- Comment on 🙋🏻 me! 2 weeks ago:
I’m hearing good things about ‘Agatha…’ and ‘The Thunderbolts’ looks interesting.
We’ll see.
- Comment on 🙋🏻 me! 2 weeks ago:
Six foot nine inch tall model. First one up in ‘tallest model.’ Also plenty of WNBA and WWE athletes out there.
- Comment on 🙋🏻 me! 2 weeks ago:
I was hoping that the producers of ‘She Hulk’ would go the other way and hire a body double instead of using CGI.
- Comment on Would you consider making a sandwich to be "cooking?" 3 weeks ago:
By that logic, salads and sushi aren’t cooking.
- Comment on TV has failed us by not making a show about catching foriegn state actors and other online trolls in the act. 3 weeks ago:
[off topic?]
“Lioness” with Zoe Saldana and Nicole Kidman is a weird combination of spec ops porn and Left politics.
“Lioness” refers to a CIA program to target the wives/sisters/daughters of major terrorists. Kidman runs Saldana who in turn runs the teams on the ground. Their latest target is top financier of terror and his daughter is getting married soon…
In one episode Kidman tells Saldana that the West’s leaders are too stupid and cowardly to get us off the oil habit.
- Comment on If Donald Trump was black, would he have made it this far in politics? 3 weeks ago:
The judge found that Trump committed rape. The fact that he wasn’t tried for that crime doesn’t change the facts.
- Comment on If Donald Trump was black, would he have made it this far in politics? 3 weeks ago:
As a life long NYC resident I’ve seen my share of great buildings. I went to Trump Tower once, long before 2015. The walls of the lobby were all gold and there was a waterfall. I thought it looked like a giant, golden toilet.
- Comment on If Donald Trump was black, would he have made it this far in politics? 3 weeks ago:
I’m a life long New Yorker who has seen all of his scandals in the local media [he’s been trying to get his name in the papers since the 1980s] Back in the 1990s there was a local satire magazine called Spy. They ridiculed the pompous and Trump was a favorite target. They once wnated to find the cheapest person in the City.
They sent a few dozen rich folks checks for less than $2.00. Personal checks to home addresses. Most threw the checks away, but a few cashed them. The magazine kept sending checks in smaller and smaller amounts.
In the end, only Trump and an arms dealer cashed the last check. 13 cents. $0.13. Not enough to make a phone call.
I’ve literally never heard one good story about him.
- Comment on If Donald Trump was black, would he have made it this far in politics? 3 weeks ago:
You’re just finding out about John Barron at this late date?
On the other hand, keeping track of all of Trump’s lies and scandals is like trying to read Lord of the Rings while watching Avengers Endgame and listening to an audio book of Game of Thrones at the same time.
- Comment on If Donald Trump was black, would he have made it this far in politics? 3 weeks ago:
actual human, etc.
Magneto has entered the chat
- Comment on If Donald Trump was black, would he have made it this far in politics? 3 weeks ago:
He was tried and found guilty of raping a woman.
She wasn’t some sugarbaby coming on to him; she was going about her day and he decided that he could do what he wanted.
He also perved on teenage girls
- Comment on If Donald Trump was black, would he have made it this far in politics? 3 weeks ago:
This story is from when Trump was putting up Trump Tower. The biggest scandal that he used illegal immigrants to demolish the original building. He ended up havign to pay them over $1 million for the abuses.
The part of the story that made him anathema to the Manhattan elites was that he destroyed the building after promising to preserve it. It was considered one of the loveliest buildings in the city.
- Comment on Black Widows 4 weeks ago:
Imagine the drama of Black Widow spiders who are Lesbians…
- Comment on No screens before age of two, Swedish health authority tells parents 5 weeks ago:
adding the /s was a good idea
- Comment on No screens before age of two, Swedish health authority tells parents 5 weeks ago:
Do you believe that when a press report uses the phrase “The White House said today…” the the announcer actually thinks that the building spoke?
