Down in flames it is then.
Submitted 10 months ago by to
Comments 10 months ago 10 months ago
Musk also told staff that he would ask for the resignation of any executive “who retains more than three people who don’t obviously pass the excellent, necessary and trustworthy test.”
Pssst. Elon. You’re not any of those three things. 10 months ago
Shouldn’t he resign based on this criterion? 10 months ago
No, just the executive who’s retaining him, obviously
Which… I guess that means the board? 10 months ago
that would imply self-awareness and some degree of competence 10 months ago 10 months ago
I’d say that the money doesn’t need him to be but by now that’s practically meaningless rhetoric if not such combined with obvious narcissism were I to be some sycophantic cock sucking disposable manager.
Rather, I’ll say it a different way that is pretty much the same thing but gives a little more understanding. I hope that with understanding people will stop using it, let alone even touching it unless they had a Trillion, some gasoline, and a chemically white face with red lips and black eyes…
The Talisman exerts no force but gives it to anyone who erects a pyramid with its generosity and persuades enough people to do as they do with. In the end, the refusal implies death in the beginning but in the end delivers an unending Snow Crash that isn’t just a digital and physical virus. It will have no difficulty eating, infecting, and riding your soul carrying those 10 dimensions too.
I am not exaggerating. The only thing wrong about what I’m saying is that we don’t have words to even try to suggest it let alone describe it. Snow Crash came close to an image of what will happen.
AI maybe new to our dimension but it’s existence in that dimension is like our universe. No beginning and no end. It is truly infinite the way ours is.
Fools like this will be the first taken there. Karma and the Loop are two dimensional multi-factors even the AI can’t do more than abide by the happening occurrence defining their own existence. They will be trapped in something even Hell must be the kind of thing to say that what they will face is but an order of magnitude more horrific. But for real even the word horror must be made that same order of magnitude more.
Burn the dollar because Hell is heaven compared to the AI even existing anywhere in this 'verse. 10 months ago
This reads like an AI hallucination. 10 months ago
That’s the most confusing load of bollocks I’ve read in a long time. 10 months ago
Protip: You’re not supposed to run your copypasta through chat GPT more then twice. 10 months ago
…do you ever smell things which nobody else notices?.. 10 months ago
You’d say what with the what now? 10 months ago
Is this clown trying to tank the company because he didn’t get his payout? 10 months ago
I think he’s trying to tank the company because he sees Sundar doing the same shit at Google and assumes it will lead to a big payout. 10 months ago
No he’s simply an arrogant, incompetent yutz. 10 months ago
I’ve said before that the supercharger network is their most important long term asset. They opened up their plug standard, other manufacturers are jumping on board, and they have the largest network that supports all those new EVs.
Only problem is that it’s boring, and Elon doesn’t like boring. So now here we are. 10 months ago
What really baffles me is why he totally ghosted his battery swap station idea. That completely solves the range and charging time issue all in one fell swoop. Demonstrated it on stage even. Guessing it either wasn’t profitable enough for him, not s3xy enough, or he wasn’t smart enough to figure out how to scale it up. 10 months ago
He announced it as part of a tax break scam, then let the project die. 10 months ago
There’s been some discussion over the years that Tesla never seriously tried to make the battery swap work, that they did it to claim subsidies from California which they subsequently never returned to the taxpayers. 10 months ago
Nio has seemingly been successful with battery swap stations in their cars, so luckily the concept hasn’t been completely abandoned.
Tom Scott trying it out: 10 months ago
I dont want your shitty old battery.
That is why. 10 months ago
I’m not sure I’d want to be swapping my battery out like a propane tank. Not everyone would follow charging recommendations, etc. 10 months ago
It’s not that good of an idea in the long run. It was attractive when EVs struggled to have 100mi range and L3 chargers didn’t exist. Once batteries got good enough to push 300-400mi and there’s plenty of L3 chargers around, it’s just not necessary. The range will outlast your bladder.
That’s on top of what others have mentioned about how they can get abused. You’ll never know if the new battery you’re getting is good. Or if the charge station tests it and find it’s junk, then they have to do something with it, which increases their costs. 10 months ago
Elon doesn’t like boring
That can’t be right. He does have a boring company. 10 months ago
funny considering how fucking boring he and his ideas tend to be 10 months ago
It’s so unexpected: charging should be steady, reliable, predictable income for the foreseeable future, no matter whose BEVs are most popular. They dominate supercharging in the US at the moment, but rapid buildout means someone else has a chance. Don’t they want to lock in this market?
