- Comment on Why am I getting gore on my racism app? 5 days ago:
It’s described in the article, got to it from one of the other links on lemmy. It’s the older tower of terror smaller carnival rides. The ones that are like 20-40 seats around a central pole and the seats alternate between going up and down the pole at as rapid a pace as that much weight can be cheaply moved.
The video in question is about someone falling off of it.
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 1 week ago:
I think you are downplaying the effect of current style social media. The cycle and spirals they perpetuate to people that don’t know they should be swimming against the current, rather than letting it carry them where it is going.
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 1 week ago:
If that is where you are coming from, I think it might be worth giving the first message in this thread a second read. You may have brought more to it than what was written. I agree that it’s not “100%” as they stated, but it is -a- percentage and shouldn’t just go unsaid. Other than the “guaranteed” wording, the message is pretty much the same as what you are saying.
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 1 week ago:
I’m not saying it “does” fit. I’m writing that to her. As she gave no indication or contraindication to whether it applies. Other than asking what our experiences were and what relevant advice would have fit our experiences… these are experiences that were had, and the advice that would go with them.
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 1 week ago:
Yeah, it’s definitely not an “every male” thing. But other than that, it does contain good advice if it does end up being relevant. And if non-conservative males are tough to find in her area, odds are higher that her son could be encountering those types of influences outside the home.
I was a “relatively” weak guy growing up, videogames with no exercise or weights, I did do some physical chores and participated in most of my gym classes, lol, but I was for sure still way stronger than my mom, and she had a manual labour job. It is unfortunately very likely to be the case even if you grow up a nerd as a guy. And, in the potential case of him growing up athletic with a non-athletic mom, it can indeed be a huge difference. Not quite a shrek and fiona thing… but not as far off as we’d hope.
It can be a reasonable fear as a single mom to a teen guy growing up in a conservative area. And while it isn’t a description of every guy, if the description is sounding like it fits, then those are valid concerns and things that should be addressed and headed off before they can’t be.
My brother wasn’t very athletic either, but a little more than I was. And he wasn’t very rebellious, but a little more than I was. Only once did he ever hurt our mom physically, and it was when he was 13 and treated her the same way he would treat his friends in a heated argument, just gave her a shove… they both learned very quickly that a different approach was needed. That was with a kid who felt bad that he hurt his mom… we had friends(temporarily) that didn’t feel bad about that… those friends stopped being friends pretty quick and are mostly in jail or dead now.
We live in a small town, not super religious or conservative, but I would guess about half and half. And it was about 10% of boys that this advice applied to. In a place where conservatism or religion are further entrenched, that percentage doesn’t just go up linearly. The less sources of proper behaviour you see to counter the argument that people should behave “naturally”… even the nerds eventually succumb.
Be glad you had a childhood where this advice comes across as ridiculous.
- Comment on Does anyone else feel an inexplicable urge to talk to people early in the morning/late at night? 1 week ago:
Yeah, I don’t know if it’s from my adhd or my autism, but I do get maybe a bit manic or something between midnight and 3 am. Usually takes the form of leaving a couple pages of discord message to my brother or friends. My brother is ok with it, he has his phone silent at night anyway, friends can go either way, lol. I usually apologize once I notice I’ve done it. Hehe.
Most of my online communities are ok with it, but I, of course, tend to be drawn to other neurodiverse people socially, so that kind of makes sense.
- Comment on What is your favorite retro racing game? 1 week ago:
Yeah, rush 2049 was my favourite from the SF Rush series.
- Comment on What is your favorite retro racing game? 1 week ago:
Yeah, fair. Me and my brother definitely played alot of that.
- Comment on What is your favorite retro racing game? 1 week ago:
Yeah, RnR, as well as SF Rush 2049 were basically my entire childhood… so much so that I have been using this user name ever since. Though, if I could somehow also add in a tokyo extreme racer reference too without it getting too long or complicated… or culturally insensitive… I loved thise games too. Not enough proper Racing RPG games any more. You never start from the bottom and work your way up. Modern racing games just have you win cars in the lottery…
- Comment on Do most people still use computers, or do people only use a smartphone as their main/only device? 1 week ago:
In practice, it very much is. My monitor is at 80 degrees field of view, so the headset is only directly representing about 1440p worth of pixels, but with the passive temporal upscaling of your heads constant micromovements meaning a completely different set of pixels is seen each frame, I tested and 4k still looks notably clearer than 1440p on it, so I use 4k.
It’s pretty important to use Virtual Desktop, as all other desktop streamers are doing it wrong. It seems no one else listened to john carmack about how important it was to use cylindrical timewarp layers for maximum clarity of flat graphics on the compositor. The difference from every other desktop viewer to Virtual Desktop is night and day because of it.
- Comment on Do most people still use computers, or do people only use a smartphone as their main/only device? 1 week ago:
It doesn’t have enough pixels to represent 4k 1:1 on every frame. At the field of view I put my screen at, 80 degrees, it can only directly represent about 1440p, but with the micromovements of my head, I see a completely different set of pixels every frame. So I tested, and 4k still looks noticeably sharper than 1440p, so I use it.
