- Comment on What is the minimum number of words needed to communicate 8 hours ago:
Toki pona is a conlang meant to be a simple as possible, and has less than ~150 words. Might be useful to look at those “essential” words.
- Comment on I'm Tired of Pretending Tech is Making the World Better 9 hours ago:
Transmetropolitan had in-dream advertising. I think you got it from breathing in some sort of gas when walking around in public.
The most unrealistic thing about the Transmetropolitan series was the fact that Spider was able to make a living as a journalist.
- Comment on Facebook Cybertruck Owners Group Copes With Relentless Mockery 23 hours ago:
I think it might be an “older people in the south” thing. (Like all boomers and older I’ve talked to about it know about it, usually not younger) I worked at a diner for a bit, and it would be Silent Generation types that would order it.
It’s pretty good, but real cheddar would be better. It’s that similar salty/sweet combo that makes French fries and a McFlurry better than sex.
- Comment on This speaks for itself 1 day ago:
I remember getting to play Nintendo 64 at our McDonalds. You could play things like smash, and usually could get in a full match before it did its mandatory reboot things.
Grocery stores would often have childcare areas up until the 90s I think.
So many of those little casual extras/“customer service” has gone out the window. It’s about stripping out everything that doesn’t immediately gain you profit.
Like, back in the day - retail worker was supposed to know their shit. It was a full time job. You could go to Dillard’s and some older guy could give you advice on what to match with what. You could go to a Radio Shack and say you were having trouble with a project, and there’d be a good chance that you’d end up getting some help.
But businesses would rather pay someone $9/hour for a part time job that’ll fuck with their hours every week. Why have someone who’s paid a living wage who can help sell you a really nice coat for a few hundred bucks, when you can pay some shit to hawk polyester shit that wouldn’t even be worth paying a commission on?
- Comment on Facebook Cybertruck Owners Group Copes With Relentless Mockery 1 day ago:
Buying a Cybertruck: a choice
Being Jewish, a woman, transgender, disabled, etc, etc: not a choice
- Comment on Facebook Cybertruck Owners Group Copes With Relentless Mockery 1 day ago:
IMHO, it has three purposes:
- a grilled cheese on cheap white bread with enough butter to guarantee an acid reflux episode
- melted on Chef Boyardee ravioli
- on a slice of apple pie
If your Kraft singles are too precious, I think the Dollar Tree brands stray even further from gods light.
- Comment on Billionaires shouldn't exist 1 day ago:
Hunger is the best spice.
- Comment on Facebook Cybertruck Owners Group Copes With Relentless Mockery 1 day ago:
I like this “throwing slices of American cheese” at Cybertrucks. It’s barely even food, so it’s not really that wasteful. I’m sure the synthetic oilly shit has a wonderful reaction with that unprotected stainless steel. It’s also fucking hilarious - “hey police, someone threw cheese at my car, I’m in fear for my life.”
- Comment on Billionaires shouldn't exist 1 day ago:
The ups of my life are things like dinner for three at the top of Harrod’s that cost more than my current apartments rent (and steak. oh god actual fancy steak house steak. foie gras on a rare filet), the downs are analingus for grocery money (pan fried chicken hearts in butter with rice got me through college).
- Comment on Billionaires shouldn't exist 1 day ago:
Yeah, I married and was economically devastated by a billionaire. Turns out, if you can afford good lawyers, you can keep the house and ditch your spouse with a hopeless amount of CC debt. Long story.
- Comment on Billionaires shouldn't exist 1 day ago:
I worked in a school with a pretty good amount of students whose families had probably not entered the country legally.
I had a student who would be out at the end of the day. Like, yeah, lots of kids are zonked out by the last hour, and the fake sleep to watch silent TikToks was ever popular.
But this girl was out. The bell would ring and I’d try to wake her up. Like starting with a “hey the bell just rang, time to go home.” Gently nudging her to get no response. This was routine.
She worked a full time job at night. She didn’t get to sleep. She worked at night, she went to high school during the day.
There have been times that I’ve had to work three jobs to survive as an adult, and I’ve worked my share of fifteen+ hour shifts with no OT because who needs labor laws?
But that girl had to work harder to survive than any billionaire I’ve met could even conceive of (and I fucked a billionaire for quite a while).
- Comment on Judges Are Fed up With Lawyers Using AI That Hallucinate Court Cases 2 days ago:
We are nowhere near close to AGI.
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose thoughts you've never had before. 2 days ago:
People pierce all kinds of parts of their bodies for all kinds of reasons. Aesthetics, affinity with subcultures, and yeah, functioning associated with sexual pleasure.
People will literally insert metal hooks into themselves and suspend themselves from the wall. That’s not even necessarily a sex thing.
- Comment on F'in liBtUrdS at it again! Did they even do a drug test on that homeless person before giving him food!11!!!1 And no anthem 5 days a week!! How will they know what country they're in! ThATs UnAmErICan 4 days ago:
I’m cool with people choosing to decline medical care for themselves.
