- Comment on Reddit cofounder Alexis Ohanian says AI should moderate social media 21 hours ago:
Great idea dipshit, who’s gonna foot the power bill, you?
- Comment on Valve adds "all the Team Fortress 2 client and server game code" to its Source mod tools, letting modders "build completely new games based on TF2" and publish them on Steam 1 week ago:
Sort of, but those let you use the pre-existing codebase for each game as is. This lets you play with the inner workings. You could do something drastic like implant rollback netcode, add new classes, wild shit.
- Comment on PhysicsForums and the Dead Internet Theory [old specialized forums have started backdating millions of LLM-generated posts] 1 week ago:
For sure. I can at least give them the benefit of the doubt when they say that shadow organisations are trying to control them. Like that can happen, it does happen, it’s kind of happening. Motivations can range from societal change to world ending prophecy. However when they say shit is explicitly for making money, that’s a very clear cut goal you can easily prove or disprove.
- Comment on When You Block the Internet on Your Phone, Something Astonishing Happens Mentally 1 week ago:
I did something similar to what this article describes a bit back. For me it was turning off my phone, the effect was staggering. Anxiety etc dropped immediately.
For me in particular, it was being constantly available to anyone in my life, but also the doom scrolling, and knowing there’s a vast ocean of infinite content at my fingertips. Sure, I could curate my experience, and block people, but overall the phone is still functioning largely the same as it ever does. I can always turn those features back on. By changing how the device works externally, you’re disconnecting those people from the decade and a half of reinforcement and whatever they have associated with their phones.
To get similar results I was able to just turn off my phone, but that might vary for some. Anyway, it seems reasonable for the experiment at least.
- Comment on PhysicsForums and the Dead Internet Theory [old specialized forums have started backdating millions of LLM-generated posts] 1 week ago:
See I don’t follow that one, because how are they actually making money in this theory?
In the real world the ai bullshit is just another grift that’s a giant money pit. While I recognise people that follow these kinds of theories probably don’t have critical thinking skills, I wish they would following thinking to it’s conclusion. It’s a stupid hope I know.
- Comment on How do we know this is actually Earth, and not just some torture chamber in Hell and we are just being punished? 1 week ago:
I’m kind of in the same boat.
I think it can fuck with people that rely on self determination for security or self justification? At least the couple of people I’ve met that take issue with the idea seem to mostly be uncomfortable with the implication that their choices and actions might mean less.
- Comment on PhysicsForums and the Dead Internet Theory [old specialized forums have started backdating millions of LLM-generated posts] 1 week ago:
Anti sematic behaviour is unfortunately part of the internet and general historical data, which means it could very well be an undercurrent in training data. AIs then could exhibit subconscious biases, no matter how many times the creators tell them not to be racist.
- Comment on How do we know this is actually Earth, and not just some torture chamber in Hell and we are just being punished? 1 week ago:
Look, we also probably don’t have free will, but we should live and act like we do. Don’t let the minute details keep you from getting what you can out of this life.
- Comment on France runs fusion reactor for record 22 minutes 1 week ago:
Idk dude, we already have the sun and wind but they hate that stuff too, despite it being very close to free. Hell they’ll probably bitch about fusion causing a surplus of power outside peak loads.
If it doesn’t perpetuate the broken ways we currently do things it doesn’t give their buddies money, so it’s woke or something else bullshit.
- Comment on Please god 2 weeks ago:
That’s most definitely black mold back there right? That’s some burn down the house action right there.
- Comment on Important News - Geoblocking of the UK 3 weeks ago:
As someone completely unaffected, it sucks that you had to make this decision, but I respect the hell out of it and appreciate your openness.
- Comment on Thailand gears up for a celebration as a long-awaited marriage equality law takes effect 5 weeks ago:
Nice to have some good news today.
- Comment on Panasonic brings its founder back to life as an AI 2 months ago:
Did someone play too much cyberpunk? That’s literally a core plot event.
- Comment on Perverse incentives leave young Australians locked out of community housing, study finds 3 months ago:
Hell yeah man, let’s make people’s lives harder so number go up.
