- Comment on I just think skibidibi sounds neat. 6 days ago:
Im gen z but feel like that when i do it. Also i think its still completely normal that older people try to adjust to the times and even a good thing. We shouldnt make fun of em, well be in the same situation in a few years, even now with all the slang gen alpha uses. What i do think is important is that we dont use terms like “skibidi” which tbh dont have a meaning. I like using rizz, bussin, *-pilled, etc because they do convey a lot of meaning actually. Especially with pilled you can describe things in two words that would require a whole sentence or two otherwise. They do fill a hole in the english vocabulary.
- Comment on I love the future. 1 week ago:
@WARRIORESSentials lol thats how i read it first. Got surprised but the feminism by guys lioe this
- Comment on Designed by men, for men: Why sex with robots does not have appeal among women 1 week ago:
Well i guess im a woman then lol
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 2 weeks ago:
The lemmy servers could also provide how much headroom they have for extra users and the selection wouldn be weighed based on that so that smaller servers wont be overloaded and larger servers get enough users. They could implement some of this into the reddit api itself.
- Comment on In light of recent events, here's OpenStreetMap editors discussing naming of the Gulf of Mexico 2 weeks ago:
It is the gulf of mexico. The whole thing is just president musk and vp trump power tripping. Also a distraction from other, much worse thjngs happening right now.
- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 2 weeks ago:
That is not how much calories you burn btw. Its much less sadly.
- Comment on Roll the blooper reel 2 weeks ago:
I always feel bad reading these memes because i dont have these. No embarassing childhood memories that creep back from the back of my memory. I do still have the shower moments when i come up with the best comebacks 5 hours after the conversation tho.
- Comment on Never in my life has it been harder to control my spending impulse than this moment 2 weeks ago:
What happened?
- Comment on Coincidence of 2 album suggestions next to eachother 3 weeks ago:
Brain go brrr from partially covered skin
- Comment on Polyglot de naissance 3 weeks ago:
Well to the north i at least understand a little because slovakian is very similar.
- Comment on Polyglot de naissance 4 weeks ago:
Ahh yes and then theres hungarian. The most spoken language that i have mutual intelligibility with has 10k speakers…
- Comment on Ukraine parliament bans organ harvesting from war casualties for transplantation 1 month ago:
You can just regulate it and make the data public. War crimes? Everyone sees it. Only people who are allowed to harvest them can do it and that also solves all the other stuff. I think thats a pretty good solution.
- Comment on Ukraine parliament bans organ harvesting from war casualties for transplantation 1 month ago:
Why? Free organs in a world that desperately needs organs.
- Comment on Actual shitpost 1 month ago:
I never said its a bad thing. Hear me out. I just think people think piss is taboo so they invented “piss but not taboo”.
- Comment on Actual shitpost 1 month ago:
Bro squirting is also just piss. Stop sugarcoating that shit.
- Comment on I hate when this happens 1 month ago:
That is surprisingly realistic
- Comment on This is in a small convenience store where you can buy food things and heat them up while in the store 1 month ago:
One thing to have a pee fetish, another thing to serve it hot
- Comment on PS1 Games Now Playable on GameCube 1 month ago:
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 1 month ago:
Hmm ive been to a lot of european countries quite a few times and france seemed like the worst out of the high income/western ones. The worst is still hungary(where i grew up) where its absolutely horrible and we also have the highest rate of lung cancer. Smoking is literally a cancer to society. The best in terms of smoking is sweden where i live now, everyone uses snus which is better for both the users and bystanders because theres no smoke, its just a nicotine packet they put in their mouth.
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 1 month ago:
Dont worry americans if you want to smell smoke 24/7 just come to france or eastern europe.
- Comment on I Need TPU For My Bung Hole! 1 month ago:
- Comment on Shiny 3 months ago:
No, animals ARE strange. Its just that humans are also animals.
- Comment on Precision takes time 3 months ago:
Free to play gatcha players
- Comment on Terrified friends burn to death trapped in Tesla as doors won't open after crash 3 months ago:
Ah when you try to reinvent the the wheel, fail, and then kill people with it
- Comment on Oopsies 3 months ago:
Ok but for most people it doesnt really matter with a dead body. If you opt out because of religion its okay have it your way but other than that its not like it matters, youre dead.
- Comment on LG's new stretchable display can grow by 50%, bendy panels can be deformed into new form factors 3 months ago:
This is a “Solution Before Problem™” but still extremely cool as a technology
- Comment on LG's new stretchable display can grow by 50%, bendy panels can be deformed into new form factors 3 months ago:
Its instructables, iirc its for 3d printed stuff
- Comment on And 299999999 is divisible by 13 3 months ago:
Actually disgusting
- Comment on Capsaicin 3 months ago:
I literally did not notice. My brain just filled it in for me.
- Comment on Indiana Jones doesn't "endorse" Nazis, Bethesda assure, just in case you were confused by him repeatedly murdering them 3 months ago:
Read the wikipedia article. It makes more sense but still a mindfuck