- Comment on Iraq War was preceded by the largest worldwide non-violent protests in history and the war happened anyway. 1 month ago:
“largest worldwide non-violent protests in history”? I remember living through that time and don’t remember that. Do you have a source? I myself was opposed the second Iraq war because Saddam had agreed to let in any inspectors the west wanted but we went “too late, we’re coming in anyway” and I knew it was a scam invasion.
We were also just a couple of years into Afghanistan and it made no sense to be starting a second war on a second front when there was no immanent danger. Again, it made to sense.
- Comment on Good morning I choose violence. 1 month ago:
Was this possibly a building with retrofitted ducting? As in when it was built it had boilers for heating only, and later the building was modified to have ducting for AC (so the ducting had to follow whatever non-straight lines were possible).
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 2 months ago:
USA was still very much on the rise at the advent of the internet. If you define the advent of the internet to be Arpanet, then that was 1969, the same year the USA landed on the moon. If you define the advent of the internet to be the first use of the World Wide Web that would be 1989 the same year the Berlin wall came down and 3 years before the Soviet Union collapsed, which was arguably the most powerful the USA has ever been as it was before China’s rise.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 2 months ago:
Did Britain or Rome know the moments when Pax Britannia or Pax Romana had hit their tipping point to decline? I doubt it.
I think the tipping point will only be observable through the lens of history many years from now with a subject heading of: This event was the beginning of the end of Pax Americana.
- Comment on If trump appointments someone that doesn't last as long as Anthony Scaramucci do we measure that in fractional moochies or do we abandon the mooch system because it failed us? 2 months ago:
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 2 months ago:
Ask why? don’t just stay with oil companies PR talk points.
I do. I’m not using anyone’s talking points. I couldn’t even tell you what they would be. I have 2 smaller nuclear power plants in my state. I liked the idea of nuclear power, but looked into it myself. It seems like it should be great. Reality shows it isn’t great. I does one thing well (24/7 carbon free electricity), but thats it. Everything else is negatives I found.
Nuclear is expensive because innovation has been artificially stifled.
I read your article. It doesn’t say what you’re saying it does. That article says “nuclear is expensive” because projects are building old designs retrofitting existing plants.
A huge part of this, is the insistence to forbid newer designs and more modern improvements,
See you say that, but facts don’t align with that: “NRC Certifies First U.S. Small Modular Reactor Design” Jan 2023 source
Do ALL new reactor designs get approved? No. Do no new reactor designs get approved? Also no.
Nuclear power is expensive (in the US), because it was made expensive by refusing it all the factors that typically reduce costs of technologies.
I read your article there. Its argument is that the theoretical arguments for pricing nuclear power are faulty. We don’t have to work with theoreticals. The customers of the most recently brought online reactors at Vogle nuclear power plant in Georgia are paying significantly more for their electricity as the result of their new nuclear reactors, and will, for decades to come. I pointed this out and cited sources in my OP on this.
It doesn’t matter though. Nuclear power could’ve help us survive climate change…40 years ago. It’s too late now anyways. Even if we covered the whole planet with solar power and stopped every single combustion engine in existence, we are already on the way to living in a hellscape. We must focus on survival of the species now.
Agreed, so its irrelevant to bring up what could have been done in the past. We have what we have today.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 2 months ago:
The argument I’m replying to is a classic “not perfect, thus not worth it”. Its disingenuous and it calls for disingenuous reply.
I wrote nearly a page of text all of factual and relevant points. If your threshold for bad faith replies is that every facet of every argument must be explored before you’ll allow a genuine reply, you’re in the wrong place.
We are also pursuing renewables in despite of their political and technical flaws.
Agreed! We are seeing their benefits over their shortcomings. Additionally, its not an all-or-nothing decision. A blend of solutions is the best likely path forward. Some nuclear (currently built) should be part of that. However, putting all the efforts into scaling nuclear would be extremely expensive. If we do that, we should understand that cost will be much larger than most people understand.
