- Comment on when can we expect level 4 self driving to be commercialized? is it near (1-2 years away)? 3 weeks ago:
Depends on what you mean by “commercialized.”
My neighborhood has Waymo cars driving around all day every day. I can even pay them money to book a ride in one, like a Lyft or Uber. So in that sense, full self driving is commercialized.
Will consumers be able to buy a level 4 car in the next 1-2 years? No. While governments have given limited approvals for large-scale testing of self driving cars, the hurdles to selling anything like that to your average moron is far in the future. Governments will have to legislate all kinds of shit, including who is at fault in accidents and where they are allowed to drive. Insurance companies will have to figure out how to write contracts and how much to charge. And all of that ignores the technical challenges of getting it working properly and consistently in consumer vehicles.
- Comment on Sweden, Norway rethink plans for cashless societies over fears that fully digital payment systems would leave them vulnerable to Russian security threats 2 months ago:
As much as I hate using cash, I understand that the credit card companies charge ridiculous fees to businesses and also that people with very low income don’t always have access to digital forms of payment. Maybe Sweden does better with equipping their entire society with digital tools, but in the US I don’t think we are ready for a fully digital payment society.
- Comment on What Ever Happened to Netscape? 3 months ago:
My memory is hazy, but I’m pretty sure Mozilla was a package and most people just didn’t install the rest of the package. Everyone called the browser Mozilla because they didn’t use the other parts. I could definitely be wrong, though.
- Comment on What Ever Happened to MSN Messenger? 3 months ago:
Trillian was definitely part of that war. I remember the daily patches to get things working again.
- Comment on What Ever Happened to MSN Messenger? 3 months ago:
Trillian was not Mac only. I’ve never owned a Mac and used Trillian almost exclusively from 2002 until roughly 2009?? I can’t remember when the transition from IM to texting happened for me, but it was around then. When I was running Linux at home I would use Gaim, which was developed by a friend of the main Trillian guy.
- Comment on 4 months ago:
Google glass failed for many reasons, but I don’t think privacy was one of them. Price and usefulness were the two big reasons. Tech has advanced a lot in 10 years, so the usefulness and video quality has definitely advanced; but the ratio of price to usefulness is probably not right yet.
- Comment on God of War Ragnarok Mod Removes PSN Requirement and Creator Vows to Maintain It 4 months ago:
I couldn’t find that option when I bought this game on PS5 last year or whenever it came out.
- Comment on Exploding pagers and walkie-talkies are a reminder of how easily your devices can be hacked – here’s how to make sure they are safe. 4 months ago:
Can’t stab me outside Pizzahut if there are no Pizzahuts around! taps head
- Comment on God of War Ragnarok Mod Removes PSN Requirement and Creator Vows to Maintain It 4 months ago:
The problem is that the requirement to have an account is in fine print most people would never read. Therefore you might accidentally buy a game without knowing you need it and can’t just “not buy the game and move on.” I’m fucking sick of having to create an account with every goddamn game company out there to play single player games on a PS5 or on Steam.
- Comment on Musk’s plan to axe X's block button is a real win for stalkers and abusers. 4 months ago:
There’s a huge difference between what a site like Reddit is used for and how Twitter is often used for. Reddit is all about discussion, so blocking discussion is bad (as you pointed out). Twitter is used a little for discussion (their character limit doesn’t really allow much discussion), but it’s mostly used for informing the world about whatever you are doing or care about. Famous people and companies use it for advertising, and normal people use it for letting people know what’s going on in their world. Stalkers can use this information to figure out where people are in the world. Being able to COMPLETELY block a stalker is a good thing. Now people with stalkers will once again be afraid to openly say what they are doing in the world.
- Comment on Dragon's Dogma 2 patch introduces a casual mode, which stops your sick pawns from blowing everyone in a town up, among other things 4 months ago:
I agree. As long as I can get the same items in-game relatively easily, then I’m fine with someone else spending money to make their game more enjoyable. I have more than enough wake stones and port crystals or whatever to make my game enjoyable without having to grind to get them, so I don’t care if someone else skips the minor steps I put in for them.
- Comment on Do people actually starve themselves to play games like World of Warcraft? 4 months ago:
This may or may not be a real screenshot, but it definitely feels accurate based on my time in the game.
Yes, people would actually starve themselves to play WoW. They will pee in diapers to not stop playing WoW. Definitely not as much now, but 15 years ago some people were seriously addicted to it.
- Comment on What games popularized certain mechanics? 5 months ago:
Sony coined the term GPU in 1994 for what was in the Playstation.
Nvidia might have marketed it as the first GPU, but other companies had combined 2D/3D processors on a single chip marketed to consumers well before the GeForce, including Nvidia themselves with the Riva 128. The GeForce was the first product from Nvidia marketed as a GPU, but that doesn’t mean it was the first product to market that was either called a GPU or not called that but still was one. It WAS the first to market with a T&L system (though Rendition had T&L on a chip first it never made it to market).
- Comment on Goat Simulator Remastered - Announcement Trailer 5 months ago:
I think the video answers that quite clearly.
Break it harder.
- Comment on What games popularized certain mechanics? 5 months ago:
The first GPU card sold to the public was the GeForce 256 in 1999.
No it wasn’t. Rendition had the Verite back in 1996 that was true 3D and 2D on the same single video card. At the same time as the Verite was the 3DFX Voodoo (released 1995), but it was 3D only and needed a second card for 2D. Rendition was also the only 3D accelerator natively supported by Quake.