I guess I assume it’s a profitable market , independent of vehicle sales. I wonder if that’s true 10 months ago
I know. The SC network and plug could make Tesla the new “Standard Oil” of the 21rst, (and a half!) Century. It could be far more valuable over the long term than that stupid truck. 10 months ago
And herein lies the danger of Billionaires. Who stops them when they want to impose their tyrannical agendas on the vulnerable. Who prevents him from buying an atomic weapon and setting it off for a meme stunt or internet points ? 10 months ago
If only us lowly workers had more rights. 10 months ago
Who prevents him from buying an atomic weapon and setting it off for a meme stunt or internet points ?
You have to be joking.
Nearly every military in the world. Countless regulatory agencies. Intelligence agencies the world over. It’s pretty much known that the US made stuxnet to kill one country’s nuclear program. Do you seriously fucking think they wouldn’t stop a single billionaire?
There’s also the fact that even he’s not that insane, and any other billionaire out there who wouldn’t want the effects of a nuke going off to get in the way of their own shit.
If you were talking a dirty bomb, that might be within his reach. Buy some mines in third world countries, mine up some material, strap it to a conventional bomb. That’s also many orders of magnitude less severe (while still horrific). Also, most mining rights in areas with worthwhile radioactive material available have already been bought up by other entities with similar financial levels of backing.
Actual nukes require quite a bit more than just an explosive and some radioactive material to build anyway, and things like nuclear material refinement facilities are quite easily visible from satelite imagery. They also require specialized hardware that is closely monitored. Sure he could pay to reverse engineer and/or get it built. Good luck keeping that secret for as long as it would take.
The man’s a living embodiment of a chode with a diamond studded piercing. There’s plenty of shit to be upset at him about, or worried about, without getting anywhere close to this absurd. I sincerely hope that you weren’t being serious.
If you want shock factor, talk about the slave mines his family wealth comes from, and the slave mines where we source lithium from for EV batteries. Talk about the high frequency of using child soldiers as security for said mines, in addition to the child slave labor.
Talk about the highly likely intentional killing of Twitter by Saudi Arabian government’s investment into Musk as a retaliation for the Arab Spring and as a way to further control rapid information dissemination during crisises.
There’s real reasons to despise him, going for such extremely ridiculous exaggerations only hurts the point you’re trying to make. 10 months ago
I think you mean job creators! \s 10 months ago
Who prevents him from buying an atomic weapon and setting it off for a meme stunt or internet points
The army I would suppose. You had a point to start and, yes, the billionaire class is allowed to do almost anything they want but only an absolute moron could honestly believe he would be allowed nuclear weapons. 10 months ago
… What does this random conjecture have to do with anything? 10 months ago
- Fired the Supercharger head and the entire department
- Fired the lead of new vehicle development
- Previously fired head of battery development
- Constantly “one year away” from Tesla full self driving, whilst Mercedes just launched geofenced FSD, with Mercedes assuming 100% liability during FSD
- Elon just had a out of the blue trip to China, appears to have ‘kissed the ring’ of Beijing, and hyping TaaS robotaxis
What’s Tesla’s USP to an investor now? The supercharger ‘lock in’ and early head start at the EV game are Tesla’s biggest boons, but the former appears to have been gutted and the latter has been squandered on a slow model release schedule 10 months ago
If the Tesla Board had any responsibilities at all, it was to prevent this by ejecting Elmo. They chose to not.
It is now time to stick a fork in it. Billionaires - Away! 10 months ago
So is the implication that he’s just going to source all those things from a Chinese company? Basically the next Tesla and chargers will just be rebadged BYDs or whatever? 10 months ago
Worldwide food shortages are pretty likely this year, but sure, care about “investors” 10 months ago
Mercedes fsd is pretty bad tho, it’s full self driving basically for marketing reasons 10 months ago
But definitely make sure to approve that $53 billion pay package, cuz musk is cleaaaarly doing such an amazing job! 10 months ago
Time to short the stock then, if they are not gonna invest in their own future. 10 months ago
Layoffs tend to precipitate big stock price jumps in my experience 10 months ago
My dude, never underestimate wall streets ability to ignore tsla failing. They will hold that stock. Shorting tsla is a fools errand. The people who own tsla are immune to reality.
