- Comment on Sniffin Poop 3 months ago:
- Comment on It's fire... Maybe concerning but fire still 3 months ago:
Almost everyone there speaks English and very well. Never had any problem communicating.
- Comment on Solar modules now selling for less than €0.06/W in Europe 3 months ago:
By a quick search I didn’t find any claim of storage battery lifetimes outside of 10-15 years, so there doesn’t seem to be a breakthrough in tech I wasn’t aware of. 15 years is hardly the lifetime of a house, so you certainly don’t “buy only once”.
Solar panels also don’t work indefinitely but their efficiency degradation is more on par with the lifetime of major parts of the building, like the roof itself.
- Comment on Solar modules now selling for less than €0.06/W in Europe 3 months ago:
What? Have you ever had a battery powered device for longer than 2 years?
- Comment on Has Fast Food Gotten Worse, or Am I Just Getting Old? 3 months ago:
I think it was always shit, you and your taste buds just grew up.
At the time I ate lots of fast-food I also liked to drink lots of soda and ice tea, like 2 liters in one sitting when hung over. Now I puke a little in my mouth just thinking of that garbage.
- Comment on Is it really possible to tax the rich? 3 months ago:
What about loans against assets like houses? I wouldn’t consider simple house owners necessarily rich and they should be able to get a mortgage without penalty.
- Comment on anyway, i started blastin' 3 months ago:
This is refuted by his approach to only cut out half the tumor.
- Comment on Caves 3 months ago:
Define filth. What we call spoiled food is great for basically all the critters entering our houses. That’s where the stigma comes from - if you don’t really clean your kitchen and leave scraps and crumbs in narrow spaces, that’s where they will feast.
It’s not like lice for example, that really don’t care how often you wash yourself and infect anyone with long enough hair.
- Comment on Harm 3 months ago:
The one with the Jedi? Yes, was wondering about that too. If you get through the trouble creating something like that you should really try to make it right.
- Comment on Harm 3 months ago:
Adjacent or opposite to the angle you’re referring to.
- Comment on Court Orders Google (a Monopolist) To Knock It Off With the Monopoly Stuff. 3 months ago:
Well, to make your metaphor more fitting, the whole town would have to be owned by your supermarket chain and they chose to put the town hall into one of their stores.
Now the court forces them to hand out build permits also for competing supermarkets.
- Comment on Entire Mac Lineup Now Finally Starts With at Least 16GB RAM, Ending 8GB Era 3 months ago:
I just want to turn the thing on and play Factorio or Minecraft, not figure out if my 4080 will run on it etc.
Funny that you chose two games that run natively on Linux.
- Comment on Elon's Death Machine (aka Tesla) Mows Down Deer at Full Speed , Keeps Going on "Autopilot" 3 months ago:
Filming, duh.
- Comment on Elon Musk Fans Are Losing So Much Money to Crypto Scams 3 months ago:
the fact that they’re microscopic might be an issue
Why? All that means is you may already have one without knowing it.
- Comment on M4 Mac Mini Power Button Has New Bottom Location 3 months ago:
Standby pointlessly draws power. I switch off all devices that don’t run on battery for that reason. But I’m not exactly Apple’s target audience anyway since I also consider the price before buying stuff.
- Comment on 'They Know Who You Are': Harvard Students Use Meta's Ray-Ban Glasses To Pull Up Your Identity In Real-time 3 months ago:
This article focuses to much on the glasses/face recognition tech while the actual problem is the database with of personal information and its public accessibility.
- Comment on Apple’s first Mac mini redesign in 14 years looks like a big aluminum Apple TV 3 months ago:
whatever overpriced gaming laptop comes working out of the box.
Not an Apple one, for sure.
- Comment on Apple’s first Mac mini redesign in 14 years looks like a big aluminum Apple TV 3 months ago:
They also know their target audience has plenty of people who gobble up every bad design decision and even defend it online years later.
- Comment on The Fennec Android browser is currently behind on Firefox security updates, deemed unsafe by F-droid 4 months ago:
Dangerous attitude when it comes to itsec.
- Comment on Google’s DeepMind is building an AI to keep us from hating each other 4 months ago:
Well, they gotta have the expertise. Engagement optimizing systems like YouTube’s suggestion feed are known to move users towards outrage.
- Comment on Can I not be an adorable junkie 4 months ago:
No, he’s addicted to Her.
- Comment on Veggie 4 months ago:
Maybe they were about to draw a circle and figured it’s useless before it was done.
- Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago:
The correct answer would have been: “Why should I? You’re an idiot.”
- Comment on Baidu CEO warns AI is just an inevitable bubble — 99% of AI companies are at risk of failing when the bubble bursts 4 months ago:
Don’t say AI when you mean AGI.
By definition AI (artificial intelligence) is any algorithm by which a computer system automatically adapts to and learns from its input. That definition also covers conventional algorithms that aren’t even based on neural nets. Machine learning is a subset of that.
AGI (artifical general intelligence) is the thing you see in movies, people project into their LLM responses and what’s driving this bubble. It is the final goal, and means a system being able to perform everything a human can on at least human level. Pretty much all the actual experts agree we’re a far shot from such a system.
- Comment on A useful map for travelers 4 months ago:
I’m sure they’re doing all they can already.
- Comment on Ouch my texicles 4 months ago:
Or trailers
- Comment on So bad it was actually entertaining 4 months ago:
I do the exact same thing. It also filters out all the bought fake 5 star reviews that will just get harder to detect.
- Comment on Octopus 4 months ago:
Nope, that’s the point. That’s how we trick them into get eaten.
- Comment on Please Don’t Make Me Download Another App | Our phones are being overrun 4 months ago:
I also don’t want to have to talk to it, so switching to Home Assistant with Zigbee
That’s what started it all for me. I have some Hue lights for TV backlighting and started looking for alternatives when Philipps started threatening making their cloud account mandatory.
Works like a charm and I have been returning every device I cannot setup locally but it’s annoying because they don’t always tell about their crappy app and cloud accounts on the product info.
- Comment on Please Don’t Make Me Download Another App | Our phones are being overrun 4 months ago:
Good luck getting any other parents to give a shit though.
That’s the big one, sadly.