Stuff doesn’t have to be perfect to still be worth doing. It just has to be worth doing. I very much enjoy where VR is at currently, but I have enjoyed where it was at the whole time so far, and I’m definitely gonna keep enjoying where it’s at in the future. Even before it started replacing other things, it was always it’s own thing too. And while I still play VR games quite a bit, I also use it for almost everything else now too.
There are a few options for headsets capable of this right now, mine is unfortunately a Meta Quest 3, hard to stomache, but pretty great headset… It’s been the easiest and cheapest headset to mod for 14+ hours of comfort and battery life. For me, a halo style head strap has been the best option in my testing, that can be different for each individual, so a BoboVR S3 pro kit was all it took. The default quest 3 face gasket was comfortable for all day use for me. Infinite battery life by swapping a new one in every 2 hours is barely inconvenient, and luckily I still occasionally forget so the headset battery gets to see a discharge cycle every now and then too without me having to remember to purposefully do it. The batteries can handle charging it back up to full while playing.
The second screen is stored above my normal field of view, I can either glance at it for the normal stuff you would use a second monitor for while gaming or watching TV, generally a browser window that I don’t have to tab out of the game to see. Or I can hit a button and both monitors swap places instantly, and the content of the second monitor becomes my temporary priority. Recent use has been having a spec guide open while playing Diablo 4, and generally my social media and various app friends lists are arrayed on that screen, as well as some rain meter gadgets for performance monitoring and stuff. Second monitor stuff.
I also, of course, leave the headset and Virtual Desktop in passthrough mode all the time. So I can still hang out with and talk to my family. And watch TV with them. The TV at the field of view it’s at is only about a 720p representation, but it’s clear enough to read closed captioning, and if you are old like me, you may remember that DvDs are 540p, and they were good enough for watching epic movies on for years. It’s not as good as it will be on the next headset, or the next one after that, but it’s good enough to be worth doing for me.
Luckily for me, but unlucky for her, my sister has a bit of night blindness, so she can’t watch a TV in a dark room, it would be too bright relative to the rest of yhe room and hurt her eyes. Works out with the Quest 3 passthrough having a relatively narrow dynamic contrast adjustment. With the lights off, the headset would find the TV too bright relatively too, washing it out and showing only a white rectangle. But with the lights on, I see it as clearly as them, just a third of the resolution.
My sister has also started using my old headset to play on her computer, that headset doesn’t have infinite battery life, only about 8 hours, but she has now started plugging it in after and continuing to play. She mainly plays Baldurs Gate 3 on it. The hand controllers serendipitously worked out to be a pretty fun and useful way to play BG3, just mapped “scrollwheel” to camera panning. Since in a windows environment the hand controllers are treated as a mouse input, so the joysticks are scrollwheel input. And yeah, B is right click, so hold B and move your hand to change where the camera is looking, and joystick to move the camera, it’s like flying a drone with one hand being a representative of the drone orientation. And otherwise BG3 is mostly about clicking stuff with a few keyboard shotcuts here and there. So, no real limitations from having to essentially use a floating keyboard. Most other “flat” games are best played with a controller.
- Comment on Do most people still use computers, or do people only use a smartphone as their main/only device? 1 week ago:
I have a high-end gaming computer, but it is headless(doesn’t have a monitor) I use a VR headset and Virtual desktop instead of a monitor. In Virtual desktop I have two 4k 120hz screens. I use my computer from a comfy recliner, or standing, or walking around. Whatever fits the use case. While in my home, or any home with decent wi-fi, I have access to my gaming PC. And I can live the augmented reality life.
Cell internet isn’t quite good enough for the same thing to be possible out and about yet. But it’s honestly not that far off. It’s good enough for a productivity desktop experience, but streaming a 4k game or video is not great on cell. Might be viable if I drop it to one 1080p monitor at 60hz and drop the bandwidth target to 1/8th or so. Haven’t tried. Assuming the consistency of bandwidth will be a concern. Too many sporadically dropped packets for unbuffered video to play smoothly.
But for the most part, the VR headset has replaced my computer monitor, my TV, and my phone while at home. It’s an android based headset, so I can load any phone games I play on it. And play them on a 6 foot wide “phone” using my hands as hyper accurate laser pointers instead of mashing the screen with fingers, covering up the very thing I need to poke.
- Comment on 'Uber for Armed Guards' Rushes to Market Following the Assassination of UnitedHealthcare CEO | Are you scared to walk down the streets of NYC and also have too much money? There's an app for that 1 week ago:
Are you worried people with guns might try to take your money? Why take chances? You should hire these people with guns who will for sure take your money.
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 2 weeks ago:
Because people they shouldn’t trust but do, lie to them.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
This is from 15 years ago, so I don’t know how much has changed since then. But this sounds like the sort of thing they mean.