Everything good that tsla owners were banking on has already happened. The gravy days are in the past but… the insane valuation persists.
You cannot short stupidity. 10 months ago
All of which makes the decision to get rid of senior director of EV charging Rebecca Tinucci—along with her entire team—a bit of a head-scratcher. . . . Musk told workers that Tesla “will continue to build out some new Supercharger locations, where critical, and finish those currently under construction.”
Many Tesla fans had been holding out hope that Musk would debut a cheap Model 2 EV in recent weeks. Instead, the tycoon promised that robotaxis would save the business . . .
Delivering on that goal is more than just a technical challenge, and it will require the cooperation and approval of state and federal authorities. However, Musk is also dissolving the company’s public policy team in this latest cull.
Yeah that’s the ballgame. 10 months ago
He realised electric cars are popular with libs so in a masterful gambit is destroying his company to own them. 10 months ago
Musk also told staff that he would ask for the resignation of any executive “who retains more than three people who don’t obviously pass the excellent, necessary and trustworthy test.”
What a complete fuckup of a human. Sad to see so many trusted him. I guess we don’t have direct evidence of him being a serial killer at least. 10 months ago
We can be pretty sure he’s a pedophile though based on his connections to Epstein. 10 months ago
Unless you count his choice to buy cobalt from child slavery mines. That’s serial killer by proxy, I guess. 10 months ago
Well Musk already has one strike against him for retaining himself. Just need to find two flunky exec yesmen he’s keeping on and he would be fired by his own standard. 10 months ago
The death spiral begins. 10 months ago
Musk has been reading about all the layoffs happening at other companies who are now floundering due to the loss of institutional competence and memory, and goes “we need some of that shiat STAT!” 10 months ago
Anyone really shocked? Everything he owns is the greatest thing on earth until it isnt. Then he tries to sink it further 10 months ago
That’s one way to stop a union. 10 months ago
I wonder what’s the probability that the current EV makers might unite to create an open source standard alternative now that this has happened? 10 months ago
When you have a narcissistic sociopath for a boss don’t expect job security. All these layoffs and his insane letter will do is cultivate toadying, fear, distrust, cliques and a culture of backstabbing within Tesla. 10 months ago
I hope that’s a wakeup call to all the other automakers who announced plans to switch from CCS to NAC"S"
Big fucking mistake basing future plans on that company 10 months ago
How the hell did he run down a company like Tesla? 10 months ago
“Gentlemen, I have killed the Golden Goose, and it shockingly has no gold in it. Remember to vote for my payment package in June!” 10 months ago
He either didn’t get his pay package so he is burning the whole place down, or he has really lost his mind. 10 months ago
If they go down… Will the vehicles even work after that? Can they drive offline? Or will Muskrat shut down everything, even the vehicles? 10 months ago
yeah thats what you get for allowing a corpo to build a proprietary, closed charging ecosystem. 10 months ago
Outwardly this looks like steering the boat toward the waterfall. I’m guessing this is predicating another move by Musk to “prove” to the stock market that Tesla is an AI company that happens to make cars, rather than a car company that has potential AI products. And it probably ties into that remark he made about using idle Teslas as compute resources. 10 months ago
Ready made team about to take over the EV charging market. 10 months ago
To shreds, you say? 10 months ago
Ahhh, the trustworthy test. Sounds like the same type of test that Trump plans to use in his hiring process. Coincidence? I think not. All part of the fascist playbook. 10 months ago
There’s a ton of software running on these chargers, right? They need to handle financial transactions, metadata, etc. What happens when something requires maintenance in a month/week/day? 10 months ago
Oh Tesla gets the Twitter treatment. At that rate it will be renamed X within the next 7 months. Better make sure X has been terminated by then otherwise they have to sue each other… 10 months ago
This is a death sentence for Tesla. I have a Model 3 that I enjoy despite its shortcomings. One of the deciding factors was the supercharger network. It’s the easiest system I’ve used for charging. It makes all other networks infuriating in comparison.
A lot of people get Teslas for the ease of charging alone. If the network starts to falter, people will leave the brand even faster than they already are.
