- Comment on Microsoft begins turning off uBlock Origin and other Manifest V2-based extensions in Edge 1 day ago:
bleeding edge fuckery
Aka shit not compliant with web standards.
- Comment on What do you guys think of 5 days ago:
Having it all in one instance so people who don’t like it are able to block it at the instance level is pretty awesome.
I like it.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
When I say something is “wrong” I mean something that is not like the average individual of that species…
Being different is not the same as being wrong. That view is the foundation of racism and bigotry.
I’ve never said anything negative about gays or trans people.
You called them ‘wrong’ in this thread, so yes you have. That is an extremely negative thing to say.
I guess I should call it a mental differentiator instead of a mental disorder.
Or you could just stop trying to come up with a label that tries to separate them from the general populace. Maybe you should stop talking about them at all and spend time observing how they see themselves and how society treats them negatively by focusing on how they are different as if being different was inherently a bad thing.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Being gay to the point of not having any interest in the other sex is clearly a mental disorder too…
So there’s this thing called nature where tons of species have members that have same sex partners because it is actually a completely normal thing. Humans happen to be one of them. Not every single member of a species puts reproduction as the highest possible priority as long as enough do to maintain the population.
In fact, the vast majority of things we consider to be mental disorders are only categorized that way because they cause disruption to people’s lives without an outside influence, and being gay is only disruptive due to outside pressures by bigots and small minded people who consider it ‘wrong’.
- Comment on It's impossible to defend any amount of alcohol consumption without sounding like an alcoholic. 1 week ago:
You are thinking of unhealthy. Between healthy and unhealthy are neutral things that our body simply processes and expels as long as we don’t get oo much. The whole point of discouraging any consumption of alcoholic drinks is to counter the myths that alcohol provides health benefits.
A small amount of alcohol on occasion doesn’t cause harm to the body. It is processed and expelled. That is why fermented foods, which contain trace amounts of alcohol, are not unhealthy.
Most spices aren’t healthy in the way that the majority of people use the word for food. They don’t provide nutrients our bodies need. Pepper doesn’t improve our health, but it doesn’t harm us either in reasonable quantities. It is something our body simply expels, just like small amounts of many other things that our body processes and expels.
The point is that the level of alcohol that is not harmful is really low compared to what people think.
- Comment on It's impossible to defend any amount of alcohol consumption without sounding like an alcoholic. 1 week ago:
Not being healthy for you isn’t the same as always being a detriment. There is a non-zero amount of alcohol that can be ingested without causing harm. Sometimes having a small amount of something that isn’t great for you, but makes you feel good is fine. A few sugary snacks occasionally is never healthy, but it also isn’t always harmful. Same with alcohol, having a small glass of wine to celebrate something a couple times a year doesn’t provide nutritional health benefits, but it also isn’t going to cause harm.
- Comment on Scoop — Zelensky to Trump: Putin pretends to want peace because he's "afraid of you" 1 week ago:
they often pretend to want the thing that the person who they are afraid of
- Comment on It's impossible to defend any amount of alcohol consumption without sounding like an alcoholic. 1 week ago:
Na, fuck sugar, it’s as deadly as rat poison, a little won’t kill you but no amount is good for you and the only reason you are defending it is because you think it has some good traits and it doesn’t. Maybe it’s a good thing it’s hard to defend since it is literally poison. Try Pot or Lsd both are less harmful than Sugar and are more fun
Fixed that for you.
- Comment on Scoop — Zelensky to Trump: Putin pretends to want peace because he's "afraid of you" 1 week ago:
Victims of torture confessing to crimes they didn’t do because they are afraid of more torture. They want to appease the torturer, who they are afraid of, by telling them whatever they think will make them stop.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
So not closed off as in non-federated, just invite only? So a barrier like the ones that have applications, but based on something other than fiktering who joins the community?
Not only is that counter to the entire point of federation, but invite only approaches only works for closed systems. Nobody is going to wait for an invite when they can just join any server.
Using invites as in outreach to spread awareness without being a silly restriction, sure. Maybe aim at getting people’s interest by promoting some server. But exclusive invites makes zero sense. At best it might work on people who are already here who want a very specific server in their name, not attract new users.
- Comment on Scoop — Zelensky to Trump: Putin pretends to want peace because he's "afraid of you" 1 week ago:
When people are afraid of other people, they often pretend to want the thing that the person who they are afraid of want they to want. In this case the implication is that Putin wants to keep the war going, but Putin is pretending to want peace because “Putin is afraid of Trump”. The idea is to stroke Trump’s ego while also diminishing Putin’s influence because Trump only respects ‘tough guys’.
- Comment on USA | Urgent CDC Data and Analyses on Influenza and Bird Flu Go Missing as Outbreaks Escalate 1 week ago:
- Comment on But they are two bangin shirts 2 weeks ago:
I have more space to hang and it is easier to get to the one I want than if they were stacked in a drawer. This includes tshirts, which make up most of my hanging shirts.
Plus my lack of folding skills means a drawer full of shirts would be a lumpy mess in short order.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
That all makes sense, except if someone’s SSN changes (which happens under certain circumstances), doesn’t that invalidate their primary key or require a much more complicated operation of issuing a new record and relinking all the existing relationships?
Yes, in the case of duplicate SSN assignments l you would need to change their records to align with the new SSN while not changing the records that go the the person who keeps the SSN. We do it with state identifiers and it is a gigantic pain in the ass.
- Comment on But they are two bangin shirts 2 weeks ago:
The upside is that when I add something I start on the right to make space!
