- Comment on If you can find the oil filter, I'll give you a quarter. If you can get it out after the lube tech tightened it to 325 lbft, I'll give you sixty bucks. 4 weeks ago:
The screwdriver trick is mid imo - you run a major risk of just shearing the filter body wall and now your problem is a leaky oil filter that’s much harder to grasp with other hand tools. Go buy a strap wrench that you can use to install and remove.
Or for the very stubborn filters, these kind of tools are very much a one trick pony that only takes the filter off, but it’s a good trick - it has worked every single time for me.
- Comment on There’s No Dancing Around It: Apple’s Vision Pro Was An Ugly Dud 2 months ago:
- Patent pool
The AR market is not just entertainment, Microsoft has been failing to build a viable AR helmet for soldiers for years now, after the latest-and-greatest fight jets got them.
Professional use too - think of how much simpler and safer ‘realistic’ training could be for deep sea commercial divers or oil rig workers. Live schematic overlays for aircraft technicians at work/in training.
Those are a few of the applications where an absurdly high unit cost/license fee would be gladly swallowed instead by governments or business.
- Comment on What's next after Half-Life? 2 months ago:
Maybe I was a little jilted coming into Kotor 2 directly after Kotor 1 - I really enjoyed the sequel, but you can feel the cut content in some areas, whereas the first game feels ‘complete’.
I might owe it another play through, it has been a while
- Comment on What's next after Half-Life? 2 months ago:
And they abandoned the IP to focus on Saints Row 😥
FS2 was the first game that really ‘caught’ my attention. Other game were fun sure and had bigger budgets or larger market appeal, but FS maintained that narrative tone of a existential struggle to survive in a cold and uncaring universe, humanity ignorantly plodding the galaxy and awakening xenophobic forces beyond our comprehension.
FS1 is also excellent, but it’s a rare event when the sequel is hands down the better game in almost all aspects, while respecting the source material and keeping the story moving while being faithful to that original tone
- Comment on What's next after Half-Life? 2 months ago:
- Mirror’s Edge: wholly unique, meh story but fun gameplay. More accessible than Kreedzmod but similar vibe of first person platforming and emphasis on ‘flow’ like you’d perform irl in parkour. Get it on sale, under $10/€10 it’s worth it
- Knights of the Old Republic: D20 based RPG set in pre-BBY Star Wars universe. Excellent story and characterization, great gameplay and progression - I’ve replayed it at least six times. If you like Mass Effect at all you should enjoy this. The sequel is worthy but not the same gem that moved the genre, but a worthy title
- Deus Ex 1: Unmissable. Accept the inventory management jank, it’s a product of its time. Absolutely worth buying
- Fallout 1 (and 2): Revolutionized the top down RPGs of the time, but will feel dated in retrospect. Make sure you save manually and make choices carefully, you can dead-end your play through or loose hours of progress because there’s no auto save
- STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl: Diceroll on this title, you’ll either hate it or love it if you enjoyed Fallout 3, 4, NV, etc. Great mood and atmosphere, solid progression once you get out of the starter areas, and understand the monster’s behavior. Dont you dare join Duty tho
- Freespace 2: Personal recommendation but nieche. “Flight sim space combat” is too simplistic yet accurate, but has excellent gameplay and story tone. Technically Descent 1 & 2 were the revolutionary games, but those have zero plot beyond arcade shooter ‘kill aliens for highscore’. Went open source years ago, and has a dedicated mod team keeping it alive and adding features.
- Command and Conquer Red Alert: The daddy of almost all RTS games, but you’ll have more fun with Red Alert 2 imo. Story is meh, but if you go online be ready to get smudged hard by veterans.
- Comment on What's next after Half-Life? 2 months ago:
100% yes on Talos principle, and I will openly simp for Antichamber. I have never had my brain so full of fuck as that game, simply sublime progression and variety of puzzles👌
- Comment on AI tool that sounds like elderly grandmother created to waste scammers' time 3 months ago:
We’ve finally found it - an ethical application for deepfake AI
- Comment on AI-powered weapons scanners used in NYC subway found zero guns in one month test 4 months ago:
Earlier this year, investors filed a class-action lawsuit, accusing company executives of overstating the devices’ capabilities and claiming that “Evolv does not reliably detect knives or guns.”
It’s fraud. The company knows it’s unreliable and the investors know it’s unreliable, I wonder why NYC is still going to expand the trial run? 🤔
[Mayor] Adams has touted the Massachusetts-based company since taking office in 2022.