They celebrate children choosing to die rather than receive blood transfusions in their propaganda, which probably means that they’re making the decision out of a desired matryrdom, but at least a teenager can meaningfully choose.
Its the strategies for denying medical care to infants and small children that particularly upset me. I tend to recognize the state as having an obligation to overrule “parent rights” when a child’s life is in danger. I’m furious that due to their stupid, barely consistent belief system and absolutely imbecilic interpretation of a single Bible line about “eating blood” there are children who did not grow up. (As well as all the children that did grow up, but were told not to go to college and expect a future, or had their sexual abuse covered up the way that their fucking secret (leaked if you look) elder’s manual that gave a play by play for covering up sexual abuse.)
- Comment on F'in liBtUrdS at it again! Did they even do a drug test on that homeless person before giving him food!11!!!1 And no anthem 5 days a week!! How will they know what country they're in! ThATs UnAmErICan 4 days ago:
If they punished you, and there was a lawsuit, they would have lost. (Although who knows what would happen nowadays, the 1st current only protects freedom of speech when it’s money)
Funnily enough - the pledge in schools was basically a way to sell American flags to schools.
- Comment on F'in liBtUrdS at it again! Did they even do a drug test on that homeless person before giving him food!11!!!1 And no anthem 5 days a week!! How will they know what country they're in! ThATs UnAmErICan 4 days ago:
No, but they have fought very hard for the right to prevent their children from getting one.
Just like the Christian Scientists have fought for the right to complete, outright medical neglect of their children and got that enshrined into law, as well as shoving up Ellen Whites made up word definitions into the dictionary.
- Comment on F'in liBtUrdS at it again! Did they even do a drug test on that homeless person before giving him food!11!!!1 And no anthem 5 days a week!! How will they know what country they're in! ThATs UnAmErICan 4 days ago:
I’m not a big fan of their “freedom” to let their kids bleed out, but you take some, you lose some.
- Comment on F'in liBtUrdS at it again! Did they even do a drug test on that homeless person before giving him food!11!!!1 And no anthem 5 days a week!! How will they know what country they're in! ThATs UnAmErICan 4 days ago:
It’s amazing how kids in suburban middle class schools assume that you have to say the pledge. Lots of the stupider members of the the teaching profession seem to think that too.
It is funny that right was one for us by Jehovah’s Witnesses, as much of a nasty piece of work Watchtower tends to be as an organization.
- Comment on Come one come all, it's time to unblock ! and bring your best memes of conservatives! 4 days ago:
I would say that it really became a thing in its current form in the 1800s. Lots of the weird Biblical “literalism” (and I think things like Salafism/Wahhabism) come from the combination of widespread literacy and direct access to the texts + those ideologies that deny that you need anything outside the text to interpret them yourself/solo scriptura.
What we’re seeing now is related to shitposting being taken seriously for sure (the “birds aren’t real” thing has also been making a slow shift from stupid joke to conspiracy therapy, I think that’s how “Helen Keller” don’t real started)
I trace it back a bit further than 4chan though. You start to see it all the way back in the 90s on Usenet, pretty sure that’s around when the Flat Earth Society Forums - which were clearly mostly Poes - started too.
- Comment on 1 week ago:
I see a lot of teenagers falling for the “I’m a Gazan and need help getting out.” accounts too.
- Comment on Designed by men, for men: Why sex with robots does not have appeal among women 1 week ago:
I guess, desire needs to be reciprocal for me.
I later found a lot of enjoyment in entering gay “cruising” culture as passing man. It’s that same impersonal, focused on just the pleasure and not the meaning - but without the power dynamic and pretense. I say, this is what I want, he agrees, and then a fun time is had by all.
I think the difference between say, sex as work and making food as work - I don’t really need to care or like the person who makes my food. There’s not an incentive for them to participate in something that can be physically painful or uncomfortable and then even pretend to be enjoying it through that pain. A lot of workplaces do force you to pretend in similar ways - don’t Chikfila employees have to say “my pleasure” or something - but pretending while dissociating in the act does fuck with your head in unique ways I think.
Working in Nevada or the Netherlands might be different. I guess when legalized, maybe you can say “slow down” or press a button for help when they take off the condom. I’ve only lived my life of course.
I do have some professional help, but don’t live in an area where the mental health needs of transexual former hookers are particularly accommodated for.
- Comment on Designed by men, for men: Why sex with robots does not have appeal among women 1 week ago:
Are you sure it’s not just the women you’re having sex with are faking their orgasms?
Like, penetrative sex does not lead to orgasm for the majority of people with vaginas. You have to stimulate the clitoris. If you aren’t doing that - they probably are faking to get you to be done with it.
I’ve never met women concerned about dick size - being a “size queen” seems to be more of a thing for gay men. I don’t think there’s a lot of variation in feeling in a vagina for anywhere in the 4-7 inches range.
The attitude that all women are whores and that all sex is transactional seems sad to me. I had men say that to me when I was in the trade, and that was the kind of thing that contributed to it being hellish and unpleasant. I like the idea that sex is something people do because it’s fun and makes them feel good, not that it’s some sort of asymmetrical and hostile game.
