- Comment on Grok 3 roasts Lemmy 1 day ago:
Grok does not grok Grok.
- Comment on Grok 3 roasts Lemmy 1 day ago:
I don’t own any Linux Tshirts and I barely upvote anything at all.
Not having global karma counts, and keeping it constrained to just a given post or comment is a feature, not a bug… we should hopefully know by now that karmawhoring reinforces and lobotomizes the hivemind.
- Comment on "Reality" is often thought as a paragon of neutrality, being neither good nor bad. So why is a "reality check" ALWAYS felt negatively? 2 days ago:
I’d say a ‘reality check’ is not always negative.
Say you’re very, very self conscious in public, always nervous about how others percieve you.
But then, one day, a friend pulls you aside and ‘reality checks’ you with:
“Look, in 90% of situations you’ll ever be in, if you can follow a few basic dress and behavioral rules, you’ll be fine. Barring situations where the whole idea is you making a good first impression… most people, most of the time, in most situations… really don’t care that much.”
Things like that are arguably ‘positive’ reality checks.
The reason why ‘reality check’ is often connotated negatively is because most of the time, cognitive dissonance develops as a way of excusing or justifying harmful or irresponsible behavior or inaction.
But it can be the case that reality is in someway better than it is perceived by someone who is overly critical or peasimistic in some way.
In some sense, the initial realization that you’ve been incorrect about something is negative in that you may be embarassed about being wrong in the past, but if it actually means a more realistic outlook going forward, then I’d say thats overall a ‘positive’ reality check.
- Comment on The US, for being the greatest pusher of capitalism around the world, has the most socialistic policies for its major sports leagues 2 days ago:
Another hypocritical dichotomy is:
Central planning does not and cannot work as efficiently as the free market!
Meanwhile, Amazon and Walmart are literally centrally planned economic production/purchase/distribution systems, which both benefit massively from government subsidies.
- Comment on Rumor: GTA Roleplay Server FiveM Victim Of Hostile Takeover - And One Of Rockstar's Own Is Involved 3 days ago:
There is no way to know for certain.
Rockstar almost certainly acquired these idiot clowns because they decided they could make more money by officially/unofficially endorsing and regulating RP servers that fleece people for money with paid memberships tiers and in game item purchases, than they would by suing them all out of existence.
Rockstar very, very easily could have sued them out of existence, and probably put many of them in jail.
There is 0 chance that FiveM devs were not personally enriching themselves in some roundabout manner with their product, before they became official employees.
They very likely got an offer from Rockstar that basically looked like ‘Hey, we know you’re making money off of illegally modifying our product, you can either work for us and make that money for us, or we sue you into an early grave’.
My guess to the future with GTA6 is that if a clear winning group emerges from this current drama shitfest, Rockstar will put them in charge of basically licesensing out a framework for GTA 6 online servers.
Or, if the shitfest is too stupid and obnoxious, they’ll shit can basically everyone involved, maybe keep a few who can actually code decentlt around to work on other parts of the game, and any GTA 6 RP system would have to be built basically from scratch.
… And most of the people trying to build it from scratch would most likely be those people who just got shitcanned, and they would most likely be cease and desist / sued into oblivion.
- Comment on Rumor: GTA Roleplay Server FiveM Victim Of Hostile Takeover - And One Of Rockstar's Own Is Involved 3 days ago:
Not surprising.
If you’ve ever interacted with any of the actual devs or FiveM staff on discord or anything, say you’re looking for actual technical support because their own function calls are incorrectly documented… they’re basically the same as hugely egotistical Gmod RP server devs of yore, happy to powertrip and scam people with reckless abandon, massively overstating their own technical competency and taking any question or criticism as if you’d just personally tied them down to the cuck chair while their gf laughed.
- Comment on Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage? 5 days ago:
Because the way to improve skills, athleticism, ability to play an instrument, basically anything…
Is practice.
Sure, some people are naturally better or worse at certain things than others.
