Jokes on you. You also didn’t know how bad everyone smelled because you smelled just like them.
If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s.
Submitted 2 months ago by to [deleted]
Comments 2 months ago 2 months ago
clubbing became pretty smelly after the smoking bans i think it forced most decent clubs to upgrade their AC 2 months ago
My neighbour smokes indoors. When she opens the door, I get the smell you are talking about. 2 months ago
My aunt smoked two packs a day, in the house, and when I visited I had to wear clothes I was ready to throw away, had to strip and shower when I got home, and once in the space of an hour she smoked seven cigarettes and finally one of my eyes swelled shut, and she demanded to know why I didn’t say anything. My husband pointed out the walls were yellow with tobacco, she lived in the house she grew up in and all the furniture was the same as when she was a child. When she died it all had to be junked, despite some of it probably being antique. 2 months ago
When she died it all had to be junked
The tar might have helped it burn better 2 months ago
In the 80s and 90s a cool ash tray was a good gift for literally anyone. Even teenagers since half of them were smoking reefer 2 months ago
It’s true! Making clay ashtrays for your parents in art class was a thing. 2 months ago
My mum kept the triangular one I made her for over 20 years. Still quite proud of it. 2 months ago
As a kid I liked the shitty little ashtrays they had in fast food restaurants. Like McDonald’s. I think they were aluminum and meant to be pretty much disposable. You could play with them like flying saucers. Or a shield for your GI Joe guys. Or if your GI Joe guys were going on vacation in the snow. They were maluable so you could shape them. 2 months ago
Before that, every place had these massive brown glass ashtrays. 2 months ago
Once in a great while, I have a brain fart and tell the restaurant host “two for non”. 2 months ago
That’s hilarious. Do they stare at you blankly? 2 months ago
Yup! 2 months ago
Also once about eight years ago I was in Kentucky doing the bourbon trail. It’s pretty rural aside from the distilleries, and finding somewhere to eat lunch on Sunday was hard as almost everything is closed, we ended up at some place they called a bourbon gastropub, but that meant that the dining room side was the only part fit to eat in, but all that was open was the horrible bar which was made of raw particle board, and there were members of the Klan sitting at it, who had the leather vests with the blood drop cross. There was literally nowhere else to eat so we ordered, but I felt terrified the whole time, and as we were wrapping up one of the Klan lit a cigarette at the bar and just sat there, and nobody said anything. It was quite stunning. 2 months ago
Crazy that these places still exist, but I guess not that surprising. 2 months ago
I always thought I had bad indoor allergies until i moved out of my parents house. They have chain smoked inside with the windows closed for my whole life. Moving out was the best thing I ever did for my health.
I hate cigarettes now, especially since I quit smoking myself(didnt smoke inside though) I don’t even know why I started in the first place. I’m dumb I guess? 2 months ago
Straight up child abuse. Fuck…
Every once in a while I still spot someone smoking with kids in the car. That shit makes me irate. 2 months ago
going to the grocery store and seeing an employee with a big dust-mop going up and down the aisles pushing along an ever-growing pile of cigarette butts because everyone would just drop 'em and step on 'em and keep on shopping… 2 months ago
Dont worry americans if you want to smell smoke 24/7 just come to france or eastern europe. 2 months ago
Hit the ground in Germany, bombarded by smokers almost instantaneously. 2 months ago
I went to Italy last year and the outdoor seating of restaurants probably had a solid millimetre thick later of tobacco all over 2 months ago
That surprises me, but noted ! 2 months ago
Germany is worse than France ime. 1 month ago
Hmm ive been to a lot of european countries quite a few times and france seemed like the worst out of the high income/western ones. The worst is still hungary(where i grew up) where its absolutely horrible and we also have the highest rate of lung cancer. Smoking is literally a cancer to society. The best in terms of smoking is sweden where i live now, everyone uses snus which is better for both the users and bystanders because theres no smoke, its just a nicotine packet they put in their mouth. 2 months ago
Switzerland is worse than Germany. 2 months ago
I grew up in a house with smokers, picked it up as a teenager and smoked a pack a day for 20 years after that. Now I can smell someone lighting up 2 blocks away.
It’s kind of crazy. As time passed without smoking, I noticed many things smelled differently to me. For example, I was repulsed by the smell of cheddar cheese the first time I smelled it after quitting. I can’t put it into words properly but it smelled so different from what I was expecting that the thought of taking a bite made my stomach turn. 2 months ago
That’s interesting! My uninformed guess: since smoke is such a powerful smell, smoking constantly probably suppresses one‘s ability to smell other things - so after 20 years you’re probably accustomed to things smelling less strong and more smokey than they actually do. So I can see why smelling something very strong like cheese with your full sense of smell restored would be quite a shock! 2 months ago
This was my experience too. Now I can’t stand the smell of cigarrettes at all. 1 month ago
I wish I couldn’t stand the smell. It’s been a few years now but I still get regular cravings. 2 months ago
Living in Norway, it always strikes me how disgusting smoking still is, even outside, when i go to central europe. You get completely unused to the amount of smoke and stink e.g. outside of stores 2 months ago
I only ever smell it outside anymore, but I walk away fanning the air in front of my face. It’s so nasty. 2 months ago
Can always tell the people who smoke in their cars.