- Comment on PCB etched with toner transfer method 4 months ago:
I’m assuming you’re not super familiar with PCB fabrication? The toner transfer is a way to get small, repeatable, and precise definition of the component pads and traces - at home - without needing the expensive industrial machinery that fab houses have.
The toner ’print’ is a negative image, placed on a sheet of copper mounted to (usually) fiberglass. Much like masking off areas when painting, the ‘print’ protects the copper surface in select areas you want to keep safe when the whole board goes into the acid bath to dissolve the unprotected copper - leaving copper only where your ‘print’ was, and hopefully no shorts/grounds.
Definitely cool to have the ability to DIY fine pitch if you’re manually mounting SMT components or want higher board density, beats out the hand drawn permanent marker lines I’ve done in the past 😅
- Comment on LAPD warns residents after spike in burglaries using Wi-Fi jammers that disable security cameras, smart doorbells 7 months ago:
Lawful- Neutral renter reporting in:
- Fresh paint and a lot of putty hide a lot of sins
- Magic erasers ARE magic
- Home improvement stores just like sell door trim, hardware, etc and they’ll color match paint
- Most post-inspectors are looking for egregious issues or evidence of a bad fix/cleanup. That’s now your threshold for quality
I fixed an entire doorframe trim and drywall after the back door got kicked in - paint and putty are your friends
- Comment on Elon Musk says SpaceX HQ officially moving to Texas, blames new CA trans student privacy law 7 months ago:
It’s not helping. We aren’t going to get a “deus ex machina” moment on righting damage done to the environment. Yes focus on the bigger goals and pollution sources, but this is a trend in the wrong way to enlage Elon’s money pile.
- Comment on Elon Musk says SpaceX HQ officially moving to Texas, blames new CA trans student privacy law 7 months ago:
Yes, the rocket is reusable. The fuel is not, and by lowering the cost per kg of space freight, it has driven more usage of rockets. Which use non-renewable fuel at astounding rates and make huge emissions for a minor payload total.
We’re seeing extreme temperatures and unseasonal weather events already - James Webb is cool and the ISS does need service missions but Starlink is just more orbital trash waiting to happen.
- Comment on Real 8 months ago:
Source: I work in/with electronics manufacturers
Tl; dr - a mix of value engineering and consumer preference. You wanna buy a $3k TV, or a $700vTV? How rock solid does your automatic sprinkler really need to be, compared to a satellite radio in the Sahel?
Per IPC industry standards, there’s three classes of electronic workmanship/quality control used:
- Class 1: It works, just about. Shoddy soldering is okay as long as connectivity is maintained. Passing a QA test may be as simple as “it runs when powered”. This is where most consumer grade stuff lives: calculators, watches, flashlights, etc.
- Class 2: Better built with generally more QA. Testing usually involves actually checking for function and different modes. Generally used only on commercial/civil government stuff like traffic lights, power controllers, heavy machinery - anywhere where reliability and longevity is worth paying more for.
- Class 3: Complete process control and 100% coverage function (and almost always) burn-in/stress test cycles. Top quality and cost, typically only used for military, aerospace, or medical - where stuff failing means people die.
- Comment on Now we know how much it costs to make a $2,800 Dior bag 8 months ago:
They’ve been Veblen goods for a while, the price is the flex. Even the marketing has dropped the pretense, any talk of craftsmanship or quality materials has disappeared in favor of lifestyle branding and appeals to the ego.
On the inverse side, there’s MUJI who dont advertise, don’t brand their goods, and purposely design goods that reduce waste.
- Comment on 'Russian spy agency forgot to pay its bill’: Did a delinquent ChatGPT account expose a pro-Trump Russian bot campaign? 8 months ago:
Why would they pay anyone? Just turn their own AI loose to dog pile dissent
- Comment on 'Russian spy agency forgot to pay its bill’: Did a delinquent ChatGPT account expose a pro-Trump Russian bot campaign? 8 months ago:
Won’t anyone think of the shareholders?!?!!
This is a very easy to flag, given the intelligence of the people working at OpenAI. Russian IP, political topic, high post frequency. But blocking them has an opportunity cost in identifiable dollar value, doing nothing only costs them a few pithy press releases and a “commitment to truthfulness and openness”.
Move fast and break things, right? As long as the money rolls in… Just this time they’re breaking the fabric of reality binding society together.
- Comment on Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review to access the playtest 9 months ago:
You’re literally defending ‘post-truth, race to the bottom standard’ capitalism. Yes dumb consumers exist, but that isn’t a free pass for corporate exploitation or false advertising. Because this isn’t an alpha, it’s advertising.
