- Comment on Choose your Fighter 8 months ago:
My people are here!
- Comment on The RTS genre will never be mainstream unless you change it until it's 'no longer the kind of RTS that I want to play,' says Crate Entertainment CEO 9 months ago:
RTS did go mainstream and it indeed turned into games very different from old school SC et al.
Plants vs zombies and LoL are the descendants of the genre and are or at least were, HUGE. Tower defense and moba are the two evolutionary paths that RTS took.
Tower defense is super mainstream, but moba, while huge isn’t really mainstream in my opinion. But one things for sure, they don’t have much in common with SC except the lineage.
- Comment on Proton Mail Discloses User Data Leading to Arrest in Spain 9 months ago:
“Privacy” means two different things depending on the audience. For me privacy means that my information is not being used to advance some organizations commercial interest. For others it means that my information will never be shared with a government.
Don’t advertise to me
Don’t narc on me
I guess I don’t really expect a company to resist pressure from government agencies on my behalf. Especially if I have been using their service to commit crimes in my country. If you are doing things your government would prefer you didn’t, hire a good lawyer and consult with them about what should be sent via email (spoiler, it’s nothing). The mafia doesn’t send emails, or put anything in writing, if you do crimes, you shouldn’t either.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
My dude, never underestimate wall streets ability to ignore tsla failing. They will hold that stock. Shorting tsla is a fools errand. The people who own tsla are immune to reality.
Everything good that tsla owners were banking on has already happened. The gravy days are in the past but… the insane valuation persists.
You cannot short stupidity.
- Comment on Biden Says He Told Nigeria to Kill Fewer Civilians — but Nigeria Keeps Killing Lots of Civilians 10 months ago:
Sending weapons to Israel is part of a very old US strategy to check Iranian power. You can argue that we should stop trying to check Iranian power, I could probably be convinced of that. Being an enemy of Iran has led us to some of our shittiest “allies”. Remember when US presidents shook hands with Sadam Hussein? That shit happened!
We can stop sending them weapons and money. We should. We should try to make those shipments conditional on changes to the Gaza war strategy. But letting Iran run wild is not going to be super great for US interests and is going to be VERY unpopular with US citizens. It’s not that I like the way everything is happening, it’s that it isn’t simple. Iranian troops in Israel, SA and Iraq isn’t an outcome we can handle so taking our foot off the pedal almost certainly leads to a hot war with Iran. That sucks a lot.
- Comment on high energy 10 months ago:
I have no diagnosed neurodivergence and I’m looking at that list with surprise. Like, you know how fucking hard I’m working to pretend I can do that stuff?
A person who can do all that shit looks like a superhero to me. No talent… fuck… if that list had telekinesis on it’d feel about the same to me.
- Comment on Biden Says He Told Nigeria to Kill Fewer Civilians — but Nigeria Keeps Killing Lots of Civilians 10 months ago:
Me too. Shame is that doing that would empower Iran, which isn’t great. It’s all tough choices and I’m pretty tired of listening to idiots pretend they have all the answers.
- Comment on Biden Says He Told Nigeria to Kill Fewer Civilians — but Nigeria Keeps Killing Lots of Civilians 10 months ago:
This is pretty interesting. Americans seem to be convinced that their president is the king of earth and they can, with a wave of their finger change anything. This is total bullshit
Presidential power inside the country is extremely limited by the constitution and they rarely have an opportunity to “just do what they said they were going to do”.
Outside our borders… it’s so fucking complicated that no one person really understands the global web of power and influence. At the bottom of the pyramid though, always force of arms. If America is willing to fight you, then you do what they say.
So… should we start a war in every place on earth that genocide is occurring? Really channel our inner dick Cheney and waste life and treasure in regime changes? Should we really cede all power in the Middle East to Iran so that we can stop our (fucking asshole of an) ally Israel from using those weapons on a highly immoral war? Should we start WWIII with china to save the Uighurs? How many African nations should we currently be bombing?
Which of those wars do you want to fight? Have you enlisted yet? What are you waiting for?
