- Comment on Amazon Boycot March 7-14th | No Purchases. Its time to disrupt the system. 2 days ago:
A boycott or strike with an end date is seldom effective.
See for instance Reddit
- Comment on U good, fam? 2 weeks ago:
Life is like a fairy tale. Unfortunately it was written by Germans.
- Comment on Reddit plans to lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says | Reddit executives also discussed how they might introduce more ads into the social media platform 3 weeks ago:
Another day of thanking my past self for leaving
- Comment on He protecc 3 months ago:
And yet they cannot survive a snail
- Comment on Feral Science 3 months ago:
The expedition was not real. I was alluding to Lovecraft without naming him.
- Comment on Feral Science 3 months ago:
There were some geologists (field work by my reckoning) from Massachusetts who went mad after an expedition to the Antarctic. The survivors came back mumbling something about a horrible thing from beyond the mountains.
- Comment on The great outdoors 4 months ago:
Thanks, fellow worker
- Comment on The great outdoors 4 months ago:
Can someone please explain? I don’t get it.
- Comment on Cognitive Biases 4 months ago:
Counterpoint: the replication crisis
- Comment on Cognitive Biases 4 months ago:
In a vacuum, appealing to authority is fallacious. An idea must stand up on its own merits.
IRL, things get fuzzy. No one has the expertise and time to derive everything from first principles and redo every experiment ever performed. Thus we sadly have to have some level of trust in people.
- Comment on Absolute Units 4 months ago:
Would this mean that the coming Age of Fire will result in smaller whales as global warming screws with the krill spawn rates?
- Comment on Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible 5 months ago:
A friend and I were recently discussing how spineless modern boycotts are.
We set a goddamn deadline for when the Reddit boycott ended. No wonder Spez just waited. Most people then just continued using the website. What a disgrace.
Imagine if after one week of the genocide in Gaza, the BDS efforts just stopped. A boycott must be indefinite. It should go on until demands are met.
- Comment on Very thankful 5 months ago:
“The less you know, the more you sleep.” - Russian proverb
- Comment on Very thankful 5 months ago:
- Comment on Inaccuracies 5 months ago:
You can count up to 99 with your hands if you use them like a Japanese abacus.
- Comment on Malk? 6 months ago:
One milk away from tres leches
- Comment on Non-suspicious Van 6 months ago:
Kitchen Gallery Bistro
- Comment on Non-suspicious Van 6 months ago:
Spicy Crust Pizzeria
- Comment on On Bears 6 months ago:
Brown bears and black bears see you as a potential threat.
Polar bears see you as food.
- Comment on Rogan Khan 6 months ago:
Fool! /b/ was never good.
- Comment on Rogan Khan 6 months ago:
Blue boards are like 75% clean of Nazi filth. R9K is 60% clean. /pol/ has nothing but Nazi filth. It is the containment board. /b/ is just porn
- Comment on Dishwashing 6 months ago:
- Comment on Night shift sucks 6 months ago:
I am currently a hotel receptionist. Night is when extremely drunk hordes come in from the beach and try to reserve one bedroom for 10 people and a child they’re trying to sneak in.
- Comment on Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO 6 months ago:
Huffman is a greedy bastard, but I don’t think he’s alt-right. He’s a bland neoliberal hypocrite. He is an advisor at the ADL and made a post saying that black lives matter, while not actually doing anything to help and actively profiting from what he said he was against.
- Comment on Where's the essay??? 6 months ago:
Oh they reap the rewards alright. They just don’t sow.
- Comment on obesity 6 months ago:
There’s an equivalent for homosexuals
- Comment on Coming down your chimney 7 months ago:
Open the pic in a new tab if you wish
- Comment on Coming down your chimney 7 months ago:
- Comment on Tell him yours 7 months ago:
don’t care. CURSE OF CAESAR
- Comment on Good point 7 months ago:
No problem, chief 👍