- Comment on Everyone knows your location 4 weeks ago:
Took delivery of a Pixel 9 last Thursday after 16 years of iPhones. Within an hour of delivery I had it on Graphene and after a few days of VEEEEERY steep learning curve I’m really enjoying using it.
I have absolutely no idea how any of the sandboxing stuff works, and could stand to have fewer notifications warning me what the system is doing, but overall it’s pretty straightforward.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I’ve lost a couple of podcasts to Spotify. Life goes on. I don’t begrudge anyone wanting to earn money, but I won’t support Spotify’s practices.
There’s such a wonderfully low barrier to entry these days that there’ll soon be something else coming down the pipe.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
As someone who’s made a number of podcasts on and off over the years since 2007, much of this post resonates.
However, I take solace in thinking that a podcast is just an extension of a broadcast; where a broadcast is, well, broad, a podcast is a self contained…cast. In a pod. Broadcasting covers audio and video, so it figures that podcasting would as well.
With that in mind, my own style of podcasting, and my preferred format is personal stories. I love podcasts that are by people in their bedrooms talking about their lives, or by journalists who talk to regular folk. Regardless of what Spotify do, that style will always be out there, available on an RSS feed.
I don’t use Spotify, I don’t use YouTube. If I can’t get it in my app then I don’t listen to it. And that’s OK.
I really need to get back into it though. I used to love making them.
- Comment on Striving to make your life meaningful? 4 weeks ago:
Fuck you, guy!
- Comment on I'll show them 4 weeks ago:
I ended up manually downloading my subscriptions using Freetube and yt-dlp and throwing them in my Plex server. I don’t watch a huge amount so I’m happy to spend 20 minutes a couple of times a week doing it. There are ways to automate the process but I’ve never been able to wrap my head around it.
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 2 months ago:
My mother in law smokes, so a visit to her house always results in throwing whatever clothes we’ve taken directly into the washing machine when we get home.
Worse though, is that it takes a few days for the smell to leave my CPAP machine. I put a new filter in, but it still somehow lingers.
- Comment on Time for a road trip 3 months ago:
The sign for Shitterton had to be carved out of a big chunk of local stone, because the normal metal ones kept getting nicked. Obviously.
- Comment on Frog's Gift 3 months ago:
Sorry, meant no criticism of you at all. I just wanted to share Hank’s video because he goes into a lot of depth and really helps in understanding.
- Comment on Frog's Gift 3 months ago:
The Stupid Reason That Elon Musk Is Complaining About Scientists Spraying Bobcat Urine on Alcoholic Rats
Pretty sure they cribbed most of that article from This Hank Green video from the same day. It’s a message worth spreading though, to be fair.
- Comment on Mastodon Says App Downloads Up 47% on iOS Amid Twitter Exodus 3 months ago:
The guy who runs the instance I’m on sends out a statement every month, detailing how much he’s received in donations, what everything has cost, and how much there is leftover. Accounting for a small buffer to allow for emergencies, he donates the excess to Alzheimer’s research. We’re a Pritchett focus instance, so everyone’s happy with that.
I’ve paid far more to my Masto admin than I ever did to Twitter.
- Comment on America's Next Health Secretary Enjoying A Meal With His Future Boss and Colleagues 3 months ago:
Almost certainly because he knows it’ll “trigger the libs” and he’s a massive cunt.
- Comment on What's Mastodon precious? 3 months ago:
I’ve been a heavy Mastodon user for two years, and I honestly don’t see why so many people on Lemmy give it so much shit. Certainly not in favour of the likes of Bluesky.
I get WAY more engagement with my posts on there than I ever did on Twitter. And maybe I’m just at an age where I don’t give a shit about celebrity, but I couldn’t care less that all the Big Names have gone to Bluesky and Threads. It’s great not seeing the same people being shared into my TL all the time.
- Comment on M4 Mac Mini Power Button Has New Bottom Location 3 months ago:
You know this thing is tiny, right? It’ll be shockingly easy to pick up and press the button. Even with cables hanging out of it.
