take the most simple soap that’s just like potassium ions and negatively charged fatty acid residues, I’m not 100% sure but I doubt that the fatty acids want to accept a proton because they are rather stable when negatively charged, hence they won’t work well to buffer the stomach acid. And again, by the time that the fatty acid thinks about accepting a proton or not it will most likely be soaping up your cells’ membranes.
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 1 month ago:
Nah, I don’t like weed or any of the other options
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 1 month ago:
I’d take yellow because nothing would change
- Comment on When they tell you "oh of course it's safe" they are lying 1 month ago:
On a sadder note, there are a lot of instances of men forcing themselves on their partners who just gave birth. Some nurses do catch them trying to make love in the hospital. But it’s usually… not exactly the new mom’s idea to do it. Not sure why you would want to bang a torn, soft, expanded, bleeding treasure cave to begin with but ok.
- Comment on America's Next Health Secretary Enjoying A Meal With His Future Boss and Colleagues 3 months ago:
I can smell this picture
- Comment on If a leftist ran for president, would liberals support him? 3 months ago:
It’s so sad to see this, especially knowing that while you can like or dislike Clinton and Pelosi, I doubt they are unware that Sanders is not proposing socialism. Socialism and social democracy are two very, vastly different things. And they for sure know this very well.
I sincerely hope that Sanders will found a new party soon, it will have 4 years to gain momentum. Will it win in the next election cycle? No, but it might actually get enough votes to win in 8 or 12 years. Just do it.
- Comment on "I'm hungry and thirsty at the same time what do I do???" 4 months ago:
Does anyone know the context? Is the soup a metaphor?
- Comment on Delivery Photo 5 months ago:
100%. Back then I didn’t know that, I assumed contacting the delivery service was the logical step. Some googling then showed me that was wrong and I should have contacted the company right away. But that wasn’t even a thing I thought about googling - it seemed like the feud was with me and Hermes only.
But everyone, take notes.
- Comment on Delivery Photo 5 months ago:
I had that with a rather expensive parcel from Korea “delivered” by Hermes. They claimed it had been delivered to my post box - a small slit of an apartment building. There were skincare products inside and no way this would have fit in there.
Anyway, it was not there. I wanted to call them to ask about it and jfc it took me a labyrinth of automated answers in a chat bot to even get the number for customer service. Once I called them - same shenanigans. Robo answers, asking for the parcel number. It always ended with “it has been delivered to your post box. Thank you”. Somehow, magically, I finally managed to talk to a person - after pressing a very specific combination of dials during the robo answers which I will never be able to reproduce - I explained them the situation, they said “uhum” (like a nod), started typing in silence, to then tell me “the parcel has been delivered to your post box” I am very glad this was a phone call because at that point I would have gotten violent.
I ended up asking the company I ordered from for help and they just resend the parcel. The missing parcel was never found and I hate hermes.
- Comment on Music was better when ugly people were allowed to make it 5 months ago:
Literally the first person I thought of when reading the title of this post
- Comment on Home Depot 5 months ago:
Dude I still try to fit everything into an overcrowded bus and carry it home from the bus station
- Comment on The recent events will probably be the first time that Gen Z and Gen alpha are hearing about 'Pagers'. 5 months ago:
Dude I was born in the early 90s and even I assumed “Pagers” was something I am not familiar with when I read the news. The name of a city? A guy? Some ethnic group? Some new military car? At some point I thought the news outlet just meant Prague (especially since I read it in German news first). I never would have guessed they literally meant pagers. Took me like 2 news report headlines and 4 mentions on lemmy to be like “oh wait what for real?!”
- Comment on How to open a door 5 months ago:
I hope when I get dementia I won’t forget that there is a youtube instruction video for everything. I just need to remember they exist. That’s the one thing I must not forget.
- Comment on It's called a wedding ring, but surely it should be called a marriage ring 5 months ago:
You’re right, I’m from Germany
- Comment on It's called a wedding ring, but surely it should be called a marriage ring 5 months ago:
I’ve known one woman who sometimes wore the engagement instead of the wedding ring but this was very odd and uncommon. I know everyone keeps their engagement ring but hardly anyone ever wears them, let alone on a regular basis.
- Comment on Thank you! 5 months ago:
For me it’s the other way around :(
- Comment on Mm-hmm, oui, bien sûr,. certainement 👀 5 months ago:
Oof not with the news coming out of the french courtroom lately
- Comment on It's called a wedding ring, but surely it should be called a marriage ring 5 months ago:
While I don’t see the necessity in wearing a ring in the first place - yet I am a sucker for rings - what always gets me is having a fancy overpriced engagement ring that you’re supposed to wear for a short period of time and then a simple wedding ring that you’re supposed to wear forever.
- Comment on Comedy shows have laugh tracks cuz they aren't that funny 5 months ago:
In The Big Bang Theory without the laugh track, Raj becomes just a huuuuuuge asshole.
To be fair, with or without a laugh track, TBBT is depressing as fuck. I feel incredibly sorry for the faith of most characters.
- Comment on Anyone else get random cancellation emails from onlyfans? 6 months ago:
I used to get ukrainian emails every now and then. And then once I got a “confirm your signature to the petition” email and I checked. It was a petition to allow men to leave the country. A girl with my name signed it (wanted to sign it), and she stated wanting to leave with her 58 year old dad as the reason.
I ended up signing the petition myself, stating I wanted XY to leave with her dad as the reason.
I still wish there was a way to get in touch with her. I guess it was the same person who every now and then signed up for newsletters etc. I hope they found a way to leave. I wish there was a way I could help her directly. I keep imagining it was me and my dad stuck in a war torn country. My father has a super popular first name so the chances aren’t even that low that our dads share the same name too.
- Comment on Words truly matter 6 months ago:
Absolutely. Everyone knows rice is illiterate, they should have taken barley
- Comment on Cords 6 months ago:
Oh can you tell me one?
- Comment on Cords 6 months ago:
I need to befriend more gays
- Comment on Words truly matter 6 months ago:
I think this is a wink towards the idea that your plants grow better when you talk lovey-dovey to them
- Comment on Cords 6 months ago:
God, straight edge is so old I literally had to get a consultation to understand the insult. Thanks man