- Comment on Scientists for Future, October 2021: Nuclear Energy is no technology for solving the Climate Crisis 1 hour ago:
You don’t think there’s debate about nuclear waste and how and where to store it? Because those are my reservations about nuclear power.
- Comment on I Used to Teach Students. Now I Catch ChatGPT Cheats. 2 days ago:
I would only say that a calculator always gives people the right answer. ChatGPT does not. People should not be using any of these current LLM tools to seek answers to things they don’t plan on verifying through some other source.
- Comment on I Used to Teach Students. Now I Catch ChatGPT Cheats. 3 days ago:
If students can cheat on writing papers, why don’t we stop using it as a learning metric? Why not use in-person, timed tests instead?
- Comment on New Terms for Firefox from Mozilla 1 week ago:
Is sucking dick supposed to be a bad thing?
- Comment on Exclusive: Microsoft is finally shutting down Skype in May 1 week ago:
Wire has calling voice and video calling.
- Comment on Digital Fingerprinting: Google launched a new era of tracking worse than cookie banners | Tuta 2 weeks ago:
Yes. There is a firefox extension called Chameleon that does this.
- Comment on Leo knew it was a joke and laughed because it was just a joke 2 weeks ago:
Ricky Gervais is transphobic garbage.
- Comment on ! Declares National Pika Day; immediately escalates to Global Pika Day! 3 weeks ago:
All hail the mighty pika!
- Comment on ! Declares National Pika Day; immediately escalates to Global Pika Day! 3 weeks ago:
Shutup and take my upvote
- Comment on Why was there a pro-Hitler, Holocaust-denying ad on X? 3 weeks ago:
Alphabet and Meta might be at that point soon, with the way things are going.
- Comment on Larry Ellison wants to put all America's data, including DNA, in one big Oracle system for AI to study 3 weeks ago:
“Ooh, Ellison smoke. Don’t breathe this!”
- Comment on no words, much feelings 3 weeks ago:
This photo is about 8 years old now. I’m pretty certain Reefill did not succeed as a product or a company. It barely got crowdfunded and then fizzled out a year later.
- Comment on A 25-Year-Old Is Writing Backdoors Into The Treasury’s $6 Trillion Payment System. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 4 weeks ago:
Do you mean Hacker News?
- Comment on A 25-Year-Old Is Writing Backdoors Into The Treasury’s $6 Trillion Payment System. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 4 weeks ago:
If they completely break the payments system, does that mean government employees stop getting paid?
Like no more federal government? No more ICE? No more military? No more FBI?
- Comment on I'll show them 4 weeks ago:
If you want to support a creator, give them a quarter and block the ads. Seriously. That quarter is worth more than any ad revenue they will ever get from you watching their videos.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Most democrats at the federal level are complicit in a lot of what’s going on, including Musk’s DOGE treasury crap (crimes?) despite him not being a government employee or confirmed by the senate. Hell, most federal democrats JUST in the last year voted for the legislation that enables ICE to indefinitely detain any suspected immigrant suspected of committing any crime. No due process. No actual crime needed.
Screw voting for democrats. Democrats voted to let the government round up the people I love to be deported or tortured. If we still have the power to vote, vote for leftists. Or vote for left-of-average-democrat people like Bernie.
- Comment on Are mods usually confusing as hell or am I just an idiot? 4 weeks ago:
Also the timeline usually matters. Mod methods can change as game patches are released. Mods can have mod patches. Mods can be deprecated for new mods or mod methods. Mods can have other dependencies. Install order sometimes matters.
I think OP is right; mods can be messy, complicated, and a lot of work.
- Comment on LG and Samsung are adding Microsoft’s Copilot AI assistant to their TVs 1 month ago:
As far as I know, all smart TVs are user-hostile in the sense that they will be used against you if you connect them to the internet.
The least bad is Sony. Buy it, keep it offline forever, and enjoy good-quality video.
- Comment on Old fashioned 2 months ago:
Some estimates put conventional CD and DVD lifespans at 25 years, however they can last decades longer than that if they are stored away from UV light, and stored in a moderate temp and humidity controlled location.
Under similar conditions, blu-rays are estimated to last around 100 years, and blu-rays that use non-organic dye layers (such as M-disc) can reportedly last 1000 years or more.
As moisture finds a way between the layers, the disc will degrade. Too much bending or flexing of a disc will encourage separation of the layers.
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 2 months ago:
As if there weren’t already enough reasons to avoid Missouri.
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 2 months ago:
Isn’t weed the same way? I can always smell it on people who smoke it. It might not be quite as ‘sticky’ as cigarette smoke?, but I can still smell it on people’s clothes until they are washed, or in their house or car.
- Comment on Yo, Duplo, what you doing on the 24th? 2 months ago:
Media licensing has been the greatest boost to profits for Lego while simultaneously causing a shift away from creative/imaginative building. Meaning, more people (adults) than ever are buying lego sets but they build what’s on the box and then it sits on a shelf forever, instead of modifying the initial build or taking it apart and making something new.
I’m not trying to criticize anyone’s hobby, and I too have purchased an expensive licensed lego set, built it, and let it collect dust on my shelf. It’s such an expensive way to get or build a model of something though. I much prefer making my own creations. And i could take apart this cool, big, expensive batmobile, but I don’t because it reminds me of a movie i like. Contrast this with my lego space sets, which i took apart almost immediately after building in order to build an even cooler, bigger space station with.