I use a 2014 mini with all cables hanging out the back, and it’s really easy to pick up.
- Comment on M4 Mac Mini Power Button Has New Bottom Location 3 months ago:
It’s literally just the same body as the OG Magic Mouse, which had a bay for a pair of AAs underneath. All they did was remove the bay, put a rechargeable battery in there, and a socket to charge it. It takes a couple of minutes to give it 9 hours of juice.
There’s no grand conspiracy.
- Comment on M4 Mac Mini Power Button Has New Bottom Location 3 months ago:
My MacBook has just two USB-C sockets. When I bought it I picked up a couple of A adapters on Amazon for a few quid each. It’s never been an issue. Even less so with a desktop, as you’re able to leave the adapters in all the time.
- Comment on M4 Mac Mini Power Button Has New Bottom Location 3 months ago:
The power draw of these things when sleeping is negligible. They’re basically off, so there’s no real need to shut them down with any regularity.
I can use my MacBook for a whole day and still have half the battery left. Their power efficiency is genuinely remarkable.
- Comment on Opera explains how it plans to keep uBlock Origin support as Google Chrome disables it 4 months ago:
The other day I got to pondering whether people who work for ad serving companies have ad blockers on their work computers.
- Comment on Relationship goals 4 months ago:
My kink is thirty disappointing seconds of plain vanilla missionary with the lights off.
- Comment on What Ever Happened to Netscape? 4 months ago:
And with GMail and Chrome, it is still.
- Comment on hard to argue with 4 months ago:
And some of us are blessed with producing more shit than others.
- Comment on let's settle this 4 months ago:
This group is for shitposting, yet this is qualityposting.
- Comment on You fuckin monsters 4 months ago:
Let me do it for you…
- Comment on The feds are coming for John Deere over the right to repair: The farm equipment giant has fought against letting farmers repair their own equipment for years 4 months ago:
I get that ready cash availability at the time is absolutely a factor, but it does make you wonder whether spending $5k more on the competitor would save a bunch of money in shit that John Deere won’t let you repair for yourself down the line.
- Comment on The feds are coming for John Deere over the right to repair: The farm equipment giant has fought against letting farmers repair their own equipment for years 4 months ago:
Is Case to farming equipment what Brother is to printing?
Am I going to have to buy a Case for the two holes a year I might need to dig?
- Comment on Badgers 4 months ago:
- Comment on Can’t upgrade your PC to Windows 11? Buy a new one, is Microsoft’s laughable solution 4 months ago:
I’ve spent much of the day trying to get Yunohost/Debian running on my old 2011 MacBook.
It’s much quicker and easier to install the latest macOS on it, and that ain’t right.
- Comment on Just finished Doki Doki Literature Club, what a fucking rollercoaster 4 months ago:
I had literally no idea what it was when I played it, so it really span me out. My wife played it first and recommended it to me.
And yeah, it’s a trip.
- Comment on [Cory Doctorow] With An Audacious Plan To Halt The Internet’s Enshittification And Throw It Into Reverse 4 months ago:
But what if some change in the right direction doesn’t fix everything immediately? Then what?
May as well just not bother.
- Comment on Amazon will “ramp up” Prime Video ads in 2025 4 months ago:
Yeah, the app is batshit and has got much weirder over the past year or so. It’s now rammed full of competitions and ways to waste your time trying to get discounts that you’ll never actually achieve.
There’s also some really odd stuff on offer on there, which I kind of enjoy finding.
- Comment on Amazon will “ramp up” Prime Video ads in 2025 4 months ago:
I know it’s only fractionally better, but I’ve started using AliExpress more for shit that I’d buy on Amazon in the past. Delivery takes a couple of weeks, but that’s had the added bonus of making think about how much I really need the thing I’m ordering.
But yeah, we canceled Prime when they added adverts. We didn’t really watch much on there, but it gave us the bump we needed to stop giving Amazon £10 a month, even if we didn’t order anything.