- Comment on My custom made 13 spike watchband, just finished today 2 months ago:
Spikes have never been my style, so forgive the potentially obvious question. Don’t these snag on everything and annoy the hell out of you? Sometimes, the hairtie I keep on my wrist catches on something, and it is the worst (mild inconvenience). Maybe the spikes make you more intentional with your movements, or more patient?
- Comment on Explicit deepfake scandal shuts down Pennsylvania school 3 months ago:
If you are the principal of a school, your highest priority has to be the well-being of students. Looks like he and other members of the school administration sat on this info for months. Problems don’t just go away, especially when your job is explicitly involved with the disciplining and protection of children.
- Comment on Whoopi Goldberg calling herself 'a working person' garners criticism from 'The View' fans 3 months ago:
Agreed. She has no frame of reference for what the overwhelming majority of the population calls work.
- Comment on Whoopi Goldberg calling herself 'a working person' garners criticism from 'The View' fans 3 months ago:
Celebrities are out of touch. No matter if they were nepo babies or genuinely started off like the rest of us. After a few years in that world, they are convinced that the work they do merits millions of dollars. There is no way for that money to not warp the brain.
- Comment on Whoopi Goldberg calling herself 'a working person' garners criticism from 'The View' fans 3 months ago:
Her work with the St. Katherines Sisters Choir was very impressive. Doing God’s work.
- Comment on Has Fast Food Gotten Worse, or Am I Just Getting Old? 3 months ago:
My great grandmother recently passed at the age of 100. Summers in her garden were something truly special. They had a small backyard, but the victory garden covered most of it. If I ever reach grandma status, I hope I will have an impeccable garden and carry on the tradition. Thanks for the story, it brought back so many memories. I would kill for a fresh tomato sandwich now.
- Comment on Washington Post cancellations hit 250,000 – 10% of subscribers 3 months ago:
I know it will only put a minor dent in his fast Scrooge Mcduckian vault of gold that he hoards, but the schadenfreude is still so sweet.
- Comment on Microsoft CEO earns $30.6 million more despite laying off over 2,000 employees in 2024 — salary package represents a 63% raise from the previous year 4 months ago:
He does look turtly enough for the turtle club.
- Comment on Is it normal to feel tired of technological progress? 4 months ago:
I would agree change is hard. And I believe change is inevitable. But is all of it really necessary?
We are self-aware beings that can evaluate what technology has done and is going to do to individuals and society at large. Metrics for attention span, reading comprehension, social connection, and many more things are trending in damgerous directions already. Some change is not necessary and is objectively doing more harm than good.
- Comment on British travel bloggers ‘sugarcoating’ China’s Uyghur problem to the delight of Beijing: Influencers claim to be exposing 'Western lies' about Xinjiang, claiming they have not seen human rights abuses 4 months ago:
I haven’t seen this kind of lack of critical thinking since Tucker Carlson visited Russia.
- Comment on Google considers sourcing from nuclear power plants, says CEO Pichai [Nikkei] 4 months ago:
Generative Ai is such a drain on our resources. While I am happy this is bringing about more green energy sources, watching it be poured into such meaningless bullshit is depressing.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
Those meddling Google Debunkers!
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
The belief in the existence of a super-race (or whatever term Hancock uses) is dubious. While the idea on its own may seem harmless, it opens the door for racist idealogies. Everything has to be taken in context, and crackpot archeologists have been making this argument for ages in order to justify later arguments for eugenics.
I know it may appear that Hancock questioning the established historians and “big archeology” is above suspicion, but it is done in an unambiguously dishonest way. He refuses to acknowledge sound logical arguments put forth by multiple well-respected sources and hand waves things away as common sense. Essentially, he is frustrating because his arguments muddy the waters of logical discussions and introduce doubt in a community that certainly does not get paid enough for this shit.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
I was torn between the use of misinformation and disinformation. And comments on Lemmy are often speaking into a void, so I honestly did not think it would matter. I appreciate the clarification and agree that misinformation is more appropriate. But agree that falling for misinformation leads to disinformation.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
This is the danger of celebrity endorsement. It will bring so much more attention to an unworthy ‘cause’, and so many fans will now absorb this information without critical thought. It is truly a situation where a well-intentioned person does not know enough to understand that this supposed expert is talking nonsense and the world at large slips that much further into disinformation.
- Comment on New solar carport opens at 4,300 meters on Mount Everest 5 months ago:
I’m confused. I did not think cars could reach Mount Everest. Thought you had to trek in and out through lots of foothills.
- Comment on Microsoft finally officially confirms it's killing Windows Control Panel sometime soon 6 months ago:
Can someone explain to me the difference from Control Panel to Settings? It seems like more of a name change and of course, the UI will be different, but won’t it effectively be a hub to control your personal settings just like control panel?
- Comment on What were your (now retro, but not at the time) gaming wow moments 6 months ago:
Playing Call of Duty World at War for the first time, if that counts as retro. I had always played co-op games with my brother, and when he was gone for a weekend, I decided to try and play for myself. Spent countless hours replaying missions until I finally beat the campaign. And if I remember correctly, it drops you straight into zombies with no warning. I remember it being way past my bedtime, sitting alone in the dark. I was absolutely terrified because I was genuinely shocked by the premise and maybe too young for something so scary. Didn’t sleep at all that night.
- Comment on Back in my day 1 year ago:
My family watched the movie Clue about a million times. Can quote every like by heart. To this day we only have to look in one another’s eyes whenever a quotable opportunity comes up. “Are you trying to make me look stupid in front of the other guests?” “You don’t need any help from me.”