- Comment on No screens before age of two, Swedish health authority tells parents 5 weeks ago:
A two year old isn’t a ‘minor.’ No two year old can be trusted alone for any amount of time. In fact, leaving a two year alone to their own devices is considered child abuse.
- Comment on xkcd #2976: Time Traveler Causes of Death 1 month ago:
. It takes an army of time travelers working night and day to get any changes to stick.
Changes do occur in the story. The participants talk about the ‘Change Winds’ and how people can just disappear because thier timeline has been shifted and their parents never met.
- Comment on xkcd #2976: Time Traveler Causes of Death 1 month ago:
[off topic]
One of my favorite time travel novels is ‘The Big Time’ by Fritz Leiber.
The two big ideas in the book. First, that there’s a Law of Conservation of Reality. Go back in time and shoot Hitler. He dies. Then gets better, really fast. Twenty minutes after you shoot him, he’s fine. Spend your whole life shooting him and the history books will just ignore it. It takes an army of time travelers working night and day to get any changes to stick.
Second idea. There are two armies, both trying to change the past/future. They have been at it since before the Big Bang and will go on until the Heat Death of the Universe. They recruit humans but no human has ever seen the big bosses, just low ranking stooges.
- Comment on Why are so many leaders in tech evil? 1 month ago:
Greed. A sane person will walk away from working once they have enough saved to comfortably retire.
$100 million can let you live comfortably forever, but there are plenty of people who want that much every year.
Those are the folks who become ‘leaders.’
- Comment on I'm not a good liar but need to pretend I like my current job and not rant about how much I dislike it till I find a job I like more. How do I make my coworkers and supervisors believe this lie? 1 month ago:
imho you play the game.
These are weak people who want to make themselves believe they are strong.
Give them their little victory and move on.
Save your energy for the things that matter.
- Comment on Stay away, you might fall off the edge of the flow of time 1 month ago:
"Confound it, sir. You are too impatient. Someday you’ll injure yourself trying to get on a train that hasn’t arrived yet.’
Nero Wolfe
- Comment on Disenshittify or Die 1 month ago:
I ask everyone I give my number to to text me first so I can verify
- Comment on USA | Trump reveals he made $300,000 selling Bibles and has big cryptocurrency stash 1 month ago:
Even Fredo Corleone would have figured out that he could extort billions from the Saudis and Putin with no blowback. Trump is such a lickspittle that he’s too intimidated to try and get money from anyone but complete losers.
- Comment on Kamala Harris’s First Policy Proposal Is Economically Illiterate | National Review 1 month ago:
Remember back in the day, George H.W. Bush was running for the GOP nomination against Ronald Reagan. Bush called Reagan’s tax cut plan ‘voo-doo economics.’ After Reagan won the nomination Bush was happy to abandon reality for the Veep slot.
Also, wage and price controls have been used in the past.
- Comment on Can't beat the classics 1 month ago:
- Comment on Can't beat the classics 1 month ago:
For your consideration.
The original ‘The Italian Job’ with Michael Caine and Benny Hill as a computer wizard.
- Comment on Trump's answer today reminded me of his infamous "Nuclear" quote. 2 months ago:
Years ago I saw a show where a teacher gave a slow learner a business card sized piece of paper with a small rectangle cut out of the center. Instead of having to look at an entire page of print at once, the card let the student cut it down to one word at a time so they wouldn’t feel so intimidated.
Whenever I start to read a quote from Trump I want that little card, so I’m not overwhelmed by his sheer intelligence.
- Comment on There should be a semicolon punctuation for exclamation and question marks. 2 months ago:
Switch from block letters to cursive, or vice versa. Or all capitals. Anything that shows a difference.
- Comment on There should be a semicolon punctuation for exclamation and question marks. 2 months ago:
- Comment on Rural Towns Are Aging, Cash-Strapped and in Desperate Need of Workers 2 months ago:
Just stop with the BoTH siDeS Are tHe SamE.
Just stop.