- Comment on This is also when I conveniently forget you called, making your preferred method of communication incredibly slow compared to texting. 6 hours ago:
then you have say something along the lines of “sorry about that” and they are obligated to respond along the lines of “don’t worry about it”, then here is where I forget what the topic was with both people because my deteriorating mind does nothing but fail me these days.
- Comment on God of War trilogy remaster announcement set for March 2025 1 week ago:
The history of sony data breaches. Also nobody wants any of those other accounts either, and diablo and overwatch look boring and manipulative as fuck and not everyone plays those. I haven’t touched an ea game since nhl 98 on snes. I wanted to play horizon, god of war, and spiderman and there is no justification for enforcing log in for any of those.
- Comment on Amazon shuts down Chime, its Zoom alternative 1 week ago:
thanks. this looks good, I’ll check it out
- Comment on Amazon shuts down Chime, its Zoom alternative 1 week ago:
is there a generally recommended foss alternative? self host servers ok.
I have some people that want to do zoom meetings for some stuff but not only is it closed source, shitty in general, and counterintuitive, it has a time limit. Like what the actual fuck…
- Comment on Frogge 2 weeks ago:
do we have 3d scans of his one? I need to print it as a replacement shell for a pc mouse
- Comment on Two big Final Fantasy remakes are reportedly still in ‘active development’ 2 weeks ago:
6 is where its at. You can never get enogh suplex a train
- Comment on Day 213 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 2 weeks ago:
I was about to ask what this kinda halo looking game was but then I clicked and there was text and more pictures
- Comment on my version is better 2 weeks ago:
I heard it properly the one time I heard the song on good speakers, but I always heard “I hope you dance” as “I want you dead”
- Comment on my version is better 2 weeks ago:
I need to know the song title for this one
- Comment on What job do you need this hard hat for? 3 weeks ago:
that would kill you anyway…
- Comment on Features like iPhone’s and Facebook’s ‘Memories’ can retraumatize survivors of abuse. 3 weeks ago:
I couldn’t use socials because these features retraumatize me with my own self inflicted childhood cringiness
- Comment on NPR Goatse 3 weeks ago:
literally my first thought
- Submitted 5 weeks ago to | 2 comments
- Comment on Welcome to the Microsoft Excel World Championship: The ‘Super Bowl for nerds’ 5 weeks ago:
superbowl was already for nerds. I struggle to see fanboying over a sports team or athlete and their game history and stats as significantly different from diving into the lore of a video game or book or anything really.
- Comment on What kind of diseased mind makes a city builder with actual building physics 5 weeks ago:
this is the kind of thing that could trap me for days
- Comment on Top Radical Leftist Canadian Lawmaker Threatens Trump: "We're Ready To Fight Like Hell" Against U.S. 1 month ago:
I’d be reluctant to call any canadian politician center even…
- Comment on FARMAGIA - Episode 1 discussion 1 month ago:
I guess since toriyama isn’t with us any more, someone else has to take up the mantle of creating thousands of palette swap characters.
- Comment on New year new brew 1 month ago:
this makes me want to try using grapefruit without doing anything about the pith
- Comment on The Men Who Use Instagram to Groom Child Influencers 1 month ago:
oof. I clicked the article archive link and those descriptions are really bad. I even read to the part where it says the parents are operating the accounts. That is really fucked up. The world is ruined enough, someone please make it all stop.
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 1 month ago:
god of war ragnarok. it will be the first of 2025 too while I finish off the berserkers
- Comment on Startup will brick $800 emotional support robot for kids without refunds 2 months ago:
oh my fucking god. is this why when I was a kid my friend’s cat went from super healthy to extremely sickly and died the next morning? his dad definitely used rogaine
- Comment on her favourite colour is blue :) 3 months ago:
big same, no homo
- Comment on Playing Outside Simulator coming 2025 3 months ago:
call it playing outside before the 90s simulator and I’m in.
- Comment on Hear me out, a Fediverse client that mimics Nintendo's Miiverse 3 months ago:
I carried a ds through the extent of highschool that it existed for, and 2 3ds’s through post secondary. those things were loaded every day with a line up of little people waiting to say hi I’m so and so and some little catch phrase.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 3 months ago:
nothing will ever top my smash bros melee hours. I could start now and I simply wouldn’t be able to do it even if I picked the game I already have the next most hours in. I am also entirely unlikely to add any hours to melee, but it still wouldn’t be feasible.
- Comment on Palworld Developer Reveals The Pokémon Patents Nintendo Claims It's Violating 3 months ago:
yeah now its brutal for anyone trying to make a living and excellent for anyone who already inherited a living and has more money than they could use in multiple lifetimes. I’d hate to go back to when it was just brutal for anyone trying to make a living.
- Comment on Swiss Experiment Will Place Solar Panels Between Train Tracks 3 months ago:
there’s nothing hot about it. Its simply the tried and tested method of mount the panels and a stand don’t put anything on top to block the light. some silly dude already tried floor solar panels and they lost too much performance to the protective layers alone. this looks like plain unarmoured panels directly in a high vibration location, flat against the ground where the heat off the back won’t escape and dirt and snow will build up with nowhere to go because of the rails
- Comment on Swiss Experiment Will Place Solar Panels Between Train Tracks 3 months ago:
I didn’t realize the swiss had people this dumb too
Put it next to the tracks and you don’t have to stop using the tracks during the inevitable daily maintenance from being damaged by the trains in various ways, and it will still be in the middle of nowhere where nobody will ever see it. Plus wiring will be much less of a shitshow and less susceptible to damage.
- Comment on Tiger Predators 3 months ago:
my new head canon is that tigers are so fed up with asiatic wild dogs that they started calling them d holes
- Comment on Lithium-ion batteries have ruled for decades. Now they have a challenger. | Sodium-ion batteries are emerging as a possible alternative. 3 months ago:
me too honestly. They seemigly never did it again, and nothing else has ever compared in that specific trait, so whoever actually made the batteries must have been laid off in favour of planned obsolescence. Some time ago I saw some article or post about why batteries degrade and potential ways to prevent it, but it seems to have disappeared from this plane of existence entirely.