- Comment on fireflies 1 day ago:
I think it depends on the species. Also, most species have non-flying females.
- Comment on Firefox deletes promise to never sell personal data, asks users not to panic 2 days ago:
These are two separate things. Men and women are all human beings and are OF COURSE capable of being shitty or good on the same level. But it’s important to give the same opportunity to both, there’s no reason one of the sexes should be discriminated against. Women are still not equal in many ways (the exact ways depending on the particular society).
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 6 days ago:
Not just the USA, their allies as well.
- Comment on check it before you wreck it 6 days ago:
It’s just a bit of fun. Scientific papers are mostly read by people who are familiar with the way titles like this work. Also there’s no need to understand the whole title perfectly, titles are not that important. It’s more like an id number. You read the abstract to see whether you’re interested in the article.
- Comment on Do you also feel cringe about people making such a big deal about ethnicity? 1 week ago:
Rasism is naturally present in people’s psyche. People always needed to protect their ingroup againts the other groups of people. It’s a sad fact that so many people are not able to control their monkey brains better. We know it’s possible. I’ll never give up waiting for my Star Trek utopia.
- Comment on Why would America declaring cartels terrorist organizations be a problem for Mexico? 1 week ago:
If there are close ties between the rulers and the criminals, that’s
unfortunateadmirable. FIFY - Comment on check it before you wreck it 1 week ago:
When we were young, the world was still on track. We’d never dare to be this audacioud, to vandalize the language and soil the academic dignity and precision. The new generations are lost.
- Comment on check it before you wreck it 1 week ago:
Getting the joke is not necessary for understanding the article and even the title has the explanatory other half, right? The joke is just a bonus, not gatekeeping.
- Comment on check it before you wreck it 1 week ago:
Or they might be just a sign of playfulness. They can present a barrier for those who don’t know, but I doubt it’s intentional, so I wouldn’t call it gatekeeping.
Also, it’s just a playful first half of the title. The other half explains the important stuf in a traditional way, so noone gets harmed, right?
- Comment on Square! 1 week ago:
un cub, une cube ;)
- Comment on Refreshing 1 week ago:
- Comment on How is your day going? 1 week ago:
My pleasure.
- Comment on How is your day going? 1 week ago:
I’m in this pick. Wasn’t able to keep anything in me today, I’m surviving by eating sugar and drinking black tea. Can’t wait for the water to boil standing up - have to curl myself up on the floor meanwhile 😅 Lots of gastric flue all around here. From what I saw, I should be a bit better tomorrow.
- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 3 weeks ago:
Swasticar is good! In my mind, I was calling it TeSSla.
- Comment on Why do AI bros and other staunch AI defenders seem happy about the potential of killing off the creative industries? 1 month ago:
Creative is great, industry not so much.
- Comment on Almost the entire US South is now being blocked by Pornhub 1 month ago:
Couldn’t get to the site and I’m curious. What is the incidence of compulsory sex disorder and erectile dysfuntion caused by porn? Are there any known predispositions?
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 2 months ago:
I know you’re not talking to me, but let me seize this unique opportunity to tell you that the amazing Dracula orchids with flowers, which look A LOT like monkey faces to us humans, are actually trying to imitate certain type of mushrooms, which attract their pollinators (flies that lay eggs on the mushrooms)!!! The mushroom part of the flower is what seems to be the monkey’s mouth to us.
Please, feel free to search for Dracula orchid pictures to see many more monkey faces. Image
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 2 months ago:
My own experience leaves me a bit more optimistic, although I do see some cursed bits.
The presence of money in research depends greatly on the field and the ability of the scientists to make their research sound sexy. You can mask a lot of wierd niche basic research topics with sexy applied research talk.
Also, there’s still a lot of science research without much money, being sustained by sheer enthusiasm.
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on What's Mastodon precious? 3 months ago:
Feed the butterflies,
Tupence a bag…
- Comment on Guerrilla Women 3 months ago:
What they decay into is a bit unclear.
- Comment on Guerrilla Women 3 months ago:
And also the usual polations that are not superfluous.
- Comment on Do the ultra-rich consume popular media? 3 months ago:
If I made such a kick-ass sound track for it, I’d watch the movie every Christmas too ;)
- Comment on What good thing just happened in your life? 3 months ago:
I hope she asked you to do it.
- Comment on Come to the Deep Sea!! 3 months ago:
Siphonophores are all fascinating and Praya especially so!
- Comment on Creamy Cartilage 3 months ago:
Also the surgeries often have to be done from the front, so doctors have to put organs out of the way, operate the spine, put everything back. It’s really scary. Everytime I think of it I start sitting a little more upright.
- Comment on aerodynamics 3 months ago:
So is a cow more aerodynamic than a Jeep?
- Comment on I thought it was an easy question ... 3 months ago:
Birds are not real, though, are they?
- Comment on Tiger Predators 3 months ago:
I’ve read somewhere that tigers usually aren’t trying to kill people, humans are not their natural prey and they normally ignore them. The ones that do kill people seem to have a bad experience with humans, like being shot at. Fuck humans.
- Comment on The Perfect Bear 3 months ago:
It’s the same picture.