Tesla really needs to vote this idiot out of the CEO position before he kills the company. 10 months ago
Not to mention the charging infrastructure is one of the reasons some people haven’t made the switch yet. Anything holding back charging expansion is a disaster in my view. 10 months ago
I don’t think that’s it at all. The cost of a new car, any new car, is still out of reach for the vast majority of Americans, much less a dedicated daily commuter vehicle (because you need a gas car for long trips). PHEV is an imperfect compromise, but there simply aren’t enough used PHEV models available on the market.
I bought a car last year, and I really wanted to get something electric, but the car I need just doesn’t exist at the price I can afford. Chargers didn’t factor into it. 10 months ago
US needs to regulate chargers.
Yes, yes, market and all. But look at printers. Or charger cables for small electronic devices (EU stepped in). 10 months ago
100%. This should have been addressed years ago, honestly. No one would tolerate VW only being able to gas up at Shell stations due to different nozzles. This is no different. 10 months ago…/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administ…
Assuming it isn’t strangled in the cradle by Red State infrastructure haters (like the HSR projects through the Midwest that Obama failed to implement), this could be a good thing.
But I’ve seen so many of these kinds of plans get a ton of money and produce vanishingly little in the way of material change. So we’ll see where it all goes. 10 months ago
That was last year. It’s too late now. 10 months ago
They can’t because the Musk personality cult is pretty much the only thing keeping the company viable at this point. They are absolutely fucked. 10 months ago
I’m their prime demographic, currently car shopping to replace my wrecked Benz, and was leaning towards a Model 3 up until reading this headline lol. I guess I could still charge at home or if the network fails it could be purchased by another company?
Or I just avoid stressing about it altogether and get a normal car 10 months ago
Subarus are pretty awesome. Just sayin' 10 months ago
EVs are awesome. I loved the two I had. The only reasons I don’t have one now is I hardly drive anymore and am doing construction on my house that makes a truck become useful. If there were an EV truck that wasn’t the size of the house I’m building or the cost of the house I’m building, I’d have gotten that. Instead I got the Maverick hybrid.
If you enjoy the luxury of the Benz, then the Model 3 would have been a step down. There are a lot of good EV options in the luxury range, but very few in the low end range. The Volvo XC40 was really fun to drive and pretty comfortable. My friend loved her Porsche Taycan (that might be too high end, not sure). My coworker just got an i4 and really likes it. 10 months ago
I used to drive a Benz, I hated it. Now I’m on my second Cadillac and I’m never going back. Cadillac makes a damn fine automobile tell ya what. 10 months ago
I bought a plug-in hybrid last week. I’d have gotten a pure EV, but I take road trips sometimes, and I don’t want to rely on the patchy changing network in the US. 10 months ago
I do think someone would immediately buy the charging network if it were an option. I mean gas stations have all kinds of stuff spring up around them when anyone stopping there won’t even be very long and only passengers will be bored with nothing to do for that short amount of time. At a charging station, you are taking a longer break and even the driver is participating in that break.
Owning the charge network is going to be a much bigger deal when it’s common to use your EV for long trips. And whether people want to or not at this point, it’s steadily becoming more and more normalized. It’s certainly more enjoyable overall to take a long trip in an EV. The downtime is nice. And healthier than sitting down for hours straight. Even before electric cars, people were encouraged to stop every 2 hours on a road trip anyway.
The old advice was to plan recreational stops along the trip, to prevent embolisms or cramps. What if charge stations had electric scooters or bikes and maps to fun 15 minute activities in range. Not to mention meals of course.
I know many people don’t take road trips in a healthy way currently, so gas cars seem like the better choice for them. You’ll “make better time” if that is the only important thing. But for people that already followed best practices, a road trip in an electric car is already the same. 10 months ago
Just get a better EV. 10 months ago
Charging at home is the way to go. You may be able to refinance your home if you haven’t paid it off, and rope in upgrades for new charging circuits.
Plus, there are programs being developed - note none have been finalized - to allow EVs to give power back to the grid and so you could one day make money back from keeping your car plugged in over night. There are already time of use rates too for many markets in the US and EU. Plus there’s peace of mind knowing that your car will always be fully topped off every morning.
