I’m the king. Of jalopies.
- Comment on What's the Standard Operating Procedure for if someone steals your phone while you were using it and its unlocked? 3 days ago:
Android has theft detection and auto locks and then allows you to remotely wipe it.
Does Apple not have this feature?
- Comment on AI Video of Trump Sucking Musk's Toes Blasted on Government Office TVs 6 days ago:
They really are the breast
- Comment on How do people doctor shop? Don't all doctors pass info on all their patients between each other? And in this day and age how do they do it.? 6 days ago:
Or actual good drugs, like Adderall. Which is hard to do these days without a psychiatric recommendation. If OP is struggling with opiates they should look into a Suboxone program. Plenty of clinics out there for that and it could get well save their life.
- Comment on I knew it 1 week ago:
Oh damn. Are we already the AI?
- Comment on I knew it 1 week ago:
I knew AI was a blight on society and this proves it. My eyes are trying to leave me now.
- Comment on I miss myspace 2 weeks ago:
He was one of my top 8 friends! True story.
- Comment on Comedians 2 weeks ago:
This is the third variation of this I’ve seen this week. I believe you’re correct.
- Comment on Work on your tolerance 2 weeks ago:
I wish I could 😭
- Comment on Is PeerTube dead or is discoverability bad? 3 weeks ago:
I had the exact same experience including the videos you linked to. There was nothing to be found.
- Comment on Emojiis are hieroglyphics 3 weeks ago:
frfr no cap
- Comment on Emojiis are hieroglyphics 3 weeks ago:
You guys are so right
- Comment on If it would solve world hunger, what would be the largest item you could fit in your ass? 1 month ago:
Love to see the black box on that one
- Comment on Shit Post 1 month ago:
Constipation is futile
- Comment on can they?? 3 months ago:
Clams have feelings too
- Comment on Congratulations to the 47th US President 3 months ago:
It’s like when your friend first showed you 2 girls 1 cup back in the day. Like goddamn why are you even looking at that?! The fuck is wrong with you? I’m out.
- Comment on Congratulations to the 47th US President 3 months ago:
I feel bad for the lens.
- Comment on How to avoid having cat hair all over my floor every 2 days? 3 months ago:
Brushing regularly is the correct answer
- Comment on Insect Facts 3 months ago:
Stamets for sure
- Comment on The Pillowcase is FAR superior! 3 months ago:
Wow, you had flour at your house? Who’s the capitalist pig now? Must’ve been nice eating bread.
- Comment on The Pillowcase is FAR superior! 3 months ago:
I tried to tell this to some kid at my child’s school’s trunk or treat the other day he said, “sorry all I have is a pillowcase” and I said dude that’s the way to rock it. You can fit way more candy in it. Plus you can sneak some in your room by stuffing your pillow in there. I never used a bucket as a kid. I always used the pillowcase.
- Comment on NoStupidQuestions 3 months ago:
Straight from bored panda after they stole it from reddit. This meme has legs!
- Comment on I don't trust like that. 4 months ago:
Sometimes I forget to post the eviction notice in advance.
- Comment on Pringhouls 4 months ago:
Mostly air then… Figures
- Comment on I don't trust like that. 4 months ago:
Gotta be careful where you drop pollen these days.
- Comment on I don't trust like that. 4 months ago:
As a pest control professional, I assure you that wasps aren’t trying to fuck you up. They get aggressive in the late season but for the most part they won’t fuck with you unless you are a threat. I’ve knocked down countless wasp nests with my brush and only been stung a few times. Those times I got stung I was really asking for it by how I went about it. They’re also accidental pollinators so they do help more than people think.
- Comment on Important Metrics 4 months ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
My bad, that’s my kink.
- Comment on Nap game 5 months ago:
It might seem difficult, but it’s never too late to go back to school as a 40 year old in your underwear! We believe you in you! Even if you don’t make it I’ll bet you end up with some kind of certificate or cool title…
- Comment on Installation 5 months ago:
I’m sure the water put it out.
- Comment on Installation 5 months ago:
Looks like it can run doom