- Comment on Israeli minister says it may be ‘moral’ to starve 2 million Gazans, but ‘no one in the world would let us’ 6 months ago:
Guilt over WWII, plus lots of Apocalyptic Christians in the US see Israel as a very key step to the end days and thus going to heaven, so punishing Israel would slow the apocalypse
- Comment on My dad fought the Nazi's they lost. The world knows it. What is the deal with their recent resurgence? 6 months ago:
Woo, I learn more horrifying things every day!
- Comment on Despite economic growth, 70% of Americans believe the economy is getting worse 6 months ago:
I just want things to hurry up and get to the stage where rich investors start jumping from windows again because even the stock market can't hide shit anymore
- Comment on My dad fought the Nazi's they lost. The world knows it. What is the deal with their recent resurgence? 6 months ago:
The US imported a LOOOT of Nazis to get access to research - Operation Paperclip. So Nazis in government jobs given immunity
It makes a lot of sense how that bled out
- Comment on Michael Bay's Skibidi Toilet movie production company has apparently sent DMCA takedowns to Garry's Mod 7 months ago:
I think Earth may have jumped the shark, and aliens will soon cancel this reality tv show
- Comment on Bananas 7 months ago:
Don't know if hanging them works, but I can see it - The gasses they give off ripen them, so being up in the air means more surface area exposed to air and less gas trapped against it
- Comment on The best ending in manga history 7 months ago:
JoJo is basically the idea of rule of cool. It's over the top and bombastic
- Comment on If I live in a red state, would it be better to vote for rfk to take votes away from trump? 7 months ago:
No, it's better for you to vote for Biden and convince Trumpers to vote for RFK. You want those who vote for Trump to vote for RFK for a spoiler effect
- Comment on Here's why modern gaming suuuuucks. 7 months ago:
Excuse me, I wasn't paying attention, too busy playing Stardew Valley
- Comment on 'Brain-in-a-jar' biocomputers can now learn to control robots 8 months ago:
Which means we may see full organic to digital conversion within he next half century
Ethical horrors aside, been wondering if that would happen in the forseeable future or not
- Comment on Make it stop. 8 months ago:
I did not, for I was a loser who didn't know slang
- Comment on How to beat the Forest Temple in Ocarina of Time? 8 months ago:
I'm confused how two different people mixed the Forest Temple up with The Great Deku Tree
Anyways, glad you found the missing key. Peopls love to claim the Water Temple is confusing, but the Forest Temple is just as good at twisting you up and making you miss keys
Tip for upcoming water temple btw - The animation does not show it in the original game, but a platform at the bottom of the central tower floats up and reveals a hidden passage. This one spot trips up a TON of people
- Comment on Make the switch today before the Windows AI gains sentience 8 months ago:
Plus if Windows did have that kind of AI, then we'd want to be using it due to the whole possibility of Roko's Basilisk
- Comment on UK police could get Ghostbusters-style backpack devices to halt ebike getaways 9 months ago:
I know the UK doesn't have a big sue culture, but I can not imagine this wouldn't result in lawsuits if somebody unrelated to the crime dies due to their pacemaker stopping
- Comment on [Serious] What is project 2025? What kind of risk is involved? 9 months ago:
It's scary enough that I could see the EU possibly consider striking the US before the fascist war machine can get momentum
- Comment on [Serious] What is project 2025? What kind of risk is involved? 9 months ago:
Plus, Alberta exists and I have lived here long enough to know that the idiots here would be itching to use a US civil war as the reason to start one in Canada
- Comment on Scientists Are Trying to Coax the Ocean to Absorb More CO2 9 months ago:
Ah, so I had it the opposite way. Thanks for the explanation
- Comment on Scientists Are Trying to Coax the Ocean to Absorb More CO2 9 months ago:
Yes, let's further acidify the oceans. No way that could go wrong
- Comment on People left seriously creeped out after woman shares how to find out everything Google knows about you 9 months ago:
lol it has almost nothing on me. Even has my relationship status wrong
ADHD - The ultimate Info Tracking killer
- Comment on The miracle of childbirth 10 months ago:
Or we have the equivalent of some Spore player who likes to make fucked up creatures for the sake of it
- Comment on Garry's Mod to remove ALL Nintendo content from the Steam Workshop due to takedown 10 months ago:
Ah, thanks for the correction
- Comment on Garry's Mod to remove ALL Nintendo content from the Steam Workshop due to takedown 10 months ago:
Apparently it's not even Nintendo, but trolls. Just that this is such a Nintendo thing to do that GMod doesn't want to even risk it
- Comment on EPIC personality test. Which personality are you?!? 10 months ago:
I think I have actually done B a few times
- Comment on US will veto Palestinian request for full UN membership at security council vote 10 months ago:
The GoP literally want to dismantle democracy. Project 2025 is known about. If Trump wins, I suspect there will be no more properly free elections
That's the issue. At least with Biden, you get to vote again in 2028 and have it matter
- Comment on YouTube’s ad blocker crackdown now includes third-party apps 10 months ago:
Because so far, not a single YouTube update has let them get past it. Basically, I switched adblockers but forgot to uninstall the old one, then by the time I noticed, I had also noticed that the combination somehow, for some bizarre reason, ends up confusing anti adblockers to the point of not even getting "disable adblocker" messages. It's not something involving their blacklists either because they have the same blacklist (due to the aforementioned replacing one with another then forgetting to uninstall the older one)
- Comment on YouTube’s ad blocker crackdown now includes third-party apps 10 months ago:
And yet it still can't figure out how to get past two adblockers at once
It's stupid that it works, but it works
- Comment on Progress! 10 months ago:
That's one way to mind break somebody into becoming a slave with no willpower to fight back
- Comment on Why there are 861 roguelike deckbuilders on Steam all of a sudden 10 months ago:
Excites me, helps prove to me that my game idea would do great
- Comment on This Woman Will Decide Which Babies Are Born 10 months ago:
Wasn't there a movie about this? Called Gattaca?
- Comment on I still don't know what he's trying to show me 🤷♂️ 10 months ago:
Apparently, this behaviour is basically, "Mom/Dad, please lick my butt clean"