- Comment on Half-Life 2 peaks at 52,000 concurrent players, 20 years after its release 3 months ago:
The full list is on steam, the main thing is it’s bundled all hl2 games in one package, integrated workshop for mod installation, and added new developer commentary for hl2. Also a bunch of misc fixes etc.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 released in December 2020. Almost 4 years later, what is your opinion on it? 3 months ago:
I played it at launch. Even through all the bugs and half finished systems, it felt like somebody actually cared about the game. The story, characters and city were and still are amazing. Bit of an unpopular opinion, but it was always a pretty good game, at the very least an uncut diamond.
- Comment on What Ever Happened to MSN Messenger? 4 months ago:
Ditto for us in Australia
- Comment on That hurts a little 4 months ago:
Looks like a Russian palace, maybe Tetris?
- Comment on Final Fantasy 9 Remake May Not Happen as a Single Title 5 months ago:
Remake 8 you cowards
- Comment on How can we return to techno-optimism? 5 months ago:
Concrete goals, and reasonable steps to achieve them.
I feel like lately we’ve hit a weird speculative investment period in tech, where we have a bunch of tech that’s created because it can be, but not because it’s needed. Do LLMs, crypto currency, or NFTs have actual uses? Very possibly, but nothing concrete enough to satisfy the bubble that formed from them.
We live in an age of unreality. Give us something achievable and genuine, we get excited. It doesn’t have to be complicated, just real. Hell, I’m excited as fuck over solid sodium batteries, and that’s boring as shit.
- Comment on Doom and Doom II get a ‘definitive’ re-release that’s packed with upgrades 6 months ago:
I tried it out for a bit. it’s not bad at all, but there’s a bunch of stuff in there that doesn’t gel with me personally. I had to turn the crosshair off because it was too high on the screen, and the autoaim was causing me to miss shots due to height differences. It’s neat enough and I’m sure it’s a great option for consoles, but I’ll stick to gzdoom myself.
- Comment on Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster - Announcement Trailer 7 months ago:
The original is on steam now if you didn’t already know. I still love the original, I feel like the sequels kind of lost something and I’m a bit afraid this remake might have the same problem. It’s fine either way, the original will always be there, but I would have loved something more in line with the original.
- Comment on Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster - Announcement Trailer 7 months ago:
Looks like it’ll be very similar, the voice actor change for Frank and the character models really throw me off though.
- Comment on Elden Ring is "the limit" for From Software project scale, says Miyazaki - multiple, "smaller" games may be the "next stage" 8 months ago:
Thank fuck. I like Elden Ring but it took 100 hours start to finish with DLC included. Give me more Sekiro and bloodborne please, stuff on that scale seems to be the best environment for from.
- Comment on Keeping pet cats indoors would save millions of native animals and billions of dollars. So what's stopping us? 9 months ago:
I have two cats, they have never been let outside and they’ve been completely happy. Granted the house is a decent size and we have a lot of things to keep them entertained, but that responsibility comes with the ownership I figure.
- Comment on Choose your difficulty 9 months ago:
Eh, I see plenty of shit around the world that makes me happy I’m here. It’s fucking wild to think that after your cats have found yet another majestic galloping hand sized spider that you have to save from them.
- Comment on Choose your difficulty 9 months ago:
Haha no not quite that paranoid. Nah it’s mostly a rule for like moving stuff around in the garden and if you’re in the bush or whatever. Like the shit you have to worry about will either let you know, or set up a home far away from you. Generally. So it’s kind of another way of saying don’t put you hand into a redback nest.
Though saying that most people have had harrowing huntsman spider encounters, often in bed. They’re the most common surprise as they actively move around to hunt prey, instead of building webs. They can’t really hurt humans, aside from hiding behind your sun visor in the car and scaring you half to death, like my girlfriend had last year. They are a non zero statistic in cause of car accidents unfortunately.
- Comment on Choose your difficulty 9 months ago:
ISPs can monitor and such, I’ve not gone into the intricacies of the laws myself. One can get around it all pretty easily.
Tbh game prices are actually not too bad here. I don’t pirate games, steam etc are just too reasonable, and I don’t buy them that often.
- Comment on Choose your difficulty 9 months ago:
Wait do you guys not? Next you’ll tell me you don’t eat your national animal
- Comment on Choose your difficulty 9 months ago:
Look you’re right and the housing market is a catastrophe also