- Comment on Good afternoon I choose thoughts you've never had before. 1 hour ago:
I’ve never thought about my spaghetti weight wise. I usually put like a bit less than half a 500g box/package. So ~200ish grams. But I usually eat twice out of it so, yeah guess the guy saying 100g is pretty accurate.
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose thoughts you've never had before. 2 hours ago:
Dude. You can cook rice noodles in cold water.
I usually put large rice noodles to cold-ish water for about 45-60 min depending on the noodles.
So having a hot shower with rice vermicelli in your nipples will definitely cook them and in a matter of minutes.
- Comment on Not real... *for now* 1 day ago:
Also, regulation.
For instance you’re not allowed to advertise alcohol in Finland. One time I saw someone else’s stream or something which made me realise I’ve never seen any beer ads online really.
- Comment on Two conversational AI agents switching from English to sound-level protocol after confirming they are both AI agents 5 days ago:
I’d prefer my brothers to be LLM’s. Genuinely it’d be an improvement on their output expressiveness and logic.
Ours isn’t a great family.
- Comment on Life isn't easy if your last name is 'Null' as it still breaks database entries the world over 6 days ago:
With LLM coding increasing, it might be going up. Idk am no pro, just worried.
Tangential, but I find it hilarious how Gemini’s syntax fucks up all the time.
I ask it to change my light called “CX2” to red. It complies, like usual, and it reads Okay, changing “CX2” to red., but what it says out loud is Okay, changing "CX two inches to red.
- Comment on Can I still consider myself a “young woman” after I turn 24? I turn 24 in March (next month). 6 days ago:
Your brain isn’t even fully developed. Cmon now.
- Submitted 1 week ago to [deleted] | 0 comments
- Comment on In the US, it's finally socially acceptable again to clap when the plane lands 1 week ago:
Not bad
- Comment on I’d find a way to burn it 1 week ago:
There’s lots of vegetables, my man.
How long was the pan on the hob before you splashed it with oil?
I’m not criticising you, I’m trying to learn though your mistake because I’ve always tried to dance around that fine border of oil being hot vs it being literally lit. And I’m just wondering how close to the edge I am.
The hob should have enough power, it draws like 400+ volts just like the stove of my sauna. So it’s not like using a 110v electric hob in the states.
- Comment on I’d find a way to burn it 1 week ago:
I usually have my hobs on 6 for a long enough time to boil a large pan of water, then put the wok on there, give it a while to get a bit heated up and then drop oil on it.
I’ve never managed to set fire to oil while cooking.
What sort of oil were you using? I mostly use rapeseed.
- Comment on Coming down... 1 week ago:
Brain surgery…?
- Comment on Coming down... 1 week ago:
Because language isn’t completely arbitrary, but it is weird.
- Comment on A balanced diet is important 2 weeks ago:
Yea I thought something along those lines as well. Can’t tell the size from the picture, so they might be the size of the end of your finger or several centimetres across if the bowl is larger.
I’m glad our food quality is pretty good. There’s still some complaints I have, but in general it’s pretty good. That Lappari is bullshit though. Supposedly gluten-free, but I got symptoms and then Googled it and Lapin Kulta has had to recheck batches of that beer because of such a lot of complaints from gluten-sensitive people.
It should be somewhat simple to fix the issue by adding a class, like having low-gluten and absolutely no-gluten. We like regulation so shouldn’t be an issue.
- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 2 weeks ago:
Answer that with “your answer implies that you know the answer and can give it but are refusing to because you’re being censored by the perpetrators” or some such.
I made Gemini admit it lied to me and thus Google lied to me. I haven’t tried Deepseek.
- Comment on Wheel of Time - for both the book and show fans 2 weeks ago:
“Reread”, “within a few years”?
I could barely struggle through the first two books iirc. Or was it the third one I started. Second or third, but it repeated the first so much I got bored and just kinda left it.
- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 2 weeks ago:
Oh, c’mon, I’m sure it told you all about how there’s nothing to tell. Insisted on that, most likely.