Not everyone will turn out equally better given the same amount and style of training.
But all of the initial different starting aptitudes at a certain skill vanish into meaninglessness against a person who consistently trains and practices, that person will be considerably more talented than any ‘natural’, 99% of the time.
Also… some people, most people do things because they enjoy doing them.
Not because they need or want to be better than others.
If your goal is to have fun, develop a skill, stay in shape, have fun… you’re always winning, even if you aren’t literally the best.
… And if you do try to always be the literal best… there’s almost always someone better if you keeo advancing into higher skilled competition levels and even if you are truly the best… you won’t be forever. You’ll get an injury, make a mistake, or just get old.
- Comment on Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage? 5 days ago:
From your other reply, it seems to me that you’re likely a sociopath, which basically means you are by default a narcissist, as you only see the world in how it relates to you, as opposed to how others relate to you, and others to others.
You genuinely seem to have no ability to reflexively empathize with others, neither in a real time interaction, nor afterward.
You are your only emotional frame of reference, which means all of socializing basically is just a game you play to achieve some goal or goals… which is the same thing as saying, you do not comprehend how socializing could be anything other than a game of manipulating people, which other people are just worse at than you.
Apparently with the DSM V, sociopathy and psychopathy have basically been redefined, together, into ASPD.
So… yeah.
Please see a therapist.
- Comment on Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage? 5 days ago:
That’s called being a sociopath, more recently, Anti Social Personality Disorder.
Your sense of morality revolves only around whatever has a beneficial or detrimental effect on yourself, you seem to genuienly have nearly no innate concept of how socializing works.
As far as I know, there’s no way you can … ‘fix’ sociopathy, just as with myself there’s no way I can ‘fix’ being autistic.
But… that doesn’t mean you can’t learn your own coping skills, learn the general rules of acceptable behavior, learn how a ‘normal’ or neurotypical mind generally works, and how that differs from how your own mind works.
I actually had a friend who was a diagnosed sociopath.
No innate ability to reflexively emphasize with others.
But he did the work.
He went to therapists and counselors, he learned to stop and ask people how his actions made them feel, he learned what generally is and is not socially acceptable, he learned how to be a more pleasant person to be around, how to own his actions.
He didn’t want to harm people, and you may not either.
But he had to put in significantly more work than the average person to do so, and you likely will as well, if you do actually want to be able to have functional relationships with other people.
- Comment on Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage? 5 days ago:
I know this will sound cynical…
…but a whole, whole lot of younger, brainrotted tiktok addicts with narcissistic personalities and negative attention spans will describe themselves as pan or bi when they aren’t at all, because they can use it as an idpol thing, an extra reason to legitimate their anger directed at anyone critical of them, a vapid empty signifier that has no real meaning beyond ‘people i think are funny or hot or popular say they are bi/pan/omni, so I am too!’
- Comment on Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage? 5 days ago:
This person’s few posts are so insanely stereotypically the kinds of things a perfect, dark triad (narcissist, psycopath, machiavellian/manipulative) person would say, that 30 seconds into typing my other reply I did a ‘wait, is this a troll?’ double take.
- Comment on Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage? 5 days ago:
Yes, inability to control your mood, constantly screaming at people, being pissed off and aggressive basically all the time, and being a rude asshole all the time is a major turn off.
I grew up in a family like this, dated a good number of people like this, then eventually figured out: Oh, I have CPTSD and low self esteem from being chronically abused by most of the people in my life, for most of my life, I don’t actually have to put up with their bullshit.
You sound extremely reminiscent of my abusive female ex-partners, full of rage, suspicious of and less friendly toward women (likely because you view them all as competition), and most importantly, you’re a completely unnacountable and irresponsible narcissist hypocrite.
You do understand why people don’t react well to you being aggressive and pissy all the time.
My friend doesn’t talk to me as much and I really don’t get why because even when I’m “aggressive”, it’s tough love and I’m trying to help them.
