- Comment on HowdoyouKEN! 1 hour ago:
…but Ken has the fire dragon punch…?
- Comment on This speaks for itself 2 hours ago:
Whenever I take road trips I try to spot the old Pizza Hut buildings by the shape of the roof. It’s surprising how many there are.
- Comment on why was 1995 video games console very pixel art graphics but music was high quality and images were great??, 20 hours ago:
Couple things about the virtual boy:
It was pixelated, it was nowhere near the power of the home consoles. It sits between the Game Boy color & Game Boy advance.
It had an LED display in the mid 90’s, hence the monochrome. Making it full color would have been cost prohibitive, as they would have had to add in 4 more displays (two for each eye), and triple the storage for games as everything would have to be rendered 3 times.
- Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 2 days ago:
I went from Glacier OG to Silver SP. Never got a Micro.
- Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 3 days ago:
I’m partial to the translucent version of the OG GBA.
- Comment on That explains a lot 5 days ago:
Who had ‘Lab grown Black Hole?’
- Comment on Watch: A real-life flying car takes to the skies 1 week ago:
All the more reason for flying cars in the US:
No flight safety
So expensive only the rich can afford them
- Comment on What is your favorite retro racing game? 1 week ago:
A game that no one I know IRL knows exists without me telling them:
Eliminator Boat Duel on NES.
Basically Super off-road meets Cobra Triangle.
- Comment on What is your favorite retro racing game? 1 week ago:
Rock & Roll Racing is top tier.
- Comment on Didn't believe what I was seeing 1 week ago:
People that stupid are out there… I saw someone at Costco trying to get a 90" TV into a Prius.
- Comment on FTC investigates “tech censorship,” says it’s un-American and may be illegal 1 week ago:
How long until hosting a Lemmy instance is illegal?
- Comment on All of Humane's AI pins will stop working in 10 days 2 weeks ago:
All the tech companies are invested in AI, and it’s gloriously expensive to do from scratch. Instead, they’ll drop $100 million to “stay relevant in today’s climate” without doing any work.
- Comment on Gift of speech 2 weeks ago:
Here in America we’d call that a “Music Festival” and due to taking things too far instead of bongs there would be bongs, alcohol, meth, ecstasy, heroin, and a variety of prescription pills. There would also be a couple “discreetly” having sex in the middle of the crowd, and someone passed out after having shit their pants.
- Comment on Gift of speech 2 weeks ago:
As an American:
1 - Taking things too far is The American Way™ and we are proud of our excessiveness.
B - I’m sad that I have no idea what a “bush doof” is, but it sounds pretty cool if there’s bongs and turtle balls.
Third - I got nothing else, just being excessive at this point
IV - why are you still reading this? I told you I got nothing else.
f - I think I lost count of which point I was on…
- Comment on PTSD 2 weeks ago:
Ahh fuck… Recognized it immediately
- Comment on Let's talk...wait... No! Not like that! 2 weeks ago:
I think calling him a wild card is giving him too much credit.
He’s like the card that tells you the rules of a game: thinks he’s important, but no one cares.
- Comment on Let's talk...wait... No! Not like that! 2 weeks ago:
I think the current administration’s version of rifle therapy would be a firing squad…
- Comment on Games franchises that need metroidvania spinoffs? 2 weeks ago:
The Lost Vikings as a Metroidvania would be ridiculous.
3 characters have to spit up & collect things so they can come back together and use their combined efforts to progress…
- Comment on Making the shape of your favorite thing into a surf board 2 weeks ago:
I always thought sharks didn’t bite politicians because the politicians are full of shit.
- Comment on Making the shape of your favorite thing into a surf board 3 weeks ago:
Gotta scare away the sharks! They’re not going to try and eat a massive dick.
- Comment on Chinese EV leader BYD to offer ‘God’s Eye’ self-driving system on all models 3 weeks ago:
The Holy
SpiritShift-it - Comment on My kids bored out of their minds with a house full of toys, don't know how good they got it 3 weeks ago:
Looks like a roller skate sandal if you ask me.
- Comment on Be honest. Your first thought was would this be an advantage or disadvantage during masturbation 3 weeks ago:
Hear me out…
You know those “professional” slapping contests?
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 3 weeks ago:
Some of them even have a red light that comes on to indicate proximity… This is diabolically genius level trolling!
- Comment on Just day dreaming when this struck me 3 weeks ago:
Santa = Rich uncle that likes to give gifts.
EB = Drunk uncle that tries to imitate Santa.
“HEY KIDS! Here’s abasket of… Idunno… toysnsugarnsomestuff! I got uhh… Some… Some… Uhh… OhyeahIgoteggstoo! Iforgotwheretheywentsoyougottafindemyourself! 'Kbye!”
- Comment on Disregard Beans, Acquire Sweater 3 weeks ago:
Old Navy came along & ate their lunch
- Comment on Talking about my roommate to my friends before realizing I'm bi [Day 69] 3 weeks ago:
Only the government attacks low hanging fruit
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Arbok vs Muk
Arbok is ‘Kobra’ spelled backwards…
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Bukakke Pit Fighting.
Now you have to think of that, too…
- Comment on I can't stop starring at that necklace 3 weeks ago:
If you hadn’t mentioned the necklace, I wouldn’t have seen it