They wanted to shift from marketing to children to marketing to adults so they could raise the prices.
This speaks for itself
Submitted 8 hours ago by to
Comments 3 hours ago 18 minutes ago
Yup, they tried to be cool and semi restaurant. 59 minutes ago
If I recall correctly, they were forced. There’s an obesity pandemic going on in children, mostly driven by excessive use of sugars and overconsumption of fast food and sodas. So, there were certain regulations limiting how directed at children the marketing could be. They can still charge exorbitant prices to children, their parents are the ones buying anyways. 2 hours ago
I’m an adult who also enjoys fun. 😢 1 hour ago
Me too but they won’t let me in the play place anymore :( 1 hour ago
Enjoy fun?? Pftt grow up
/s 4 hours ago
I know it’s a perfect example but I’m sick of modern design trends. Muted colours and uniform shapes, nothing ever interesting or emotion inducing. I’m probably pretty biased but still I’d love to see something that had some life to it. 3 hours ago
That’s the point that I thought was obvious. Everyone else seems to be focusing on other factors… 17 minutes ago
I feel you. They aren’t necessarily wrong to concentrate on the other stuff, but the world did feel a bit happier when things had a bit of life to them, at least to me. 2 hours ago
Not just McDonald’s, every big chain has it’s own neutral toned square box exterior now. Nothing interesting about any of the architecture. Not that they have to be great works of art, but everything looks exactly the same. 1 hour ago
Whenever I take road trips I try to spot the old Pizza Hut buildings by the shape of the roof. It’s surprising how many there are. 8 hours ago
This is misleading. The top picture is bright and sunny and the lower one is gray and dreary. Notice the tree in the background on the left without any leaves?
That is because the top picture was taken in the summer and the lower one in the winter when it is cold and the animals have been moved indoors to keep them warm. They will be back in the spring.
smh 5 hours ago
Had me in the first half, not gonna lie 😄 3 hours ago
The gorilla was shot and killed though. 2 hours ago
But don’t pull your dick out in a McDonald’s.
Trust me. 1 hour ago
The playpen was nasty af tho 1 hour ago
I remember getting to play Nintendo 64 at our McDonalds. You could play things like smash, and usually could get in a full match before it did its mandatory reboot things.
Grocery stores would often have childcare areas up until the 90s I think.
So many of those little casual extras/“customer service” has gone out the window. It’s about stripping out everything that doesn’t immediately gain you profit.
Like, back in the day - retail worker was supposed to know their shit. It was a full time job. You could go to Dillard’s and some older guy could give you advice on what to match with what. You could go to a Radio Shack and say you were having trouble with a project, and there’d be a good chance that you’d end up getting some help.
But businesses would rather pay someone $9/hour for a part time job that’ll fuck with their hours every week. Why have someone who’s paid a living wage who can help sell you a really nice coat for a few hundred bucks, when you can pay some shit to hawk polyester shit that wouldn’t even be worth paying a commission on? 56 minutes ago
Well fuckin said and spot on!
Also thanks for reminding me how great Radio Shack used to be. It used to be a place to get actual electronics components. And the people there knew their shit. And there was enough intelligent folks around to keep a place like that in business! God I miss those days… 7 hours ago
TBF, the latter is a much better reflection of how lifeless and awful their food is. 6 hours ago
i was really hungover and had taken some painkillers with codeine and i had a single mcdonalds cheeseburg and it was dynamite 6 hours ago
I would wager it was the codeine painkillers that were dynamite and the burger was mostly a side effect 3 hours ago
I’d say lots of food taste amazing when drunk /hungover, let alone on a codeine high 3 hours ago
The last time I ate McDonald’s, I arrived in Pasewalk, a tiny town in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on a mich delayed train at 2 in the morning. They where the only place that was open, and I hadn’t eaten since noon.
That burger was kinda OK, but it might have been the circumstance. They stopped selling vegan burgers anyway, so whatever. 1 hour ago
Hunger is the best cook 🤷♀️ 6 hours ago
It reminds me of the Griswold’s neighbors in the Christmas Vacation movie, Elaine and Ponytail 6 hours ago
Todd and Margot 5 hours ago
The mistreatment of the yuppies is my favorite part of that movie. When she opens the door and gets attacked by the squirrel and then the dog, or when the icicle destroys their stereo I crack up every time. 5 hours ago
Ahem, not marketing to kids is bad?
