- Comment on Tesla must face fraud suit for claiming its cars could fully drive themselves 9 months ago:
There are plenty of bosses like him out there. Completely high on their own shit. He reads about technology in a sci-fi book, and thinks he can Steve Jobs into bullying workers into making it a reality. Completely deludes himself into thinking it’s real and sells it to investors with full confidence. He has no idea of the actual technical challenges and fully convinces himself his genius brain could figure it out if he wasn’t so “busy” all the time. Everything is perpetually just 6 months away.
- Comment on Al Jazeera office raided as Israel takes channel off air 9 months ago:
“I’ll go against the grain”. Proceeds to maintain the status quo and bootlick for fascists.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
We can be pretty sure he’s a pedophile though based on his connections to Epstein.
- Comment on Anthony Albanese has praised a lone police officer who pursued a man on a stabbing spree through a shopping mall, saying ‘there is no doubt that she saved lives through her action’ 10 months ago:
There’s not a lot of point in an event like this when emotions are high and reactionaries are high on the “heroism”.
But “all cops are bastards” remains true.
In capitalist society the role of the police is to protect the private property of the ruling class and to serve their interests.
Since their inception that has been the role of the police force in Australia, beginning with the genocide of aboriginal people in order to secure land for settlers.
In the 80s and 90s we saw how little the role of the police force is in “protecting and serving the people” as they formed gangs to hunt down, murder, then cover up the murder of queer people.
Can you really justify the role police play in keeping workers from striking and making meaningful change in workplace reform, or in housing where the police use violence to evict the poor in order for the rich to buy up all the houses?
We haven’t even touched on mental health. Why in general are the police called when there’s a mental health crisis? Where are the counsellors, psychiatrists and social workers? Why was someone with schizophrenia allowed to get to the point where they became a threat to the public?
The actions of the individual are justified in this situation. Incidentally police do some good actions sometimes by virtue of the fact that they’re currently the ones with the power, weapons, and authority to act in these circumstances.
But there are much better ways of organising a society that don’t create such disparity, and there are much better ways of protecting communities that aren’t primarily centred on using violence against the poor to protect the greed of the rich.
- Comment on Tesla stops cybertruck deliveries—accelerator pedal may be to blame 10 months ago:
If you see someone driving a Tesla the correct response is always to point and laugh.
- Comment on Suicide is on the rise for young Americans, with no clear answers 10 months ago:
It couldn’t possibly be the overarching system we live under. Surely there’s another explanation that doesn’t call attention to that. What about social media, hip hop or rock n roll music, the lgbtq, or possibly too much avocado toast and coffee?
- Comment on 11 months ago:
The term “proactive policing” is disgusting. It’s harassment, bullying, and terrorism against the working class.
Where is the “proactive policing” of wealthy people exploiting workers, stealing wages, and other crimes?
- Comment on is this copium or hopium or schizophrenia? 11 months ago:
- Comment on enjoy 11 months ago:
Nice try, but I have immunity dog saved on my computer.
- Comment on Google fires employee who protested Israel tech event, as internal dissent mounts 11 months ago:
Google: “Be evil.”
- Comment on Usage Of Elon Musk’s X Dropped 30% In The Last Year, Study Suggests 11 months ago:
I’m sure a lot of the original population has dropped by a lot more than that, but in numbers they would have been replaced by an influx of fascists and bots.
- Comment on House panel unanimously approves bill that could ban TikTok 11 months ago:
As an individual I’d rather be giving my data to China who probably have no interest in me personally, rather than a Five Eyes country who want my data to spy on me, and have more interest in persecuting me, stopping me at borders, etc.
- Comment on TikTok faces calls for ban amid claims of anti-Israel ‘indoctrination’ 11 months ago:
Heaven forbid the kids should be against the outright mass murder of unarmed men, women, and (mostly) children, the targeted killing of journalists, doctors, and destruction of all hospitals, the blocking of aid, forced starvation, and targeted killing of people in designated “safe zones”.
Where has their sense of bloodthirsty genocide and outright cruelty gone?
- Comment on there's laundry to do and a genocide to stop 11 months ago:
It doesn’t say “from the left”. It says “from both parties”. Biden is the fascist from the other party.
Democrats are in no way, shape, or form part of “the left”.
At bare minimum someone on the left would be completely opposed to capitalism. They might be a mutualist, communalist, anarcho-syndicalist, anarcho-communist, etc.