This reveals that you do understand that your friend doesn’t like it when you are aggressive.
But you rationalize away your aggressiveness as the cause of your friend avoiding you with the intention underlying your action.
Your intention doesn’t matter.
What you actually do, how you actually do it is what matters.
If I perform a surgery with the intention of saving someone’s life, but I fuck up when I use a chainsaw instead of a scalpel to make the initial incision, my patient is now dead, and I am responsible, regardless of my intention.
No one has any obligation to deal with your anger issues other than you.
No one owes you their friendship or affection, de facto, just because you believe they do.
You should seek intensive therapy, probably look for a CBT specialist, at the very least, learn how to self reflect and apologize for doing things that make others flee from you…
…otherwise you’ll soon find that your anger issues do indeed affect you, by making you unable to have any healthy relationships with anyone, leaving all the people you care about no longer caring about you.
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 1 week ago:
I mean, it could… but if you run the math on a 4k vs an 8k monitor, you’ll find that for most common monitor and tv sizes, and the distance you’re sitting from them…
It basically doesn’t actually make any literally perceptible difference.
Human eyes have … the equivalent of a maximum resolution.
You’d have to have literally superhuman vision to be able to notice a difference in almost all scenarios, it really only makes sense if you literally have a TV the size of an entire wall of a studio apartment, or use it for like a Tokyo / Times Square style giant building wall advertisement, or completely replace projection theatres with gigantic active screens.
This doesn’t have 8k on it, but basically, buying an 8k monitor that you use at a desk is literally completely pointless unless your face is less than a foot away from it, and it only makes sense for like a TV in a living room if said TV is … like … 15+ feet wide, 7+ feet tall.
- Comment on Tumblr to join fediverse 1 week ago:
No, tumblr is terrible in a ‘hyperventilating gaslighting cliques of pretentious elitist malignant narcissists acting like cult leaders and followers’ way.
- Comment on What are some of the non-technical parts of the fediverse that appeal to you? 1 week ago:
A cheap, run down, shady motel.
- Comment on A young computer scientist and two colleagues show that searches within data structures called hash tables can be much faster than previously deemed possible. 1 week ago:
For those in a rush:
Initial paper outlining theorem (2021):
Paper that demonstrates and proves its validity (2025):
I tried a quick search, but I’m not seeing any public implementations that specifically mention or cite ‘Krapavin’ or ‘Tiny Pointers’ anywhere.
- Comment on Real estate market is tough 1 week ago:
Pretty fancy pants backpack as well.
- Comment on Hope yall like screaming 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on RTX On 2 weeks ago:
If you care about real FPS/$, you buy AMD, or possibly now Intel, lol.
Nvidia ruined gaming affordability both by aiming to make high quality graphics on PC a boutique, expensive luxury, and by upending the entire history of how lighting works in games by collaborating with Epic and other game companies to make their cards the only things that can even kind of run their insanely unoptimized real time raytracing.
I am entirely convinced Cyberpunk 2077’s disastrous launch is almost entirely due to Projekt Red being strapped for cash, and making a faustian funding bargain with Nvidia about a year before release, the main condition of which being ‘rewrite your entire game engine you’ve been working on for 10 years to work with this insane lighting technology, and don’t let this change your release window at all.’
- Comment on RTX On 2 weeks ago:
Meanwhile 5090’s are now going for +$3k
- Comment on Have you tried coping harder? 2 weeks ago:
For this one:
We selected 46 RCTs out of 1807 titles and abstracts screened…
There was no indication of subtstantial small study effects, but 36 RCTs had a high or uncertain risk of bias, particularly maintenance trials.
Going into the actual paper…
10 low bias studies, 2935 subjects.
12 high bias studies, 3547 subjects.
24 unclear bias studies, 9689 subjects.
Cool, so the vast majority of analyzed subjects were not from studies that could be established as having a low bias.