Nah, bottom is better. Attracting kids to get the habit of eating unhealthy isn’t. 4 hours ago
This isn’t about McDonald’s this is about society. All the colour and excitement has gone, McDonald’s is just one of the casualties. 58 minutes ago
Corporations can’t, by definition, be victims. Fuck them all. 6 hours ago
Why should garbage unhealthy “food” be marketed to children though? 2 hours ago
We’ve been turning in Russia all this time without even noticing. 2 hours ago
The difference is commie blocks have utility. 2 hours ago
Soviet bus stops have more pizzaz than American McDonalds. 3 hours ago
Looks like their customers have grown up and they tried to follow suit and became boring adults. 7 hours ago
When will people stop eating that garbage…?(probably never) 7 hours ago
It’s getting too expensive so more are quitting now than ever. 6 hours ago
I stopped when I got old enough to realize the only thing I actually liked about McDonalds was the play place.
Now I give it a try like once every 3-4 years to remind myself how much it sucks. 4 hours ago
I make the recurring mistake of trying KFC twice a decade or so and always, wholly regret it. Only place where I kind of appreciate that they always forget something in the order because the rest of the order would just make me throw it out anyways 6 hours ago
Why would I? It tastes good if you don’t eat often, local one near me has nice atmosphere, it’s relatively cheap if you want a snack ( …bag of chips match their cheapest deal ) and overall, I like it. Why would I stop? 5 hours ago
I understand. McDicks has it down to a science to keep people hooked. I use to enjoy it years ago and actually just thinking about it makes me want some. But its so damn processed its not even nourishing. 7 hours ago
I really miss the unhinged topiary that used to be outside of every fast food restaurant when I was a kid. 5 hours ago 2 hours ago
but you gotta cater to the potheads that show up and not scare them away with giant smiling animals 3 hours ago
I don’t eat at McDonalds for many reasons, but if I had to walk through such a Chuck E Cheese-ass entrance to grab a burger I’d have one more reason to avoid it. 2 hours ago
Vou can roast the entrance but going to mcD and getting to play xbox inside, for someone who didnt have one at home, is a core memory 2 hours ago
Fuck mcdonalds and all that but honestly if a respected buisness had some fun and personality on their building why avoid it? Anyone can just put up a brick and mortar store it takes someone who actually cares to try and have fun.
Also Charlie’s entertainment cheese is now very much like this with their few locations it’s just very basic no fun houses or little rides it’s just an arcade now with VERY muted colors. 8 hours ago
Latter is better NGL. It’s a fucking food place, not a zoo. 7 hours ago
its literally the mcdonalds next to a zoo that everyone used to rave about visiting in their childhood when they made a zoo trip 7 hours ago
lol 5 hours ago
What? What are you even on about? What zoo trip? Is this in America or something? 5 hours ago
What… Is it saying? They changed branding? It sounds like it’s supposed to say something more interesting? 3 hours ago
This is about real estate value for the next commercial renter if a franchise fails. Cheaper costs for corporate too. 7 hours ago
Looks like they changed their target group. 6 hours ago
In both cases it’s millennials. It’s even called “millennial grey.” 2 hours ago
It’s because as children we had sensory overload from the old McDonalds and the 90s in general were a very colorful time. Think Nickelodeon and Jazz paper cups, it was over the top, so we had to reign it in. 2 hours ago
I mean I think it looks pretty dope, if you take off that mcdonalds logo it would make for a nice starter minecraft house 4 hours ago
That actually makes sense. 4 hours ago
someone got tired of mopping up all the jizz from the ball pit. 6 hours ago
I have never seen a McDonalds that looks like the top pic. I remember plenty with play spaces, but they weren’t visible from outside. 5 hours ago
Iirc this was the McDonald’s just outside the Dallas zoo.
If it isn’t that one, the same thing happened to that one. Sad times. 4 hours ago
Pretty sure that’s the Dallas one too. 4 hours ago
I spent a lot of time in the car crossing the U.S. in the 80’s and 90’s so I saw a LOT of McDonalds. Most of them are bog standard but once in a while you come across one like this where they spiced it up. I’ve seen one with a train engine out front, one with a parked airplane, etc. There’s one in Tucson with a giant T-Rex statue in front of it. I’ve also seen some crazy play places with slides going out of the building and back inside. Would’ve loved that when I was a kid. 7 hours ago
Thanks for reporting the often ignored extinction of wildlife at the local Mcdees 8 hours ago
They’re the same picture. 4 hours ago
Hail corporate! 5 hours ago
I smell a Pizza Hut 14 minutes ago
Just more proof of the efficiencies of Capitalism