- Comment on Could your body adjust if you separated your macros into meals? Like all carbs for breakfast, all fat for lunch and all protein for dinner? What would happen? 12 hours ago:
[off topic?]
Since you mentioned fiber, I decided to give a plug for wheat germ.
- Comment on The situation got so bad that actuall news overtook memes in top posts on Lemmy 23 hours ago:
Along with his many other great accomplishments, he created homelessness in America.
Before he became California Governor, the state had a great mental health system. Plenty of beds for those who were unable to self care. Ronnie cut those beds and suddenly there were undomiciled folks wandering the streets. That meant the cops and prisons had to get more money to deal with the problem.
It worked so well that as soon as he was President he did it again.
- Comment on Never before had I felt intensely jealous of a tapir 1 day ago:
Reminds me of an old joke. nsfw
A cowboy is showing a city girl around the ranch. He knows that they are breeding horses at the coral and takes her there.
They watch as a stallion mounts a mare.
The cowboy says “Man, look at them go! I wouldn’t mind doing something like that myself.”
The lady says “Go ahead, mister. They’re your horses.”
- Comment on The situation got so bad that actuall news overtook memes in top posts on Lemmy 1 day ago:
Obama couldn’t get Gitmo closed. How many of those programs did he originate, and how many were passed by the Congress and he didn’t veto them?
He was hamstrung by the GOP and conservative Dems.
The answer is a veto proof progressive Dem majority, not more ‘checks and balances.’
- Comment on F'in liBtUrdS at it again! Did they even do a drug test on that homeless person before giving him food!11!!!1 And no anthem 5 days a week!! How will they know what country they're in! ThATs UnAmErICan 1 day ago:
Almost as if letting people have different opinions leads to conflict.
- Comment on The situation got so bad that actuall news overtook memes in top posts on Lemmy 1 day ago:
Remember, ignorance is compliance.
- Comment on The situation got so bad that actuall news overtook memes in top posts on Lemmy 1 day ago:
You can’t pretend it isn’t happening.
I’d love to be able to tune it out, but that’s what they want.
Ignorance is compliance.
- Comment on The situation got so bad that actuall news overtook memes in top posts on Lemmy 1 day ago:
Don’t ever think you can’t change it.
Audrey Hepburn was a teenager when the Nazis invaded.
She could only dance, but that’s what she did.
There’s always a way to fight.
- Comment on The situation got so bad that actuall news overtook memes in top posts on Lemmy 1 day ago:
Read up on the Cronkite Era and the Fairness Doctrine.
Companies could only own one TV/radio [AM and FM] station in each town, plus you had a couple of newspapers in even small places. When Reagan came in he started the trend to ‘deregulate’ the media.
- Comment on F'in liBtUrdS at it again! Did they even do a drug test on that homeless person before giving him food!11!!!1 And no anthem 5 days a week!! How will they know what country they're in! ThATs UnAmErICan 1 day ago:
Are they stopping you from getting a transfusion?
- Comment on F'in liBtUrdS at it again! Did they even do a drug test on that homeless person before giving him food!11!!!1 And no anthem 5 days a week!! How will they know what country they're in! ThATs UnAmErICan 1 day ago:
I never heard about them stopping vaccinations.
- Comment on The situation got so bad that actuall news overtook memes in top posts on Lemmy 1 day ago:
Trump is using a technique called ‘The Gish Gallop.’
Obama wanted to pass the ACA and the GOP managed to block it for almost two years because Obama kept talking about that one thing.
Trump is breaking rules left and right; plus screaming about crazy ideas like buying Greenland.
There is so much stuff going on that normal minds just want to shut down to get some peace and quiet.
- Comment on F'in liBtUrdS at it again! Did they even do a drug test on that homeless person before giving him food!11!!!1 And no anthem 5 days a week!! How will they know what country they're in! ThATs UnAmErICan 1 day ago:
That’s how freedom is supposed to work.
What’s obnoxious to one is holy writ to someone else.
- Comment on Diplomacy dies on live TV as Trump and Vance gang up to bully Ukraine leader 2 days ago:
I thank all the people who actually look at Trump and listen to his speeches.
