Can they just sort out the housing price and cost of living so we’re not forced to break the law to survive and get their thousand year sentence? Or nah?
Submitted 10 months ago by to [deleted]
Comments 10 months ago 10 months ago
I don’t think you understand how the system works. 10 months ago
No of course, if people could understand the system, we wouldn’t need the system. 10 months ago
I’m pretty sure crimes like murder etc. are the ones that should be getting thousands year sentences. Has nothing to do with cost of living and housing price imo. I’m open to an explanation. 10 months ago
People can’t afford rent and food, shouldn’t energies be put toward fixing that instead of whatever the hell problem this is aimed at? 10 months ago
There’s a Black Mirror episode about that! 10 months ago
There’s a Deep Space 9 episode about that! 10 months ago
Which was never brought up again. Poor O’Brien 10 months ago
There’s an episode of Torchwood about that! 10 months ago
That Black Mirror episode still affects me to this day shudder 10 months ago
I had to give up on The Black Mirror after that episode where they have to exercise to earn credits and are forced to watch advertising. Then that girl thought she could make it out by singing but had to do porn instead. Couldn’t watch anymore after that. 10 months ago
also star trek: deep space nine. 10 months ago
And Outer Limits 1995 iirc 10 months ago
Also a Carey Elwes documentary about assholes with six fingers 10 months ago
2 I think, though I don’t remember the other one that’s not White Christmas. 10 months ago
I know it’s a shitpost, but the idea behind something like this is counter to the point of rehabilitation. Civilization should move towards rehabilitation instead of punishment as the idea is that you want to integrate someone back into society. I am not sure inducing trauma and mental damage is conducive to rehabilitation. 10 months ago
Technology like this could actually be used to help the rehabilitation process by dilating time, and allowing the offender to be rehabilitated without actually wasting much of their actual life.
It would most likely be used for harsh punishment in this universe, but its nice to imagine living in a better one, sometimes. 10 months ago
I’m like 99% sure it would just make the time feel longer without any benefit of consciousness. Kind of like certain drugs make everything feel like it’s slow motion, but you still don’t get superhuman reflexes from them. 10 months ago
It sucks that it would never be used for speed rehab and instead for eternal torture. 10 months ago
I don’t think so. It probably just screws with the perception of time, I doubt it actually speeds anything up. If it did, we’d be able to use it for way more things than punishment, like for example, doing a deep delve into a subject in a matter of hours. 10 months ago
Theoretically, if you had such technology, maybe you could use it to rehabilitate instead of punish. Being able to undergo months or years of therapy in a matter of hours could be extremely beneficial. 10 months ago
i’m not sure how this could really work. good therapy requires the person of the therapist, and i think it additionally takes place within the context of a client’s living. are there therapists willing to give up subjective years over and over and over? how does the client try new things, gain understanding without the feedback of their life between sessions? also - therapists seek information and process their work with clients between sessions.
on top of all this, i’m not yet convinced this would be psychologically healthy for either. 10 months ago
if someone can actually get new information under something like this, why would we use it in a prison instead of putting people to study the whole of human knowledge and create demi-god wizards? 10 months ago
So I was on a jury pool in December.
After the attorneys for both sides finished their dog and pony show, the judge himself made each of us answer the following question:
What is the purpose of criminal incarceration?
A - Punishment
B - Deterrence
C - Rehabilitation
After all seventy five of us had answered, all of us who responded with anything other than punishment were dismissed. Even those who answered a combination of the choices. Nope. Punishment was the only correct answer.
To my amusement, this barely left enough people available to fill the jury box.
I followed the case. Guy robbed a convenience store. No death. No injury. Got fifty nine years. 10 months ago
That’s just emblematic of a broken justice system. We have to examine what is “justice” for any one case individually, and sometimes punishment may make sense, but even then its severity is determined by humane and ethical considerations. Justice systems can be reformed, the will to do so must be there—even if that means protesting till an objective is achieved. 10 months ago
I know it’s a shitpost, but the idea behind something like this is counter to the point of rehabilitation.