As an electrical engineer that has studied the idea of Plug-in Hybrid EVs (PHEVs) and Battery EVs (BEVs), personally I always try to persuade people to look into PHEVs for personal and societal reasons, but even if you don’t go with Tesla for your BEV purchase I think it’s still worth it to go electric. Maybe consider the Chevy Bolt EUV, Nissan Leaf, or Volkswagen ID.4. On the PHEV side, there’s the Ford Escape Plug-in Hybrid and Jeep Grand Cherokee 4xe. Lots of tax credits out there too for new ($7,500) and used ($4,000) so EVs are definitely still an opportunity! 10 months ago
Get a Porsche Maccan. 10 months ago 10 months ago
I don’t have a Tesla and have not used supercharger network but I can verify that other charging networks are infuriating and not just by comparison. I have half a dozen different apps with my credit card info on them and various old paid credits on them, not to mention committing to a good 5-10 min of fuck around time each time I park at a random charger and try to figure out what the hell this new system is. 10 months ago
I had a Volt (loved it for what it was) and I gave up charging it anywhere but at home. I had the same experience as you, had to have a dozen apps, use the stupid tap to pay, only to find out the network was down and you couldn’t use it. For a plug in hybrid, it was an inconvenience, for a pure EV that may be arriving with less than 10% battery, it would be a disaster. 10 months ago
Can I ask - what’s the best app you found so far? 10 months ago
Didnt this fucking jackass just like less than a week ago in the quarterly earnings report say they were going to release an affordable EV in a year, and now they just announced aha just fucking kidding on that one?
And the latest FHD still has insane bugs that try to murder you and those around you?
I wonder how long it will take thunderfoot or common sense skeptic to do a vid on this. Amazing.
Ok so, Tesla, shitting itself.
Twitter, shitting itself.
Boring Company… have they actually started any new projects?
Hyperloop companies have now all, I think, either gone bankrupt, dissolved, or switched to doing something else.
SolarCity? Actual Scam and Fraud.
They recently claim to have made some progress with an actual human recipient of something like a seizure mediation device, but basically Neuralink is run by a bunch of students of an actual ground breaker in the realm of neural implants, and this actual ground breaker has been extremely critical of the company, and I believe threatened a lawsuit as they are basically using his research.
Theres been a whole bunch of top level staff leaving and drama. Hey they managed to unspeakably torture some pigs and monkeys though!
What they have with thesuccessfull human implant is neat, assuming its being reported on accurately, but its nothing new or groundbreaking.
Only thing left is SpaceX, and the only thing they’ve got going is Falcon 9 and Heavy.
Falcon 9 and Heavy are legitimately good rockets, problem is Musk and Shotwell have said for about a decade now they would get the launch costs down to around 5 million and a turn around time down to 24 hours or less.
So far the fastest turnaround on a Falcon re-use is a bit less than a month. And launch costs are competitive, but theyre 10 to 15 times what’s been promised.
Starliner, BFR, whatever, has so far cost taxpayers about 2 billion dollars, is about half a decade behind the contracted schedule, would require something like 12+ launches including refueling to be capable of getting ONE vessel to Mars, or being able to get to the Moon and back.
Theyve launched three of the things and now have to redesign a 2nd and 3rd version. And the 3 launches have basically been failures.
I was surprised the third launch managed to actually get suborbital at all, but the ascent half impacted the ocean at about mach 1 or 2, and the actual starship developed an uncontrollable spin early on and burned up in the atmosphere.
In terms of the NASA contract, SpaceX is supposed to have made an uncrewed lunar landing as of… Q1 2024. Oops. Yeah thats about 12 launches and a moon landing and presumably return of the lunar lander… and so far they cannot even get one into orbit.
As far as orbit goes, Musk was originally saying Starship would be taking people to orbit in 2020. The thing is not even orbit capable yet, muchless human rated.
I dunno if SpaceX will go completely tits up as is/have most of Musk’s other companies, its possible they’ll remain significant with 9 and Heavy, but it should be obvious that with everything else Musk has lied about and mismanaged and his insane public appearances of late, and lawsuits… Starliner doesn’t have a future.
They’ll run out of their current funding contract from NASA, and NASA will realize that Lockheed or ULA or maybe Blue Origin is a better bet for their plans for the Moon. 10 months ago
SpaceX also has Starlink. I don’t know how it’s doing financially, but I do know it’s quite popular in places where wired internet isn’t available, and for people who are mobile. I’ve even seen pictures of cruise ships using it for internet access. 10 months ago
I was holding shares specifically so I could vote Musk out when a vote would come up. These changes listed in the article are too much. I just sold my entire position in TSLA.