The point is that all the flaws that OP exposes about nuclear power also applied to renewables (at one point in history solar power was 10x more expensive than nuclear) and also to oil.
Thats a bad argument to support your pro-nuclear position. Other renewables are expensive when they are first developed and get cheaper over time. Nuclear has gone the other direction. Nuclear power is more expensive now than it was when it began, and is only getting more expensive.
They are status quo defending arguments designed to halt thought, paralyze action and scoff change. Just because it isn’t perfect doesn’t mean it isn’t better.
My dollar cost argument against nuclear is not that.
The exceptionally high dollar cost of nuclear was not part of the conversation before I introduced it. It is an important consideration if we’re talking about scaling out any particular solution. If one solution is more expensive than others that produces the same result that is important to consider.
- Comment on Palworld Developer Reveals The Pokémon Patents Nintendo Claims It's Violating 2 months ago:
Nintendo claims Palworld is a knockoff, and people bought it, so you’ve got a bit of a disconnect with reality and your positions.
- Comment on Palworld Developer Reveals The Pokémon Patents Nintendo Claims It's Violating 2 months ago:
So you’re cool if some other developer makes a knockoff of Palworld and sells it, right? Cause that knock off developer has to make a living, right?
- Comment on Palworld Developer Reveals The Pokémon Patents Nintendo Claims It's Violating 2 months ago:
Uhhhh…. You are aware of what topic you are posting in, right?
Are you the Palworld developer then? This is preventing YOU from making a living?
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 2 months ago:
A new nuclear unit (4 billion-ish)
In the USA the most recent two reactors (2 added to a plant that already had 2 existing) cost $34 billion just for the two new ones. source
- Comment on What is stopping a scammer from HTTPS certificating a "" 2 months ago:
I recall that subdomains are their own record inside a DNS
Well, not a record, but a zone. A subdomain is its own zone. There are additional DNS records that support a separate zone though.
which would imply that anyone can claim that their server is a non-existent subdomain of the real domain
False. The person wanting control of the subdomain must be delegated control from the parent domain. Owners of the parent domain don’t just hand that out to anyone. The mechanism is called DNS Delegation.
- Comment on Palworld Developer Reveals The Pokémon Patents Nintendo Claims It's Violating 2 months ago:
I don’t need to come up with any revolutionary ideas, the open source folks are already creating without patenting their creations
The largest contributors to Open Source make their money from patents and other IP. As in, they can afford to give away lots of time and effort because they make their money with IP. If IP were to be eradicated as you’re proposing, all those contributions to Open Source by those largest contributors would evaporate. Here’s the largest Open Source contributors from 2017-2021.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 2 months ago:
Because oil has never depended on outside countries that are openly hostile.
That argument is so weak to me. No one is advocating “oil is the future! We need to build more oil consuming power plants!”. If people were, sure you’d have a great counter. Since that’s not reality though, its a Strawman response at best. Its Whataboutism at its worse.
- Comment on Palworld Developer Reveals The Pokémon Patents Nintendo Claims It's Violating 2 months ago:
yeah now its brutal for anyone trying to make a living
What patent or copyright is preventing you from making a living?
- Comment on Palworld Developer Reveals The Pokémon Patents Nintendo Claims It's Violating 2 months ago:
A shitty solution for a shitty situation is not a good solution
Feel free to share your revolutionary idea that will still incentivize people to create without creating a “shitty situation”.
- Comment on Palworld Developer Reveals The Pokémon Patents Nintendo Claims It's Violating 2 months ago:
Patents shouldn’t exist! Mostly.
We had a history before patents/copyright were enforced. It was pretty brutal for anyone trying to make a living with their creations. Take a look and see if you want to return to that.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 2 months ago:
It’s sad that the coal lobby has convinced so many people that the most reliable clean energy source we’ve ever discovered is somehow bad.