Oh hey, remember when I asked for a meta study that didn’t include studies done by or funded by drug manufacturers?
All but four studies were funded, partly or wholly, by drug manufacturers.
Ok, so you obviously either did not read what I asked for, or you didn’t read the paper.
Further, I said long-term, only 7 of the 42 studies are about maintenence stage, you know, long term.
We did not carry out a RoB analysis in maintenance RCTs because all carried a high risk of bias.
Wow! Amazing!
This study does not even kind of come close to the conditions I specifically laid out.
… Onto study number 2.
46 (9%) of 522 trials were rated as high risk of bias, 380 (73%) trials as moderate, and 96 (18%) as low;
Cool, 18% of the studied trials were low bias this time, roughly in line with the other meta study.
409 (78%) of 522 studies were funded by pharmaceutical companies.
- Comment on Have you tried coping harder? 2 weeks ago:
Unironically, I’d love to see a sourced meta study from ideally the last 3 years that concludes that, which is based on long-term studies, which were properly peer reviewed, and not funded by the drug manufacturers themselves.
- Comment on Emojiis are hieroglyphics 2 weeks ago:
Hah, thanks, but I am absurdly unqualified to be a keynote speaker, thats the job of actual ancient linguists with PhDs and what not… I’m just a nerd that watches actual ancient linguistic scholars like Josh Bowman and Kipp Davis, and maybe at best understands some of the basics of an undergrad in that field.
They both have youtube channels and do interviews and discsussions with other ancient history/religion themed youtubers, if you’re interested.
- Comment on Emojiis are hieroglyphics 2 weeks ago:
Ah, you’re right!
24 hrs w/o sleep, haha.
- Comment on we've been trying to reach you about your extended warranty 2 weeks ago:
Now… on the one hand, I feel bad for the eagle.
The windshield is shattered, this guy is in shock, having just careened through a windshield, or been hit by a moving semi truck while trying to fly across a highway…
But on the other hand, funny face!
- Comment on Emojiis are hieroglyphics 2 weeks ago:
There basically are no proper Hieroglyph to English translators online.
There are only trans literators.
So, they only really work for representing a name in hieroglyphic, or visa versa.
In this instance, the 3 characters are not to be interpreted as letters or syllables, but as concepts that each character embodies.
As shneancy has explained:
These characters are often found together after pharoah’s personal and family/house names in inscriptions and stelle.
With what little, extremely little I know of actual hieroglyphic grammar, it seems that a ‘phrase’ like this at the end of a sentence or name basically modifies the subject of the sentence, in a permanent, essential sense.
Hierogylphic grammar is still not perfectly understood though… its not exactly clear how the exact phrasing would work.
So it could mean something like:
'May (subject) have everlasting life, unyielding strength, and forever be in good health."
Or it may also be declaritive:
‘The immortal, omnipotent and robust (subject).’
… basically I’m trying to say ‘have a doubleplus good one’ or ‘live long and prosper’ in hieroglyphic, but i fucked up the grammar by not putting your name in hieroglyphs inside a royal cartouche for maximum praise and respect, haha.
Sadly I don’t think unicode supports drawing a cartouche around a set of glyphs, haha.
- Comment on Emojiis are hieroglyphics 2 weeks ago:
Functionally: Live long, and prosper.
Or I guess: 🖖
- Comment on What really happens inside a dating app. 2 weeks ago:
What do I think about this?
Well, going off of what I’m going to call ‘internal heuristics reinforced by 35 years of raw data’:
The author is very likely female and Chinese.
They use more harsh, accusatory, and direct language when describing men, and they use more soft, explanatory, and indirect language when describing women.
The various grammatical oddities sound extremely similar to ESL, native Mandarin and Cantonese speakers I’ve known personally.
Ok, from my ‘career as a data analyst’ perspective?
AB Testing
This is the only actually useful part from a ‘how do you actually make a good dating app’ perspective. It is difficult to AB test the algorithms of the feed because the change usually has an impact on the user that gets a specific variant but also users that he likes that are on any variant. Other than that, you can gain 10 points of retention just with AB testing and finding the best things that work.