- Comment on What games popularized certain mechanics? 5 months ago:
I’m not sure I’ve ever had more fun with any game than I did with BF1942. It was just so much fun. There were games with smoother play and deeper mechanics and better graphics, but none were as fun. The dumb mechanics made it amazing, like being able to lie down on the wing of a plane and snipe people while your buddy flew, or dive bombing and parachuting out at 10ft above the ground to capture a point, or shooting the main cannon from a tank into a barracks that has 15 people spawned inside it, or piloting a goddamn aircraft carrier and running it aground to get to a spawn point safely. It was so stupid but so fun.
- Comment on What games popularized certain mechanics? 5 months ago:
I am unable to play Fallout 4 because E is hardcoded to be “Use.” You can change all the movement keys, but for some reason you cannot change that keybinding. So you can make E be forward movement, but every time you approach a door or chest or person you will automatically open or talk whether you want to or not.
It made the game completely unplayable for me.
- Comment on What games popularized certain mechanics? 5 months ago:
The question was, “what games popularized certain mechanics.” The question was not, “what games created or introduced certain mechanics.”
Yes, there were other MMOs before WoW, but WoW took MMOs to a completely new level of popularity. I didn’t play ANY MMOs before WoW and wasn’t really interested to, but it was so popular that I jumped on to see what the deal was. Since then I have played ESO, LOTRO, AOC, and one other whose name I forget.
Other MMOs were popular among gaming nerds before WoW, but WoW made MMOs popular to normal people.
- Comment on ISP to Supreme Court: We shouldn’t have to disconnect users accused of piracy 5 months ago:
This is capitalism 101: whatever makes the most money is what they support. It doesn’t matter who is hurt (or not hurt), or what is right/wrong. As long as they can make more money than they are losing by lawsuits, they will keep doing this. If they can avoid doing anything at all and not get sued while getting paid by customers, that’s even better.
- Comment on Microsoft is enabling BitLocker device encryption by default on Windows 11 5 months ago:
I lost all of my data on a tablet that had Bitlocker installed without my knowledge. Not one time was I ever told that my drive was encrypted or that there was even something called Bitlocker or that I should write down some password or code. Bitlocker activated because of an OS update, and I had no way to unlock it so I had to wipe the drive. I don’t have an MS account, because I have no need to give MS all of my data, so I couldn’t unlock it that way either. And no, I’m not a 20 year old; I’m someone who has used computers since before the internet and have no interest in setting up a corporate account for every watch, shoe, phone, video game, car, etc. I have no interest in giving MS all of my pictures, documents, emails, and browsing history.
- Comment on Microsoft is enabling BitLocker device encryption by default on Windows 11 5 months ago:
Unless you don’t have an MS account or only set up a dummy account just to get the stupid OS to activate and have never used once since.
- Comment on Is the US finally getting ‘all aboard’ with electric trains? 5 months ago:
No. The answer is always No.
- Comment on 5 months ago:
It’s not a bad faith question, and I’m not older than 60. I am older than 40, though.
Seriously, though. The person said they needed a cell phone IN SCHOOL to get through high school because all of their friends moved away and they didn’t like anyone at school. I get needing to connect with friends who aren’t nearby, because I moved around a lot when I was a kid. I also get not being friends with people at your school, because that happened to me in high school as well. But even in the days before cell phones at all I was able to stay connected to my friends at other schools who lived farther away than I could ride my bike to. And I’ll go ahead and throw out my old man bias and agree that cell phones are amazingly better at helping us stay connected to people far away, but you don’t need to connect to friends during school. You can do that after school and on weekends.
I’ll go ahead and be an old man here and say maybe one of the reasons the person had a hard time connecting to other people at school is because all the people were on their phones with friends the whole time. Nobody is looking for new friends when they are constantly “surrounded” by old friends. That said, before the internet was a thing there were also people with no friends at their school, so I’m not saying everyone would make friends if they just got off their phones.
- Comment on 5 months ago:
I meant communicate by phone. The person I was replying to said they needed their cell phone to talk to those friends who moved away, so I was asking if the person couldn’t communicate by cell phone after school and on weekends.
- Comment on 5 months ago:
I’m sorry, but there’s a wildly huge difference between bubble gum/collectibles/comic books and internet connected cell phones.
I was terrible at paying attention in class, but I always made it through by hearing just enough to get by… until I was in my final year of college when some of the classes got internet connected desktops at every desk. In normal classes I’d be fine, but in the classes with a computer where I could IM with friends I failed miserably (literally went from straight A’s to C’s and a couple F’s in college classes because of internet connected computers being in front of me all the time). And that was a desktop with only a couple friends I knew who also had IM on at the time. I can’t imagine how poorly I would have done at school if every one of my friends had messaging on every minute of every day, not to mention mobile gaming and social media.
- Comment on 5 months ago:
And you couldn’t communicate with those friends after school and on weekends?
- Comment on ‘Sinkclose’ Flaw in Hundreds of Millions of AMD Chips Allows Deep, Virtually Unfixable Infections 5 months ago:
I’m not an expert, but reading the posts here the answer seems to be “nothing.” The only people affected by this already know how to prevent it.
- Comment on Report: Resident Evil 7 on iOS has earned Capcom $28,140 since launch 6 months ago:
That’s how much it costs to pay 10 engineers coding for 10 days. Do you think they created the game with only 10 people in 10 days?
- Comment on Sony is killing off recordable Blu-ray, bidding farewell to disc burning | TechSpot 6 months ago:
What does a movie company not producing movies on discs have to do with ending production of rewrite-able discs?
- Comment on Chinese space firm unintentionally launches its new rocket 6 months ago:
That’s a different type of test for a different type of rocket.