Its bad in the sense that is a crazy expensive way to generate electricity. Its not theoretical. Ask the customers of the most recent nuclear reactors to go online in the USA in Georgia. source
"The report shows average Georgia Power rates are up between $34 and $35 since before the plant’s Unit 3 went online. " (there were bonds and fees on customer electric bills to pay for the nuclear plant construction before it was even delivering power.
“The month following Unit 4 achieving commercial operation, average retail rates were adjusted by approximately 5%. With the Nuclear Construction Cost Recovery (NCCR) tariff removed from bills, a typical resident customer using 1,000 kWh per month saw an estimated monthly increase of $8.95 per month. This follows the previous rate impact in 2023 following Unit 3 COD of $5.42 (3.2%).”
So another $5.42/month for the first reactor built on top of the $35/month, then another $8.95/month on top of all that for a rough total of $49.37/month more just to buy electricity that is generated from nuclear.
Maybe the power company is greedy? Nope, they’re even eating more costs and not passing them on to customers:
“Georgia Power says they’re losing about $2.6 billion in total projected costs to shield customers from the responsibility of paying it. Unit 4 added about $8.95 to the average customer’s bill, John Kraft, a spokesman for the company said.”
So that $49.37/month premium for electricity from nuclear power would be even higher if the power company passed on all the costs. Nuclear power for electricty is just too inefficient just on the cost basis, this is completely ignoring the problems with waste management.
The next biggest problem with nuclear power is where the fuel comes from:
“Russia also dominates nuclear fuel supply chains. Its state-owned Rosatom controls 36 percent of the global uranium enrichment market and supplies nuclear fuel to 78 reactors in 15 countries. In 2020, Russia owned 40 percent of the total uranium conversion infrastructure worldwide. Russia is also the third-largest supplier of the imported uranium that fuels U.S. power plants, accounting for 16 percent of total imported uranium. The Russian state could weaponize its dominance in the nuclear energy supply chain to advance its geostrategic interests. During the 2014 Russia-Ukraine crisis, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin threatened to embargo nuclear fuel supplies to Ukraine.” source
So relying on nuclear power for electricity means handing the keys of our power supply over to outside countries that are openly hostile to us.
- Comment on Comcast, Disney, and IBM Are Among Advertisers Returning to X After Ad Freeze 2 months ago:
At least with Trump the insanity is out in the open. I mean these cabinet picks are insane. It would be funnier if we didn’t have to live with the consequences.
Do you not get that Trump will likely get two more Supreme court appointments? The third branch of our government is locked into conservative hands for the next 30 to 40 years now regardless of who gets elected afterward.
- Comment on Comcast, Disney, and IBM Are Among Advertisers Returning to X After Ad Freeze 2 months ago:
Or saw that both sides probably lead to the same end eventually.
Get out of here with that false equivalency bullshit. Trump’s cabinet picks so far are a Russian propaganda parroter for head of CIA, an anti-vax and raw milk advocate for Health and Human Services, a white supremacist tattooed person for Defense secretary and a suspected pedophile that is having their ethics hearing results blocked for Attorney General.
Do you even think for a hot second that Harris would have make such unqualified and toxic choices for her cabinet?
- Comment on Comcast, Disney, and IBM Are Among Advertisers Returning to X After Ad Freeze 2 months ago:
I almost can’t blame them. A majority of Americans voted for fascism and racism. These are their customers.
- Comment on Mellencamp was right: "Life goes on...long after the thrill of livin' is gone." 2 months ago:
I’m reminded of when a friend of mine quit smoking. He said “OMG I can smell oranges and they taste amazing!”. The “thrill” of smoking had dulled his finer senses to the point he wasn’t able to enjoy oranges before quitting smoking.
I think life is like that too. If you’re living the “thrill” all the time, you can’t perceive or appreciate all kinds of smaller wonderful things around you happening in life.
- Comment on The dead end of chips: Manufacturing semiconductors consumes as much energy as entire countries 2 months ago:
Are the largest power consumption steps of semi conductor product happening 24/7? Could we simply align manufacturing times with useful solar production times? So no need to store all the solar power, with the idea of consuming most of it immediately for manufacturing. Then pass a run that Semi conductor fabs have to build out their own solar arrays to cover most of their power consumption.