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
The thing is, there are a large number of different reasons to store an SSN as a long int or a string depending on how it is used with the rest of the data. For a phone number, there can be a valid reason to store the area code separately to speed up data queries that narrow down by area code instead of all in one field and peeling it apart. There are also reasons to have additional, seemingly redundant, columns that can be used for optimizing searches or simplifying how queries are written.
A common one is that using 1 and 0 instead of Y an N is often faster for massively large dataset optimization, but isn’t as easily human readable.
There are complex reasons for choosing different approaches in a database, and the most important thing is generally consistency within the database. His point is meaningless without context beyond consistency, and the different government systems will have had different priorities, not to mention trying to update all of the databases to make them consistent is a MASSIVE fucking undertaking. And the systems can stay the way they are as long as they have APIs or other methods of transferring data that ARE normalized and consistent.
I have personally been working with reporting data to federal systems for 15 years as a semi knowledgeable technical person. This is what I do for a job. What he is saying is pointlessly small trivia used to justify tearing things down instead of improving them.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
Musk canceled the support for the long running Common Educstion Data Standards (CEDS) which is an initiative to promote better database standards and normalization for the states to address this kind of thing.
It does not fucking matter if he is technically correct about one tiny detail because he is only using to to destroy, not to improve efficiency.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
This is not what he is actively doing though. He isn’t trying to improve databases.
He is tearing down entire departments and agencies and using shit like this to justify it.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
It is common for long lived databases with a rotating cast of devs to use different formats in different tables as well! One might have it as a string, one might have it as a number, and the other might have it with hyphens in the same database.
Hell, I work in a state agency and one of our older databases has a dozen tables with databases.
- One has the whole thing as a long int: 222333444
- One has the whole thing as a string: 2223334444 (which of course can’t be directly compared to the one that is a long int…)
- One has separate fields for area code and the rest with a hyphen: 222 and 333-4444
- One has the whole thing with parenthesis, a space, and a hyphen as a string: (222) 333-4444
The main reason for the discrepancy is not looking at what was used before or not understanding that they can always change the formatting when displayed so they don’t need to include the parenthesis or hyphens in the database itself.
- Comment on But they are two bangin shirts 2 weeks ago:
That is a good system!
I do the opposite and put the ones I wear the most on the left to get to them easier instead of stressing myself about whether an entire outfit matches. So the ones that only match one or two pants/shorts end up on the right, ignored.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
The initial statement I believe is down to a combination of the above and also the lack of domain knowledge around social security. The primary key on the social security table would be a composite key of both the SSN and a date of birth—duplicates are expected of just parts of the key.
Since SSNs are never reused, what would be the purpose of using the SSN and birth date together as part of the primary key? I guess it is the one thing that isn’t supposed to ever change (barring a clerical error) so I could see that as a good second piece of information, just not sure what it would be adding.
Note: if duplicate SSNs are accidentally issued my understanding is that they issue a new one to one of the people.
Q20: Are Social Security numbers reused after a person dies?
A: No. We do not reassign a Social Security number (SSN) after the number holder’s death. Even though we have issued over 453 million SSNs so far, and we assign about 5 and one-half million new numbers a year, the current numbering system will provide us with enough new numbers for several generations into the future with no changes in the numbering system.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
If he doesn’t think the government uses sql after having his goons break into multiple government servers he is an idiot.
If he is lying to cover his ass for fucking up so many things (the more likely explanation) then saying “he never used sql” is basically a dig at how technically inept he really is despite bragging about being a tech bro.
- Comment on But they are two bangin shirts 2 weeks ago:
I have a lot of nice shirts.
I also have trouble picking one and end up going with a few favorites.
- Comment on Anyone Can Push Updates to the Website 2 weeks ago:
Blatantly and obviously is, why the fuck does anyone believe their bullshit?
- Comment on Why was there a pro-Hitler, Holocaust-denying ad on X? 2 weeks ago:
No they won’t.
- Comment on Onboarding experience needs to be simpler for mass adoption 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, I loved rif as the mobile app for reddit because reddit’s mobile site has always been trash and the rif experience was so much better. I’m glad there are options for those who want them, and the desire for user tagging might lead me to trying something out eventually.
- Comment on How Nissan and Honda's $60 billion merger talks collapsed. 2 weeks ago:
There are a lot of other personal uses for vans and pickups and other heavier duty vehicles in rural areas which require more power to haul things beyond farmers. Moving large amounts of wood and cleared brush, having off road capabilities that include lots of torque, and other stuff that has nothing to do with highway driving are common outside of cities.
The exemptions should be handled in a way that discourages owning such a vehicle for personal use in an urban setting without being tied to a business. Hell, that could involve who the vehicles are being advertised/targeted to for in addition to literal vehicle types.
The problem was not changing up when it became apparent that the outcome was discouraging high mileage small cars for commuting. Overthinking the how to discourage laerger trucks misses the point that car companies leaned into large vehicles and advertise to convince the population that they needed larger vehicles. They could have been barred from advertising large vehicles.
- Comment on After Copilot Trial, Government Staff Rated Microsoft's AI Less Useful Than Expected 2 weeks ago:
I miss functioning web searches.
AI is filled with as much, if not more, SEO designed slop as web searches do now but it is presented as if the user clicked “I feel lucky”.
- Comment on Onboarding experience needs to be simpler for mass adoption 2 weeks ago:
Most of them space things out in ways I don’t like and I hate gestures because I do things accidentally all the time. I can keyword block througb ublock origjn, although I do understand it is easier in most apps.
User tagging is the only feature I feel like I’m missing on default mobile lemmy.
I have also hit app fatigue. Just fucking sick to death of having a massive number of separate things that could be done through the browser.
- Comment on Onboarding experience needs to be simpler for mass adoption 2 weeks ago:
Tried it a year ago and didn’t like it.