Its counter to our understanding of entropy. Brains simply don’t work like this. 10 months ago
It’s not complete horseshit. The application might be, but the idea isn’t.
I remember a Slavoj Zizek anecdote about it. 10 months ago
Not only that would be super cruel, it would also be pretty stupid, because how are you supposed to rehabilitate someone by basically just torturing them? And also, one of the good sides of prisons is keeping dangerous people away from their (potential) victims. Imagine if someone tried to murder you, went to jail, and then they got back out in 8 hours. 10 months ago
But now they got a plan to kill you which they has planned on for 1000 years. 10 months ago
Are you saying that prisons actually reform people now?
I thought they were just private institutions that made insane amounts of money charging people 5 dollars for a pack of ramen and limiting their ability to visit family and friends 10 months ago
You’re not wrong, but that doesn’t mean we should abandon any attempt at reformation. 10 months ago
Most prisons are not private and I don’t know who “they” are supposed to be but your government isn’t making money off prisons. 10 months ago
I’m sure the cartel would like this technology. Or their big brother the US government.
The potential future horrors of the world can make suicide seem like a good idea. 10 months ago
I think it would rely more on fear factor. Like they put someone under for what feels like 2 months, so they are on the brink of giving up hope, then pull em out and go “alright now we’ll assess you’re status and determine whether to put you back in for 10 years”
I speculate it wouldn’t work on a variety of people though, as their brain could already be adjusted to altered time perception through the use of drugs. Even without hard drugs or Adderall, you can still fuck with your time perception using only weed and sugar (the food-- as in drink four cans of cola and get super baked immediately, then set 15 minute timers and get lost in your own head, see how long each of those 15 minutes feel) 10 months ago
Studies have shown that in most cases that you’d care most about, extreme punishment does not serve as an effective deterrent to bad behavior. Creating the Torment Nexus as a way to enhance prison sentences serves only to increase the degree of cruelty involved in our already vengeance-oriented justice system. 10 months ago
Can I use this to make my 48 hour weekend feel like a 480 hour weekend? 10 months ago
Sounds like you found some more time that you could be working! 10 months ago
No, sorry. Ethically, this technology can only be used for torture. 10 months ago
Can I use this to make my 48 hour weekend feel like a 480 hour weekend?
No, because its a technological fantasy.
People can “lose time” such that they don’t realize how long they’ve been unconscious. But they can’t “gain time”. That’s not how brains work. You can’t get an extra six weeks to study for an exam an hour before the test. Nothing will let you do that. Its pure wizard-tier shit. 10 months ago
There are stories of people experiencing whole lifetimes within dreams, especially within comas, as well as hallucinogenic trips that seem to last many years.
The human brain is a lot weirder than we know.
And it should be deeply troubling that if we ever learn to manipulate this kind of time perception that some people want to turn it towards torture, and they could get state backing to do so. 10 months ago
There’s definitely ways to make a few minutes feel like hours. Unfortunately those ways aren’t really that pleasant… 10 months ago
Don’t say that, now some CEO is yelling at his staff to figure it out. 10 months ago 10 months ago
With that username, this photo is all you should ever comment. 10 months ago
In my experience, the best way to make 8 hours feel like a thousand years is to get a job in IT. 10 months ago
Yes, Let them single step using the same input data for a couple of weeks that will teach them! 10 months ago
Just make them do planks all day. 10 months ago
Soo… since OP is a jackass, here’s the link:…/Prisoners-could-serve-1000-year…
The gist (emphasis mine):
Philosopher Rebecca Roache […] said, […] “you could imagine developing a pill or a liquid that made someone feel like they were serving a 1,000-year sentence”
I can’t fathom why this is report-worthy. Was April 2014 such a boring month? 10 months ago
I wouldn’t call OP a jackass for not providing the source for a shitpost. 10 months ago
providing source is good form in every context 10 months ago
It’s older than that if you want to cite fiction
Which someone saying “maybe one day we can” is 10 months ago
You could imagine.