Democrats are Neo-liberals and support the status quo. Maybe not outright fascists like the Republicans, but they have more in common with Republicans than they do with anyone on the left and when push comes to shove they’re not going to oppose fascism, they’re just going to go along with it. “Scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds.”
- Comment on A crowd destroyed a driverless Waymo car in San Francisco 1 year ago:
Lmao. Forget it Jake. It’s Chinatown.
- Comment on WB’s ‘Ready Player One’ Blockchain, VR, AR, AI ‘Readyverse’ Will Of Course Be A Disaster 1 year ago:
It’s a blur to me now but I just remember so many forced 80s references, and the plot was basic. Fan fiction vibes.
- Comment on WB’s ‘Ready Player One’ Blockchain, VR, AR, AI ‘Readyverse’ Will Of Course Be A Disaster 1 year ago:
That was so fucking weird and gross. Thank you for sharing.
- Comment on Steve Ballmer is set to make $1 billion a year for doing nothing | CNN Business 1 year ago:
Capitalism literally rewards and enforces narcissism, sociopathy, exploitation, greed, destruction, and violence.
Cool system guys.
- Comment on The Race to Put Brain Implants in People Is Heating Up 1 year ago:
Do you really think policy matters when there’s a profit incentive?
- Comment on New Study: At Least 15% of All Reddit Content is Corporate Trolls Trying to Manipulate Public Opinion 1 year ago:
Same bestie.
I miss the old web before it was just a small bunch of major websites.
Lemmy is good now because it has that old community feel. Hopefully that can be maintained in the future by defederating from corporate and toxic instances.
- Comment on New Study: At Least 15% of All Reddit Content is Corporate Trolls Trying to Manipulate Public Opinion 1 year ago:
Exactly. And on major subreddits it would be much higher. Worldnews at the moment just feels like IDF posting pro-genocide content, commenting, upvoting and agreeing with each other.
Reddit goes in the bin. 🚮
- Comment on Amazon Fires Up Its Space Lasers 1 year ago:
You’re right. This kind of technology might be cool if we lived in a egalitarian world where the technology was a benefit for all humans and built thoughtfully.
Instead we live in an increasingly fascist hellworld where this shit is just going to be one of many competing projects by tech overlords who are just going to pollute our world with more garbage.
- Comment on Jeff Bezos plays down AI dangers and says a trillion humans could live in huge cylindrical space stations 1 year ago:
I’m more afraid of the world billionaires have made for us. I’ll take my chances with the AI.
- Comment on Boy, 15, given official warning after saluting as neo-Nazis marched through Ballarat 1 year ago:
The ideology of neo-liberalism is so fucking cursed. You don’t even understand how your own ideology functions and how you shut down leftists and allow fascism to grow.
- Comment on How Reddit Crushed the Internet's Largest Protest 1 year ago:
Going onto a major subreddit like worldnews is just insane.
On the Palestinian genocide it’s just completely full of IDF posting pro-Israeli content. And all the comments are just propagandists agreeing with each other.
- Comment on Why do people always assume you're part of a group just because you're defending them? 1 year ago:
Historically the role of the police was to catch escaped slaves, and to violently break strikes when unionised workers were fighting for their rights.
Their foundation was white supremacist violence and violence against the working class in order to keep wage slaves creating profit for the ruling class.
And that function continues today. The role of the police is literally to use violence to protect the private property of the ruling class and serve their interests.
Are you a working class person who defends the people keeping you enslaved? Then yes, you’re a bootlicker.
- Comment on HP misreads room, awkwardly brags about its “less hated” printers | Opinion: HP's printer business practices have infuriated users for years. 1 year ago:
- Comment on HP misreads room, awkwardly brags about its “less hated” printers | Opinion: HP's printer business practices have infuriated users for years. 1 year ago:
HP are complicit in genocide. Boycott them.
- Comment on Elon Musk on X antisemitism controversy: “Don’t advertise. Go f*** yourself” 1 year ago:
It’s like the corners of his lips have been stuck to his chin.
- Comment on Elon Musk on X antisemitism controversy: “Don’t advertise. Go f*** yourself” 1 year ago:
He truly must believe he’s one of the good guys. Lmao Earth isn’t going to rise up for a divorced apartheid emerald mine inheritor, you dork.