- Comment on Rift of the NecroDancer Official Launch Trailer 3 weeks ago:
Hmm, that sounds like my cousin doing the voice work for the trailer, I’ll have to see if it shows up on her imdb now that it’s live.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 Has Finally Hit Overwhelmingly Positive On Steam 5 weeks ago:
Hmm, maybe on a higher difficulty? I have mostly played normal, but enemies pretty consistently stayed around 3-4 shots from small bullets and 1-2 from big bullets all the way up. Bosses take a little more, but they generally still make sense to take that many and don’t feel wrong. Cyberpsychos of course can take more, but they are practically at a point where they will keep coming no matter how many limbs they lose, so it makes sense that they would take alot of bullets to stop.
I’ll have to try a playthrough on higher difficulties now, the last time I did was when tech snipers did like 100k damage, so I had to play on higher difficulty to not one-shot bosses. They are more reasonable now, like 10k or so at peak.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 Has Finally Hit Overwhelmingly Positive On Steam 5 weeks ago:
Yeah, it definitely had some bugs, even on PC, but it wasn’t like a bethesda game or anything. It was playable, but it is so much better now.
- Comment on Equal under the law or something 1 month ago:
Other way around, Mayor said it was terror, FBI originally said it wasn’t. Well, one person from the FBI anyway.
- Comment on I love hoya flowers 3 months ago:
I love the look, but the ungodly smell they fill the entire house with… I could do without that.
- Comment on [Thread] Mental Math 3 months ago:
A lot of it is the difference between learning practically and learning theoretically. You don’t have to understand the underlying mechanics in practice to know how to keep getting the same result. Your brain doesn’t have to be doing any math, it just has to have shaken a bottle enough times to have a good comparative basis formed.
Learning to calculate the current remaining volume in a container when observing someone else shake it… that would use all that theoretical knowledge and math.
It’s like knowing how hard you have to throw an egg at a wall for it to break instead of bounce off. You do it 100 times, you just get a good feel for it. Doing all the math, and then trying to learn it practically is barely gonna affect how quickly you learn it in practice. But if you wanted to make a robot that throws it exactly hard enough without wasting any energy, practical knowledge will have almost no value, and theory and math will be incredibly valuable.
- Comment on Need for Speed: what is the best title of the series? 3 months ago:
I didn’t even get to try to enjoy it, one of the missions pretty early on had a 100% chance to crash at a certain point on my computer and after a year of checking to see if each game patch or video driver update fixed it, I just gave up.
- Comment on Tiger Predators 3 months ago:
Do they have them when they are little too? Or maybe it worked out that it was less likely predators would yoink their babies because it seemed like they were always watching. Can’t sneak up on someone with eyes on the back of their heads, that never close, even while sleeping.
- Comment on How it feels to be a high-level necromancer in Grim Dawn 3 months ago:
Action Role Playing Game
- Comment on Yep, it's me 4 months ago:
Discussing it properly is fine as long as they are interested. If they don’t seem interested, then you can boil it down to a simpler analogy. Some kids very much appreciate having the full picture right away, and some need a framework first before details can be added. Most schools use method 2, because it will eventually reach all kids, and the only downside is kids that need/want method 1 will be bored the whole time.
- Comment on YSK that there's a better index than the BMI to measure obesity called the Body Roundness Index 4 months ago:
Hmm, that puts me at BRI of 2.1, and BMI of 35.4
Those both seem incredibly off.
But I do have extra dense bones apparently, which tends to be mostly what screws with my BMI, and my ability to float/swim. But they seem really hard to break, not that I try very hard… but none of them have broken yet. And I’ve been in situations that seem like they should have broken.
- Comment on Girl without smartphone unable to join in lesson — 'I feel guilty for not buying my daughter one for school' 4 months ago:
If so the app is totally a necessary component of the game and very warranted.
The game is about everyone typing out secret answers to a question. Not something you can do on a switch normally.
It all works very well, and actually, you don’t even need to download an app, you can just do it through the browser.
- Comment on Girl without smartphone unable to join in lesson — 'I feel guilty for not buying my daughter one for school' 4 months ago:
Gonna guess,
not a lawyer, a parent, nor an educator.
Is probably what the abbreviations are for, given the context.
- Comment on Risky Buisness 5 months ago:
It’d be nice to line up his quotes on the subject in chronological order, since it seems like the last one would be about how his infidelities were his biggest failings in life. People say a lot of stuff to rationalize their behaviour while they are still doing it. But with time and space, can put together that the problem wasn’t that other people “chose” to feel hurt about it. They will always be hurt if it came by surprise and you didn’t have consent first. Hell, even in proper polygamous relationships with as much consideration and communication as possible, it can be a challenge to not hurt anyone.
- Comment on Eureka 5 months ago:
I’m sorry you are not familiar enough with one to know this. You know the difference between men and women? There basically isn’t one. We are 99.9% similar.