QED 10 months ago
This philosopher hack has also written about eugenic BS aimed at sculpting humanity to have a smaller carbon footprint. I’m ok with op not actually linking to her crap. 10 months ago
lol and its only a few paragraphs long. Coulda tried harder, Rhiannon Williams… 10 months ago
Isn’t this just a Black Mirror episode? 10 months ago
As others have said, the rehabilitation aspect is dubious. It depends on what the person “experiences” for that length of time. If there’s therapy in time-dilation-space then sure go right ahead and sign me up as well. I’ll just Goku-it up in my chamber of time and space and work some shit out in time for my morning shit. But you and I both know it ain’t going to work that way. Prisoners will just be trapped in an empty void with only their own thoughts to keep them company, most likely rendering them insane. An infinite solitary confinement is just plain torture. 10 months ago
Don’t Create the Torment Nexus. 10 months ago
This just sounds like straight up torture with extra steps.
No rehabilitation, no isolation of dangerous individuals from the general population. I’m decidedly anti-incarceration but at least there are arguments for it in place of something functional and just.
This just doesn’t solve any problems and adds some new ones. It sounds unbelievably cruel. 10 months ago
Naturally, this is the type of thing in sci-fi where we assume it’ll be used to generate massive amounts of income to benefit society in a magnificently short amount of time, and then some bastard comes around and says, “What if we incarcerate people for millenia?” 10 months ago
DS9 already did it. 10 months ago 10 months ago
I want that so much, get 10 university degrees, learn to play the guitar, become a master craftsman, all in a day. 10 months ago
Zero rehabilitative potential, but they could basically do this now by putting a prisoner in restraints and sending them on a nutmeg trip. Guaranteed horror with a complete loss of time perception. If purgatory were real, it would be a nutmeg trip. 10 months ago
Who is researching this topic without losing sleep, and who reports on this crap in such a blasé manner lol. 10 months ago
There’s a whole horrifying episode of Deep Space Nine about something like this. 10 months ago
I have my doubts this is a technology even close to being achieved or that anyone would be interested in funding it. 10 months ago
You’re not supposed to take every single piece of star trek tech and a Reality and hurry up with my replicator, I’m sick of buying food. 10 months ago
Nice so instead of locking somebody up for 20 years for murder, we can make it feel closer to 22 million years.
That’ll fucking teach 'em! 10 months ago
That's one way to mind break somebody into becoming a slave with no willpower to fight back 10 months ago
You are not getting rehabilitated if you have to experience The Jaunt. 10 months ago
so they trap you inside of the tsukuyomi from naurto, not the infinite one, but the one Itatchi had in one eye. Where you get trapped in a mind-prison and he tortures you for over 1000 years in the span of 1 or 2 seconds outside of that.
We should be using technology to make life easier for everyone, but instead billionaires are advancing technology to cause even more suffering and strife.
As I said before. Billionaires are going straight to the boiler room of hell for all the suffering they caused and continue to cause. 10 months ago
Showing my age here, but there’s a great Improvised Star Trek episode about this exact topic, if you like improv: Time & Punishment 🤣 10 months ago
Theres an episode of black mirror that explores this concept 10 months ago
O’Brien must suffer! 10 months ago
“Black Mirror: White Christmas” has entered the chat 10 months ago
Image 10 months ago
But think of all the shareholder value that could be created! 10 months ago
Name another tweet that has as many applications besides dril’s entire account and Image 10 months ago
The orphan-crushing machine tweet 10 months ago
Not only that, but there’s literally a Star Trek episode about this: ……/Hard_Time_(Star_Trek:_Deep_Space…
Of course, it’s about torturing O’Brien. 10 months ago
That’s in my top 5 favorite episodes. The ending is brutal.