- Comment on I wonder what they smell like. 6 months ago:
One time, we pried the backs off some claymores, and daisy-chained them together with det cord. Smelled like a new can of tennis balls. Plasticizer off-gassing, I gather.
- Comment on I too love watching CP 😍 7 months ago:
I had an urge to make a baseball-related joke about that throwback, but I feel like pro sports are a net drain on society, so I’m just gonna make this dumb meta comment about it. Good one, though.
- Comment on YSK that the recommended daily fiber intake is 25g for women and 38g for men in the USA. 95% of the country does not meet this amount. 7 months ago:
I mean, it’s gonna depend on how long you want the runs.
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
I agree that it’s only really the low-information undecided voters who will be swayed by a bad debate performance. Happily, we still have 5 months until the election, and I doubt that many people will be thinking about this by the time they get to the ballot box.
- Comment on Thanks, Google 8 months ago:
I used to live in GA, and there was a one-way street that google maps was constantly telling me to turn the wrong direction onto. It really bugs me that I switched to Waze because it was better than google maps, then google just bought them. Long past time to bring antitrust suits against big tech. At least we have an FTC chair at the moment who’s trying to make some progress.
- Comment on The return of pneumatic tubes 8 months ago:
I’m pretty sure it’s a big truck, that you can just dump things on.
- Comment on [Meta] Did we drop the "what are you playing" monthly thread? Also, mods haven't been active for a while, should someone take over? 8 months ago:
Thanks for the Moving Out tip! I’m always looking for couch co-op stuff to play with my daughter, and this looks right up our alley.
- Comment on It definitely *was* a good idea though 10 months ago:
Sounds like a great memory! Reminds me of watching Cheaper by the Dozen while the mortars walked toward us. Highly recommend watching Sorcerer, if you’re in the mood for some nitro-fueled tension.
- Comment on It definitely *was* a good idea though 10 months ago:
For a really fun prank, coerce your friends into driving truckfuls of nitroglycerin hundreds of miles down a dodgy road through the jungle.
- Comment on space 10 months ago:
Definitely a totally valid read! I try to indulge my pedantic impulses without being too obnoxious. And I didn’t mean to imply that you were also being critical of the meme.
- Comment on Turn up the heat 10 months ago:
Sure! Never argued otherwise.
- Comment on Progress! 10 months ago:
I think that the therapist(s) in this case would have to be AI. The person could be in their own little simulation, experiencing a reality tailored to addressing whatever psychological problems they might have. It’s all science fiction, anyhow. There’s no theoretical, let alone practical basis for this technology afaik.
- Comment on Progress! 10 months ago:
I mean, setting aside the danger inherent in creating demi-god wizards, there’s no reason they couldn’t do both.
- Comment on Turn up the heat 10 months ago:
- Comment on Progress! 10 months ago:
Theoretically, if you had such technology, maybe you could use it to rehabilitate instead of punish. Being able to undergo months or years of therapy in a matter of hours could be extremely beneficial.
- Comment on space 10 months ago:
That’s what bugged me about this meme: as points out above, you’d have to travel billions of years into the past in order to wind up that far away. Nobody using a time machine would have any reason to do that, unless it was part of some fiendish plot against humanity, à la the Temporal Cold War from Star Trek: Enterprise. We should all demand more accuracy in our science memes.
- Comment on Movie industry demands US law requiring ISPs to block piracy websites 10 months ago:
You wouldn’t download a baby?!
- Comment on Star Trek: Infinite Ends Development – Trek Central 11 months ago:
Thank you for the correction, I remember reading about the Epic exclusivity now. I look forward to picking it up when it goes on sale! Such is my way. I knew there was a solid Star Trek Stellaris scene, but I’m just a dabbler in 4x games. My favorite Trek games are probably A Final Unity and the Interplay TOS adventures from 30 years ago.
- Comment on Star Trek: Infinite Ends Development – Trek Central 11 months ago:
I don’t think a 4x strategy game is the best approach to the franchise. What’s more, this game used the Stellaris engine, and there’s already an excellent, total-conversion Star Trek mod for Stellaris.
I’d love to see a Trek game by a competent adventure dev like Wadget Eye. Hopefully Resurgence will be good, but I’ll not be holding my breath; most recent Trek games have been low quality cash-grabs, bulging with microtransactions.
- Comment on Judge rules YouTube, Facebook and Reddit must face lawsuits claiming they helped radicalize a mass shooter | CNN Business 11 months ago:
Yeah, social media algorithms are doing a lot of damage. I wish there was more general awareness of this. Based on personal experience, I think many people actually like being fed relevant content, and are blind to the consequences. I think Lemmy is great, because you have to curate your own feed, but many people would never use it for that very reason. I don’t know what the solution is.
- Comment on seems to have banned the largest piracy community on Lemmy. 11 months ago:
Oh, noes! There’s only like a billion other instances you can access it from.
- Comment on xkcd #2907: Schwa 11 months ago:
Quick note: might be funnier if your friend was from MD.
- Comment on Killer drones pioneered in Ukraine are the weapons of the future 11 months ago:
- Comment on I hear phrases like "half-past", "quarter til", and "quarter after" way less often since digital clocks have became more commonplace. 11 months ago:
My kids are in school in Texas, and have 100% brought home analog clock worksheets.
- Comment on Facebook and Instagram are currently down. 11 months ago:
I guess it is just some nerdy dude. At first glance, I took it for Sue Perkins.
- Comment on Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter 1 year ago:
I think the US would be a lot better off with a mandatory period of service. Not exclusively military, but an option between that and some kind of civil service. I think it would do a lot to bring the country together.
- Comment on Apple Vision Pro Owners Are Struggling to Figure Out What They Just Bought 1 year ago:
I really don’t see these $3500 VR goggles (or any other goggles) being widely—or hell, even narrowly—adopted as a TV replacement. There are frankly an exhausting number of reasons why not. For one, it would only make sense for those who exclusively use their TV alone. That rules out the vast majority of television owners right off the bat.
- Comment on You may want to wear sunglasses though 1 year ago:
Ayy, from Fiddler on the Roof?
- Comment on Now who is laughing? 1 year ago:
Wow, way to take advantage of the one opportunity you’ll ever have to use this gif, lol.
- Comment on New Star Trek Movie Director Is A Fan And Directed The ‘Black Mirror’ Trek Episode “USS Callister” 1 year ago:
Honestly, that aspect of DS9 did put me off when it first aired, but in my defense I was a kid. I don’t think I got around to watching the whole series until sometime in my 30’s. I also think my JLP-lovin’ kid self thought it was total bullshit that Sisko held Picard responsible for the crimes of Locutus.