- Comment on Is there an Australian equivalent for boycotting american products ? 2 days ago:
Wise might work for you. They’re a UK company I believe. Not totally sure if they’re 1:1 on features with PayPal as I hardly ever use PP but they probably can do pretty much the same things. In my experience the service is very good and also very cost effective, at least when it comes to transferring money overseas.
- Comment on What are you brewing? 2 months ago:
It’s funny you say that because the reason I miscalculated the water was based on my brew sessions regularly coming in under the expected value for my post-boil gravity, so I changed my equipment settings to reduce the expected losses. Unfortunately it looks like I made them a little TOO low.
- Comment on What are you brewing? 2 months ago:
Last (pretty recent) brew was supposed to be a WCIPA finishing at around 7.5% but I miscalculated my water volume and ended up with an 11% beer instead. I also ran into some issues doing the closed transfer from my fermenter and eventually just opened it and poured it into the keg. Despite all that it was actually quite good after a week or so carbing. I was pleasantly surprised.
- Comment on Tesla Exodus Continues As Top HR Exec Leaves After Brutal Job Cuts 10 months ago:
Elon Musk and a board of directors that are controlled by Elon Musk.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
There’s been some discussion over the years that Tesla never seriously tried to make the battery swap work, that they did it to claim subsidies from California which they subsequently never returned to the taxpayers.
- Comment on Stop Using Your Face or Thumb to Unlock Your Phone 10 months ago:
Oh, yeah I think you’re right. I think I might’ve changed it at some point.
Just checked and it’s under system > gestures > press and hold power button
- Comment on Stop Using Your Face or Thumb to Unlock Your Phone 10 months ago:
I also have a pixel 6 and holding down power also works, though you have to wait a second. Power and volume up is instant.
- Comment on EA just added classics like Dungeon Keeper, SimCity 3000, and Populous on Steam 11 months ago:
- Comment on EA just added classics like Dungeon Keeper, SimCity 3000, and Populous on Steam 11 months ago:
I honestly had no idea there was a SimCity 3000. Last one I played was SimCity 2000
- Comment on Reddit has a new AI training deal to sell user content 1 year ago:
Can’t wait for chatGPT to call me good sir and tell me I win the internet.
- Comment on How Quora Died 1 year ago:
I don’t ever remember people taking Quora very seriously.
- Comment on Has anyone scaled back from 5gals to 3gals or 1gal? 1 year ago:
Yeah I make smaller batches to test out recipes and when I’m making beer styles that only I’m interested in. I have a kegerator but it’s at my in-laws’ place and they aren’t very adventurous beer drinkers so I’m not gonna make 5 gallons of a Belgian dubbel, etc.
For the smaller batches I usually do 1.5 - 2 gallons (6 - 8L) and then package in swing-top 1L bottles that I immediately rinse and dry after finishing the bottle. Using swing top means I don’t have to mess around with caps and I can also reseal the bottle immediately after pouring to minimise loss of CO2. Using 1L bottles makes it a bit quicker to do the bottling - plus, I have a blichmann beer gun which is a nice luxury that saves a bit of time and potentially helps minimise oxidation.
- Comment on Star Citizen Introducing a $48,000 Ship Bundle, but Only for Players Who Have Already Spent $10,000 1 year ago:
To be fair, WoW is an actual complete game, while SC is very, very unfinished. And I say this as someone who occasionally plays it and gets some enjoyment out of it.
- Comment on That will make it much easier to take their DNA and use it to explore the galaxy. 1 year ago:
NDT channeling Reddit and The Oatmeal ca. 2012
- Comment on Judge finds evidence that Tesla, Musk knew about Autopilot defect 1 year ago:
The 1 billion termination fee only applied in very specific circumstances. He couldn’t just choose to pay it because he didn’t want to go ahead with the purchase.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I love that whenever a long lost obscure/novelty music video gets posted on the internet, more often than not it’s from Rage. What an institution. I’m so glad I grew up watching it till the wee hours of the morning.
- Comment on Some Tesla engineers secretly started designing a Cybertruck alternative because they 'hated' it 1 year ago:
They’ll never oust him. If they do, they won’t be able to ride Musk’s reputation as an engineering and tech genius and they’ll have to finally address all the issues plaguing Tesla (terrible service, unreliable build quality, various lawsuits) and I doubt they can afford to actually invest in those things and keep turning a profit.
- Comment on Nintendo demoed Switch 2 to developers at Gamescom 1 year ago:
There’s already a version of the switch that has an OLED screen
- Comment on No VFX in ‘Oppenheimer’? “Clearly Not True” Says Film’s Oscar-Winning VFX Supervisor 1 year ago:
In general I agree with your point, but CGI blood is almost never invisible and generally looks like shit. Almost as bad as CGI fire.
- Comment on What show took you the longest to get into? 1 year ago:
I still think it’s worth watching from season 1 - there are a couple of pretty good episodes and it sets up some stuff that comes back later on, like building the park in the vacant lot. Plus, it’s only 6 episodes IIRC.
- Comment on [Discussion] According to you, what was the most unnecessary and worst sequel of all time? 1 year ago:
Even though it’s obviously a completely shallow copy of the original, is still a fun watch for the following reasons:
- All of Egon’s lines.
- All of Venkman’s lines.
- Peter MacNicol’s character.
- The whole “World of the Psychic” scene
- The whole courtroom scene (as you mentioned).
- The overall concept of the haunted painting is pretty fun, but I think in combination with the mood slime idea it overcomplicates things. However, there are some fun moments with the slime.
- Louis and Jeanine’s romance has some funny dialogue, though that storyline kind of wastes time that could’ve been spent on more fun supernatural stuff.
- Comment on [discussion] The Nice Guys (2016) 1 year ago:
I mean, if you want recommendations for other movies like this then you should probably check out Shane Black’s very similar precursor called Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.
- Comment on [discussion] The Nice Guys (2016) 1 year ago:
The Kid Detective is great! The revelation at the end that significantly changes the tone works surprisingly well, IMO.
- Comment on Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is a fractured mess and easily the worst of the series 1 year ago:
It wasn’t amazing but IMO the first 2 were also just ok, so I generally enjoyed the 3rd about the same.
- Comment on Finished my first homebrew 1 year ago:
Congrats! Hope it turns out great!