- Comment on once in a lifetime 10 months ago:
I spent the week leading up to the eclipse looking at weather forecasts trying to give us the best shot of clear skies. When we got in the car Monday we still had to drive around a bit to get out from under the clouds. Ended up on some dirt road in NW OH in the middle of nowhere under a small patch of blue sky
- Comment on There is someone who's the first and oldest member of gen Z, and they have absolutely no clue that's the case. 11 months ago:
It’s such a silly concept. This massive superstructure of division to replace the simple idea that “I have a lot in common with peers in my age cohort”.
As soon as somebody says “technically you are a member of generation___”, you can ignore them. Anyone who puts a generation label at the center of their identity probably doesn’t have a lot else going on.
- Comment on Best printer 2024: a humorous critique of the Google search engine and printer enshittification 11 months ago:
The wired Nic on mine is dead, WiFi only now. one time modeled and 3d printed a part to fix the feeder. I will keep this fucker running forever.
- Comment on Dynamic pricing is coming to grocery stores 11 months ago:
If the prices are negotiable, imma be in there haggling like I’m at a Turkish bazaar!
Imagine the chaos it would cause in these stores if they had to negotiate every item. If one it ten customers walked away leaving a cart full of groceries in the checkout. Fixed prices are the technology that allows these giant stores to exist. This will never work.
- Comment on Why does my printer suck so much? 11 months ago:
There are so many things you can do to make these cheap printers reliable that I really could not list them all. When it comes to bed and first layer issues here are the biggest ones
Make sure your X gantry is tight and not sagging. The eccentric nuts on the guide wheels should be set so that there is very little play. If you lift the left side it should not move much without raising the gantry.
Tram your bed with the screws almost bottomed out. Loose screws mean that the bed is moving more and will not likely hold a level for long.
The bed must be warm during abl. these things warp and twist like crazy when you heat them. You will not get good results on these cheap ass beds if your machine measures its shape cold.
If you are not using a pei coated sheet to print on buy one asap. It is a superior print surface and a huge leap in print technology. It’s less important with pei, but it is worth noting that the print surface must be clean. Oils from your fingers mess with adhesion to the print bed.
Those are the big ones. There are like I said a million little things you can do. These things can be made into reliable work horses but it takes A lot of research, work, time, and often money to make them such. My ender 3 has cost me more than a prusa would have, which is pretty dumb tbh. On the other hand, it’s mine and there is no part of it that I do not understand. I like my printer. It’s very fast, very reliable, and I made it that way.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Trust is when two or more companies secretly collude against the interest of customers. That is what you would find in a textbook anyway. This is more an abuse of monopoly.
- Comment on Keywords tried to make a game using GenAI but said the tech was 'unable to replace talent' 11 months ago:
Art is media that conveys emotions and ideas from one human to another. Unless a machine has emotions of its own, it cannot make art. It is just making media.
- Comment on My creality 4.2.7 board just crapped out. Suggestions for an upgrade? 11 months ago:
One more vote for the SKR mini e3. Best upgrade you can do for one of these printers.
- Comment on Microsoft's draconian Windows 11 restrictions will send an estimated 240 million PCs to the landfill when Windows 10 hits end of life in 2025 11 months ago:
It’s a 2015 Mac book pro that runs Monterey which still has update support. Getting new versions isn’t really important, getting support and updates is all that matters. I expect them to drop Monterey support at the end of this year which will be about a 10 yr service life. That seems pretty good to me. I have never had a windows laptop last 10yrs. And even at its age it is surprisingly pleasant to use with Mac OS.
Regarding Linux support, I started with Mint and everything works but the WiFi is a little slow. It looks like there has been some work to address that but I haven’t had time to try it out. It might be my favorite laptop I’ve ever had and it was only $100.
- Comment on Microsoft's draconian Windows 11 restrictions will send an estimated 240 million PCs to the landfill when Windows 10 hits end of life in 2025 11 months ago:
Just thought an old MacBook to put Linux on. Thing is almost 10yrs old and still has OS support from Apple That’s not too bad imo.
Chromebooks are the really fucking villain. 3-4 yrs and it’s off to the landfill. What the fuck?
- Comment on Study finds anti-piracy messages backfire, especially for men 1 year ago:
I imagine for a lot of people an anti piracy campaign simply serves to alert them that piracy is possible and apparently so common and easy that everybody else must be doing it. They probably walk away curious about learning a new hobby more than fearing the consequences.