Their cloths are saturated in it and they’re noseblind to it. I’m in Healthcare and you get off an elevator and can tell when the Caregiver who smokes was on the elevator before you.
Always am heavily cognizant since I smoke weed to not be like the ciggy cunts. Would want someone to tell me. 2 months ago
Well, now the streets just smell like weed instead. 2 months ago
Yeah weed easily smells at least as bad 1 month ago
It’s been noticably bad after legalization. I don’t care if you enjoy weed, but you gotta admit there is a reason people compare its smell to skunks. 2 months ago
Nah, I almost enjoy that. Rolling tobacco is about tolerable. Actual cigarettes make me sick 2 months ago
I remember coming home from shows in high school/college and I would have to shower and throw my clothes in the washer. I was so happy when smoking was finally banned in clubs. 2 months ago
You can also just take a trip to the Waffle House off I-95 in Florence, SC. It allowed smoking when I was there in 2014 and probably still does. 2 months ago
Well they literally get killed for asking. 2 months ago
There’s a small city in the Kansas City, Missouri metro (Raytown) that lobbied to keep it legal in restaurants and bars. I just looked it up, and apparently it’s fine to smoke weed as of 2023, too 1 month ago
As if there weren’t already enough reasons to avoid Missouri. 1 month ago
Grew up in Asia. The less fancy one. Used to go buy my Dad cigarettes from across the street and toss out the filters when I was like 8 lol.
*He’s been smoke free for over 22 years. The amount of disinformation from Big tobacco, at least where I grew up, was insane. He is a very educated man and still… Cigarette was a status symbol, symbol of sophistication, when he was growing up. 2 months ago
I have a old friend from school times and both of his parents smoked heavily making his freshly washed clothes smell like ashes. Every time he opened his sports bag in the changing rooms I could feel the smell meters away. Fortunately he never developed a smoking habit. 2 months ago
Yes, that was super normal. I actually broke up with a guy because I couldn’t stand to go to his house, because his father spent all night smoking in a chair in front of the TV, and his mother spent the night drinking a whole box of Chardonnay over ice, smoking endlessly, and calling every single person she knew on the planet all night long until she was hiccuping drunk and the father had to put her to bed. It never would have gone anywhere so it didn’t matter but it was just disgusting. Then in the late 90s my mother took up smoking again after quitting for several years and insisted on doing it in the house, and it made me sick time and again. 2 months ago
My mother still does the recreational phone call thing and I seriously don't fucking get it. Are the people she is calling endlessly just too polite to tell her to chill out? For decades on end? 2 months ago
Imagine being clock blocked by your Dad’s smoking habit. Tough break. Thanks Dad. 1 month ago
Despite never having touched a cigarette in my life, my mom smokes pretty heavily… Knowing i probably stink to everyone else really sucks ;-; 1 month ago
i’m old enough to remember smoking sections on airplanes. Not to be dramatic but, I felt like I was going to die! 1 month ago 1 month ago
Even as a smoker I hated indoor smoking. 1 month ago
Since my colleagues have missed the invention of Deodorant and washing themselves I’d beg to differ. 2 months ago
Born in early 90’s. We were still saying “non” to the first question that was asked entering a restaurant. 1 month ago
Try working in a restaurant. I worked as a server for awhile, right at the tail end of when they still had smoking and nonsmoking sections. It was awful. 2 weeks ago
i Kind of like cigarette smell, its so wintery. 1 month ago
I still remember when it was okay to smoke inside hospitals. Fun times…
When I quit, it took just a few weeks to recover my sense of smell, and I wish it didn’t because my house reeked of acrid smoke for months. Even my clean clothes smelt like unwashed smoked ass, it was 1 month ago 2 months ago
I was born in the early 80s. Yes I remember a time when so many people smoked and indoor smoking was extremely common.
Even children’s places were ok for adults to smoke in. You know on how many arcade bars today they have cup holders bolted onto the machines for people to put their drinks (alcoholic or otherwise)? Back in the 80s and 90s, they had the same thing in many of those arcades… but they were bolted on ashtrays. 1 month ago
I recently sat in a flight with a Boeing so old it still had ashtrays.
