- Comment on Maybe it was someone from the future. 7 months ago:
Can’t keep the story straight. First it was a bullet and since no one is buying that it becomes a glass fragment from a magic bullet.
- Comment on Maybe it was someone from the future. 7 months ago:
They are saying now it was a glass fragment. Story keeps changing.
- Comment on Maybe it was someone from the future. 7 months ago:
- Comment on Maybe it was someone from the future. 7 months ago:
- Comment on Maybe it was someone from the future. 7 months ago:
You saw a face with red liquid on it I will admit that much. What that liquid was or how it got there is not something I have evidence for.
- Comment on Maybe it was someone from the future. 7 months ago:
- Comment on Watching videos of people screaming "shooter on the roof" at law enforcement 7 months ago:
No luck about it. Luck is for people who don’t plan.
- Comment on 7 months ago:
Hmm seems to be pretty easy to get around the rule.
- Comment on 7 months ago:
I wonder how this will impact us infrastructure types. I am sure there must have been an exception to the rule at least once in my career but I can’t recall any, code I have made for all governments has been open source and if you lost it somehow I would just email it.
My only concern would be the systems that my code runs on top of won’t be willing to share. It is one thing to demand it from me, another to demand it from Siemens. Then you add in very low level code for individual devices such as VFDs
I guess the nightmare would be that PLC/DCS/VFD makers would basically be blacklisted and I would have to work around that fact.
- Comment on Spain sentences 15 schoolchildren over AI-generated naked images 7 months ago:
Yes it has, just like your boy Rittenhouse did to those protesters
- Comment on Spain sentences 15 schoolchildren over AI-generated naked images 7 months ago:
By many you mean one. Not trying to defend your argument about guns being tools I noticed
- Comment on 7 months ago:
If Goldman Sachs told me the sky was blue, I would go outside, check, and get am eye exam.
- Comment on Spain sentences 15 schoolchildren over AI-generated naked images 7 months ago:
Objects =\= tools
All thumbs are fingers, not all fingers are thumbs
- Comment on Spain sentences 15 schoolchildren over AI-generated naked images 7 months ago:
Even if I were it wouldn’t be a big deal since I don’t own a weapon, only tools. Unlike your boy Rittenhouse
- Comment on Spain sentences 15 schoolchildren over AI-generated naked images 7 months ago:
Guess I have to post those four pictures again. Maybe you will figure it out next time
- Comment on Spain sentences 15 schoolchildren over AI-generated naked images 7 months ago:
I have seen none of these heaps.
- Comment on Spain sentences 15 schoolchildren over AI-generated naked images 7 months ago:
No. An AR-15 is not in the same category of a claw hammer.
- Comment on Spain sentences 15 schoolchildren over AI-generated naked images 7 months ago:
Nope. Weapons are weapons, tools are tools.
- Comment on Wood smells like we should be able to eat it, but we can't. 7 months ago:
Liquid smoke has warning labels on it
- Comment on Spain sentences 15 schoolchildren over AI-generated naked images 7 months ago:
Well, three of them are construction workers, and one is a kid misusing a tool, is what you want me to say.
Snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Great job.
Hey you know what has never happened to me? I have never been attacked by people in sheer terror when I handled a multimeter during a riot. Funny story I did have to go to a customer site very close to a BLM protest. No problems, guess when you are holding tools in your hand and have a hardhat on you are invisible as you present zero threat. Some people are trying to keep civilization going and others are waving guns around, what can I say.
Fine but yeah let me engage with your “argument”. As I noted before the use cases for a gun are an almost invisibly small fraction of what they actually get used for. For every guy out there who needs to use one to hunt or will starve there about 1 million out there who are wannabe tough guys with small dicks or school shooters. When something is used as a weapon 99.999999% of the time it is not a tool.
- Comment on Elon Musk calls for “criminal prosecution” of Twitter/X ad boycott perpetrators 7 months ago:
For now. You know what the Supreme Court will be paid to doml
- Comment on Spain sentences 15 schoolchildren over AI-generated naked images 7 months ago:
Now my turn to ask a question, which one of these images is not like the other
I will play the Jeopardy theme song while I wait? Dun dun dun du dun dun…dun du dun du
- Comment on Heritage Foundation insists it was not hacked by “gay furries” 7 months ago:
Yes you can but you are legally obligated to say “who rescued who?” At least once a day to a person.
- Comment on Heritage Foundation insists it was not hacked by “gay furries” 7 months ago:
If I wear a Velcro suit while hugging you would wacky sitcom level shenanigans occur?
- Comment on Heritage Foundation insists it was not hacked by “gay furries” 7 months ago:
- Comment on Heritage Foundation insists it was not hacked by “gay furries” 7 months ago:
Basically the two weird kids in school decided to hangout together? I don’t mean that in a bad way, I mean in a cute way.
- Comment on Heritage Foundation insists it was not hacked by “gay furries” 7 months ago:
Why? The Heritage Foundation are an intellectual joke. They can’t win in the war of ideas, they can’t suggest ideas that will last any test of time, and now are actively working to make their whim law crushing democracy itself. So if they are a joke why not mock them?
Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand
Mark Twain
And in this event is the seeds to beat the bastards. They want us to be scared they want us to take them seriously. Some group of script kiddies made them say gay furries. To actually go out there and talk about gay furries. Serious men in serious suits saying gay furries.
Keep it up. Make them talk about sex toys, pointless fandom debates, body fluids, anything that brings them down to the level of mockery
- Comment on Spain sentences 15 schoolchildren over AI-generated naked images 7 months ago:
- Comment on "No Eminent Domain for Corporate Gain!" Farming Families Challenging AI/Datacenters' Fossil Fuel Power Diversion Project. 7 months ago:
New London v Keto haunts us again. One opportunity we all missed as a country was to use Eminent Domain on the homes of relatives of the Supreme Court justices as well as the lawyers who defended New London.
No Eminent Domain for private industry ever.
- Comment on The AI-focused COPIED Act would make removing digital watermarks illegal 7 months ago:
Yeah it is really messed up that Disney made untold tens of billions of dollars on public domain stories, effectively cut us off from our own culture, then extended the duration to indefinite. I wonder why near everyone was silent about this issue for multiple decades until it became cliche to pretend to care about furry porn creators.
Creatives have always been screwed, we are the first civilization to not only screw them but screw the general public. As shit as it was in the past you could just copy a freaken scroll.
Anyway you guys have fun defending some of the worst assholes in human history while acting like you care about people you weren’t even willing to give a buck a month to on patreon.