- Comment on 3D Print Farm Talk - Should You Upgrade? - Some Experience with Old vs New Machines 1 year ago:
Fascinating. A whole hidden world.
- Comment on 3D Print Farm Talk - Should You Upgrade? - Some Experience with Old vs New Machines 1 year ago:
Man I have never understood what people are doing to make money with a 3d printer. It’s an incredibly inefficient manufacturing technique if you need quantity of a part. So, how does that business even work. Who the hell is buying all those… green rectangles? What are they for??
- Comment on Want a 3D printer in New York? Get ready for fingerprinting and a 15 day wait 1 year ago:
3d printed plastic guns are real in a sense but not in any practical way. I am not sure why so many people think this is a concern. If I have a box of ammo, I can probably go into my shop and come up with a way to fire it. I doubt I would use my 3d printer in that project though. There are better ways to makeshift a weapon.
- Comment on It’s a dark time to be a tech worker right now 1 year ago:
Unemployment is at record lows. Some sectors are hiring a lot more people than the tech sector is shedding. It’s not really complicated.
Job sectors come and go, grow and shrink. Imagine how silly I would sound if I said: “there is almost no work for horse cart builders but the gov says that unemployment is at record lows, how can this be?”
- Comment on Apple Vision Pro Could Take Four Generations to Reach 'Ideal Form' 1 year ago:
It sounds like they solved some problems with mixed reality stuff that nobody else has been able to solve. Getting pass through to be perfect is a pretty big deal if you care about this stuff. It also sounds like the UI they designed is very good.
The price is completely outrageous, this thing is not going anywhere if they cannot get it down to 1k ish. And let’s be real, nobody really wants to be in a headset. And the culture is not going to accept people in headsets they way they did phones.
I guess hats off to them for making the best headset device on the market. But, I still think the headset market is a dead end.
- Comment on Apple Vision Pro launch pre-view testers complain about weight, comfort, even headaches 1 year ago:
Consumer VR is over, it didn’t work. nobody really wants it, at any price. Wtf was Apple thinking? This should have been scrapped and left for dead. Good money after bad.
I have put this on the internet so it can age like fine milk if this thing manages to find an enthusiastic audience. I feel pretty good about my odds here though.
- Comment on China's population dropped for a second straight year 1 year ago:
Plenty of people, in fact almost everyone who will read your comment are rooting for population decline.
When you say that our global economic system requires indefinite growth, you are not talking about global capitalism. You are talking about settled human communities. From the moment the first seed was put in the ground, we have been on a trajectory that requires more labor next year than the last to keep the wheels on the track. More technology to support more people to develop more technology to support more people.
We could get off this ride, but we’ve been on it for 10s of thousands of years. Assuming it is as simple as changing our mindset is folly. This isn’t changing the icing on the cake, it’s changing the stones under the house while trying not to disturb the cake.
- Comment on Did someone tell Steam it's not April 1st yet? 1 year ago:
The way that they were able to use their toolset to make space, actually super cool. Especially when you start to poke at it a little and see how the clock actually ticks. BUT, it doesn’t really serve fun. Like I bet there is a morrowind technical dev somewhere who shit their pants when they saw it but for the rest of us, it ends up feeling bland.
So there was some interesting innovation, but it did not serve gameplay. Strange award to give that game. The strongest thing they do is level design and all the bespoke levels are really good. That is a compliment I can give starfield without any reservation.
- Comment on Steve Jobs Rigged The First iPhone Demo By Faking Full Signal Strength And Secretly Swapping Devices Because Of Fragile Prototypes And Bug-Riddled Software 1 year ago:
Yeah. Am I supposed to be upset by this? Fuggen thing worked when it shipped. Are people angry that the marketing campaign started before every single engineering problem was solved? Why?
- Comment on Top 50 defederated instances 1 year ago:
Oh my, I live in MI and I always thought the DC fans were sort of wholesome. People taking pride in their city and building traditions. I’m not going to find out what you saw there but it bums me out.
- Comment on Top 50 defederated instances 1 year ago:
This is a real rogues gallery of internet. And… a soccer team from Detroit. What the fuck did those guys do?