It is actually pretty easy to create a dating app that works in terms of retention if you use extensive AB testing.
Yes, yep, AB testing works.
Too bad the vast majority of the analysis is devotes to explaining how things don’t work or aren’t that impactful or at best, prevent retention from falling.
The word ‘retention’ appears 72 times in this post, and that blurb I quoted there is literally the only time it is mentioned within a context of doing something to change the algorithm, the underlying nature of the app, that improves retention, by a specific amount, across the board.
That means AB testing is the actual secret sauce, and well, there aren’t any details because then the sauce wouldn’t be secret any more.
I have some background in economics.
In econ, specifically hedonics, attempting to determine a consumers actual preference for one basket of goods vs another, you’ve got the core concept of cardinal preferences and ordinal preferences.
I’ve also got a background in poli sci.
The same basic concept underlies ranked choice vs first past the post voting.
Long and short of it is: To get a result that does a far better job of actually understanding preferences, and matching them with outcomes… you have to de-abstractify decisions and make people actually think about them.
An example in a dating app would be: If you match on someone who has something you’ve indicated as a red flag, but pass on someone who doesn’t… you tell the user what they did, and ask the user why they did that.
The ‘good’ way to proceed with this would be to inform the user when they are being inconsistent, to actually help them figure out what they actually want, explain their inconsistencies to them, have a way of suggesting
The ‘bad’ way to proceed with this would be just track this kind of ‘hypocrisy’ score in the background, and not help the user become less of a hypocrite. Then, you sprinkle (or firehose!) peoples feeds with hypocrites who have a decent enough chance of matching, but you know have a high likelihood of having a it not working out after some weeks or months, thus creating a perpetual soul grinding machine that keeps you coming back.
- Comment on Have you tried coping harder? 2 weeks ago:
Turns out a sedated and anaesthetized and gaslit population is less likely to meaningfully revolt against the structure that oppresses it, who would have guessed!
Even better, the sedatives and anaesthetics cause dependency, so they’ll keep paying for more, and they often cause numerous other deletorious health conditions, which they’ll need to pay even more to deal with those side effects!
And they’ll now also be too physically unhealthy, as well as physically and mentally dependent, and mentally precarious to do anything other than shrivle up, whimper and die, or maybe go berserk, when industrial civilization collapses and no one can get their meds any more!
The truth is researchers and doctors don’t actually know how effective antidepressants are or why certain types work only for certain people. But recent advances in genomics and personalized medicine are bringing us closer to a better understanding.
We don’t even know how these things work!
Or why they seem to for some but not others!
New research, reviewing huge bodies of scientific evidence, found no direct link between serotonin and depression.
The authors find “no consistent evidence of there being an association between serotonin and depression or that depression is caused by lowered serotonin activity or concentrations.”
Fuckin’ whoops, turns out SSRIs don’t actually treat depression at all, meaning we’ve been giving tens, hundreds? of millions of people uneccessary medical complications in the form of side effects, and any reported mental health improvements were actually from the placebo effect!
In fact, we’re still somehow legally allowed to say:
Antidepressants, including SSRIs, remain an effective treatment. We just need to better understand why and how they work.
Even tbough the fundamental ‘chemical imbalance’ hypothesis that SSRIs are built on has been shown to be bunk!
But its ok, see, here’s our ‘current best evidence’, that SSRIs are indeed an effective treatment, from our article written in 2022.
Yep, that’s right, its a study from 2009!
Which outright statea in the abstract:
Most of the studies were supported by funds from pharmaceutical companies and were of short duration.
See! All fine. Keep taking your pills.
- Comment on English is a strange language. 2 weeks ago:
My favorite homological word:
An unnecessarily long word, or a person who uses unnecessarily long words.
Sesquipedalian is a sesquipedalian word.