I can’t handle it. It’s like listening to a baboon playing bagpipes
- Comment on hate your job? how about you die and still have to do it 2 days ago:
It’s in the trailer, so not really a spoiler.
New movie Mickey 17 is exactly that idea. Guy gets a job where he is expected to die and ‘respawn’ over and over.
I wasn’t a fan of the book, but the movie looks good.
- Comment on hate your job? how about you die and still have to do it 2 days ago:
This is off topic and super nerdy.
The phrase was originally “I’d buy that for a quarter” and it came from a story called “The Marching Morons” by CM Kornbluth.
That story was the basis of the movie “Idiocracy.”
- Comment on Why do i see so many americans obsessed with the concept of "this is a thing that [Ethnicity] does" 3 days ago:
Remember the Hard Hat Riot of 1970?
That’s another piece of history we’ll soon relive.
- Comment on Why do i see so many americans obsessed with the concept of "this is a thing that [Ethnicity] does" 3 days ago:
America wasn’t great, it was just a lot cheaper to live in.
The economy tanked when Nixon kept paying for the Vietnam War by printing money without raising taxes. That and the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973 crashed the American Dream. Jimmy Carter hired Paul Volker to fix things. Jimmy got kicked out before the plan started kicking in and Reagan got the credit. Then Ronnie turned the money spigot on extra high for the rich and that’s how it all went to hell.
- Comment on Bing officially removes cache link from search results 3 days ago:
Pfft, AskJeeves for the win.
- Comment on Conservatives and selfishness, like 2 peas in a pod 3 days ago:
I’ve had this exact discussion with people.
- Comment on They seem to turn a blind eye to many things as long as you have a (R) next to your name and promise to hurt the right people. Must have missed that bible verse 5 days ago:
The GOP was rabidly attacking Clinton from Day One. Travelgate was supposed to be an impeachment level offense and we’re still hearing about the death of Vince Foster. If they’d shut up the Monica scandal might have taken him down, but years of crying wolf backfired.
- Comment on Srinkflation is actually enshifitation when you think about it. 6 days ago:
Forsooth, varlet! Know’st thou not that English is a living language, given to all the spurts and changes of a growing youth? Fie, sir, I bite my thumb at thee.
- Comment on Srinkflation is actually enshifitation when you think about it. 6 days ago:
Some grammar purists will argue that “enshitification” has an exact meaning.
- Comment on When the movie actually repeats almost the same line within like 5 seconds seriously what the fuck I never noticed this [Day 84] 6 days ago:
I guess everyone needs a hobby.
- Comment on When the movie actually repeats almost the same line within like 5 seconds seriously what the fuck I never noticed this [Day 84] 6 days ago:
A little context would be helpful.
- Comment on It may be true but doesn't help me today 6 days ago:
One of my all time favorite writers is Ross Thomas. He was a WW2 veteran who became a Washington reporter before he started writing crime novels. In one of his books people are stunned to find out that a rich guy spent $3 million to build a house near the California coast. Later we learn that he promises to pay his personal lawyer the exact same salary as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
1980s book
- Comment on Im thinking we still have a deeper bottom 6 days ago:
The Johnstown Flood
Rich people tampered with a dam so they could have a nicer ride.
Development included lowering the dam to make its top wide enough to hold a road for a carriageway and putting a fish screen in the spillway. Workers lowered the dam, which had been 72 feet (22 m) high, by 3 feet (0.91 m).[10] These alterations are thought to have increased the vulnerability of the dam. Moreover, a system of relief pipes and valves, a feature of the original dam which had previously been sold off for scrap, was not replaced. The club had no way of lowering the water level in the lake in case of an emergency.
- Comment on He'd be *disgusted* by you. 1 week ago:
I lived in New York all my life, and every type of person in NY has their own particular reason to despise him.
Here’s how he was given a golden opportunity to get in good with the Manhattan elites he’d been fawning over for years. He threw his chances away through pure stupidity and arrogance.
- Comment on He'd be *disgusted* by you. 1 week ago:
Trump held a contest where the prize was a meal with the Leader of the Free World.
No one ever won it.
- Comment on Designed by men, for men: Why sex with robots does not have appeal among women 1 week ago:
Have you seen “Ex Machina?”