- Comment on Observer 1 week ago:
I’ll try to dig out Griffith for a better explanation but has to do with the fact that when you do a partial derivative you kinda lose information I guess?
(Idk, this is heady trying to make math into reality shit and I got a “c” in the class (for reasons partially related to other things) - also, there might be a way to do latex in markdown but I’m a bit too stoned to figure out)
So go back how often we do implicit differential because it’s just an opportunity to look at how sexy the chain rule is. d(xy)/dx = xy’+x’y god fucking dammit that gorgeous
But okay. Think about position and velocity. Velocity is the derivative of position right (and also connected to energy - KE = 1/2mv^2 and E = mc^2 lol)
But since velocity is a derivative of position, it loses information. d(mx+b)/dx turns into m, no way to ever get b back with an initial value condition.
Then - omigod, when you take a partial - you have to ignore dependence. curlyd(xy+by)/curlydx turns into y and then things is really fucked if there was any dependence on y.
There are some operators that are just exclusionary. Once you chose to look for one, you’ve discounted the chance of finding the other.
- Comment on smort 1 week ago:
The things I think the standard IQ test measures are more about a combination of an ability to quickly visually process information, and some elements of mathematics/logical thinking. I’ve scored +1.3~2.0 x score at various points in my life, and I think that the elements are that I can read extremely quickly and perceive math problems very quickly.
I’ve frequently worked with students who understand math and patterns very well, they just struggle with some element of the visual processing. They transpose numbers and letters when they see them, they switch up letters in geometrical figures, they get so overwhelmed with the stress of reading under eye or the clock that the words mix up and they miss the meaning.
They have the low “IQ” has measured. But they are capable of understanding the concepts - just not conveying them in the way that a standardized instrument can (or even should?) measure.
Ie; I don’t think it’s that great a measure beyond the sub 80 - which is a meaningful deficit and is acknowledged in the process of diagnosing for developmental delays/impairment. (It also can entirely be overcome in some cases with good support - like istfg as someone who has been paid to do this kind of thing the difference is that poor/middle class kids don’t get help)
- Comment on Designed by men, for men: Why sex with robots does not have appeal among women 1 week ago:
I guess, it’s something that I have extremely complicated feelings about and severe trauma associated with. “Roses” on CL were kinda essential at a point in my life, and I’ve wondered what the other party got out of it.
Idk - like tons of men will “stealth” you. Or they’ll pressure you into not wearing condoms when they know you’re desperate.
Maybe this is trauma dumping I’d like to be retroactively humanized by a “john” a bit. But I’m just not sure how common it is not to be ultimately traumatized at the other end of things. This is not to be a “SWERF” - but what’s the difference between a human and one of these robots?
- Comment on Designed by men, for men: Why sex with robots does not have appeal among women 1 week ago:
Former sex worker - what’s the appeal?
It’s basically impossible to do full service work without being severely traumatized. I guess I don’t have to pay for sex since I like men - no matter what age sex gender race what the fuck ever there’s a guy within 10 miles that’ll stick their dick in you - but I guess I don’t see the appeal of sex that my partner isn’t enjoying.
- Comment on Psychology 1 week ago:
I’m just scared all of the time. Any time I can get a leg up - I’m not protected. I can lose everything at any time.
If I end up homeless I’ll kill myself. I’ve been sexually assaulted too many times with a place to live. I can’t handle it anymore.
- Comment on Peace someday. 1 week ago:
Chronic suicidality is tons of fun. Impossible to get treatment for, because if you say it wrong you get to lose all of your rights and get shoved in a not-prison cell.
- Comment on Psychology 1 week ago:
The standard p value in most psych research is 0.05, which means that you are willing to accept a 1/20 risk of a Type 1 error - that you are content with a 5% chance of a false positives, that your results were entirely due to random chance.
Keep in mind that you don’t publish research that do the give results most of the time. Keep in mind that you have to publish regularly to keep your job. (And that if your results make certain people happy, they’ll give you and your university more money). Keep in mind that it is super fucking easy to say “hey, optional extra credit - participate in my survey” to your 300 student Intro Psych class (usually you just have to provide an alternative assignment for ethical reasons).
- Comment on Psychology 1 week ago:
The issue with CBT is that there are populations that it is not effective for, but because it’s so easy to apply that’s what the majority of professionals are trained to (only) provide. It’s not trauma informed at all - there’s little understanding of how to treat trauma in general.
I have issues with rumination, and CBT makes it substantially worse. I have told every professional that I have worked with that I know it does not work for me, and instead of respecting that, I get stealth attempts at it or they do end up giving me the fucking worksheets.
CBT also can work like a kind of gaslighting - ie, right now I’m terrified of leaving the house because my drivers license is now invalid by state law and EO - my county’s jail has killed quite a few people and a little gay trans man like me is not going to do well. I can’t “replace” that thought with a better one. Ranking how I feel about that just makes me more freaked out.