- Comment on Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review to access the playtest 9 months ago:
Okay, if they want to buy test, there’s DECADES of accepted practice. Paid/intern bug hunters or playtesters, with an airtight NDA. They’re there to stress tests and find issues, there needn’t be a public facing element.
Marvel want free bug testers, and to get the hype train moving - but don’t want to pay for actual testers who work quietly, and want only positive commentary. Marvel want an astroturf campaign to push preorders, not actual genuine discussion or bug testing.
I’ve been part of public alpha releases, and generally they don’t allow streaming or public commentary, outside of the invite-only forum/discord channels - BECAUSE THEY WANT THE FEEDBACK TO FIX ISSUES.
- Comment on Robot dogs armed with AI-targeting rifles undergo US Marines Special Ops evaluation 9 months ago:
Turkey has the STM Kargu, which reportedly was devastating in the most recent # Nagorno-Karabakh fighting, as the autonomous suicide drone can’t be jammed
Ukrainian units have (reportedly) already loaded ‘final approach’ AI target tracking and flight controls on their suicide FPV & glider drones, to counter Russian RF jammers mounted on tanks and heavy vehicles
We really, really aren’t prepared for the threat vector that cheap (sub $500/ea for FPV) and autonomous drones provide, and every RF engineer and drone enthusiast I’ve spoken to has no good counter aside from barriers like nets. And that’s just the ones that fly their bombs INTO things, drone-dropped explosives are hard to detect without thermal imagers or specialized radar/acoustic detection
- Comment on Alarm in Israel at reports of possible ICC legal action over Gaza 10 months ago:
“All actors must comply with international humanitarian law,” he clarified in a statement at the time. “If you do not do so, do not complain when my office is required to act.”
Man does not give a fuck about your faux outrage - stop breaking international law assholes
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months ago:
The entire French nation begs to differ. Look at that map! Power generation alllll over the country, not tucked in an unpopulated area or clustered in one spot ‘just in case’.
Then look across the border at Germany. The CND and Greens did a number on then generations ago, and Russia has kept up the fear over nuclear so they were able to keep Germany dependent on Gazprom. Until Ukraine.
- Comment on The Palestine experience 10 months ago:
Yes. And it accomplished its mission in 1948 with the creation of Israel, and the state’s continued existence.
The deluded Zionists want ‘back’ Transjordan and the rest of Palestine - ignoring the political reality that doing so means war with and annexation of parts of Jordan and Lebanon, all of Palestine and parts of Egypt too.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I actually don’t care about individual investors, beyond the implications for the broader ‘economy’ if the Tesla bubble bursts. But given how absurd the market cap for Tesla is compared to the traditional automakers, when this hype train stops picking up
speedmore rubes, the rest of us need it to coast down gradually, not crash and burn. - Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
It could be as simple as securing more/better access to China’s significant rare earth deposits that batteries need. Could also be signs that Tesla is offshoring or pushing harder into China’s domestic market, but they’re way behind there
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
- Fired the Supercharger head and the entire department
- Fired the lead of new vehicle development
- Previously fired head of battery development
- Constantly “one year away” from Tesla full self driving, whilst Mercedes just launched geofenced FSD, with Mercedes assuming 100% liability during FSD
- Elon just had a out of the blue trip to China, appears to have ‘kissed the ring’ of Beijing, and hyping TaaS robotaxis
What’s Tesla’s USP to an investor now? The supercharger ‘lock in’ and early head start at the EV game are Tesla’s biggest boons, but the former appears to have been gutted and the latter has been squandered on a slow model release schedule
- Comment on SpaceX Employees Getting Wounded at Incredible Rates 10 months ago:
Move fast and break
thingspeopleGod-Emperor Elon knows we must colonize the stars, how dare OSHA question his project
- Comment on Ska came before Raggae 🏁>>>🇯🇲 10 months ago:
His solo work has been known to blow minds
- Comment on Tesla profits nosedive as more job cuts announced 10 months ago:
HFT algorithmic robo-traders still gonna scalp daily delta, often in an incestuous and self-reinforcing cycle based on financial headlines
I’ve been bearish on Tesla for years, but it’s getting increasingly obvious with growing EV competition that their market cap is/was absurd hype that defies fundamentals or even possible value if Tesla was a monopoly
- Comment on Two wolves. 10 months ago:
Yiff yiff…?
- Comment on Education 10 months ago:
America forgot it was at war in Afghanistan until the disastrous pullout. You gotta have awareness of a thing to rage against it