- Comment on Elon Musk Fans Are Losing So Much Money to Crypto Scams 2 months ago:
I mean, “give access” and “double your bitcoin” are somewhat textbook phrases for scams…
You’re underscoring my point. I don’t think either of those two exact phrases were use in the scam video. In my post I was communicating the paraphrased things they were saying. Its like you’re finding the words in the word search because I circled them, then handed it to you, and you’re saying “there’s the word, its in the circle!”.
I didn’t commit to memory the exact language used because as soon as I figured out it was a scam I had no reason to remember their exact words. If you go looking you might find an example of the video. Its beyond my interest though.
- Comment on Elon Musk Fans Are Losing So Much Money to Crypto Scams 2 months ago:
It sounds like a scam because I’m distilling all the things that told me it was a scam. I’m glad you can take what I’m tell you is a scam and say “yes thats a scam”. Congrats?
Musk also does stupid stuff that loses money. He’s (likely illegally) giving away money to buy votes in some states. Musk is also a known cryptobro. The idea that Musk would be giving away crypto to try to build influence or attention isn’t far fetched.
- Comment on Elon Musk Fans Are Losing So Much Money to Crypto Scams 2 months ago:
I saw one of these and it took me a second to realize it was a scam. I’m a spaceflight geek and as much as a tool as Musk is, there’s heavy overlap in spaceflight and SpaceX.
On Youtube there was a purported “live launch update” livestream. I was confused because I knew there were no launches scheduled that day of any kind much less SpaceX. What I saw was Musk on a stage outdoors apparently talking about a new SpaceX crypto product and the voice, which sounded exactly like Musk’s talked about giving away free crypto the only thing you had to do was buy it, then share you wallet info and Musk would double it.
Besides this smelling very suspect, I realized that there were never close shots when musk was talking, so you couldn’t see the lips match the words being said audibly and I knew it was a scam.
I can absolutely see how the greedy would get scammed by this.
- Comment on Why is the price of real estate rising so dramatically? 2 months ago:
I remember back before 2020 there was tons of mountain and cabins and homes and stuff like that anywhere from 2:50 to 500K. Now you won’t find a single one less than 800k…
WFH and good satellite internet were a bit of a game changer here. You could now live in a remote place and work a job with a high income.
Regular homes are just as bad. I’m seeing homes in my area that sold for around $200 to 300K in 2019, now they are 500k and above.
Supply and demand here. There aren’t enough houses being build for people (and private investors) that want to buy them. The price rises.
I don’t understand how this makes any sense? Salaries were not doubled, but somehow the price of all homes are now twice as much.
Lots to unpack with this one. First, some people’s salaries were doubled. There has been some niche sectors of industry that have seen large year over year increases in income, specifically some STEM fields. Second, housing price rises are not linear across all pricepoints. The cheaper house are going up significantly faster than more expensive homes. Why? Because there are more people shopping at the lower pricepoints. When we bought our new-to-us house a few years ago buying a house $150k more expensive than the house were were living in got us very little more house. However, buying a house $250k more expensive got a lot more house (larger, better neighborhood, more outside space, etc).
- Comment on Candy 2 months ago:
Is the other girl dressed as a COVID test (showing positive for COVID) or a pregnancy test (showing positive for being pregnant)?
- Comment on Google plans AI browser assistant "Jarvis" to automate web tasks. 2 months ago:
booking flights without user intervention.”
“I’m flying from New York to Chicago. Why the hell do I have a 18 hour layover in Buffalo NY then a 8 hour layover in Peoria IL?! Who booked this damn flight?!”
- Comment on Google plans AI browser assistant "Jarvis" to automate web tasks. 2 months ago:
“Jarvis, bring up youtube and show me a video how to cook the perfect brisket, and as soon as the ads start mute the volume and attempt to hit the ‘skip ad’ button as soon as it appears, resume volume when the cooking content returns”