I can’t even Imagine this… 1 month ago
You’re probably talking about a plane so old it had ashtrays in the arm rests. Just as an interesting note, though, the FAA still requires ashtrays on new aircraft. Not in every seat, but they’re required to have one in each lavatory. They are also all required to have the no smoking signage as a constant reminder that there is absolutely no smoking. 1 month ago
I don’t get non-smoking signs in many places. Smoking bans have been around for so long that they almost feel redundant. 2 months ago
I remember that too! 2 months ago
My mother in law smokes, so a visit to her house always results in throwing whatever clothes we’ve taken directly into the washing machine when we get home.
Worse though, is that it takes a few days for the smell to leave my CPAP machine. I put a new filter in, but it still somehow lingers. 2 months ago
American casinos fucking reek 2 months ago
Went to one in Poland a few years ago, and was amazed - firstly - that you could smoke inside there. Second was how well it was handled: the entire ceiling seemed to be extractor fans - could barely see or smell smoke at all. 2 months ago
Even as a kid I always liked the smell
And the cold tobacco doesn’t bother me either
However there’s one tobacco smell I don’t like, when someone smoked a cigaret very fast before boarding the train/bus. It’s a very strong, musky smell 2 months ago
Wish I could still buy one of those. 2 months ago
At one of my first jobs in an office, everyone had an ashtray at their desk and there was always someone smoking at any given time throughout the day. Same with the breakroom. Sometime around then was when they started making people go to the breakroom to smoke, then a few years later it moved to having to go outside, which just meant walking through the cloud of smoke surrounding the door to get inside. Well, at least one thing has changed for the better since then. 😄 2 months ago
Altria, formerly Philip Morris, still allows smoking in their building as of a few years ago. It’s trippy to book a non-smoking room in the 2020s. 2 months ago
I quite a pack a day habit 12 years ago and one of the first things I noticed when my sense of taste and smell returned was how aweful smokers smelled when they’d walk into a building after a cigarette. I had thought the smell was off me within maybe 10 minutes but I found out quick that the smell never really goes away. Feels like a previous life thinking I smoked because I can’t see myself ever smoking even a single cig for the rest of my life because it’s so revolting to me now. Oddly enough, however, sometimes I’ll see someone light up a fresh cig in a movie or something and I’ll get this strong 2-3 second craving for a smoke. It’s so strange how even over 12 years since my last one, I still get these strange urges for a cig by seeing someone of TV light one up. 2 months ago
Yeah, it was weird. Most restaurants had a non-smoking section because allowing people to smoke everywhere was the norm. Leaded gasoline. Little kids playing with real fireworks. The 70s and 80s were a wild ride of irresponsibility.
It wasn’t all bad, though. It was cool being a kid at times. Playing outside almost every day until dinner time with the other kids in the neighborhood. 2 months ago
Don’t forget no cell phones. It’s hard to overstate the (I believe negative) impact constant connection and notification has had on every aspect of our lives 2 months ago
Some boomer on Facebook recently posted a meme with a photo of a rotary phone and how those were better days, and I had to laugh because they decidedly weren’t. When we had no answering machine or call waiting, and had to hang around for phone calls that might come, or have the car break down on the side of the road and hope that someone would stop and help you and that they weren’t a serial killer, that was purely awful. We actually had a serial killer couple abducting and killing teenage girls in my city before cell phones existed, and they made tapes of them raping and torturing these girls before they killed them. A cell phone would probably have helped them a lot. 2 months ago
Non smoking section with like an 18 inch wall separating it from the smoking section. My mom almost got into a fistfight at a couple of restaurants for seating us directly next to the smoking section instead of in the opposite corner. 2 months ago
In most restaurants I saw there was no wall in between. 2 months ago
And it was usually next to the kitchen and the restrooms. Worst tables all around. 2 months ago
As a child of the 70s/80s, although I don’t remember a great deal of the 70s, your parents had no idea where you were until you came home when the streetlights went on, unless you happened to call from a friend’s house to ask if you could sleep over. I remember my friend getting run over by a car which broke her leg because there was no crossing guard on the busy street where the kids had to cross to go to school, and after that they hired one. I lived up the street from the school, and had a cat that went outside, on hot days the front doors were always open and sometimes she’d go nap in the library or show up in my classroom. Then the neighbour who hates animals and had lost his teaching job for exposing himself to students abducted her and dumped her way across town, but someone found her and put an ad in the list and found section of the paper so I got her back. 2 months ago
That poor cat went through so much. 2 months ago
They had smoking/non-smoking sections into the 90s and early 2000s in Texas. I remember very clearly that my parents would have to ask for seats away from the bar if the restaurant had one, because they almost always allowed smoking. Also hotel rooms being smoking/non-smoking, and you could tell when a hotel was cheap and just swapped the door sign. 2 months ago
In the early 2000s as teenagers we’d go play in the town with bags of fireworks on new year lmao 2 months ago
Other way around. There usually were small smoking sections partitioned away from the rest of the restaurant. This was the norm. And it was usually a fraction of the tables compared to the non-smoking sections.
Source: Worked as a server through most of the 80’s-90’s.