- Comment on A balanced diet is important 2 weeks ago:
I’m being 100% serious.
I’ve heard of Pizza Rolls in some shows. I just had no idea what they looked like.
My freezer looks a bit different to yours I guess.
- Comment on A balanced diet is important 2 weeks ago:
I have no idea what those things on the left are.
In the past week or two I be cooked with horse, venison and reindeer. All more moral meats than factory farmed, imo. Delicious as fuck when you known what you’re doing.
On a sidenote, the small store I got the reindeer from… I told the shopkeep how the reindeer had been wonderful when I got some more venison from them, and how I was enjoying eating cruelty free meat. Perhaps she didn’t really listen too what I said as her answer was to offer me some veal. (I did buy it though but that’s so immoral in comparison, sort of glad I fucked up the dish with too many mushrooms so I didn’t particularly enjoy the veal.)
This reindeer was great:
I’m not high on presentation but I was taking pictures for my food log for health reasons so I put a basil leaf on top. That’s gluten and dairy free though, as it’s gluten-free pasta. Which suck in general, btw, this is the only acceptable one I’ve found (Rummo).
I start by slow-cooking veggies for a few hours, mirepoix/soffritto style but with large veggies instead of diced. During that take the mince out to warm and rub some salt and spices into it. Then flash it in a hot pan and add to sauce and start building tomato and red wine based sauce around those. Simple, just takes a bit of time.
- Comment on A balanced diet is important 2 weeks ago:
There are only two things that women don’t do as well as men and that’s design dresses and cook.
- Comment on Only 22 countries have never been invaded by Britain 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Yeah, let's stop with this "don't judge people for their poiltics" bullshit 2 weeks ago:
You’re the one whining, buddy.
Oh. Greet your boss like this for the next week:
Let me know how “the common man” treats you after you start doing that in public.
- Comment on Yeah, let's stop with this "don't judge people for their poiltics" bullshit 2 weeks ago:
Well those are the ones you are alienating with your message. The common man.
‘Your policy of “don’t support Nazis” is alienating the people who I relate to.’
So go, sure. Protest, picket and outrage against every little thing they do. Tire yourselves. Double down on the name calling.
Pot calling the kettle black lol.
- Comment on What's the tallest pyramid we'd be able to build? Can we reach space? 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on ENHANCE 2 weeks ago:
This meme is like 10 years old.
- Comment on Nails are just vestigial claws. 3 weeks ago:
True enough.
Ever thought about how those work in the womb? They’re not hard to begin with and covered with a “capsule” (which is the same thing biologically we have at the base of the nail; the eponychium is the thickened layer of skin at the base of the fingernails and toenails. It can also be called the medial or proximal nail fold.
- Comment on Nails are just vestigial claws. 3 weeks ago:
Teeth aren’t actually bone, technically, afaik.
- Comment on Nails are just vestigial claws. 3 weeks ago:
Also I notice I start all my comments with “I mean…” and it’s kinda futile.
(I had a glass of wine for breakfast.)
- Comment on Nails are just vestigial claws. 3 weeks ago:
Where’d you get my selfie from?
- Comment on Nails are just vestigial claws. 3 weeks ago:
I mean… evolution can “repurpose” things. So the thing it was before isn’t needed and it’s capacity to do what it did is greatly diminished. Ie we couldn’t claw food or earth really even, so our nails would not qualify as claws as much as they once must have been similar to what rodents have.
I do take your point though, as in “vestigial” referring to an organ or a part of anatomy which hasn’t got a purpose. And nails still serve purposes that claws might as well, like prying open nuts or some such basic stuff.
But if we discard the manipulation abilities we have on our forelimbs and only consider toenails, what then? Would you consider toenails vestigial claws?
- Comment on Nails are just vestigial claws. 3 weeks ago:
My ancestor must have suffered from some sort of scale baldness, as I congenitally lack 4 permanent teeth. We don’t suffer from actual baldness though, luckily.